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A Future Perfect: The Challenge and Promise of Globalization

Page 53

by John Micklethwait

  “imperial laissez-faire,” 276

  “imperial preferences,” 6

  “Impossible Trinity,” 176


  average wage vs. corporate profits, 315

  boss vs. factory worker, 201

  p. 373 effects of globalization on, xxvi

  executive pay, 67, 246

  hourly, in America, 114

  impact of globalization on, 111

  impact of immigration on, 110

  median incomes, America, 201

  minimum wage in San Jose, 325, 326

  per-capita income in Nigeria, 293

  Silicon Valley, average pay in, 205

  third world vs. first, 111

  United States, median wage in 1990s, 246

  wage inflation, 318


  anti-English language movement in, 185

  business schools in, 71

  inefficiency of their industries, 20

  paternalism in, 18

  protectionism in, 18

  screening out GM foods, 284

  software in, 38

  technology in, 32

  Indian School of Business, 72

  individualism, 332, 336

  Indonesia, 52, 152

  infant mortality, 252, 254

  inflation, in U.S., 108

  inflation-driven crises, 20

  InfoElec, 146

  Infosys, 38

  Insead, 70, 231

  institutional memory, 76

  Intel, 32, 39, 203, 207, 219

  International Accounting Standards Committee, 165

  International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 14

  International Criminal Court, 153

  International Digital Communications, 314

  International Forum on Globalization, 283

  International Labor Organization, antiglobalization and, 268

  International Monetary Fund (IMF), 14, 151, 161, 162, 164, 181, 237, 338

  basic problem with, 172-174

  causing and prolonging national crises, 174-175

  confidence in, 172

  culture, 174

  failures of, 176-177

  general approach, 174

  hatred of, 172

  the “Impossible Trinity,” 176

  justifying itself, 182

  lending to poor countries, 165

  loans to South Korea, 46, 47, 58

  and questions of national sovereignty, 178

  reforming or abolishing, 176-179

  stress on market regulation, 175

  International Service Systems, Denmark, 122

  International Telegraph Union, 163

  International Trade Organization (ITO), 14

  Internet, 29

  censorship and, 146-147

  digitalization and, 35-36

  downloading music from, 193

  effect on corporate life, 107

  eventual triumph of, 37-38

  failure of Internet firms, 214

  getting content from by mobile phones, 132

  hastening globalization and, 38-39

  impact on prices, 39

  military bulletin boards on, 274

  numbers using it in 1999, 36

  online gambling, 94

  pornography distribution on, 80, 82, 83

  potential power of, 36

  and reinventing business, 38-39

  selling toys online, 117

  interventionism, 15

  investments, 310-314

  See also stock market

  effects of inflation and interest rates on, 312

  globalization and, 315

  problem of currency risk, 312

  shareholder rights, 312

  typical American investor, 312

  Iran, xxiv

  Iraq, xxiv, 161

  Iridium, 41, 123, 274

  Iron Curtain, 15, 17

  Ishihara, Shintaro, 313


  antiglobalization groups in, 272-273

  radical, xxiii, xxiv

  threat and opportunity in, xxix

  Ispat, 127, 227

  Israel, xxiv


  protectionism in, 6

  separatist movement in, 154

  Ivangorod, Russia, 141, 142, 160

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  Jacob, Gilles, 184

  James, David, 80

  Jang Ha Sung, 61-63


  antiglobalization in, 272

  dependence on foreign food, 286

  deregulation in, 53-54

  educational system in, 298, 299

  Internet in, 37

  mobile phone use in, 40

  option plans, 67

  release of sarin gas into Tokyo subway, 272

  rules against temporary work, 322

  screening out GM foods, 284

  p. 374 stock market in, 312, 313

  subsidies for rice, 286

  takeovers in, 313-315

  tradition of industrial planning, 313

  Java, 207

  J. D. Power, 65

  Jefferson, Thomas, 218, 332

  Jeremy, Ron, 79


  effect of globalization on, xxvi

  employability and, 323, 325

  employment and discrimination laws, 323

  growth of, 295

  insecurity, 309

  job-hopping, 318-319

  outsourcing, 313-315

  stability, 319

  temporary workers, 319-320, 322, 326

  unemployment, 295

  volatility, 320

  Jobs, Steve, 323-324

  John Paul II, Pope, 267-269, 296

  Johnson Electric, 73-75

  Joint Venture: Silicon Valley, 217

  Jollibee Foods, 127

  Jospin, Lionel, 280

  J&P Coats, 101

  Jujuy, 242, 243

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  Kabila, Laurent, 253

  Kairamo, Kari, 130

  Kaiser, Henry, 220

  Kant, Immanuel, 160

  Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 134, 238, 239, 305

  Kapstein, Ethan B., 318

  Kellogg Graduate School of Management, 72

  Kelly, Kevin, 107

  Kennedy, John F., Jr., 305

  Kennedy, William Nassar, 329

  Keynes, John Maynard, 269, 332

  death of (1946), 14

  fellowship at Cambridge, 6-7

  first foreign holiday (1906), 3-4

  free trade

  enthusiasm for, 4-7, 11, 24

  opposition to, 9-11

  globalization and, 8-25

  homosexuality of, 4

  on the international division of labor, 9

  “Keynesianism,” 8

  lecture at University College, Dublin (1933), 9-10

  legacy of, 14

  at meeting at Bretton Woods, 12-14

  as middle-class Londoner (1914), xvii

  on national self-sufficiency, 9-10

  new vision of globalization, 13-14

  on protectionism, 8, 11

  relationship with Hayek, 21-22

  on system of economic calculation, 9-10

  variety and experimentation for each country, 9

  on the world before 1914, 7

  Keynesian economics, and Fabian political ideas, 17

  Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruholla, 272

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 213

  Kim Dae Jung, 49, 62

  Kim Jong Il, 46

  KinderCare, 91

  Kindleberger, Charles, 180

  King, Rodney, 270

  Kingston Technology, 79

  Kirshenbaum Bond and Partners, 233-234

  Kishinami, Roberto, 260

  Kissinger, Henry, 159

  Klein, Joe, 147-148

  Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers, 207

  Kleinwort Benson, 31

sp; Knapp, Ellen, 222, 223, 225, 226, 241

  Knowledge-Creating Company, The, 76

  “knowledge-management services,” 76

  Knowledge Universe, 91, 93

  Kohl, Helmut, 299

  Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, 91

  Kolakawski, Leszek, 335

  Korea First Bank, 62

  Korea University, 61

  Kosovo, 155, 162

  Krieger, Andy, 56

  Krugman, Paul, 56, 59, 172, 173

  Kurdistan, 155

  Kusnitsov, Georgy, 142, 143, 160

  Kyoto Protocol, xxii, 162

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  Labor Party (Britain), 16, 17

  LaFontaine, Oskar, 109

  Lam, Victoria, 221-222

  Lamont, Norman, 49

  Landes, David, 292, 293

  Lang, Jack, 186

  language, anti-English language movements abroad, 185-186

  Lasch, Christopher, 240

  Lassus, Marc, 227

  Latin America

  “dependency theory,” 18-19

  militarism in, 18

  Latinos, in Silicon Valley

  employed in, 217-218

  as a political force, 219

  law firms, cross-border mergers, 94

  law of accumulated privileges, 202

  leadership in global management, 125-126

  lead pollution, 261

  League of Nations, 163-164

  Lear, 74

  Learning Company, The, 117

  p. 375 Lee.Thea, 275

  Lee Kwan Yew, 33, 239, 281

  Legend, 127

  Le Grand, Julien, 149

  Lenin, V. I., 18

  Levelers, 332

  Levitt, Theodore, 104

  L’Horreur Économique, 277

  Li, Richard, 231

  liberalism, xxv, xxviii, 6, 332-333, 339

  Libération, 184

  liberty, xxviii-xxix, 331-333

  Liebowitz, Stan, 209

  life expectancy, 254

  Li Ka-shing, 226, 231

  Limets, Ants, 141, 142, 160

  Linux, 214

  Lipton, David, 173

  Locke, John, 12, 13, 332

  LodgeNet Entertainment, 79, 83

  Loewen, Raymond, 86

  Loewen Group, 85

  Lofaro, Laura, 235

  London, 214

  Carnival Against Capitalism, 270

  deregulation and (“Big Bang”), 52-53

  multicultural, 330

  London Business School, 70, 123, 227

  London School of Economics, 16, 21, 149, 276

  costs of regulation in Britain, 294-295

  “Long Boom, The,” 107

  Long-Term Capital Management, 48, 174, 237

  collapse of, 57, 58

  Los Angeles, urban regeneration in, 97-98

  losers from globalization, 242-263

  Russia, 247-250

  United States, UAW Local 659 strike in 1998, 66, 243-247, 257

  Lowell, Francis Cabot, 120

  Lowell, Massachusetts, 120

  Lucas, George, 211

  Lucent Technologies, 42

  Luddism, 33

  Lumière brothers, 184

  Luttwak, Edward, 246, 277, 283

  Luzzatti, Luigi, 6

  Lynn, Ginger, 81

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  Maastrich Treaty, 149, 152

  Macaulay, Thomas, 289, 290

  Macintosh, Cameron, 192

  MacKinlay, John and Louisa, 329

  macroeconomics, 107

  “made in America,” 116

  Madini family perfume business, 128-129, 226

  Maepa, Nape, 42

  Magyar Television, 191

  Mahathir bin Mohamad, 203, 204, 239, 271

  Malaysia, 203

  capital controls in, 25, 59


  See global management

  science, evolution of, 75

  strategies, 66-77

  successful ideas for, 68, 71

  management consultants, 69-70

  Managerial Revolution, 17

  Manaus, 120

  Mandela, Nelson, 268

  Manias, Panics, and Crashes, 180

  Man in Full, A, 100

  Mankarious, Rafik, 69

  Mannesmann, 41, 101

  manufactured goods

  percent exported, 34

  value of in the 1990s, 23

  maquiladoras, 24

  Marcus, Stanley, 239

  Margolis, Stephen, 209

  Marimba, 207

  marketing, racism in, 123

  Marshall, Alfred, 6

  Marshall Plan, 14, 184

  Martínez, Guillerma Ortíz, 182

  Marx, Karl, 8, 110, 224, 332

  on globalization, 328-329, 339

  tomb of, 328, 329

  what he would see in London today, 330-331

  Marxism, xxiii-xxiv

  Mattel, 99, 109, 117, 118

  Maytag, 37

  McCarthy, David, 128


  global markets, 105

  in Rome, 286

  ties with Coca-Cola and Disney, 119

  McDonald’s Hamburger University, 68-69

  McDonnell Douglas, 103

  McKinley, William, 279

  McKinsey, 69, 74, 121, 122, 227, 232, 317

  McLean, Malcolm, 34

  McNamara, Robert, 173

  McNealy, Sam, 207

  McNealy, Scott, 323-324

  McVeigh, Timothy, 271

  media, 190

  See also television

  Medved, Michael, 189

  Megatoys, 99

  Meidi, 127

  Menem, Carlos, 23

  Mercosur, 24, 151, 242

  mergers, 245

  failed, 102-103

  global, 101-104

  Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC), 222

  Merrill Lynch, 53, 103

  Merritt, Doug, 320

  p. 376 Metternich, Fürst von, 159

  Mexico, 154

  adoption of dollar, 180

  American direct investment in, 110

  bailout of, 176, 177

  GM car parts factory in, 245

  Microsoft, 23, 101.209, 213, 239, 275, 312

  antitrust actions against, 147-148

  Middle East, xxii

  border disputes, 156

  militarism, in Latin America, 18

  military spending, United States, 20

  Milken, Lowell, 93

  Milken, Michael, 91, 93

  Milken Institute, 55

  Mill, James, on free trade, 4, 5

  Mill, John Stuart, xxviii, 332, 333

  Miller, Arthur, 318

  Millman, Gregory, 56

  Milosevic, Slobodan, 162, 181

  Ministry of Culture, Paris, 183

  Mintzberg, Henry, 67

  MIPCOM, 225-226

  Mises, Ludwig von, 21

  Mitford, Jessica, 86

  Mitrofanov, Alexei, 142

  Mitsubishi, 314

  Mittal, Lakshmi, 330

  Mitterrand, François, 19, 146

  Miyauchi, Yoshihiko, 53-54

  mobile phones, 39-45, 315

  costs of, 43

  in developing countries, 42-43

  Internet access, 132

  multifunctional devices, 40-41

  regulation of, in U.S., 41

  smart phones, 40-41

  success of Nokia (Finland), 129-132

  use of in foreign countries, 40-43

  Mobile Telephone Networks Holdings (MTN), 44

  Moldavia, telephone service in, 42

  Monsanto, 283, 285

  Monson, Guy, 311, 312, 320

  Montgomery Ward, 214

  Moore, Gordon, 207, 210

  Moreau, Jeanne, 197

  Morgan, J. P., 304

au, Henry, 179

  Motorola, in-house university, 68

  Mount Pelerin Society, 22

  Mphuthi, Pratty, 44

  MTV, xix, 192

  Mubarak, Hosni, 268

  Mugabe, Robert, 25

  Muller, Adam, 269

  multiculturalism, 154

  Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), 275, 282, 283

  multilateralism, 163-165

  multilateral organizations

  See also global organizations

  distribution of jobs among, 181

  the multilateral paradox, 165-167

  multinational companies, 67-68

  Murdoch, Rupert, 71, 146, 147, 192, 222, 229-230, 237

  museums, 195


  downloading from the Internet, 193

  musicals, 192

  pop, 191-192

  musicians, 193

  Muslims, xxiv-xxv

  Mussolini, Benito, 10

  mutual funds, 54, 176

  Myhrvold, Nathan, 107

  myths of globalization, 97-118

  first: size trumps all, 100-104

  second: triumph of universal products, 104-106

  third: economics needs to be rewritten, 106-109

  fourth: globalization as a zero-sum game, 109-113

  fifth: disappearance of geography, 114-117

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  Nabisco, 123

  Nader, Ralph, xix

  NAFTA, 24, 112, 272, 275, 292

  effect on jobs in U.S., 109, 110

  effect on Mexican-American border, 156-157

  Nairobi, bombing of American Embassy, 274

  Narva, Estonia, 141-142, 160


  economic, 17

  of “strategicindustries,” 17

  “national self-sufficiency” speech, 9-10

  National Semiconductor, 34

  National Wildlife Federation, 275


  antitrust actions and, 147-148

  criticism of and threats to, 144-145

  debate over, 144-145

  distinctions, 151

  effect of capitalism on, 145-147

  future of, 155-158

  globalization and destruction of, 143

  globalization is good for government, 148-150

  government spending and, 149-150

  human rights vs. national sovereignty, 153

  legitimate use of force and, 158

  most serious challenges to, 153-155

  protecting interests and preserving the balance of power, 159

  “rethink the nation-state,” 292

  p. 377 separatist movements, 154

  sovereignty of regional bodies, 151

  survival of. 141-160

  “transgovernmentalism,” 150-151

  and the welfare state, 145

  Navarro, Juan, 227

  NEC, 314

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, 18

  Nestlé, apprenticeship system, 68

  Netherlands, 152

  Netscape, 38, 148, 215

  networking effects, 202

  Neumark, David, 318

  Nevada Gaming Commission, 94

  Never Expect Power Again (NEPA), 293

  New America Foundation, 218

  New Balance, “made in America,” 116

  New Deal, 11

  new economy

  defining, 107-109

  industries, 11


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