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Forever Mates: Zus & Rue (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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by Stormy Glenn

  Forever Mates: Zus & Rue

  Zus took one look at the brown-haired beauty that walked into the bar with his friends and knew that he had found the perfect submissive. He just wasn’t sure the sexy little man was ready for his dominant brand of mating. Being in control was second nature to him and he wasn’t about to change that for Rue, even if the man was his forever mate.

  Rue Tasquer had just about given up hope that he would find the perfect man to dominate him until he found a set of deep, piercing green eyes staring at him from across a bar. As eager as he is to find someone to accept him—kink and all—Rue quickly gives into the man’s demands and follows him for what turns out to be the beginning of something that will either make Rue the happiest man alive or send him running for his life.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), BDSM, Contemporary, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 31,896 words


  Stormy Glenn



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove


  Copyright © 2014 by Stormy Glenn

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-117-4

  First E-book Publication: August 2014

  Cover design by Ash Arceneaux

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  About the Author




  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Rue shoved his hands into his pocket as he listened to his friends argue. It was the same old story really, just different words. Jace always seemed to be talking them into doing something wild, on edge, and usually really stupid.

  “It’s just a bar, Liam,” Jace said. “They can’t keep us out.”

  Rue wasn’t so sure. They’d been kicked out of bars before. If they were lucky they got away unharmed. More often than not, they ended up being roughed up a bit before they got sent on their way.

  “You think not?” Liam laughed, sounding very nervous. “We’re in redneck hell, Jace. Not only can they keep us out, they can tar and feather us. That is what they do in these backwater towns, isn’t it? Tar and feather people?”

  Bay snorted. “Normal people, maybe. Queers like us?” Bay shook his head. “They string us up, and like, throw lawn darts at us or something.”

  Lawn darts? Rue smothered a laugh behind his hand.

  “Oh please,” Jace replied. “This is a public place. We have as much right to be here as anyone else.”

  “Honey, I hate to break this to you but we’re not anyone else,” Bay chuckled. “We’re loud, flaming, flamboyant queens. Hell, the eyeliner on Rue’s face alone could get our asses kicked.”

  Rue blushed as Jace frowned at him. He liked to wear a little eyeliner. So the fuck what? It enhanced his pale features and made his deep dark mocha-brown eyes stand out. Rue personally thought his eyes were one of his best features.

  “Jace, honey, if someone looked up gay in the dictionary,” Bay said as he waved a hand between them all, “they’d find a picture of us.”

  “We’re not that bad,” Jace insisted.

  Yes, we are! Rue nodded his agreement. They did scream gay, or at least what people saw as the stereotypical gay man…right down to the sequined purse under Liam’s arm.

  “Jace, what color is my shirt?” Bay asked as he plucked at the silky material with his fingers.

  “Azure blue, why?”

  “And Liam’s?” Bay continued.


  “Uh-huh,” Bay said, “and what type of piercing does Rue have?”

  Jace glanced back at Rue, grinning. “Guiche.”

  Rue felt his face flush again. While he liked the paleness of his skin because it made his eyes shine, there were times he hated it. Every single little embarrassed blush could be seen for miles around.

  “Honey, face it, we’re gay!”

  Jace laughed. “Okay, so we’re gay. So what? That doesn’t mean we don’t have as much right to be here as anyone else,” Jace said as grabbed the door handle to the bar. “Besides, maybe we can teach those hicks a things or two about fashion and makeup.”

  Rue could hear Jace laughing as he opened the door and walked inside the countryside tavern. He quickly scanned the parking lot to make sure no one was giving them the stink eye and then followed in behind the others…plowing right into Bay when the man stopped.

� he whispered.

  Rue looked past to his friends to try and see what had stopped Jace. He gulped past the lump in his throat. Oh boy, they were in such deep shit.

  Rue had been inside of his fair share of bars but he tended to avoid the ones filled with rough, muscle-bound, jean-clad, cowboy-boot-wearing, beer-drinking rednecks. He tended to live longer that way. Country boys didn’t seem to take to his kind very well.

  He preferred to think his kind was the one that had brain cells but he knew the truth. Rednecks and gothic gay subs didn’t blend well and this place basically looked like every backwoods bar that Jace had ever dragged him to…pool tables, beer and peanuts, country music, and rednecks. And there didn’t seem to be a gay man in the bunch.

  “Come on in, boys.” Jace giggled “There’s eye candy as far as the mascara-lined eye can see.”

  Rue ducked his head as he followed Jace across the room. He hoped to hide the makeup on his face, but the way Jace strolled across the room lit them all up like a beacon of gayness.

  “Can I get four beers, please?” Jace asked when he reached the bar. The bartender gave Jace a long look as if he were measuring him then nodded and pulled out four bottled beers, setting them on the wooden bar top.

  “That’ll be eight dollars,” the bartender said, still eyeing them as if they were aliens from outer space.

  Rue started to reach for his own wallet when Jace pulled the money out of his pocket and laid it on the bar before reaching for the beer bottles. He took the beer Jace handed him and frowned at the top.

  It had been awhile since he’d had to deal with anything that required a pop top. He’d stopped frequenting the harsher bars a few months ago after his last fling had tried to share him with a biker gang. It wasn’t a memory he liked to think about.

  Still, he chuckled quietly as Jace took a sip of his beer and coughed a bit. Jace hated beer. He thought it was the simple man’s alcohol. He seemed to prefer fine wines and champagne. Rue didn’t much care as long as it was cold.

  This was cold.

  “Let’s go find a place to sit,” Jace finally said.

  Rue followed behind Jace, Liam, and Bay as they crossed the room. He could feel the curious eyes of people watching their every step. He glanced around through the curtain of his hair, looking for potential trouble. It seemed to be pretty much anywhere. Rue had a not so insane urge to run back to the car and grab his knives. The comfort of the cold steel would settle him as nothing else had. Unfortunately, Jace had insisted he leave them in the car.

  The perfectly balanced set of throwing knives had been a present from Bay, Jace, and Liam when he turned twenty-one. He tried not to use them often, but every once in awhile he had to defend himself or one of his friends. Once whatever asshole was bothering them saw what he could do with one of his blades, they usually left Rue and his friends alone.

  “Jace?” Liam whispered. “Maybe we should go before we get our asses handed to us.”

  Rue couldn’t agree more, but he knew Jace was having none of it when he waved his hand in a dismissive gesture.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Jace replied. “We’re not hurting anyone. If they can’t deal with us then they are obviously not the big bad rednecks I thought they were.” Jace chuckled. “Don’t tell me you think that these guys are afraid of us?”

  “No,” Liam said. Rue could hear the nervousness in Liam’s voice. He didn’t blame the man. He felt just as nervous. “I don’t think they’re afraid of us at all. I can’t say the same about me, though. I’m shaking in boots here, Jace.”

  “Yes, but you’re shaking in Prada boots, honey,” Jace said as he and Liam to sat down in one of the vacant booths. Rue scooted in beside Bay across from them. “That has to mean something. Ah, hell, just ignore them and let’s have a good time.”

  Rue almost laughed when Bay snorted. “You said that the last time we ended up in one of these backwater bars. Remember that? We barely got out of there with our virtues intact.”

  Jace burst out laughing. “What virtue?” he asked before he lifted his beer and took another long drink.

  Rue joined him and took a long drink of his beer, tilting his head back to swallow a large amount of it. If he was going to have his ass handed to him, he wanted to be a little medicated first.

  Rue liked a little pain, but the amount he was sure was headed their way went way beyond what he wanted. The men in the bar, and a lot of the women, were a lot bigger than Rue, Jace, Bay, or Liam.

  Lowering the bottle back down to the table, Rue once again scanned the bar for potential threats. His eyes skimmed over several people moving toward the pool table. A set of very deep green eyes caught his interest, stunning him with their intensity.

  Rue wasn’t sure he had ever seen eyes so green. They mesmerized Rue, freezing him in his seat. He just knew he could drown in those eyes. Intense fascination made Rue look beyond the green eyes to the rest of the man.

  Rue knew he had died and gone to hell. He was looking across the room at the sexiest man he had ever laid eyes on and the man was in a redneck bar. Rue had no doubt the man was as straight as he could be, and wasn’t that a damn shame?

  Rue could think of a million things he could do to the man starting with his broad shoulders and ending down at his cowboy-boot-clad feet. He might even be willing to throw the muscle-bound body in between for fun.

  Damn, the man was hot!

  “I claim the blond,” Mikhail said as he straightened up and watched his ball shoot across the pool table before sinking into the pocket in the corner.

  “Redhead,” Yuri stated.

  “Brunette,” Zus added as he watched the man across the room watch him. He might be looking through his soft brown hair, but Zus knew the man watched him. He could feel his intense fascination even from across the room.

  It made Zus’s cock throb.

  “Guess that about solves it then,” Stefan said. “I claim the little black-haired one.”

  “Well, that was relatively simple.” Mikhail chuckled.

  “Any ideas?” Yuri asked.

  “We could throw them over our shoulders and just carry them out.” Zus shrugged. That would be his choice. He didn’t much like trying to charm someone into his bed. He’d just rather order them there. “It’s not like anyone is going to try and stop us.”

  “That’s probably not a wise idea, Zus.” Mikhail chuckled. “Although, we can always save that for a last resort.”

  “Buy them a drink?” Yuri asked.

  Mikhail shook his head. “Too predictable.”

  “Ask them to dance?” Yuri asked.

  “Too dangerous.” Mikhail chuckled as he gestured to the other patrons in the bar. “The locals would rebel.”

  “Well hell, Mikhail, what do you want us to do?” Zus griped. “Send up smoke signals?”

  “Just let me think for a moment,” Mikhail responded. He folded his hands over the top of the pool cue, resting his chins on them. To any that looked at him Mikhail seemed to be watching the pool game. Zus knew he watched the blond across the room. The intensity of Mikhail’s desire for the little blond was enough to send pheromones shooting through the air. Zus was surprised the others in the bar didn’t smell them.

  Mikhail suddenly stood up straighter and handed his pool cue to Stefan. “I’m going to the men’s room,” he said simply. “Don’t make a move until I get back unless it’s life or death or they start to leave.”

  Zus watched his brother, Mikhail disappear into the bathroom hallway. A moment later, the cute blond Mikhail claimed jumped up and followed after him. None but Zus and his remaining brothers heard the moans that followed.

  Zus grinned, happy that his brother had finally found his forever mate. Now if he could just claim his. As he glanced across the room and saw the dark mocha-brown eyes looking back at him, Zus knew he looked at his future.

  Deciding he’d waited long enough, Zus got to his feet. Without a word to his brothers, he crossed the room to stand in front of the
man he desired. Zus knew he wasn’t as gentle or charming as his brothers. The pulse beating rapidly in the little man’s throat said he didn’t have to be.

  “Come,” he ordered before turning to walk away. He knew the man would follow before he even heard the soft tread of his feet on the hard tiled floor. Zus tried the utility closet door and found it locked. The scent of Mikhail, the other man, and sex filled his nostrils.

  Zus ignored it, and the ache it brought him. He walked further down the hallway to the man’s restroom and walked in, the door swishing closed behind him. A moment later, the door opened and a smaller figure pushed in.

  Zus stepped right up to the man, pushing him into the wall even as he grabbed the man by the hair and tugged his head back. The man’s mocha-brown eyes were wide open. There was a hint of fear, but it was nearly overridden by desire blazing in their depths.

  “You’re mine.” It wasn’t a question. Zus had every intention of making this man his. The sudden flash of liquid brown told him the man wasn’t adverse to his attentions. The hard bulge in his pants told him the man liked Zus’s charming words.

  “Get rid of the clothes,” Zus ordered. He stepped back, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched. The man was made for him. He followed Zus’s orders eagerly, quickly pulling his shirt off then his jeans and the rest of his clothes until he stood naked.

  “Fucking perfect!” Zus hissed.

  The man’s face flamed, but his jutting cock jerked in response to Zus’s praise. It was the ideal response from a man he would soon dominate. Praise and censure were excellent tools for training, and Rue seemed susceptible to both.

  Zus seized the man, hauling him into his arms. He grabbed his hair again, yanking his head back. Huge brown eyes blinked up at him. Zus knew he would continue to drown in those big mocha-brown eyes for the rest of his days.

  “Your name.”

  “Rue, uh, Rueben, I mean,” the man stammered as his eyelashes fluttered. “Rueben Tasquer.”


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