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The Originator Wars

Page 20

by Raymond L. Weil

  “When will the Avenger be returning?” asked Andram. “I need to talk to Fleet Admiral Strong. Some of the Altons who have come to the Hub recently are inquiring about their access to Originator technology.”

  “Tomorrow,” Kelsey answered. She was glad Jeremy was coming home. In the last few months she had gotten used to him being around all the time. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to see him rushing off on long missions again.

  “We need to go out and eat somewhere,” suggested Katie. “Somewhere they don’t serve hamburgers.”

  Kelsey started laughing. Kevin was addicted to hamburgers and Katie was still trying to get him to eat other foods. It was highly humorous watching the two at times.

  “Italian,” suggested Angela. “There’s a new place downtown that just opened. Everyone says it’s great and the food’s authentic plus they don’t serve hamburgers.”

  Katie grinned. “Clarissa, make reservations for us. We’ll take the guys out on the town tomorrow night. We haven’t done that since the babies were born.”

  Kelsey looked back at the holographic image of the new ship. “We need to start thinking about a name.”

  The other two girls looked at each other in surprise.

  “I hadn’t thought about that,” Katie admitted.

  “Me either,” said Angela. “It needs to be something unique.”

  “Well, let’s start thinking about it. It won’t be much longer before the ship will be done.”

  Katie shifted her eyes to Kelsey. “Where will we go first?”

  “I spoke to Councilor Bartoll about that earlier this week. He wants to do a full survey of all the civilizations in the six hundred and fourteen galaxies in Originator Space.”

  Katie’s eyes widened. “That will take a while.”

  Kelsey laughed. “We won’t be alone. We’ll have a fleet of twenty exploration dreadnaughts as well as a full fleet of warships for added protection. We’ll use the technology on our new ship to scan for advanced civilizations and then go seek them out. Also, battlecruisers under stealth will be sent out from the fleet bases to search as well. They’ll notify us of anything interesting they find and we can follow up if need be.”

  “Will we be making contact?” asked Angela.

  Kelsey nodded. “In some instances, if they’re advanced enough. We may also do some exploring out past Eternal space as well.”

  “That could be dangerous,” said Katie, her voice becoming more serious. “There could be anything out there.”

  “That’s why we’ll have a heavily armed fleet with us.”

  “I have our reservations made for tomorrow night at 7:00,” announced Clarissa.

  “My sitter can watch the kids,” added Angela. “She won’t mind.”

  Andram walked over to gaze at the nearly finished hologram. “I have spoken to a number of Altons as well as Originators who wish to be included in the crew. Even among the Originators it seems the desire for exploration has not died out completely.”

  “We have expanded quarters for the crew,” said Clarissa. “While our warships are operating with minimal crews that won’t be true of our super exploration dreadnaught. If we run into something which requires expertise from a particular branch of science we’ll have the specialists on board. It should make for some interesting conversations during meals.”

  Kelsey pulled up the crew’s quarters on the hologram, causing them to turn blue. There were actually four different sections of the ship designed to accommodate the crew. Most were very spacious considering some of the voyages the ship might be taking could be quite extensive as far as time went. Unlike a warship, there were extensive recreation facilities, lounges, research areas, and a number of different cafeterias scattered throughout the vessel. “We should finish the design sometime in the next two weeks. Once that’s done the construction of the ship will speed up. Four months from now the ship should be finished and ready for its first shakedown cruise.”

  “Has Rear Admiral Barnes agreed to command?” asked Andram.

  “We haven’t asked her yet,” confessed Kelsey. “We wanted to wait until the design was finished and the ship partially constructed so she could see what she would be commanding.”

  “She’ll agree,” said Clarissa, folding her arms over her chest. Clarissa smiled and added. “She hasn’t said anything but I don’t believe she would allow anyone else to command this ship.”

  “I hope you’re right,” said Katie. “A large number of the crew from the Distant Horizon have already asked for a transfer. They want to explore as much as we do.”

  Kelsey adjusted the controls of the holographic imager. Instantly a long list of the various crew positions on the ship appeared. Only about 40 percent were filled in. “We still have a lot of open positions on the ship. As soon as the design is done we’ll begin speaking to others we want to include. At some point, we’ll open it up for volunteers and see who we end up with.” Kelsey felt excited at just the thought of getting back into space again. She knew Katie and Angela felt the same way. “I’m going to go check on the kids. It’s feeding time.”

  Katie nodded. “I’ll go with you.”

  Clarissa smiled to herself. It was going to be thrilling going out into space with her friends and the children. She could hardly wait.


  The next afternoon Jeremy was in the council room in the Tower where the Originator Council met.

  “That concludes my report of the fleet exercises in Galaxy X-938. It appears Maklyn and Admiral Cross have everything pretty much under control in that galaxy. The Dyson Sphere as well as the fleet bases are well protected.”

  “I understand you intend to send two more fleets into Eternal space,” said Councilor Bartoll.

  Jeremy nodded. “I don’t think we have any choice. Alton Admiral Baasil and Commander Belson both will be taking fleets. Each fleet will be comprised of two hundred dreadnaughts and twelve hundred battlecruisers.”

  Admiral Kalen frowned. “That’s going to put a strain on our available ship crews until Rear Admiral Marks graduates the first group from the academy.”

  “That will just be a few more weeks,” said Jeremy. “We can get by for that long.” Jeremy knew Susan was doing everything she could to get the Federations crews through their training.

  “What about the Eternal fleets currently in our space?” asked Councilor Trallis. “What do you intend to do about them? We can’t afford to continue to lose fleet bases.”

  “I’m sending Admiral Tolsen and Rear Admiral Mann to seek them out and destroy them,” replied Jeremy. “In addition Commander Jontel and Alton Admiral Lankell will be assigned large task groups to attempt to find these fleets so we can take the appropriate action against them.”

  Councilor Castille shifted her attention toward Jeremy. “I may have a solution that will help. One of our scientist groups working with the AIs have developed a tracking device which functions through hyperspace. Its signal would be undetectable to the Eternals but it would allow us to follow their fleets. We just need to get close enough to attach the device to several of their warships. It is quite small and discreet.”

  Jeremy’s eyes widened upon hearing this. “How soon can we have these tracking devices ready to go?” If they could trace the ships through hyperspace, they wouldn’t have to deploy so many ships searching for the Eternals.

  “Two days,” answered Councilor Castille. “We already have some built, and the trials on them should be finished tomorrow. They will be easy to mass produce.”

  “I want to send some to every fleet base. When an Eternal fleet attacks one of our bases we can use our defending battlecruisers to attempt to attach the trackers to the Eternal vessels.”

  It would be a huge help if they could track the Eternals. If they knew which fleet base was going to be attacked, it could be reinforced and made ready for the incoming Eternals. It might allow them to inflict sufficient losses on the Eternals and force them to give up their attempt to isolate the Dyso
n Spheres.

  “Governor Barnes will be returning early next week,” Admiral Kalen informed the group. “He has finished making all the arrangements for bringing more Federation fleet personnel to the Hub as well as the first colonists. He also reports the defenses around the Accelerator Ring are finished and he feels it is now secure. A military AI and two dreadnaughts will stay behind to monitor the ring until we’re satisfied that’s no longer necessary.”

  “It will be good to see Governor Barnes again,” said Bartoll. “He is very wise when it comes to making decisions involving your people here at the Hub.”

  “How goes the search for additional stasis facilities?” asked Jeremy. He had been so busy recently he hadn’t checked in the last week or so.

  Councilor Castile’s face lit up with a smile. “Excellent. Major Wilde has teams working on six Shrieels at the moment. The teams will be expanded to twenty-nine within two more weeks with the arrival of Alton deep sleep specialists. She has already opened up twelve facilities and we have confirmed locations of three hundred and seventy more. She was correct in that each stasis facility has the location of a number of others. We currently know of hidden facilities on thirty-seven Shrieels.”

  “How are the Originators who have been awakened taking to finding themselves so far in the future and at war against the Eternals?”

  “Most have accepted it. There is great sadness so much time was lost and the Eternals escaped their imprisonment,” answered Councilor Castille. “Others are having a hard time adjusting due to losing so many family members and friends. It is even harder due to the failure of some of the stasis chambers in the underground facilities. Currently, the failure rate is about 12 percent in the facilities Major Wilde and her teams have opened.”

  Jeremy drew in a deep breath. “I’m sorry to hear that. Has there been any information on the Defenders of Zorn?” This greatly concerned Jeremy as Alvord and Albate were still at large. He was almost certain somewhere there had to be another stasis facility controlled by this group.

  Councilor Bartoll shook his head, his eyes showing his own concern. “No, nothing yet. We are searching computer files in all of the facilities to determine exactly who is in stasis. We’re running that information through our core computers to determine if anyone in stasis had contact with the Defenders of Zorn. As far as Commander Alvord and Albate they have vanished completely. There has been no sign of them or the ship they took.”

  Jeremy looked around the group with a grave look in his eyes. “We need to intensify the search for Alvord and Albate. I greatly fear they have gone to a stasis facility where more Defenders of Zorn are waiting. We know we destroyed their main facility when the dark matter Dyson Sphere was destroyed. However, I’m convinced there are others.”

  Bartoll nodded his head. “I believe you are correct. It is the only explanation for Alvord’s actions.”

  Jeremy looked over at General Wesley. “Are we ready to attack the vortex Control Centers the Simulins control?”

  “Almost,” Wesley replied. “We’ll have our Marines and the combat robots in position toward the end of next week. It’s going to stretch us pretty thin on Marines until the new recruits from the Federation are fully trained. In another six to eight weeks we should see some relief as nearly sixty thousand recruits will have arrived from the Federation.”

  “I will be leading the fleet at the Dyson Sphere in the Simulin Galaxy,” Jeremy announced. “Rear Admiral Massie Tolsen will be along as well. It will be good training for her.” Jeremy had decided the retaking of these vortex Control Centers was too high of a priority to risk sending anyone else.

  “That’s Admiral Tolsen’s sister,” Admiral Kalen said with a smile. “I’ve met her in the past. She will be a fine commanding officer for one of our fleets. You won’t be disappointed.”

  “I suspect not,” answered Jeremy. “She’s used to a battlecarrier being her flagship, and she needs to adjust to a heavy dreadnaught. The battle at the Simulin Galaxy should help with that. Rear Admiral Barnes will be leading the fleet to the second Dyson Sphere where the Simulins have control of a vortex Control Center. If everything works out within a few weeks those two Control Centers will no longer be a threat.”

  It was taking longer to organize these attacks than first thought. Part of the problem was that some Marines had to be reallocated to protect the Dyson Sphere Control Centers and computer cores. Then even more Marines had to be sent to the stasis facilities Major Wilde was uncovering.


  For the next several hours the meeting continued as they covered a myriad of subjects. Several Originator scientists and Altons were called in to offer their opinions on various subjects, including some current research programs. It was also decided to give the Altons greater access to Originator technology. They would only be restricted from accessing some of the most advanced technology and research.

  When the meeting concluded Jeremy was convinced they were doing everything they could to protect the Dyson Spheres and the fleet bases. He still could see no quick end to this war. Everything indicated this conflict was going to last for hundreds if not thousands of years. The Originators had their Dyson Spheres and 614 galaxies in Originator space. The Eternals had over ten thousand galaxies which surrounded the Originators. The sheer firepower of the Dyson Spheres assured the Eternals could not conquer one. Their only chance was through the vortex Control Centers the Simulins controlled and Jeremy was going to eliminate that threat shortly.


  Later that evening Jeremy was sitting next to Kelsey in the Italian restaurant where Clarissa had made reservations. He had a large plate of Lasagna sitting in front of him and couldn’t help but grin at what Kevin was eating. His red-haired friend had a plate piled high of spaghetti topped by half a dozen oversized meatballs.

  “I give up,” muttered Katie, shaking her head as she gazed at Kevin’s plate. “No matter where we go he finds some way to work hamburger into his food.”

  Brace looked over at Kevin. “How did you get such large meatballs? Those are just about a meal by themselves without all that spaghetti.”

  Kevin grinned as he cut up a giant meatball and then scooped up some spaghetti with his fork and spoon. “I tipped the cook. I think he would have cooked me a hamburger if I’d asked.”

  Katie kicked Kevin under the table, making him flinch. “It’s a good thing you didn’t.” She was eating Chicken Saltimbocca. She had never eaten it before but was finding it delicious.

  Kelsey was having her usual Pasta Primavera. The sauce in her meal was fantastic.

  Ariel and Clarissa were there at the table as well. Both of them were eating Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo and enjoying its unique taste.

  “How’s work coming on your new super exploration dreadnaught?” asked Brace.

  Smiling, Kelsey turned her attention to Brace. “The design work is nearly finished. We just need to figure out what your job’s going to be on the ship.”

  Brace groaned. “Can’t I just take care of the kids?”

  Katie shook her head. “We’ll have special AIs plus Clarissa and Ariel to handle that when we’re not around. “You have to have some type of responsibility.”

  “It’s quite simple,” Jeremy said in between bites of Lasagna. “Brace can be head of security and will have a place in the Command Center.” He looked over at Kelsey. “You can add a security console which can be used to monitor all areas of the ship, including where Lieutenant Barkley’s Marines or Belal’s Bears are stationed.”

  “Bears,” muttered Brace frowning. “That’s going to be really interesting.”

  Kelsey laughed. “You’ll like Belal. He’s a good officer and very loyal. I’ll add the console tomorrow when I go to the Tower to work.”

  Jeremy frowned. “Wasn’t he with you when the Distant Horizon first arrived in the Triangulum Galaxy?”

  “Yes,” answered Kelsey, trying not to sound exasperated. “He defended me when I gave command of the ship over to Clari

  “If Kelsey hadn’t done that none of us would be here today,” Clarissa said definitively. “The ship would have been destroyed before you arrived.”

  Jeremy shook his head. “What you all did was mutiny on board a Federation ship even if it was built by the Altons. I still don’t approve of it but I recognize what you did probably saved the Distant Horizon and everyone on board.”

  Kelsey nodded. She knew this was as far as Jeremy would go in condoning her action.

  Looking over at Brace, Jeremy grinned. “I’ll speak to General Wesley about having you transferred to the new ship. He won’t like losing you but I’m sure Angela wants you on board.”

  “He better be,” threatened Angela. “We have Clair and this other one I’m carrying. He’s going to help raise both of our children.”

  “When are you going to ask Rear Admiral Barnes about being the commanding officer?” asked Kelsey. “The design will be finished next week.” She was anxious for Jeremy to do this so they could finish filling in the command crew.

  “Not yet,” Jeremy answered. “She has a lot on her plate at the moment, and I don’t want to distract her from her mission. Once the two Simulin vortex Control Centers are back in our hands, I’ll speak to her.”

  Kevin cut into a meatball, took a big bite, and then stuffed spaghetti in behind it.

  Katie frowned at him. Maybe she should have taken him to a place where they served hamburgers.

  “It will be nice to go out exploring again,” said Ariel as she took a sip of the wine Kelsey had recommended.

  “I’m ready,” announced Angela. “Don’t get me wrong. I love my job in the Communications Center but being on a starship is far more exciting.”

  Taking a deep breath, Kelsey asked Jeremy the question which had been bothering her about the new ship. “What are your plans when our new ship is finished?”

  Jeremy put his fork down and looked around the table. “I’ll be spending part of my time here at the Hub, the rest of it I plan on commanding the fleet of dreadnaughts that will be escorting your vessel. Rear Admiral Barnes will have command of the new ship and the twenty exploration dreadnaughts assigned to the exploration fleet.”


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