Doolittle, James, 209, 220
Dow, Leonard “Ham,” 233
Dragon (tugboat), 123
Drake, Francis, 15n, 17
Drake, Marty, 302, 306
Dunbar, Charles, 111
Dutch East Indies, 200, 208
Dutch Harbor island, 220, 223–24
Earnest Will operation, 276, 283
economy, 31–32, 88–89, 141, 151, 219
Eggleston, John, 128
El Fraile island, 146, 147, 148
Elizabeth River, 85
Elliott, Jesse Duncan: Battle of Lake Erie, 58, 66, 70–71, 72–73
capture of British ships, 41–46, 43
medal for, 76
and Perry, 74–77
on Presque Isle Bay site, 45, 55
prize money, 77
Elliott, Matthew, 33
Elmer Montgomery (U.S. destroyer), 315, 316
England. See Great Britain
Enterprise (U.S. carrier, 1942): aircraft, 231–34, 232
attacks launched from, 236, 239, 240, 243, 247, 256–57
command of, 211
orders to attack, 231–32
preparations for battle, 202, 210, 213
Tokyo raid, 209
Enterprise (U.S. carrier, 1988), 298, 311, 312
Ericsson, John, 99–104, 102, 124, 146, 202
Erie (town), 48
Essex (U.S. carrier), 209n, 261
Europe, 141, 143, 266. See also specific countries
Evans, Robert, 216
Everitt, Charles H., 8
Fame (U.S. tug), 164, 165
Farragut, David Glasgow, 146, 148
Farsi Island, 290
Faw Peninsula, 292, 294, 317
fighter aircraft. See aircraft
filibusters, 150–51
Finnis, Robert, 66, 71
First Mobile Strike Force, 218
First Republic of the Philippines, 186
Fletcher, Frank Jack: on Astoria, 258
battle, 230–31, 234
command of, 212, 212–13, 261
preparations for battle, 214
floatplanes (Japanese), 228, 233
Florida (Confederate raider), 92–93
foreign policy, U.S., 273, 317
formation for carriers, 213. See also line–ahead formation
Forrest, Dulany, 69, 74
Fort Detroit, 33, 37, 38–39
Fort Erie, 42
Fort George, 50
Fort Malden, 33, 37, 38–39, 57, 59
Fort Monroe, 107, 118, 120
Fort Morgan, 93
Fort Sumter, 93, 94, 102–3
Fourteenth Naval District Headquarters, 203
Fox (U.S. cruiser), 283, 284–86
France: and American Revolution, 6–19
and Britain, 28, 34
ironclad warships, 93–94
naval performance, 5
and September 11 terrorist attacks, 332, 332n
and Spanish armistice, 187, 192
and trade, 32
Trafalgar battle, 6, 31
and World War II, 200
Frankfurter Zeitung, 192
French Frigate Shoals, 223n
French Indochina, 200
Friedman, Norman, 289
Fry, Joseph, 150
Fuchida, Mitsuo, 229, 260
Fulton, Robert, 93
Galena (Union ironclad), 101n
Gallagher, Earl, 247
Garland, John, 71
Gas Prince (transport), 283
Gay, George, 239–40, 242, 243
General Hunter (U.S. brigantine), 39, 59
George III, 19, 24
German U-boats, 3, 199, 278
Germany, 188, 200, 278
global power, United States as, 262
Gloire (French ironclad), 93–94
Golf Cooperation Council, 280
Gomez, Maximo, 151
Gonzo Station, 275
Good Neighbor Policy of F. D. Roosevelt (1934), 193
Gordon, Charles, 30n
Gosport Navy Yard, 94, 97
Grant, Ulysses S., 133, 151
Grasse, François-Joseph-Paul de, 8–19
Graves, Thomas, 8, 10, 11–19, 66
Gray, James S., 240, 243, 247
Great Britain: and American Revolution, 7–19
army of, 39
and Battle of Lake Erie, 25–27, 40–79
commanders, 5–6
construction of ships, 50
dominance at sea, 3, 33
and France, 5, 6, 28, 34
impressment policies, 28–31, 54, 78
and Indians, 37, 38, 39, 40, 61, 73, 78
naval supremacy of, 142
and Operation Iraqi Freedom, 337
Orders in Council, 32, 34
Royal Navy, 9–19, 28, 34–35
Trafalgar battle, 3, 6
and Treaty of Paris terms, 23–24
on U.S. allies, 163–64. See also specific ships
Greene, Samuel Dana: battle, 121, 123, 124, 126, 127, 129–30
command of Monitor, 131–32
inexperience of, 105
suicide, 135–36
Gridley, Charles V., 149, 162–63, 171, 177, 194
Guadalcanal, 260
Guadalcanal (U.S. helicopter carrier), 287, 291
Guam, 162, 192–93
Guerriere (British frigate), 40
guided missile cruisers, 266, 301
Gulf of Oman, 275
Gulf Wars, 265, 326–30, 333–39
gunboats, 46–47, 50–51, 70–71, 104
Halsey, William F. “Bull,” 211
Hambleton, Samuel, 58, 65
Hamilton, Lee, 282, 297
Hamilton, Paul, 39, 41, 44, 45, 46
Hammann (U.S. destroyer), 258
Hampton Roads, 109
control of, 119, 132–33
Monitor in, 85, 104
nature of naval warfare, 116, 136
Virginia in, 87. See also Hampton Roads battle (1862)
Hampton Roads battle (1862), 83–137
casualties, 107, 111, 112–13, 116–17, 132
and Civil War, 84–85, 87–93
ironclads, 91, 93–101, 97, 102, 111, 125 (see also Monitor, Virginia)
leadership (see Buchanan, Franklin; Worden, John)
and nature of naval warfare, 116, 136
significance of, 3, 137
Virginia vs. Monitor, 109, 120–21, 122–32, 125
Virginia vs. Union fleet, 85–87, 107–17, 109, 111, 117, 119–21
Harrison, William Henry, 182
Battle of the Thames, 74
and Indians, 32–33
Perry’s victory, 73
presidency, 74n
soldiers recruited as sailors, 25, 54, 58
Haruna (Japanese cruiser), 229
Hatteras Inlet, 93
Havana Harbor, 153, 155
Hawaii, 192, 201, 220
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 136
Hay, John, 143
Hearst, William Randolph, 152, 154
helicopters, 287, 290–92, 304, 315
Henderson, Lofton “Joe,” 237
Hercules (U.S. barge), 287, 292
heroism, 166, 179
Hertzberg, Hendrick, 335
Hiryu (Japanese carrier): attacks launched from, 250–51, 251
attacks on, 237–38, 255–56, 257, 257n, 258
described, 219
history and war, 1–2
Hitler, Adolf, 260, 324, 326
Holdup, Thomas, 49
Holmberg, Paul “Lefty,” 249
Hong Kong, 158, 161–62, 164, 165
honor, 41–42, 53, 166, 173
Hood, Sir Samuel, 10, 11, 14, 15–19, 66
Hornet (U.S. carrier): attacks launched from, 236, 239, 240
attacks on Japanese carriers, 243
command of, 211
preparations for battle, 202, 210, 213
Tokyo raid, 209
Housatonic (Union warship), 91n
/> Howe, Richard, 15, 15n
Howell, John A., 158
Hughes, Edward M., 180
Hull, Isaac, 40, 44
Hull, William, 37–39, 59, 186
Hunley (Confederate submarine), 91n
Hussein, Saddam, 155n, 277, 294, 326–27, 329, 336–39
Hypo team (cryptanalysts), 203–6, 208, 209, 210–11, 234
Ignatieff, Michael, 340
imperialism, 183–91, 192–93, 195, 340
industry of United States, 91, 141, 199, 261, 262, 322
The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660–1783 (Mahan), 142–43, 157
intelligence gathering: cryptanalysts (code breakers), 203–6, 208, 209, 210–11, 234
in Operation Praying Mantis, 305
radar, 234, 250–51, 253, 254
significance of, 261
interservice cooperation, 290–91, 294, 319
Intrepid (British ship-of-the-line), 16, 16n
Iran, 289–90, 326
Iran Airlines flight # 655, 314–17, 320
Iran Ajr (Iranian gunboat), 291
Iran-Contra scandal, 281
Iranian Revolution, 276–77
Iran-Iraq War, 267, 269, 277–80, 288–95, 304, 317
Iraq, 155n, 276–77, 290, 326–27, 333–34, 336–39
Iraqi Freedom operation, 333–39
Ironclad Board, 98–101, 103, 113
ironclads, 91, 93–101, 97, 102, 111, 125, 141. See also Monitor, Virginia
Iroquois, 32
Irvine, Robert, 71
Isla de Cuba (Spanish gunboat), 173
Islam, 149, 275
Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, 289, 296, 304
Israel, 275
Iwo Jima, Japan, 260, 262
Jack, Eugenius, 108, 110, 123
Jack Williams (U.S. frigate), 312
James River, 113, 134
Jane’s Fighting Ships, 310
Japan: aggression of, 199, 260
aircraft, 219 (see also Zeros)
air strikes on Midway, 234–37
Asiatic Squadron in, 161
carriers, 218–19 (see also Kido Butai)
Dewey’s visit to, 159–60
economy, 219
need for oil, 266, 273
Pearl Harbor attack, 201, 204, 332
and Philippines, 188
plans to attack Midway, 205, 207–8, 210, 219–20
preparations for battle, 218–19, 224–27
reconnaissance of, 222–23, 224, 228–30, 236–37, 238
refueling in, 162
strategies, 220–23, 228
submarines, 221, 222, 223, 259
Jarrett (U.S. frigate), 291
Java, 200, 219
Java (British frigate), 40
Java (U.S. frigate), 77, 86
Jefferson, Thomas, 30–31, 32
Jidda, 279
JN-25 (Japanese operational code), 203–5
Johnson, Richard, 74n
“jointness,” 290–91, 319
Joint Task Force Middle East, 294, 319
Jones, Catesby ap Roger, 96–97, 119–20, 124, 128–29, 131, 134–35
Jones, John Paul, 261
Jones, Roger, 96–97
Jones, Thomas ap Catesby, 97
Jones, William, 51, 52, 53–54, 57
Joseph Strauss (U.S. destroyer), 312, 318
Joshan (Iranian gunboat), 276, 304, 305–8, 311, 320
journalists, 163
Jufair, 274
Junyo (Japanese carrier), 220n, 223–24
Kaga (Japanese carrier), 218–19, 240, 247, 257
Katipunan, 185
Keeler, William F., 122, 123, 132
Kennan, George, 340
Key West, 151
Khomeini, Ruhollah, 276, 288
Kiau Chau Bay, 159
Kidd (U.S. guided missile destroyer), 283, 284, 288
Kido Butai: aircraft, 227–28 (see also Zeros)
American attacks on, 237–38, 240–46, 247–50
and American carriers, 207
domination of the Western Pacific, 209, 260
intelligence gathering on, 204–5, 211, 230–31
preparations for battle, 218–19, 224–27
reconnaissance, 228–30
strategies of Japan, 220, 221, 222. See also specific carriers
King, Ernest J., 205, 212–13
Kipling, Rudyard, 192
Kiska island, 220, 224
Kondo, Nobutake, 221, 225–27
K operation, 222, 223n
Korea, 159, 161, 326
Korean War, 266, 272
Kurds, 278, 336
Kuwait, 267, 279, 280, 290, 292, 326–27
Ladrones (Marianas), 192
Lady Prevost (British gunboat), 59, 71
Lafayette, Marie–Joseph–Paul–Yves–Roch–Gilbert du Motier de, 10, 11
Lake Erie battle (1813), 23–79
background, 23–24, 28–34
battle, 62, 63–72, 67
casualties, 67–68, 71, 72, 72n, 179
commanders (see Barclay, Robert; Perry, Oliver Hazard)
flag, 52, 52, 64, 72
Manila Bay battle compared to, 182
preparations for battle, 24–27, 42–46, 48–63
ships (see Detroit; Lawrence; Niagara; Queen Charlotte)
significance of, 3, 79
Lake Ontario, 41, 53
Lamberton, Benjamin P., 163
landing signal officers (LSO), 214–15
Langley (U.S. carrier), 209, 219
LaSalle (U.S. command ship), 291
Latin America, 266
Laub, Henry, 68
Lawrence, James, 27, 31, 51–52
Lawrence (U.S. brigantine): armament, 61
Battle of Lake Erie, 25–27, 64, 66, 67, 68, 71, 75
British ships compared to, 59–60
casualties, 72, 112–13
exit from Presque Isle Bay, 55–56
Maine compared to, 154
name of, 51
range of engagement, 319
League of Nations, 199
Lebanon, 280, 331
Lee, Fitzhugh, 153
Lee, Robert E., 133
Le Monde, 332
Leopard (British frigate), 30, 31
Leslie, Max, 248–50, 249, 253
Less, Anthony ”Tony,” 294, 297–304, 307
Lexington (U.S. carrier), 201–2, 205, 209, 219
Libya, 280
Light Airborne Multi–Purpose System (LAMPS), 304
Lincoln, Abraham: and Buchanan, 86
and Civil War, 84, 88, 91–92, 118
and ironclads, 98, 99, 132
Lindsay, Eugene, 232, 243
line-ahead formation: in the Age of Sail, 4–5, 7
Battle of Lake Erie, 65
Battle of Manila Bay, 169, 173
Battle of the Capes (1781), 13, 14, 15
Linn, Brian, 191
littoral warfare, 275
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 192
London (British ship-of-the-line), 8, 17
Long, John D.: and Dewey, 158, 159, 159n, 165
on Philippines, 187, 188
on provisions, 162
and Roosevelt, 158
victory in Manila Bay, 182
Lovelace, Don, 215–16
Luce, Stephen B., 142, 151, 157
Luzon, 188, 190
Lynnhaven Bay, 11
MacArthur, Arthur, 189n
MacArthur, Douglas, 189n
Macedonian (British frigate), 40
Maceo, Antonio, 151
Mackenzie, Alexander Slidell, 71
Mackinac Island, 45
Madison, James, 39–40, 41
Madison (U.S. frigate), 46
Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 77n, 142–43, 160, 195, 220
Maine (U.S. battleship), 153, 154, 155–56, 161, 323, 332
Malaysia, 219
Mallory, Stephen R., 86–87, 93–97, 98
Manchuria, 199
Manila Bay: defense of, 147,
167, 168, 169
Dewey’s decision to remain in, 182–83
entering Manila Bay, 144–49. See also Philippines
Manila Bay battle (1898), 141–95
armistice, 185, 186, 187, 192
battle, 169–81, 173
casualties, 176, 179, 180, 182
commanders (see Dewey, George; Montojo y Pasaron, Don Patricio)
crew, 321–22
decision making in, 319
events leading to, 149–55
and imperialism, 195
preparations for, 158–65, 165–69
range of engagement, 203
ships (see American Asiatic Squadron; Spanish naval squadron)
significance of, 3, 191–92, 193–95
subsequent war, 337
U.S. fleet remaining in, 182–83. See also Spanish-American War
Manila (city), 168, 180–81
Manila (Spanish transport), 167
Mansfield, Joseph K., 115
Marian, Francis, 8
marksmanship, 174–75, 322
Mark 13 torpedoes, 216–17, 232
Mark 14 torpedoes, 208–9
Marston, John, 120–21
Martí, José, 151
Maryland, 86
Massey, Lance “Lem,” 243, 244, 245, 248
Mathis, Bill, 284
McCauley, Charles, 94
McClellan, George B., 118–19
McClusky, Wade, 240, 246–48, 247, 319
McCulloch (U.S. gunboat), 148, 162, 182
McCullogh, Paul, 302, 305
McDonald, Wesley, 282
McKinley, William: assassination, 194
on Hawaii annexation, 192–93
on Philippines, 183, 184, 188, 189, 192
on war, 153–55, 156, 157–58
Mead, David, 49
Merrill (U.S. destroyer), 299, 309–11
Merrimack. See Virginia
Merritt, Wesley, 184, 186, 189
MH-6 helicopters, 290–92
Middle East Force, 274, 294
Midway: air strikes on Midway, 235
as Japanese target, 205, 207–8, 210, 219–20, 241 (see also Midway battle)
location and geography, 192–93, 206, 206–7
planes located at, 224
rendezvous at, 202, 218
value of, 207, 210
Midway battle (1942), 199–262
air strikes on Midway, 234–36, 235, 237–38, 241
air wings of carriers, 214–17
attack on Yorktown, 250–55, 256
attacks on Japanese carriers, 226–27, 231–34, 236, 237–38, 239–46, 241, 247–50, 256–57
casualties, 216, 216n
commanders, 211–12 (see also Fletcher, Frank Jack; Nagumo, Chuichi; Nimitz, Chester; Spruance, Raymond A.; Yamamoto Isoroku)
crew, 322
cryptanalysts (code breakers), 203–6, 208, 209, 210–11, 234
dive-bomber attacks, 246–50
Dutch Harbor attack, 223–24
Japanese strategies, 218–23, 228
reconnaissance, 222–23, 224–26, 228–29, 230–31, 236–37, 238
ships of Japan (see Kido Butai)
ships of U.S. (see Enterprise; Hornet; Yorktown)
significance of, 3, 207
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