Book Read Free


Page 22

by Sawyer Bennett



  Ryker's gaze stays on the sign for what seems like an inordinately long time. No one that is sitting near me can read what it says. Probably no one around me understands it's a personal message.

  Those fans sitting on the sides, however, can read it, and slowly a loud buzzing fills the arena. Some fans start whistling. Others stomp their feet. A few of Ryker's teammates skate closer to read the sign and I see Alex bumping Garrett on the shoulder, getting his attention and pointing my way. Coach Pretore turns and looks over at me, and a quick glance up at the Jumbotron, and I'm on camera. A close-up.

  My sign and my face right below it.

  I look back at Ryker and he's shaking his head. While I can't see his mouth, I can see the sparkle in his eyes and the way he holds his shoulders. He's shaking his head in amusement, not denial.

  He takes his mask off, lays it on top of the net, and skates up to me. His hair is wet, plastered to his head. Mercury-colored eyes shining brightly at me. The most gorgeous man in the entire world, and he's mine.

  Ryker reaches a gloved hand out and rests it against the glass. I drop the sign to the ground, raising a hand up to press on the other side. He jerks his head toward the Zamboni door and starts skating slowly that way, indicating he wants me to follow. People in my row immediately jump up, press back against their chairs, and give me room to walk along the glass with my hand still opposite of Ryker's, only the glass between us.

  The cheering in the arena has become deafening, which is testament to the furor this is kicking up, because normally TV timeouts are fairly quiet among the fans, who take the opportunity to use the restroom or get drinks. The arena attendants are unlocking the door, and another steps up to the railing to help me up and over it.

  Reluctantly I pull my hand away from the glass and climb over the rails, accepting hands around my waist to pull me down on the other side.

  I turn and Ryker's standing at the open gate, watching me with burning eyes. I walk toward him, my heart flipping end over end with excitement and nerves. His lips curl up in a wicked smile, and when I'm a foot from him, he drops his glove to the ice so he can grab me behind the neck. It's his signature move after all.

  I'm pulled to him and his mouth is on mine in a fiery but brief kiss.

  The fans in the arena go nuts.

  When he releases me, he says in a low voice, "You have some explaining to do."

  I bat my eyelashes at him. "I have no clue what you mean."

  Ryker snickers, bends over, and picks up his glove. When he looks at me, his look says, I'm going to spank your ass tonight.

  And I think, God I hope so.

  "You just outed both of us to the world," he murmurs as he leans in toward me a bit.

  "Felt fucking fantastic too," I quip.

  And oh, geez...that smile. That laugh. The way his eyes shine as if they've never had a happier moment.

  "I love you," he says. "And I suppose we have some fallout to deal with, huh?"

  "Nah," I say with a dismissive wave of my hand. "I've got it all handled."

  At least I hope I have it handled.

  He cocks a skeptical eyebrow at me.

  "It's handled," I assure him, and then quickly shoo him away. "Now go play hockey. I'll see you after the game."

  Ryker grins and shakes his head as he slips his glove on.

  He starts to turn back toward the net, and I yell out to him, "Hey, Brick."

  When he turns I call out, "I love you too."

  I wait until he has his mask back on before I turn away and walk into the tunnel that heads back to the locker room area. I'm going to wait back here for the final minutes so the attention goes back to the game.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out. It's a text from my father. It's already gone national. ESPN reporting.

  Damn, that was fast. I knew a public outing like this would spread the word, but I didn't know it would move at the speed of light.

  My father and I, however, are prepared for this. In fact, everyone in the executive office knew this was coming. I had prepared everyone so that decisions could be made.

  I text him back. Meet you in the press room.

  This too was planned. We have to give an explanation tonight.

  He texts me right back. Proud of you. Love you.

  I'm not sure how it happened, that I got blessed with having the two most perfect men in the world, but I'm a very lucky woman.

  My fingers type out a quick message. I love you too, Dad.

  Chapter 29


  If I thought it was impossible for my night to get any better after Gray made her public declaration, I would be sorely wrong. That's because at this moment, she's straddling my cock and riding me slowly.

  Our eyes connected the minute she sunk down onto me and they've stayed locked ever since. I watch her body undulate, bringing me more pleasure than I deserve as a human, and I take her good hand in one of mine, supporting the bandaged arm at her elbow.

  I'm pretty sure I know why it feels so damn good the way she's fucking me right now. Gray Brannon stood up in front of nineteen thousand people tonight and put her job on the line for me, just so that she could tell the world how she felt about me. It's probably the most humbling experience of my life, and I only hope that I'm truly a good enough man for her. I know I'll strive to be.

  "Are you close?" she pants out.

  I'd actually been holding back because I didn't ever want this to end, but I nod at her. Might as well let go and get to the big finale, because I have a feeling tonight there's going to be multiple finales.

  No sleep, just lots and lots of finales.

  Gray closes her eyes and picks up the pace. I grab her hips, helping her to go faster and harder while I thrust up inside of her. And then I get lost in the sensations that Gray Brannon makes me feel when we are joined ever so intimately. It's so easy to get lost, especially now that we are free to be together in all ways.


  I walk back into the bedroom carrying a bowl of popcorn and two beers. Gray is propped up on my pillows with the sheet pulled up over her chest. I think about chastising her for it, but I'm actually too sated to care right now.

  I hand her a beer and then crawl into the bed, arranging the sheet over my lap and placing the bowl of popcorn on top. She reaches a hand over and takes a few pieces, without ever taking her eyes from the TV screen, which we turned on to SportsCenter. She's as nervous as I am to see how this is all going to play out in the public arena.

  So I decide to tell her something to take her mind off it. "I got the signed divorce papers yesterday."

  Her head swivels fast. "You did?"

  "It's official. I'm a free man."

  Gray snickers and takes a sip of beer. After she swallows, she says, "You are most definitely not a free man."

  "Is that right?" I tease.

  I expect her to laugh but her eyes go serious, her voice sounding smaller than I've ever heard it. "I almost gave you up to Hensley."

  "You what?" I ask with astonishment.

  She nods, drops her gaze to her lap. "She came to see me Monday. I got the entire history of your marriage and your relationship with her. She had photos. Lots and lots of photos. She played my heart very well, Ryker. I was ready to back out and let her have you."

  "She couldn't have had me," I say with a chastising tone. "Why would you even think that?"

  Gray shrugs and looks up at me. "Because I love you and I know how easy it is to love you. And you two have kids together, and she talked about second chances, was just really good what she said. Now that I think about it, your ex-wife should be a lawyer."

  "Forget that," I say impatiently. "So, she played you but you ultimately didn't take the bait. What happened?"

  "Oh, that," she says with a twinkle in her eye. "She threatened to out us."

  "Oh, no she didn't," I say with a shake of my head.
"Wrong move."

  Gray leans over and kisses me on the cheek. "You know me so well."

  "I definitely know that you are not a person that takes threats well." The gravity in my voice alerts her to the fact that I'm still very much wigged out by what happened with Claude. "You told a knife-wielding lunatic to go fuck himself."

  "I knew you were just moments away from kicking the door in," she says lightly, and lays a hand on my leg. She squeezes it reassuringly and then gives it a pat. "It's all done, baby. I'm fine and we're together."

  "I'm so going to give Hensley a piece of my mind--"

  "Don't," Gray says, her voice whisper soft. "Let's let it all go and just start fresh from right here."

  Her eyes are so full of expectancy and hope. So happy and contented. I have no choice but to reach my hand over, cup her jaw, and pull her to me. I give her a slow kiss and then look her in the eye. "Okay. Fresh start. From right now."

  Gray pulls away as soon as we hear the SportsCenter theme song and her hand goes to mine, clasping it tightly.

  The reporter comes on, places an elbow on the desk, and leans in slightly toward the camera. "Interesting news in the world of hockey tonight. The league's first female general manager, Gray Brannon, made headlines when she made a very public declaration that she has a relationship with one of her players."

  The feed cuts to video of Gray standing at the glass, holding her sign up. "Already, social media has blown up with an outcry for her resignation, citing a serious conflict of interest."

  Gray's hand squeezes mine harder. I lean over and kiss her on the temple.

  The feed then cuts to video of me kissing Gray on the ice during the TV timeout. "Immediately following the game, both Gray and Brian Brannon presented themselves to reporters for questions, and made a very surprising announcement."

  The feed then cuts to a close-up of Gray with perhaps a dozen microphones all shoved under her chin. Flashes from cameras play across her beautiful face like lightning strikes.

  "I would like to let the public know that as of seven P.M. tonight, right before the game started, I handed in my offer of resignation as general manager to the Cold Fury. This was done with the knowledge and approval of my father, Brian Brannon. Obviously, I recognize the conflict of interest that has arisen by me having a personal relationship with one of my players, although I would like to state for the record that at no time did I have a relationship with Ryker Evans prior to December of last year. Still, going forward with an inevitable offer to extend his contract, I know that I cannot continue to serve in my power as general manager without approval from the executive board. Until such time, Frank Lessier will be managing the organization."

  Gray steps back with a placid smile on her face, while Brian Brannon moves forward. Reporters hurl questions left and right and he raises a hand that commands utter silence. "I won't be taking questions tonight, although I just wanted to make a statement of my own. Gray offered her resignation with my approval, as we don't ever want there to be a hint of impropriety with how we handle player relationships. I would also like the public to know that Ryker Evans has previously offered to retire from the team so as to remove the conflict, but Gray wouldn't let him do that."

  My head jerks as I look over at Gray, but she doesn't take her eyes from the screen. This press conference was done while I was getting showered after the game, and while Gray had since filled me in on what she was doing, these words by Brian Brannon are an absolute shocker to me.

  "I don't know that I've ever been more proud of my daughter than I am at this moment. All she ever wanted from the time she was a little girl was to be involved with hockey. Seeing her take the reins of the organization was what I thought was the proudest moment of my life. I was wrong. Today is the proudest, as I watch her stand up and sacrifice all that she ever desired for the simple prospect of love."

  "Holy fuck," I mutter under my breath as I blink my eyes hard. "I think your dad might make me cry."

  Gray sniffles and I look at her as tears pour down her cheeks. "Right? He's so wonderful."

  I pick up the popcorn and put it on the table beside my bed along with my beer and pull her into my arms. The video feed is cut and the camera is back on the reporter who is wrapping up the story. He's talking about how the board of directors is going to vote on whether or not to accept Gray's offer, and that Brian Brannon is abstaining from the vote.

  This I also already knew and that the vote would be happening tomorrow.

  Gray lays her head on my shoulder, resting her bandaged arm across my stomach. "I love listening to your heart. It's so strong and solid. Just like you."

  I squeeze her. "Did I ever tell you that you are the most amazing woman I've ever known?"

  "I think you have," she says as if she's searching mightily for a recollection. "I mean, you say so many magnanimous things about me, it's hard to keep it all straight in my mind."

  I laugh and press my chin on top of her head. We lie like that a few moments, comfortable in the silence yet still burdened by the crazy things that have happened to us in the last few days. Crazy, terrifying, heart-pounding, knee-buckling, insomnia-inducing, tear-producing, crazy-ass things.

  But it's all good.

  In this's all very, very good.

  "Are you worried about the vote tomorrow?" I ask her. She's seems so far to be very unperturbed by all of this. I know my stomach is in knots over the prospect of her resignation being accepted. I'm not quite sure how I'll be able to live with this if it happens. I'm not sure I can be the one responsible for killing her dreams.

  Before she can even answer me, I gently push her off my chest and say, "Fuck that. You cannot resign from the organization. I can't stand by and let you do that."

  "It's done," Gray says as she levels those gorgeous green eyes at me. "It's why I did it before I went public, because I knew you wouldn't want me to do this."

  I grasp her chin and hold her tight. "I'm feeling a whole lot of guilt about this, baby. I'm not sure this was what was best for us."

  Her arms come up and wrap around my wrist. She doesn't make a move to pull my hand away from her, but rather seems to just want to touch me so I understand her when she says, "I can't control how you feel, but please...believe me when I say this is going to work out. Let's not worry on this one moment more until we see what happens during the vote tomorrow."

  "But if they accept your resignation--"

  Gray launches herself at me, plasters her mouth to mine. My arms automatically go around her waist, my fingers smooth over her bare skin. She's warm and soft against me and her tongue tastes divine. She kisses me hard...grinds her pelvis against mine.

  SportsCenter, popcorn, and guilt are forgotten.

  Gently pulling away from me, she keeps her face hovering just inches from mine. Her eyes penetrate...reach in deep and hold me hostage. "I love you. No matter what happens tomorrow, or the day after that, or the day after that. I. Love. You. And that is all that matters to me. The fact that I can go on a date with you, or hold your hand out in public, or that you can finally introduce me to Violet and Ruby as your girlfriend...those things are so much more important to me than being the general manager."

  "But--" I make one more weak attempt, because damn if she isn't soothing my conscience nicely.

  "But nothing. No matter what happens tomorrow, I will always be involved in hockey. I'll still be involved with this organization. Stop worrying about me, and trust that I made the decision that was best for me. I put my priorities in line and I sought out the top one. It's a win for me, don't you get it?"

  "I'm thinking I'm the one who's truly won here," I whisper. "I'm not sure what I did to deserve this."

  "How about we agree that we both got what we deserve and be happy with that?" she offers with a gentle smile. "Let's just be happy."

  Oh, man, this woman.

  This fucking woman.

  "Okay," I tell her as I roll over, pushing her to her back and coming to rest on
top of her. Right between her legs. Best place ever. "Right now, we'll just be happy."




  It's game five of the Stanley Cup championship.

  The Cold Fury leads the series 3-1 over Chicago.

  There's fifty-three seconds left in the game and we are up by one goal. If we can just hold on. If Ryker can keep the net protected...we will win it all.

  I'm not sure I can breathe. I'm pretty sure my lungs have gone on hiatus. We took a stupid penalty less than a minute ago so we are shorthanded by one player. Ryker has his work cut out for him.

  I look around the Cold Fury arena. Every single fan is on their feet and the cheers are almost deafening. Every player is standing, leaning forward and watching with hunger in his eyes. Coach Pretore is actually standing on the bench to look over the players.

  I glance up toward the owner's box. I know my father is up there watching and I'm just a tiny bit sad I'm not up there to have the first victory hug. But he knows I need to be down here...right at the edge of the tunnel that leads out onto the ice. I have to be here so Ryker is the first to get my hug. And kiss. And maybe a squeeze on the ass.

  Thirty-nine seconds.

  Come on, baby. Stand tough.

  My hands are clutched together and pressed underneath my breastbone. I can almost taste this win. I can almost taste Ryker on my tongue. Both are equally sweet.

  It's hard to imagine. My first year as a general manager, winning the Stanley Cup. Talk about history making.

  That's right. I'm still the general manager of the Carolina Cold Fury. Almost three months ago, I declared to the world that I was in love with Ryker Evans and simultaneously handed in my resignation so that I could keep my reputation and the reputation of this club intact. It became breaking news and was the subject of conversation all across Twitter and in every bar that held a hockey fan. The following day, the board of directors convened and held a vote on whether or not to accept my resignation.

  Surprisingly, my biggest proponent was Frank Lessier. While my father didn't vote, he did sit in on the meeting, and said that Frank was pretty amazing. He focused the board on a solution to make it work with me retaining head management and still preserving the integrity of our negotiations with Ryker at a later date. His idea was simple. I would stay on as general manager but would have absolutely no dealings, authority, or input regarding Ryker Evans and his tenure with the team. In fact, Frank offered himself up as the person who would deal solely with Ryker in the future. A few months ago, that might have concerned me, since Frank did not like Ryker for some reason.


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