Decision at Sea
Page 42
Midway (ship), 262
Mighty Servant II (heavy lift vessel), 296
militia: of Britain, 39
of Canada, 38–39
of United States, 35–40, 42, 49, 57, 58
mines: Battle of Hampton Roads, 91
Battle of Manila Bay, 146, 148, 155, 168, 172
Operation Praying Mantis, 284–87, 285, 289–92, 295–97
mine sweepers, 287
Minnesota (Union steam frigate): Battle of Hampton Roads, 117, 118
Monitor’s defense of, 120–21, 123, 124, 130, 131
range of engagement, 203
Minor, Bob, 115, 119
Minuteman, 35, 36n
Mirs Bay, 164, 166
missile systems, 4
missile warfare: chaff, 268, 306
CIWS (Phalanx) system, 268, 268–69
Exocet missiles, 270, 271, 281
guided missiles, 301
Harpoon missiles, 302, 305–8, 310, 312, 314, 328
missile systems, 4
Scud missiles, 278
sea-launched missiles, 328
Silkworm missiles, 283, 286, 288–89, 292
standard missiles (SM-1 and SM-2), 267, 301, 306, 306–7, 318, 328
Stinger missiles, 292
surface–to–air missiles, 304–5
terrain–contour guidance system (TER–COM), 328
Tomahawk land attack missile (TLAM), 328, 339. See also Praying Mantis operation (1988)
Missouri, 83
Mitscher, Marc “Pete,” 239, 262
Mitsubishi Type o (Zero). See Zeros
Moncrief, Basil, 269, 272
monitors, 141, 151, 163, 202–3
Monitor (Union ironclad): Battle of Hampton Roads, 85, 109, 122–32, 125
command of Monitor, 101–3, 131–32
construction of, 98–101, 102
design of, 146
destruction of, 134, 135
Greene’s command of, 135–36
at Hampton Roads, 120–21, 132–33
Maine compared to, 154
in naval history, 137
Monocacy (U.S. monitor), 163
Monroe, James, 77
Montauk (Union ironclad), 135, 136
Montojo y Pasaron, Don Patricio, 149, 165–69, 179, 187, 194–95
Montreal, Canada, 36, 39
Mossadegh, Mohammed, 275
Mullen, Mike, 333
Muskie, Edmund, 279
mutual deterrence, 265
Nagara (Japanese cruiser), 250
Nagumo, Chuichi: and American intelligence, 204
communication, 227
defeat of, 250
launching of planes, 231, 245
reconnaissance of, 229, 238
second attack on Midway, 236, 237
strategies of Japan, 228–29
Nanshan (U.S. collier), 162
Napoleon Bonaparte, 28, 31–32, 37, 38, 324
Napoleonic Wars, 6, 91
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 134
nation building, 338
nation-state system, 324
Native Americans: Battle of the Thames, 74
and Britain, 24, 32–33, 37, 38, 39, 40, 61, 73, 78
resistance from, 141, 142
Nautilus (U.S. submarine), 246
Naval Academy at Annapolis, 86, 135
Navy Command Center, 307
Navy SEALs, 291, 319
Navy Times, 293
Nelson, Horatio, 6, 15n, 19, 31, 59
New Ironsides (Union ironclad), 101n
New Navy, 3, 142–43, 145, 151, 166
New Orleans, 148
Newsweek, 272, 282
New York Evening Journal, 191
New York Journal, 154–55
New York militia, 39
New York Times, 257n, 272, 283
New York World, 152
Niagara River, 42, 44
Niagara (U.S. brigantine): armament, 61
Battle of Lake Erie, 65, 66, 73, 74, 75;
British ships compared to, 59–60
exit from Presque Isle Bay, 56–57
name of, 51
Niles Weekly Register, 33
Nimitz, Chester: on dive–bomber attack, 246
fleet, 208, 261–62
intelligence gathering, 205, 209–10, 225–26
leadership of, 261
monitoring battle, 226
and Operation K, 223n
preparations for battle, 209–13, 212
surface force, 223
Nixon, Richard, 275
North, Frederick, 19
North, Oliver, 292
North, Tim, 292
North Africa, 260
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 281–82, 338
North Korea, 326
Northwest, 3, 23–24, 27, 32, 78–79
Northwest Ordinance (1794), 83
nuclear propulsion, 265
nuclear weapons, 265
Oahu, 226
O’Brien (U.S. destroyer), 312
Ohio (U.S. ship-of-the-line), 45n, 51n
oil, 266, 273, 318
oil platforms, 292–93, 297–301, 298
oil tankers, 278, 282–83, 283–88
O’Keefe, Michael, 270
Okinawa, Japan, 260
Oliver Hazard Perry–class frigates, 266, 268
Olympia (U.S. armored cruiser): ammunition, 161, 177, 178
armament, 167
Battle of Manila Bay, 169–70, 173, 176, 176
and Dewey, 169
facade of, 170
launch of, 151
in Manila Bay, 144–49, 180, 181
preparations for war, 165
staffing, 163
Yorktown compared to, 202
Ordnance: armor-piercing bombs, 236
car-ronades, 26, 49–50, 66
CIWS (close-in weapons systems), 268, 268–69
Dahlgren guns, 103, 122, 123, 126
experimental naval guns, 99–100, 104
explosive shells, 91
laser-guided bombs, 313–14, 328
rifled guns, 91, 107, 145, 175
smart bombs, 328, 329. See also mines; missile warfare; torpedoes
Oregon Gun, 100, 100n
Ostend Manifesto, 150
Otis, Elwell S., 189
Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza, 275, 288
Palmer, Michael, 288
Pan American Airlines, 207
Pan American flight 103, 331
Panic of ’73, 151
Parker, Peter, 18
Parker, William H., 114–15
Parrado, González, 154
Parsons, Usher, 61, 63
Pasig River, 168
Patrick Henry (Confederate gunboat), 113
PBY Catalinas, 224–25, 226–27
Peacemaker explosion, 99–100, 104
Pearl Harbor: attack on (1941), 107, 111, 157, 201, 204, 332
base at, 210, 228
Pederson, Oscar, 214–17, 251, 252, 253
Pendergrast, Austin, 114–15
Perkins, James B. 298–99, 310
Perry, Alex, 64, 78
Perry, Christopher Raymond, 46
Perry, Matthew C., 86
Perry, Oliver Hazard: Battle of Lake Erie, 25–27, 65–73, 70
and Buchanan, 86
casualties, 179
communications, 319
crew, 321
Dewey compared to, 165
and Elliott, 72–73, 74–77
flag honoring Lawrence, 27, 31, 52, 52, 64
medal for, 76
preparations for battle, 46–58, 61, 63, 64
prize money, 77
victory, 3, 72–74
Perry-class frigates, 268, 312
Persian Gulf, 318, 326. See also Praying Mantis operation
Petrel (U.S. gunboat), 170, 173, 180
Phalanx close-in weapons system, 268, 268–69
Philadelphia Ledger, 190
Philippine Republic, 186
nbsp; Philippines: and Dewey’s orders, 158, 165
independence movement, 185–86, 189–91, 190
and Japan, 200, 208, 219, 260
and Mahan’s sea doctrine, 160, 195
role of U.S. in, 182–88, 192–93, 195. See also Manila Bay battle (1898)
Platt Amendment, 158n, 193
Point Luck, 202, 217, 223, 224, 227, 230, 241. See also Midway
Poland, 326
policeman of the world: Carter Doctrine, 277
in Gulf region, 22, 266, 272, 288, 318, 333
and Reagan administration, 318
U.S. role of, 2, 4, 20, 200, 282, 339
and Wolfowitz Doctrine, 335, 335n
Polk, James K., 150
Pook, Samuel, 98, 101n
Porter, John L., 95–96
Port Moresby, 205
Port Royal, 93
Powell, Colin, 312, 327
Powell Doctrine, 327, 338
Praying Mantis operation (1988), 265–320
attack on Stark, 266–73
casualties, 271, 291, 296, 308–9, 313, 317
Cold War background, 265–66
and convoys, 282–88
crew, 322–23
interservice cooperation, 290–91, 294, 319
Iran Airlines flight 655, 314–17
and Iran-Iraq War, 267, 269, 277–80, 288–95, 314–317
Joshan destroyed, 304–9
legacy of, 317–20
location, 276
mines, 284–87, 285, 289–92, 295–97
missiles, 278, 283, 288–89, 292, 301, 302, 305–8, 306, 314, 318
oil platforms, 292–93, 297–304, 298
rules of engagement (ROE), 271, 318
Sabalan attacked, 313–14
Sahand destroyed, 311–13
significance of, 4, 317–20
size of, 266
Soviet destroyer encounter, 309–11
U.S. foreign policy and, 273–83. See also Chandler, James; Crowe, William; Less, Anthony; Perkins, J. B.; Rogers, Will
Preble, Edward, 46
Presque Isle Bay, 25, 45–46, 47–56, 61
Prevost, Sir George, 60
Princeton (U.S. steam sloop), 99, 104
Proceedings (U.S. Naval Institute), 282–83
Proctor, Redfield, 155, 159, 159n, 191–92
the Prophet, 32–33
proportional responses, 292
public opinion, 41–42
Puerto Rico, 149, 192
Pulitzer, Joseph, 152
Put-in-Bay, 63
Quebec, Canada, 36
Queen Charlotte (British warship): Barclay’s fleet, 59, 60
Battle of Lake Erie, 65, 66, 71, 72
Fort Detroit siege, 39
reconnaissance, 56, 61
size of, 42–43
race and nationality, 53, 53n, 164–65, 189–90, 192
radar, 234, 250–51, 253, 254, 270, 271, 322
raiding parties, 92–93
railroads, 96, 96n, 141
Rakow, Bill, 310
Raleigh (Confederate gunboat), 113
Raleigh (U.S. cruiser): in Asiatic Squadron, 161
Battle of Manila Bay, 148, 170, 173, 175–76, 176
in Manila Bay, 180
repairs to, 164
ramming capabilities, 107–8, 110, 128–29, 130, 154, 172
Ramsay, Ashton, 128, 129
range of engagement: Battle of Hampton Roads, 203
Battle of Lake Erie, 26, 27
Battle of Manila Bay, 169, 172, 174–75
Battle of Midway, 203, 228, 231, 232
Battle of the Capes, 203
and modern missiles, 328, 339
Ranger (U.S. carrier), 209n
Rashadat platform, 293
Reagan, Ronald: on Afghan “freedom fighters,” 333n
on allies, 334
fleet expansion, 324
and Persian Gulf, 282, 296–97, 312, 318
pro-Iraqi stance, 272
and Soviet Union, 279–80
reconcentrado policy of Cuba, 152
Reconquista, 149
Reconstruction, 141, 150
Red Dawn (film), 36n
Redman, Charles, 304
Redman, John, 205
Rees, C. P., 163
Reid, Jewell “Jack,” 224–26, 225
Reina Cristina (Spanish cruiser), 167, 168, 171, 173, 180, 181
Republican Guard, 298
Revolutionary War, 35
Reza’i, Mohsen, 304, 317
Richmond, Virginia, 133
Richmond Examiner, 88
Rickover, Hyman, 156
ricochet shots, 124, 175
Ring, Stanhope, 240, 243, 246
Rinn, Paul, 295
Roanoke (Confederate gunboat), 107, 117, 118, 120
Roberts. See Samuel B. Roberts
Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste de, 9–10, 18
Rochefort, Joseph J., 203–4, 205–6, 209–11, 218
Rogers, Will, 314, 318
Roosevelt, Franklin, 193, 200, 260
Roosevelt, Theodore, 158, 159n, 161, 163, 187, 194, 207, 273
rules of naval warfare, 114–16, 132, 271, 318
Rumsfeld, Donald, 337, 338
Russia, 327
Ryujo (Japanese carrier), 220n, 223–24
Saam-class frigates, 312, 313
Sabalan (Iranian frigate), 276, 297, 303, 310–14
Sackett’s Harbor, 41, 52, 319
Sahand (Iranian frigate), 276, 312–13, 313
Salina (U.S. schooner), 45
Sampson, William T., 185
Samuel B. Roberts (U.S. frigate), 276, 295–97, 303–4, 314
Sandburg, Carl, 157
Sandusky Bay, 58
Sanford, Henry “Hank,” 299
Sangley Point, 169, 171, 172, 173, 180
Santiago de Cuba, 185
Saratoga (U.S. carrier), 209n, 210, 215, 219, 261
Sargent, Nathan, 184
Sassan GOSP, 276, 297, 298, 298–301, 300
Saudi Arabia, 274–75, 279, 290
Schlesinger, Arthur, 335
Schley, Winfield Scott, 185
Scorpion (U.S. schooner), 66
scout planes, 224, 227–29, 233, 234, 248
Sea Bats, 290–92, 319
Sea Isle City, 292
Sea Isle City (tanker), 276
SEALs, 291, 319
Sea Stallions, 287, 292
Seitz, Frank, 283, 284–87
Selfridge, Thomas, 108, 110, 112n, 113
September 11 terrorist attacks, 155n, 157, 161, 331–32, 334, 335–37
Seward, William H., 99
Shah of Iran. See Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza
Shaibah Military Airport, 269
Shannon (British frigate), 27, 31
Shatt al-Arab, 277
Shenandoah (Confederate raider), 92–93
Sherman, William T., 152
Shiite Muslims, 336
Shokaku (Japanese carrier), 211, 218
shore batteries, 146, 171, 180, 283
Shrewsbury (British ship-of-the-line), 16
Shubrick, William B., 76
signal flags, 5, 15, 15n
Sigsbee, Charles, 154
Simms, Charles, 111, 123
Simpson (U.S. guided missile destroyer), 301, 303, 304
Singapore, 219
Sirri GOSP, 276, 297, 301–4
slavery, 83, 88, 150
Smith, James, 294
Smith, Joseph, 100, 103
Smith, Joseph, Jr., 113, 114
Smith, William, 113
Snyder, Simon, 49
Solebay (British frigate), 7–8, 11
sonar, 267
Soryu (Japanese carrier), 219, 237, 240, 248–50, 249, 257
South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, 101n
South Korea, 326
Soviet Union: and Afghanistan, 296, 333, 333n
and Carter Doctrine, 277
and Cold War, 262, 273, 275
collapse of, 273, 324–25, 340
and Persian Gulf, 280, 318
and World War II, 260
Sovremenny-class destroyers, 311
Spain: armament, 167
armistice, 185, 186, 187, 192
and Britain, 28
events leading to war, 149–58
insurrections in Cuba, 150–53
misrule in Cuba, 143, 187, 199, 337
preparations for war, 165–69
release of Philippines, 188
Trafalgar battle, 6, 31
Virginius incident, 150–51, 153, 323
Spanish-American War: armistice, 185, 186, 187, 192
battle, 169–81
events leading to war, 149–58
and McKinley, 153
preparations for war, 158–65
Spanish misrule in Cuba, 143, 187, 199
U.S. declaration of war, 155–58, 165
and U.S. fleet expansion, 193–94. See also Manila Bay battle (1898); Spanish naval squadron
Spanish Armada defeat (1588), 3, 192
Spanish naval squadron: Battle of Manila Bay, 171, 176–78, 179–80, 181
compared to U.S. fleet, 166–67
destruction of, 182, 185
Dewey’s orders to destroy, 148, 149, 160, 165
strategies of, 168–69. See also specific ships
Spruance, Raymond A.: Battle of Midway, 230, 231–32, 233, 234
command of, 211–12, 212, 213, 261
Spruance-class destroyers, 288, 312, 319
SPS-49 radar, 270, 271
SQS-56 sonar, 267
“Squadron of Evolution,” 145
St. Lawrence, 118
St. Lawrence River, 36
standardization, 90
Stanton, Edwin McMasters, 118
Stark (U.S. frigate), 266–73, 268, 271, 276, 281, 323n
“stealth” airplanes, 328
Stevens Battery, 93
Stickney, Joseph L., 163, 178
Stimers, Alban, 105, 106, 124
Stimson, Henry, 260
Stockton, George, 54
Stockton, Robert F., 99–100, 104
Stokoe, Thomas, 71
Strait of Hormuz, 266
strategic oil reserves, 273
Subic Bay, 167–68, 169, 187, 188
submarines: advances in, 265
in Battle of Midway, 205, 208–9, 221, 222, 223, 246, 259
in Civil War, 91, 91n
of Germany, 3, 199, 278
of Soviet Union, 267
Sumatra, 200, 219
Sumter, Thomas, 8
Taliban government, 332–33
Talmadge, James, 83
tankers, 278
Tarawa, 260
Task Force 16, 213, 218, 230, 236, 255
Task Force 17, 214, 217, 230, 234
Task Force 126, 274
Tattnall, Josiah, 134
Taylor, William, 27, 69, 74
technological advances, 320
Tecumseh, 32–33, 74
Tehran embassy takeover, 276
Teller Amendment, 158, i58n, 193
Tennessee (Confederate ironclad), 134, 135
Ten Years’ War (1868-1878), 150
Terrible (British ship-of-the-line), 14, 16, 16n
Thach, John S. “Jimmy,” 215–16, 243–45, 244, 246, 248, 252, 255, 293