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Ride: Cyn and Fallon: Episodes 5-8 (Puca Mates Collection Book 2)

Page 18

by A. C. James

  “She’s the one I want by my side. When you fall in love, you’d be amazed what you can forgive.” Fallon spoke confidently and quietly, without bitterness.

  He held no anger toward Cyn. Maelíosa was young. Fallon understood why Cyn had needed to return home, but he was glad the mate bond won out.

  “How can you trust her?”

  Fallon measured his words carefully. “Your priorities change. You’ll understand when you take a mate. I considered what being with me meant, and how it affected her. It’s not just what I needed from her.”

  “She’s never expressed anything like that. She’s never put you first,” Maelíosa said as she crossed her arms.

  “How do you know? She did put me first when she returned. It’s because she chose me and cannot be without me. If that doesn’t demonstrate the strength of our mate bond, I’m not sure what will.”

  Maelíosa sighed. “I don’t want her to hurt you anymore, Father. What if she leaves again? What will you do?”

  “She won’t leave again,” Fallon said, setting his jaw. “She’s here to stay. And since this is her home now, we are her family. Don’t forget to honour that.”

  “I know, Father,” Maelíosa said.

  Fallon nodded. “You need to trust and respect my choices.”

  His daughter searched his eyes. “I’ll give her a chance, but she’d better bloody deserve it.”

  Chapter Five

  Felicity groaned, jerking Cyn from her train of thought. “Oh, God. I think it’s going to happen soon.”

  Cyn leaned forward and grasped her friend’s hand. “It’s okay. Breathe, Felicity.”

  The healer bent between Felicity’s legs. “I want you to push now.”

  Felicity nodded. “Okay...”

  Cyn squeezed her hand. “I’ll help you count, here: one, two, three—”

  “AAUGHHHH!” Felicity screamed and threw her head back.

  Cyn wiped sweat off her brow and stroked her forehead. “It’s going to be okay... It’s almost over now.”

  Beneath her hands, Felicity writhed and moaned in pain. Cyn silently willed everything to be all right. Fallon’s first mate died birthing Darcy, and even though Felicity was strong, there was a chance history might repeat itself.

  “It hurts,” Felicity whimpered, twisting her head to the side.

  Cyn stroked her forehead and muttered soothing words of encouragement. She wasn’t sure her friend even noticed, but she still wanted to comfort her.

  “Shhh, love. It’s okay,” Cyn said.

  The words sounded hollow and meaningless. A hot rush of anger toward the healer for not being able to ease the suffering more made her jaw clench. She glared at the indifferent and wise-looking woman crouched between Felicity’s legs.

  “Is there any more progress?” Cyn asked the healer. “Please tell me you can do something to ease the pain.”

  Felicity screamed loudly and arched her back, shaking her head fiercely from side to side. Cyn rubbed the back of her neck. The healer encouraged her to push again, and Felicity’s eyes shot open. She looked directly into Cyn’s face and let out an earth-shattering wail.

  “The babe is coming,” the healer said in a soothing tone. “And when you’re done, you can hold your wee one and see your mate.”

  “He’s going to be so bloody proud of you, love,” Cyn said.

  Felicity groaned, shifting her weight and straining.

  Felicity’s muscles tensed. She looked at the healer in desperation. “Please...”

  “She’s here!” The healer cried triumphantly, holding up a glistening newborn.

  “Thank fuck,” Felicity muttered.

  Cyn laughed. It’s not that Felicity didn’t curse, but she did it so rarely it took you off-guard. For some reason Cyn thought it was a good sign.

  The healer rubbed some herbs on the umbilical cord and wrapped the baby in a piece of fabric, gazing into the tiny face.

  “She’s beautiful,” the healer said proudly, handing the baby to Felicity. “We’re not done. I need you to push one more time and birth the placenta.”

  “She looks just like her mum!” Cyn cried.

  The wrinkly pink folds of skin were so small and perfect Cyn had a hard time imagining the baby was real.

  “She’s beautiful,” Cyn said quietly.

  Something seemed off, because Felicity wasn’t relaxing. She moaned loudly and threw her head back, straining. The cords in her neck were bulging. Cyn looked worriedly from the baby to the healer to Felicity. Gently, Cyn reached forward and took the swaddled infant from the arms of her friend. Hopefully once Felicity birthed the placenta it would release the tension, and Cyn could hand her back the delicate little creature. The baby had tiny features, no bigger than her thumb. It was incredible how something so small could survive in the world.

  “Push, my lady,” the healer said, reaching between Felicity’s legs.

  The healer jerked back in shock, and Cyn was surprised at the older woman’s expression.

  “Of all the things in the world,” the healer said in a wondrous tone. “There’s another wee little baby...”

  Felicity moaned as the healer instructed her to push. Her face was crunched up in pain.

  “Bloody hell,” Felicity belted. “It hurts!”

  Cyn grinned. “Just cross your fingers there’s only one more in there.”

  Felicity gasped at Cyn’s joke, but the healer chuckled.

  “Cyn, for fuck’s sake. Don’t even say it,” Felicity said. She shot her a death glare.

  “If you can’t behave yourself, you’re going to have to go back out there with that other lot,” the healer grumbled, but her eyes were bright with laughter.

  She reached forward, urging Felicity to push again.

  “She’s the chieftain’s mate. I wouldn’t kick her out if I were you.” Felicity gritted out her words, and then screamed “Cyn” loudly as another contraction hit.

  The healer looked up from between Felicity’s knees and gawked at Cyn. “Sin... I imagine it’s a fitting name for someone married to our chieftain.”

  Cyn fought the urge to roll her eyes. “Cyn is short for Cynthia.”

  “And why is it appropriate?” Felicity asked right before another wave of pain took over.

  The healer laughed. “You don’t want to know.”

  Cyn sensed a story there, but as the contractions and pushing brought more pain, all she could do was be there for Felicity.

  TIME TICKED BY AT AN excruciatingly slow rate. Niall and his stallion paced in a tandem frenzy. It seemed like days—no, weeks—since he’d heard any news of Felicity or the baby’s health. He growled in anger at being kept from his mate. The mate bond was stronger than ever, and he knew his wife was in a lot of pain. She needed him. His stallion agreed.

  “I need to see her,” Niall said.

  Tomas cleared his throat. “Niall, let’s go for a walk and take your mind off how she’s doing. I think it would help you, and I—”

  “No,” Niall snapped, his eyes flashing. “I must be with her, she needs me.”

  His stallion whinnied and tossed his head. Niall paced in desperation. “The mate bond is killing me. I know she’s hurt and confused. I need to be with her.”

  Kieran was the voice of reason. “The healer explained her pregnancy is high-risk. Felicity and the wee babe need her full attention—”

  Niall shot him a glare, but Tomas cut him off.

  “Perhaps it would be better to wait until you’ve calmed down,” Tomas said.

  Niall seethed in fury, clenching his hands into fists. “I said no!”

  Niall shoved past his best mate. Tomas and Kieran both blocked the door, but Niall pushed through them as if they weighed no more than a boy.

  “Let me through!” Niall screamed.

  Tomas reached for him. Niall was about to throw a punch. He’d break down the door and bust both their heads if they didn’t get out of his fucking way.

  As Niall raised his fist back, C
yn burst out with flushed cheeks and shining eyes. “Niall, I need to tell you somethi—”

  “Felicity!” Niall yelled, attempting to push past Cyn.

  He didn’t use force as he’d done with Tomas and Kieran, but she still didn’t budge. Cyn stood with mischief lighting her eyes. She might just be as stubborn as his bonny wife.

  “What?” Niall asked.

  His whole body was tense and sore, as though he were the one who’d given birth instead of Felicity. It must be the mate bond.

  “There’s one thing I need to tell you,” Cyn said with a grin. “Whoops, actually it’s not really one thing, it’s more like two things.”

  “Cyn,” Niall said. “Tell me now or I’m going in anyway.”

  “Well, you have a new daughter,” Cyn said. “But you’re going to be pulling double duty because Felicity had twins!”

  All the blood drained from his face. “What?”

  Cyn smirked at him. “She’s had twins.”

  He opened his mouth, but no sound came out. He reached out to lean against the comfortingly cool stone of the cottage wall.

  “Bloody hell!” Kieran crowed, running over and clapping Niall on the back. “Congratulations, mate!”

  “I’m so pleased for you. This is wonderful news. Fallon is going to be delighted,” Tomas said with a smile.

  Cyn laughed. “Although I’m sure he won’t be as overwhelmed as you are.”

  His heart filled with love and pride. He barely registered Tomas and Kieran congratulating him. Everyone was grinning and laughing. Niall couldn’t remember a time he’d experienced such joy. His stallion reared up in the air, signalling it was time to meet his new children. His heart seized at the thought. My children.

  “I’ve got to go see them,” Niall said.

  He left his mates and gently pushed past Cyn. The birthing chamber was hot and stuffy. Niall blinked a few times for his eyes to adjust. A giant fire was roaring in the fireplace. Niall crossed the room in two big strides and was at Felicity’s side in an instant.

  “Hello, my love,” Niall said in a whisper.

  Felicity smiled. She’d never been more radiant. He leaned over her to look at their new children. They’re so little, he thought in amazement. What an incredible thing.

  Niall reached out, caressing Felicity’s cheek. “Are you...?”

  “I’ll be all right,” Felicity said, and leaned her head against Niall.

  “You amaze me, love.”

  “Meet the rest of our family,” she said in a quiet voice. “I know they’re excited to meet their daddy.”

  Niall scooped one of the infants from his mate’s arms, and looked into the miniature sleeping face. “So beautiful... Who is this?”

  Felicity smiled lazily. Niall couldn’t believe how strong and beautiful his mate was, especially as she held one of their children.

  “I haven’t thought of any names, especially not for boys.”

  Niall gaped at the bundle in his arms. “This one’s a boy?”

  “We’ve got the complete set. Thank goodness, because I’m not sure I’d ever go through that again,” Felicity said.

  Niall winced. He hated thinking of his mate in pain. Looking down at the children, he realized it was worth it, but he didn’t like to think about what she’d endured. His stallion pranced and kicked, prouder than ever before. My family, Niall thought, looking at his mate and their children. I can’t believe I have a family. He would desire, love, and cherish his mate forever.

  Niall gazed down at the baby in his arms with tenderness. “I’ve always liked the name Braden. D’you think it suits him?”

  “Braden,” Felicity said as if trying out how it sounded. “I like it. What does it mean?”

  “I think it means salmon.”

  “Salmon?” Felicity asked. “You’re going to name our only son after a fish?”

  Niall chuckled softly. “Not like that, love. Think of all the amazing things that salmon do.”

  Felicity frowned. “Right, they taste delicious after being seared with butter and capers. I’m starving.”

  Niall chuckled. “No, my love. They’re some of the only fish that leap and swim upstream. D’you know that?”

  Braden wrinkled his tiny face at his father’s laughter, but didn’t fuss. Niall gazed down at him protectively. Felicity seemed sceptical. Niall laughed again, kissing her temple. “What would you name him, love?”

  “I dunno, but I think it fits. He’s a strong little thing, that’s for sure. Swimming upstream sounds about right. It’s a beautiful name, I have to say.”

  Niall grinned from ear to ear. “Braden,” he said in a shaky voice. “I’m your da.”

  From the bed, Felicity sniffled. Niall leaned down and kissed her gently. He kneeled down and leaned against the bed so they would all be closer together, and smiled at his sleeping daughter cradled in Felicity’s arms.

  “What d’you want to call her?” Felicity asked in a low voice. “Do you like the name Kira?”

  Niall smiled so broadly his face hurt. “I love it. She looks like you, love.”

  “It means ‘little dark one’,” Felicity said. “She’s darker than I am now, just like her da. But believe it or not I had a tuft of dark hair when I was a baby.”

  “You’re beautiful...she’s beautiful. Our little Kira.”

  There was a cautious knock on the door. Niall looked up to see Cyn striding toward him.

  “Shall we let everyone else meet the family?” Cyn asked, peering at Kira. “What a gorgeous little girl she is.”

  Niall’s chest swelled with pride. He was grateful to have such a wonderful mate, and blessed with children. His heart held so much love for them. They were his life. “My family is lovely...”

  Carefully, Niall plucked Kira from Felicity’s arms and handed her to Cyn. Then he leaned down and kissed his mate.

  “We’ll be right back, love. Try to get some rest if you can. Do you want me to send for some food?” Niall asked.

  Felicity stretched her arms overhead. “Oh, that’d be grand.”

  He nodded. Quietly, Cyn and Niall carried Kira and Braden out of the birthing chamber. Tomas, Kieran, Maelíosa, and Fallon all gaped in uniform admiration. Niall’s stallion cantered and nickered in sheer joy. He couldn’t remember being happier or more proud of anything in his entire life.

  “My first grandchildren.” Fallon said, pulling Niall close and taking Braden into his arms. “What have you and Felicity decided to call them?”

  Niall beamed. “Kira and Braden.”

  Tomas grinned as he walked over, clapping Niall on the back. “You’re going to be all right, mate. Just don’t drop them.”

  Kieran laughed. “Aye, definitely not, or they might turn out as strongheaded as you.”

  Of course, it was all good-natured teasing.

  Niall mock glared. “Enough. They’re perfect.”

  “They are. And you’ll be a wonderful father,” Tomas said.

  Niall grinned. “Thanks, mate.”

  “Aye, that he will,” Fallon said.

  He eased Braden out of his father’s arms and back into his own grip. Niall was already feeling separation anxiety from being away from the baby after only a few seconds.

  “And Kira...” Fallon said, fawning over the infant girl in Cyn’s careful grasp. “Look at that shock of dark hair.”

  Niall shrugged. “Felicity said she was darker when she was younger.”

  “Yup.” Cyn nodded. “I’ve seen the snaps. Baby Kira looks just like her mum.”

  Kira wailed and Niall’s heart seized. “And she misses her.”

  “I’ll take her back to Felicity,” Cyn said.

  “She’s as clingy as her da,” Kieran said jokingly.

  Niall’s face flushed, but he didn’t care. His heart was on fire. This was the most incredible day. If he could live every day with this much gratitude, his life would be blessed. “It’s true, but I’ve got the most wonderful family in the whole world. Can you blame m
e for wanting them around all the time?”

  “No one would expect anything else, my son.” Fallon’s voice was very solemn.

  He’d never forget this moment.

  Chapter Six

  It was nearly four a.m., and Nathan was still working, hunched over his laptop. He’d been writing for hours, deleting everything, then frantically typing more. He stretched in his chair. With a yawn, Nathan realized most of his buzz had worn off. Can’t have that. Every time sobriety approached, Nathan began feeling the slightest bit guilty over his actions. He sighed and got up from his cramped desk chair, lumbering down the hallway and absentmindedly scratching his chest.

  “I need a drink,” Nathan muttered.

  He opened his fridge and looked for more alcohol. Over the course of the night, he’d gone through two bottles of wine.

  “Aha,” he said, spotting a half-open bottle of cooking sherry on the shelf of the fridge. “There we go.”

  Nathan wasn’t going to think too hard about the fact he was drinking sherry straight from the bottle. He walked back to his office with the booze sloshing around in his belly. He didn’t feel tired, even though he’d been up all night drinking and writing. More like drinking and deleting, he thought in frustration. For some reason, writing about the púca didn’t come easy. It was hard to believe himself. It was challenging to make it believable for most readers.

  Everyday Supernatural boasted a large fan base, but Nathan was fairly certain much of it was due to the lovely photos of Felicity and Cyn which accompanied some of the articles. They’d often travelled together, since Cyn’s work schedule was so erratic. It wasn’t the most professional thing in the world, but Nathan always encouraged Cyn to tag along because he hoped if she hung around long enough, she’d eventually develop feelings for him. Remembering it made him angry all over again. He sat in front of his laptop, and mashed the keyboard buttons:

  The Púca of the Aran Islands

  A few months ago, I wrote a post on the mythical púca of Ireland. Felicity took a trip to investigate a sighting, which she was supposed to blog about here. I know readers have asked for an update, and as editor-in-chief, I feel obliged to provide one.


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