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His to Tame

Page 14

by Elena Aitken

  The plan was for Zoe to pick Ashton up from Maryann’s, take him home to change and then out to trick-or-treat.

  Maryann was more than happy to let Zoe take over again and with Gabe having to work, there was no reason for Gabe to say no. Besides that, Ashton hadn’t stopped asking about Zoe and when she was coming back. It broke his heart to see his son so confused about what was going on, especially considering he didn’t even know what to say to make it better for him or to explain it. How could he when he didn’t know himself?

  He shook his head and reached for his coffee.

  “Hey, Wilder.” Gabe spun on his stool where he was working through his second cup of Alyssa’s famously thick, dark coffee at Mountain Mama’s. They were using the cafe as a staging area for the volunteer patrollers who were helping out on the busy night.

  Kade Jackson and Brian Blackwood stood in the door, their large frames blocking it completely.

  “Hey, guys.” Gabe lifted his hand in a wave. “You guys are early for patrol.” The men had volunteered to help out with citizen patrol. Halloween was always the busiest night, and Gabe knew that having the big shifters walking the streets of Boulder Creek would be a huge help to prevent mischief, and he’d take all the help he could get.

  “Looks like you had the same idea we did,” Brian said. “A little of Alyssa’s rocket fuel to get us through the night.”

  The woman behind the counter snapped her gum and put a hand on her hip. “You can’t fool me, Brian. I know you wake up craving my coffee.”

  “Not as much as I crave you, Alyssa.”

  She rolled her eyes, but Gabe didn’t miss the blush that crept up the young woman’s face as she poured the new arrivals each a coffee. Alyssa and Brian had been flirting for years since Alyssa and her brother had moved to town only a year before Gabe had. They both denied it, but anyone could see they had a connection. It was a mystery to Gabe why they didn’t just get it over with and hook up. But he wasn’t about to pretend that he understood wolf shifter relationships. Hell, he couldn’t even understand his own.

  Brian followed Alyssa to the other end of the counter, no doubt to continue his shameless flirting.

  Kade just shook his head and pulled up the stool next to Gabe. “How are you hanging in there?”

  Gabe didn’t bother asking his friend what he was talking about. There was no way that his relationship problems were a secret. Not in this town. “Not good.” He lifted his cup to his lips. “Women.”

  Kade laughed. “I get it. I do. And I wish I had some advice for you, man. But…”

  “Do you think that the bond between a father and child is stronger than the one between mates?” Gabe hadn’t planned to ask the question. Hell, he hadn’t planned to talk with Kade about his troubles at all, especially not right then. But as soon as his friend sat down next to him, the urge to talk was strong. Besides, maybe the man could offer some kind of insight. He’d take anything.

  Kade wasn’t fazed by the question. Instead, he sat back and took a breath. “No,” he said after a minute. “I don’t think it’s stronger. I think it’s different.”

  Gabe nodded, but didn’t say anything. All week, he’d been replaying Zoe’s words in his head. He knew he’d overreacted when Ashton broke his arm, but…had she been right? Would he ever be able to love her the way he loved his son? Would Ashton always come first? Shouldn’t he? What if Zoe couldn’t give him any children? Did that matter?

  So many questions.

  “Keep in mind,” Kade was still talking, “my cub isn’t even born yet, but I already feel a possessiveness and protectiveness over him that I’ve never felt before. And I’ve definitely felt both of those things for Ella. But it’s different. Not stronger. Not better. Just different.”

  “Different,” Gabe repeated. “And that’s okay.”

  “Hell yes,” Kade said. “That’s more than okay. That’s the way it is and should be.” He turned on his stool so he faced Gabe. “Tell me one thing, Wilder. Can you live without her?”

  He didn’t even have to think about it, but before he could answer, his cell phone rang. A number that had become all too familiar in the last few weeks lit up the screen and his stomach clenched, his instincts kicking in.

  Captain Williams.

  With the craziness of the last few days, he’d forgotten all about Billy Benson.


  He didn’t have to answer the call to know it wasn’t good news.

  Dressed in her pirate costume, Zoe should have felt ridiculous driving through town in the truck she borrowed from Luke. She felt anything but. Chloe’s words a few days earlier had hit home, and although she still had a lot more thinking and processing to do, there was one thing she didn’t need to think about any more.

  How she felt about Ashton.

  And Chloe was right, at least about some things. She cared about him. A lot. And it wasn’t fair that she’d just disappeared without any explanation. He deserved at least that. But first, he deserved the trick-or-treat experience she’d promised him when they’d gone to Bree’s to get fitted for Halloween costumes. And that’s exactly what she was going to do.

  Bree had talked them into costumes that were entirely different from the ninja that Ashton had his heart set on and when she’d suggested pirates, Ashton had jumped on it. Bree had outdone herself and even though Zoe hadn’t seen Ashton’s costume yet, hers was amazing. Bree really was talented at what she did.

  She arrived at Maryann’s house and Ashton ran out the door as if he’d been watching for her. His little boy body slammed into her legs and he wrapped her up in a hug.

  “Are you excited, buddy?” She had to fight back tears. How could she have walked away from this kid? No matter what happened with Gabe, she knew Chloe was right: her connection with Ashton was fated.

  So is your connection with Gabe.

  The little voice in her head was growing increasingly insistent and Zoe was about ready to tell her bear in no uncertain terms to shut the hell up.

  “Can we go right away, Zoe?” Ashton was chattering on about the streets he wanted to trick-or-treat on, and what houses had the best candy and where the haunted houses were set up.

  It was all Zoe could do to keep up. She nodded and laughed and answered him the best she could before she looked up to see Maryann watching them.

  “Hi.” She lifted her hand in a wave. “I’m Zoe. I guess we haven’t met yet.” She thought that meeting Gabe’s mother-in-law might be awkward, but the other woman smiled warmly.

  “I’m very happy to finally meet you, but I wish that—”

  “It’s going to be a fun night.” Zoe cut her off before she could say anything more. She didn’t know how much Maryann knew, and it wasn’t the right time to find out. “Thank you for letting me take him out tonight,” she said to the older woman. “I know that…well…I mean…thank you,” she finished lamely.

  Maryann waved her hand. “It’s nothing. To be honest, I’d rather stay home and see all the kids dressed up and I know Ashton would rather go with you.”

  “Grandma, I didn’t—”

  “Hush.” She laughed. “And get going. You still need to get your costume on. You don’t want to waste a minute.”

  “She has a point,” Zoe said to the boy, but Ashton didn’t need to be told twice. He was already on the way to the truck. She took one last look at Maryann, who was watching her with a soft smile, waved and took off for Gabe’s house.

  In and out. That was the plan. They were only going to stop at the house long enough for Ashton to change and grab a trick-or-treat sack, and then they’d hit the streets.

  When she pulled up in front of the little bungalow she’d grown to call home, even if it was for a short time, Zoe’s heart tightened in her chest.

  This should be your home.

  She shook her head. She would quiet her bear. She had to. It didn’t know what the hell it was talking about.

  Zoe still had a key, so she unlocked the front door while Ash
ton bounced up and down next to her.

  “Okay, go change,” she told him. “I’ll go find some bags to use for candy collection. Meet me back in five minutes.”

  Zoe laughed as he took off without a word. No doubt he’d be back in two minutes. She’d never seen a kid so amped up. She hurried into the kitchen to find some bags to use as trick-or-treat sacks but the moment she entered the almost dark room, she knew something was wrong.

  Her bear roared and her instincts kicked into overdrive.

  Zoe scanned the room and at the same time took a step back. Straight into the hard wall of a man.

  In a second, the stranger’s arms were around her and covering her mouth.

  She thrashed against him, but his arms were like steel vises holding her in place. She tried to scream and bite at the hand, but he only pressed it tighter to her mouth, squeezing the sides of her face.

  “Shut up,” he hissed in her ear. “Not one word or I’ll kill you.”

  She believed it. He had the sound of a desperate man and with Ashton in the house, it was not a bluff she was willing to call.

  Without warning, the man spun her around and shoved her into the corner so she crashed hard against the cupboard. Somehow she managed to stay on her feet, but she moved backward so she was pressed up against the cupboards as far away as she could get and assessed her assailant for the first time.

  He was a shifter. But not a bear. Or a wolf. A cat of some kind. She couldn’t think. He was dirty and even from a distance, his rank scent filled her nostrils.

  “Who are you?”

  He took a step toward her, his lips curling up in a sneer. “I told you to shut the fuck up.”

  He lashed out so quickly, she didn’t even see his arm until it was too late. His fist connected with her jaw and she crashed to the ground.

  “Where’s the kid?”


  Zoe forced herself not to look toward the hall where Ashton was only a few rooms away. Had he heard the noise? Had he run? Where was he?

  So many thoughts flashed through her head, but the only thing she could focus on was Ashton. Whatever else happened, she couldn’t let this man know he was in the house.

  “He’s not here.” She didn’t even recognize her voice.

  “Where is—”

  “I came to get candy,” she lied easily. “He’s trick-or-treating with his grandma.”

  The man’s lips twisted up and he assessed her for the first time. His beady eyes looked her up and down. “You look like a bit of a treat yourself.”

  She swallowed hard. Her jaw ached with the action.

  The man stepped forward again and instinctively she flinched. But he didn’t move toward her, his attention drawn to the fridge this time. And a photo pinned there with a magnet.

  While his attention was diverted, Zoe risked a glance to the hall and saw a flash of motion. Ashton peeked around the corner, his eyes wide.


  He couldn’t be here. He had to go.

  Run! She tried to convey the message to him with her eyes. She couldn’t risk anything more than that. Call your dad. Go!

  By some sort of miracle, he seemed to understand her, and a moment later, he was gone.

  “What’s this?” Zoe turned her attention back to the man as he plucked the photo from the fridge. A second later, he’d bent down, grabbed her by the arm and lifted her up.

  He was so fast! He had to be a cat.

  He held the picture next to her and grinned. He was missing a tooth and his breath was sour, turning her stomach, but Zoe forced herself to look him straight in the eye. She wanted to remember everything about him.

  “Didn’t know Wilder had a mate.” He said the word as if it were something dirty instead of the beautiful thing it was. He sniffed the air and pinched her face between two meaty fingers. “You’ll do. The bond between a dumb fuckin’ bear shifter and his mate is even stronger than his cub.”

  The last thing Zoe thought before the man raised his fist and brought it down again against her face was, “No. It’s not.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “She’s not answering her phone.” Gabe tossed his phone back to the counter. “Where is she?”

  In the few minutes since Captain Williams had called to tell him that not only had Billy Benson not been recaptured, but had recently been spotted two towns over, Gabe’s instincts had taken over.

  Zoe. Ashton.

  He knew they were in danger. He could feel it. And she wasn’t answering her phone.

  “Is there a chance she’s just not answering your call?” Kade spoke cautiously, and held up his hands in defense as Gabe spun on him. But his friend was right. She hadn’t answered any of his calls all week; she was probably just avoiding him. She was probably out trick-or-treating with Ashton the way they’d planned.

  But he knew she wasn’t. He could feel it.

  “I’m going over there.” Gabe started to gather his things. He’d radio dispatch on the way over and have someone else take over the Halloween watch group. This was too important. “Maryann said she picked up Ashton fifteen minutes ago. They should be at the house. Where is she?” He slammed his fist down and coffee splashed out on the counter.

  “Okay,” Kade said. “I’ll go with you.” He turned to Brian, but the wolf was already by his side.

  “I’m coming, too. I hope you’re wrong, Wilder, and there’s nothing to worry about. But if you’re not…”

  He didn’t bother to finish the thought because they all knew what he hadn’t said. If Gabe wasn’t wrong, and Billy Benson had Zoe and Ashton, he was going to need backup.

  Gabe nodded. A second later, his phone rang in his hand. It was a number he didn’t recognize but he didn’t hesitate.


  “Dad?” Ashton’s voice was thin and small and…Gabe’s heart stopped at the sound.

  “Ashton? What’s wrong?”

  His voice shook, but Gabe could tell he was working hard not to fall apart.

  He was only a kid.

  “Dad. He took her. He took Zoe.”

  “Who?” He didn’t need to ask. “Where are you? Are you okay?”

  “I’m next door at Mrs. Caldwell’s. I used her phone to call you. Zoe told me to go. She told me to run. She didn’t even say anything, but I heard her.” Gabe didn’t have a chance to register what that meant, because Ashton was still talking. “I shouldn’t have left her, Dad. I’m—”

  “You did the right thing. Stay there. I’m sending Brian Blackwood over there to get you, okay? He’s going to take you to the ridge until I get back.” Gabe didn’t even have to ask Brian; with a nod of his head, the wolf shifter was gone out the door and Gabe had no doubts that his son was in good hands.

  “Did you see the car he was driving?”

  “He took Zoe’s truck,” Ashton said.

  “Zoe’s truck? She doesn’t—”

  “Luke’s truck,” Kade said next to him, providing some clarification. “She borrowed it.”

  While Gabe continued to talk to his son, both calming him down and getting as many details from him as he could, next to him Kade was on the phone with Grizzly Ridge.

  “Is Zoe going to be okay, Dad?”

  “Of course.” He hoped he wasn’t lying to his son, because Gabe knew without any doubt that if anything happened to Zoe, it wouldn’t only be Gabe’s heart that would be destroyed—it would be Ashton’s too. And he would never let that happen.

  He hung up the phone when Ashton told him that Brian was there and, with his son safe, focused his attention on his mate.

  “We know where they are,” Kade announced. “Turns out Luke left his phone in the truck and he tracked it. It looks like he’s taken Zoe to an old hunting cabin. It’s off Settler’s Road. The guys are going to meet us there. Do you need to call it in?”

  He probably should have. Hell, if it were anyone else, he might have. But this was personal, and it wasn’t anyone else. It was Zoe.

l call it in,” he said after a moment. “Later. But this is a shifter matter. Let’s handle it like shifters.”

  When Zoe came to, the aching in her head had intensified and now was accompanied by sharp pains from her ribs that only just healed up from the last injury.

  That asshole had kicked her, too! Rage swelled up inside her and her bear growled for release.

  “Easy, tiger.” The voice came out of the shadows. “Or should I say, easy, Teddy.” The grimy cat shifter came to stand in front of her. “You don’t look like much of a cuddly bear, though, do you?” He kicked her again, his foot making contact with her already broken rib, and Zoe cried out.

  “Go ahead and scream.” The man laughed. “No one can hear you out here. At least not until I want them to.”

  She needed to shift into her bear. At least then it might be a fair fight. But he had her hands tied in front of her. It wasn’t impossible, but it was definitely harder and it would hurt, but—

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  She lifted her head and met his eyes.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” he said. “And if you shift into your bear, you’re going to find yourself face-to-face with a mountain lion with nothing to lose.”

  Mountain lion. She knew it.

  “What are you going to do with me?” She needed to keep him talking. Because at least if he was talking, she could think about her next step. Maybe she could catch him off guard. He might be a mountain lion with nothing to lose, but he underestimated her. She’d already lost everything. The only thing she cared about now was keeping Gabe and Ashton safe. And there was only one way to do that.

  “Oh, I’m going to call your mate so he can come and save you, just the way he tried to save mine. And then when he gets here, I’m going to let him watch while I kill you and then I’ll kill him. And then, just for fun, I’ll go get the kid.”

  Ashton. No. Icy fear trailed down her spine and her stomach churned. She would not be sick. She had to focus.

  He took a step toward her and in a flash, hoisted her to her feet. “But first, we’re going to have some fun.”


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