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Mr Lincoln's Army

Page 44

by Bruce Catton

  Crook, Colonel George, 302 Cross, Colonel E. E., 125, 206, 296 Curtin, Andrew G., governor of Pennsylvania, 54, 160, 219 Custer, Lieutenant George A., 115

  Dana, General N. J. T., 73; at Antie-tam, 287

  Davis, Colonel Benjamin F., 228-31 Davis, Jefferson, 108, 322 Dennison, William, governor of Ohio, 55

  Devens, Colonel Charles, 74—78 Diseases of troops, 183-84 "Dixie," 170

  Doubleday, General Abner, 37; at Antietam, 258, 266-67, 272; at South Mountain, 232; at Second Bull Run, 22, 37

  Duryee, General Abram, 163, 271

  Early, General Jubal, at Antietam, 285 Emancipation, attitude of Lincoln on,

  152-53, 208-9 Emancipation Proclamation, 322-23 England, American relations with, 89-

  90, 208, 322-23 Espionage. See Secret service Everett, Edward, 40 Ewell, General Richard, 23

  Fair Oaks, battle of, in peninsular campaign, 124—25

  Federal forces, organization of, under McClellan, 60-66

  Ferrero, Colonel Edward, 303-5

  Field tactics, changes during war in, 192-94; effect of improved weapons on, 187-88, 191-92

  Fieldpieces, artillery, 190-91

  Flanking movements, importance of, 192-93

  Food in Union Army, 178-83 Foote, Admiral Andrew H., 196 Formations, intricacy of, 193, 310-11 Fortress Monroe. See Monroe

  Foster, Stephen, 173 France, proposal of intervention, 322 Franklin, General William Buel, at Antietam, 251, 255, 294, 298-99; in peninsular campaign, 128, 134; in planning Federal strategy, 92-93; in Second Bull Run, 10-11, 44-45; at South Mountain, 218, 221-27, 231, 244

  Frayser's Farm. See Glendale

  Frederick, Barbara Frietchie incident in, 220-21; finding of lost dispatch at, 211-14; reception of Federal troops in, 163-64, 211

  Fremont, General John Charles, 28, 153, 199; mission assigned to, during peninsular campaign, 104; public sentiment for, 160

  French, General William H., 125; at Antietam, 290-97; at South Mountain, 242

  Frietchie, Barbara, 220-21

  G-2. See Secret service

  Gaines's Mill, battle of, in Seven Days'

  Battles of peninsular campaign, 133-


  Gainesville, battle of, in Second Bull Run, 20-23

  Garland, General Samuel, Jr., 234

  Gettysburg, battle of, 191

  Gibbon. General John, 17-19, 217-18; at Antietam, 272, 274, 320; at Second Bull Run, 19-23, 36-41, 50; at South Mountain, 238^10

  Glendale, battle of, in Seven Days' Battles of peninsular campaign, 138^0

  Gordon, General George H., 47; at

  Antietam, 276-77, 279-81, 288 Gordon, General John B., quoted, 188 Gosson, Captain Jack, 294-95 Government authority in military matters, 79-83, 92-95 Grant, General U. S., 56; supported by Lincoln, 151

  Greeley, Horace, Lincoln letter concerning emancipation written to, 152

  Greene, General George Sears, 281-82, 294

  Halleck, General Henry W., 84; after Antietam, 326-28; characteristics of, 195-98; made general-in-chief, 154-56; plans for Maryland campaign, 195-96; pursuit of Beauregard after Shiloh, 117; during Second Bull Run, 5, 10, 26

  Hamlin, Hannibal, Vice-President of

  United States, 150 Hampton, General Wade, 211 Hancock, General Winfield Scott, 18,

  206; at Antietam, 299; at Second

  Bull Run, 8-9 Hardtack, 181

  Harper's Ferry garrison, capture of,

  before Antietam, 195-96, 214-31;

  escape of cavalry regiment from,

  227-31 Harriet Lane, cutter, 86 Harrison's Landing, Federal camp at,

  in retreat from peninsular campaign,


  Hatch, General John, 49-50; at South

  Mountain, 238, 258; at Second Bull

  Run, 25, 34-38 Haupt, Colonel Herman, 1-12 Hawkins, Colonel Rush, 87 Hayes, Colonel Rutherford B., 234 Hazzard, Captain George W., 137, 138 Health of troops, 183-84 Heintzelman, General S. P., 30, 114; in

  peninsular campaign, 107, 112, 134,


  Hill, General A. P., 200; at Antietam, 311-12, 317; in Glendale battle of peninsular campaign, 138-39; at Second Bull Run, 33, 45; at South Mountain, 215, 231

  Hill, General D. H, 140, 201, 212; at Antietam, 251, 274, 276, 279, 281, 291-97; at South Mountain, 215,

  217, 221, 231, 234-39, 245 Holmes, Captain Oliver Wendell, Jr., 77, 287

  Hood, General John B., at Antietam, 258, 273-76, 280; at Second Bull Run, 34, 39, 41

  Hooker, General Joe, 30, 112-13; at Antietam, 254-55, 257-59, 266-69, 275-77, 280, 314-15; in peninsular campaign, 111-13, 131, 135-36, 138, 156; at Second Bull Run, 6, 10, 27, 34-35, 37; at South Mountain, 238, 240, 243

  Howard, General Oliver Otis, 31, 46, 114, 203; at Antietam, 286-87

  Howe, Julia Ward, 40

  Howitzers, mountain, 39

  Hughes, John Joseph, Archbishop of New York, 168

  Hunt, General Henry J., 191

  Hunter, General David, 200

  Hyde, Major Thomas, 113

  Illinois, 12th Cavalry, 228-31 Illness and disease in army, 183-84 Indiana volunteer regiments: 14th. 293; 19th, see Black Hat Brigade; 27th, 69, 163, 166-67, 211-12, 267, 277, 280

  Infantry formations, intricacy of, 193—

  94, 310-11 Irish Brigade, 137, 167-68, 294-99,


  Iron Brigade. See Black Hat Brigade

  Jackson, General T. J. (Stonewall), 67, 200; at Antietam, 251, 263-66, 317; Kernstown, attack at, 104-5; in peninsular campaign, 128, 130, 141; at Second Bull Run, 22-23, 26-28, 33-36, 44-45; in Shenandoah campaign, 19; at South Mountain, 215, 216, 231

  John Brown song, 40

  Johnston, General Albert Sidney, 17

  Johnston, General Joseph E., 61, 66-

  Johnston, General Joseph E. (cont'd) 67, 71, 99; in peninsular campaign, 108-9, 122, 124-26

  Joint Committee on Conduct of War, 79-80, 199

  Kane, Colonel Thomas, 165-66 Kearny, General Philip, 31-32, 63, 112-13, 150, 180; in peninsular campaign, 111-13, 131, 135-36, 139, 145-46; at Second Bull Run, 33-42, 44-45 Kelly, Colonel, 296 Kernstown, Va., battle at, 105 Keyes, General Erasmus, 135 Kimball, General Nathan, 213, 291 King, General Rufus, 19, 24-25 Knapsacks, 194 Kopp, Captain, 212, 280

  Lander, General, quoted, 78

  Lee, General Fitzhugh, 242

  Lee, General Robert E, 207, 329; at Antietam, 244, 250-53, 281, 285, 298, 306-7, 311, 314, 317; accession to command of Army of Northern Virginia, 125; in peninsular campaign, 108-9, 130-31, 133-34, 138, 140; preceding Antietam, 195, 208, 213-17; relationship with civil authorities, 93; at Second Bull Run, 9, 28, 44-45; at South Mountain, 217; spirit of army under, 48

  Lee, Colonel William R., 70, 73-79

  Lincoln, Abraham, Baltimore assassination plot against, 70-71, 120-21; conference with McClellan after retreat from Richmond, 146-54; emancipation, attitude on, 152-53, 208-9; Emancipation Proclamation, 322-23; and England, 89-90; and McClellan, 58, 90, 92-94, 100-1, 109-10, 148-49, 245; measures taken by, to protect Washington during peninsular campaign, 103-7; problem of army high command, 198-200; visit with McClellan after Antietam, 325-27

  Logan, General John A., 203

  Longstreet, General James, 125, 128, 200; at Antietam, 251, 298; in Glen-dale battle of peninsular campaign, 138-39; at Second Bull Run, 34, 38; at South Mountain, 215, 217, 239

  "Lorena," song, 173

  Lost dispatch before Antietam, finding of, 211-15

  Loyal League, 121

  McCall, General, 128, 138

  McClellan, General George B., in advance through Maryland, 195; at Antietam, 249-57, 282, 289-90, 299-321; character of, 53-54, 57-61, 67-68, 88-92, 123; and civil authority, 81-84, 88-95, 117-19; in command of Ohio troops, 55-58; demoted to command of Army of Potomac, 103; devotion of soldiers to, 50-53, 115-17, 146, 232, 326; farewell to army, 329-30; invested with command of division of Potomac, 58-68; loss of command, 323-28; lost dispatch found in Maryland advance, 213-18; misconception of Confeder
ate strength, 67, 105, 108, 121-23, 129, 134-35, 156, 238, 251-52, 313; in peninsular campaign, 97-142; planning strategy of Virginia campaign, 85-95; political reaction to, 100-1, 117-18, 142-57, 324-25; prewar career of, 54; promoted to general-in-chief, 83-85; during Second Bull Run, 1-5, 8, 10-11; rejoined with army after Second Bull Run, 49-52; relationship with Lincoln, 58, 90, 92-94, 100-1, 109-10, 148-49; at South Mountain, 215-45

  McClure, A. K., 151, 219

  McDowell, General Irvin, 28-30, 238; during peninsular campaign, 103-4, 106-7, 116, 128; in planning Federal

  McDowell, General Irvin (cont'd) strategy, 92; at Second Bull Run, 10, 19-20, 24, 35-41, 49; suspected of treason, 43-^14 McKinley, Sergeant William, 234 McLaws, General Lafayette, at Antietam, 285; at South Mountain, 215, 216, 223-27, 229, 231 McPherson, General James B., 30 Magruder, General John B., 108, 134 Maine volunteer regiments: 2nd, 65; 7th, 116, 164, 299; 10th, 260, 277, 279; 19th, 63 Malvern Hill, battle of, in Seven Days' Battles of peninsular campaign, 140 Manassas. See Bull Run Manhattan-Brooklyn rivalry, 177 Mansfield, General Joseph K. F., 243; at Antietam, 254-55, 260, 266-67, 276-80 Marcy, Ellen, 312

  Maryland, advance of Army of Potomac through, 162-65, 195-96, 211-14; Union sentiment in, 162-65. See also Antietam

  Maryland volunteer regiments: 1st Cavalry, 228-29; 2nd, 302

  Mason and Slidell, 89, 322

  Massachusetts volunteer regiments: 2nd, 175, 280; 6th, 121, 272; 10th Battery, 171; 11th, 62; 12th, 39-40, 169, 243, 271, 319; 15th, 71, 74-78, 137, 286-87; 19th, 179, 284; 20th, 69, 71-77, 185, 288; 21st, 180, 305, 316; 22nd, 163, 194; 29th, 168; 35th, 238; 37th, 171, 175

  Mathias Point, navy action at, 86

  Meade, General George G., 5, 37, 55, 114, 206; at Antietam, 258, 266, 271, 320; at South Mountain, 238, 240

  Meagher, General Thomas F., 167-68; at Antietam, 295

  Meals of Union troops, 178-83

  Meat issued to troops, 181-82

  Mechanicsville, battle of, in Seven Days' Battles of peninsular cam-

  paign, 133 Medical discharges from army, 184 Michigan volunteer regiments: 2nd, 205; 3rd, 34, 45, 170; 4th, 116-17; 7th, 287; 17th, 175, 235-37, 306, 331 Military intelligence. See Secret service

  Mini6 bullets, 186; wound caused by, 189

  Minnesota, 1st Regiment, 72, 137, 139,

  168-69, 267, 288 Mitchell, Corporal Barton W., 212-13,


  Morton, Oliver Perry, governor of Indiana, 160

  Mowrer, General Joseph A., 203

  Mozart Regiment. See New York volunteer regiments, 40th

  Muskets, 186-87

  Napoleon gun, 190

  New Hampshire volunteer regiments: 5th, 125, 137, 206, 242, 243, 296; 6th, 302

  New Jersey volunteer regiments: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 133, 139, 227; 13th, 167; 24th, 332

  New York Cky, proposal of secession, 154-55

  New York volunteer regiments: 5th, 35, 38, 133; 6th, 177; 8th Cavalry, 228-31; 9th, 163, 167, 232, 242, 309; 10th, 35, 38; 14th, 178; 16th, 132, 223, 227; 21st, 175; 28th, 278, 319; 33rd, 116; 34th, 286; 40th (Mozart), 168; 42nd (Tammany), 76, 287; 48th, 176; 51st, 303-5; 55th, 45, 72, 111, 127, 162, 170, 180; 56th, 138; 57th, 125, 175, 205; 59th, 287; 61st and 64th, 203-4; 63rd, 69th, and 88th, see Irish Brigade; 75th, 62; 76th, 22; 79th (Highlanders), 65-66, 306; 80th, 275, 319; 97th, 104th, and 105th, 163; 100th, 138; 107th, 167; 128th, 175, 185

  Northern Virginia, Army of. See Confederate Army of Northern Virginia

  Noyes, Captain George Freeman, quoted, 16, 163-64, 242, 319

  Numerical strength of army units, 184-85

  Officers, reactions of soldiers to, 175

  Ohio troops under command of McClellan, 55-58

  Ohio volunteer regiments: 8th, 293; 11th, 233-34; 23rd, 234; 30th, 234; 125th, 185

  Orange and Alexandria Railroad, 3-12

  Patrick, General, 274 Pawnee, U.S.S., warship, 86 Pelham, John, 23

  Peninsular campaign, 1-2, 87-88, 92-157; camp at Harrison's Landing, after retreat, 141-57; disposition of troops for defense of Washington, 100-1, 103-7; final approach toward Richmond, 156; Gaines's Mill, battle of, 133-34; Glendale, battle of, 138-40; Malvern Hill, battle of, 140-41; Mechanicsville, battle of, 133; preparations for attack on Yorktown, 107-10; retreat from, 13 5—41; Savage Station, battle of, 137; Seven Days' Battles, 131—41; Seven Pines, battle of, 124-25; Williamsburg, battle of, 110-12

  Pennsylvania volunteer regiments: 8th Reserve, 271; 13th (Bucktails), 127, 165-66; 29th, 167; 45th, 235-37, 308; 46th, 278; 51st, 237-38, 242, 303-5; 56th, 22; 71st, 75-76; 72nd, 286; 81st, 297; 90th, 267-«8; 104th, 138; 107th, 163, 267-68; 118th (Corn Exchange), 194; 125th, 279, 281, 287-88; 128th, 277; 130th, 242; 132nd, 291

  Philadelphia, reception of Union troops in, 170-71

  Philadelphia, Wilmington and Balti-

  more Railroad, 120 Philadelphia Brigade, 286 Physical examinations of Federal recruits, 166-67, 184 Pickett, General George, 115 Pinkerton, Allan, as head of Army

  Secret Service, 119-23, 129 Pittman, Colonel, 213 Pleasonton, General Alfred, 233, 242 Pope, General John, 49-50, 152; composition of forces under, in Army of Virginia, 27-33; and Halleck, 196-98, 207; relieved of command after Second Bull Run, 49-50, 207; at Second Bull Run, 3-4, 6-13, 24-49 Port Royal expedition, 236 Porter, Commodore David, 32 Porter, Captain David Dixon, 32, 86 Porter, General Fitz-John, 32, 207, 329-30; at Antietam, 255, 307, 313-14, 317; in peninsular campaign, 128, 130, 133-34, 145; at Second Bull Run, 24-25, 26, 34-39 Potomac, Army of. See Army of Potomac

  Potomac River, Confederate control

  of, 85-88, 90, 94 Privateersmen, Union treatment of, 78 Protection of property by Federal officers, 115-16, 157 Protests of soldiers, 174-75 Provisions of Union troops, 178-83

  Railroad difficulties of Second Bull Run, 3-12

  Ramsey, Alexander, governor of Minnesota, 168

  Radons, army, 178-83

  Reception committees for volunteers en route Washington, 169-70

  Recruitment, Federal, 184-85; closed during peninsular campaign, 148

  Regimental strength, average, 184-86

  Regiments, formation of and replacements for, 184-86

  Reno, General Jesse, 32, 41, 44-45; at South Mountain, 219-21, 235-37

  Replacement of troops, customs of, 185

  Revere, Major Paul Joseph, 77-79 Reynolds, General John F., 29, 34-38, 160, 219

  Rhode Island volunteer regiments: 4th, 175, 311; 7th Cavalry, 228

  Richardson, General Israel B., 204-5; at Antietam, 260, 294-99; at South Mountain, 242

  Richmond, Va., in peninsular campaign, 2, 134—36; plans for attack on, 87-88, 92-100

  Ricketts, General James, at Antietam, 258, 266, 270; at Second Bull Run, 29, 39-40; at South Mountain, 238

  Rifles, 187-89

  Roanoke Island expedition, 220, 256 Rodes, General Robert, 240-41 Rodman, General Isaac, 303, 308-11

  Savage Station, battle of, in Seven Days' Battles of peninsular campaign, 137

  Sawyer, Charles Carroll, 171

  Scott, General Winfield, 58, 60-61, 84-85; quoted, 31

  Second Bull Run. See Bull Run, second battle of

  Secret service, Union Army, 87, 119-22, 129

  Sedgwick, General John, 206, 208; at Antietam, 282-87

  Seven Days' Battles in peninsular campaign, 131-41; Gaines's Mill, 133-34; Glendale, 138-40; Malvern Hill, 140-41; Mechanicsville, 133; Savage Station, 137

  Seven Pines, battle of, in peninsular campaign, 124-25

  Seward, William H., Secretary of State, 89, 92, 209

  Sharpsburg. See Antietam

  Sherman, General William Tecumseh,

  65, 203

  Shields, General James, 105

  Shiloh, battle of, 117, 151

  Shoulder patches, origin of, 31

  Sickness in army, 183-84

  Sigel, General Franz, 28-29, 200; at Second Bull Run, 10, 33, 39^11

  Skirmish line, development of, 192

  Slavery, as issue in first year of war, 69-71, 79-80. See
also Abolition sentiment; Emancipation

  Slaves, escaped (contrabands), 180

  Slidell and Mason, 89, 322

  Slocum, General Henry W., 132

  Smalley, George, 314-15

  Smith, General Kirby, 160

  Smith, General William F., 155

  Smoothbore musket, 187

  Songs of Union troops, 39-40, 171-74

  South Mountain, battle of, 222-45; disposition of troops at time of finding lost dispatch, 214-18; McClellan's plans for crossing, 218-22; topography of, 214, 218, 223

  Springfield rifle, 186-89

  Stanton, Edwin M., Secretary of War, 83, 90, 117, 129, 198; during Second Bull Run, 11, 198; telegram from McClellan after retreat from Richmond, 142, 149

  Stevens, General Isaac, 45

  Stevens, Thaddeus, 219

  Stone, General Charles P., 69-71, 73-80

  Stonewall brigade, in Second Bull Run, 22-23

  "Straw-foot," origin of, 25

  Stuart, General J. E. B., 115, 327; at

  Antietam, 266, 284-85; reputation

  of, 10; at Second Bull Run, 23, 47;

  at South Mountain, 223, 224 Sturgis, General Samuel D., 6-7; at

  Antietam, 302-3, 305-6, 312 Sumner, Charles, 70 Sumner, General E. V., 45, 113-14; at

  Antietam, 254-55, 282-89, 299, 307;

  Sumner, General E. V. (cont'd)

  in peninsular campaign, 112, 124-25, 134, 137, 139; at South Mountain, 242, 243

  Surgeons, regimental, 184

  Surgery, quality of, 188-89

  Sykes, General George, 35-39, 41; at Antietam, 313

  Tactics, field, changes during war in, 192-94; effect of technical improvement in weapons on, 187-88, 191-92

  Tammany Regiment. See New York volunteer regiments, 42nd

  Taylor, General George, 139, 146-47

  "Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground," song, 172-73

  Texas brigade, 34, 39

  Treason, suspicions of, 97-98; against McClellan, 100-1, 117-18, 150; after Second Bull Run, 13, 43

  Trenches, protection offered by, 192

  "Vacant Chair, The," song, 173 Virginia, Army of. See Army of Virginia

  Virginia, Confederate ironclad, 108 Virginia, final campaign of McClellan in, 326-27; peninsular campaign in, see Peninsular campaign; western, McClellan's campaign in, 56-57 Volunteer nurses at Second Bull Run, 11-12


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