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Page 40

by Samantha Leal

  The baby was on the way.

  Peggy was thrilled at the prospect of having sole responsibility for delivering her great-grandchild. She rose to the occasion, surprising both Robert and Britney. In keeping with her “old ways,” she commanded Robert to bring her hot water and towels and then stay downstairs and have a brandy to celebrate the birth of his forthcoming baby.

  Robert remembered reading somewhere that the first birth takes a while, but Britney would've been lucky to have been in labor for an hour. There was panting and paced breathing and eventually the cry of a baby. What turned Robert's blood cold was the bloodcurdling scream and subsequent thump to the wooden floor immediately after.

  He took the stairs two by two. Britney was laying on the bed, too weak to get up. Robert saw it was Peggy who'd collapsed holding the swathed baby. He dropped to one knee. The screams of the baby assured him that the child was in no immediate danger.

  “Is Gran alright?” asked Britney.

  Robert placed two fingers under her jaw to find a pulse.

  “She's okay,” he smiled reassuringly. “She's just passed out. I'll take her to her own room and get her some water. But first, let's see who we've got here,” he said as he lifted the carefully wrapped bundle.

  Pulling back the cloth to see the face of his child, Robert felt himself go weak at the knees. The baby turned its head and sank already fully formed teeth into his wrist. He gritted his teeth to stop himself from hurling the monstrosity on the floor.

  “What the fuck is this?” he demanded in a confused and terrified cry. He could feel his heart was racing to such an extent that he was afraid he might pass out.

  He tried calming himself and placed the baby-thing in Britney's arms to gauge her reaction. Britney peeled back all the layers. The baby made no move to bite her.

  “It's a boy,” she cooed.

  Robert could feel bile climbing up his throat in revulsion. He forced himself to stand by Britney, who was laying a feathery kiss on the baby's forehead. Shutting and closing his eyes to mentally prepare himself, he noticed the baby's skin was gray. Patches of ribcage were showing out as if the flesh had been eaten away or just never grew to cover the body completely. His legs were misshapen and its pudgy arms had gnarled fingers that looked like claws.

  “It's got his eyes,” commented Britney.

  “My eyes are green,” responded Robert hopelessly.

  “I know. I said it's got his eyes. He's got his father's ocean blue eyes.”


  Peggy was gone. Robert had enough strength left to dig a hole in the ground, thrust a shovel in her head and bury the elderly lady before he became too weak. Britney knew her grandmother wouldn't come back to them. The shock of Liam Jr. was too much for her. She knew death was preferable to living with the monster baby.

  Robert was going, too. Britney genuinely hadn't planned for that and the reality of it stung her heart. She had just wanted to be close to Liam. She did love the middle-aged man. Even with him knowing it was Liam's baby, she'd fully expected that they would work through it and raise the baby as their own. What she hadn't expected was a newborn baby possessing a full set of teeth and craving human flesh as soon as he was out of her womb. Who could have really seen that one coming? she mused to herself as she rocked her newborn.

  She didn't know how the baby would develop or how long it would live. Or maybe it was already dead and she didn’t know how long it would stay dead. It was all getting so confusing with the alive-or-dead line blurring so much these days. It seemed more zombie than baby, but who could tell? What frightened Britney the most was being alone. She knew she could run the farm, at least enough to survive, but she could never live alone. She'd rather die than live out her days on a farm by herself.

  She sat by Robert's bed. “I wasn’t sure whether it was yours or his,” she said quietly.

  “I think we can safely say it's his.” The smile on Robert's face was not one of animosity, but of acceptance.

  “It wasn't planned. It just happened when I was tending to him here. I got worried and thought...”

  “And thought if you had a sexual relationship with me, I'd support you?” guessed Robert.

  Britney nodded her head in shame.

  “You didn't have to sleep with me. I'd have helped you out anyway. Now I question if you ever really loved me at all.”

  Britney could hear that he was choking back tears. “I did love you. I do love you. I didn't want it to be this way.”

  Britney leaned over and kissed Robert's lips; they were cool and chaste.

  The same old feeling ignited between them. She hadn't lied when she said she loved him. It wasn't the crazy, teenage, head-over-heels love she felt for her step-brother, though. It was calm, considerate and respectful. She was blessed by Robert letting her into his heart and home.

  Was sex really the worst way to say thank you?

  Was sex really the worst way to say goodbye?


  She undid the buttons of Robert's pajama shirt.

  “You don't have to do this,” he protested.

  “And what if I want to?”

  He closed his eyes and smiled. “I'm in no position to fight you off or deny you anything in my last few moments.”

  She tugged at the tie on his pajama pants. The waist was loose enough for her to tug them under his buttocks. The mossy green color of his skin, she'd seen before. She bore the fruits of making love to such a half-living man.

  His cock was noticeably cooler to the touch. Flaccid in her warm hands, she soon had blood pumping through it. One thing she noticed was no matter how erect she was able to make him, his body remained cool – as cool as a corpse.

  She'd only given birth days earlier. Britney’s vagina was in no condition for sex. The uncomfortable, but not completely unwelcome invasion by Liam on her ass on the night she gave birth was still vivid in her mind, however.

  Britney undid the belt of her robe and let it fall to the ground. One of Robert's last visions would be that of a beautiful, toned young woman. Even just a few days after giving birth, she was still a vision. She stood still, watching his translucent green eyes admiring her figure. She lightly straddled him. Reaching behind, she gripped the pulsating prick and prepared to sit on it. Taking a deep breath, she exhaled and let the thick helmet burst through her asshole. It had been a while since she'd bedded Robert, and she had forgotten the girth of him. Liam's rocket-esque dick was thin enough to slip in easily. Robert's fuller, longer dick was more of a challenge.

  She realized she should have lubed Robert's cock and her asshole before commencing. Robert was kind enough to spit in his hand and wet his shaft. He let his fingers smear saliva around the already stretched asshole. Hands on her hips, Robert watched as she slowly eased herself down his length. Her nostrils were flaring as she let her ass relax around the thick dick.

  She stayed seated and ran her hand gently and lovingly over Robert's chest. She could almost see the skin becoming thinner around his big build. His large bones were prominent. He reached for her breasts and smiled as milk leaked from her nipples.

  Knowing exactly what he would want, Britney obliged Robert without him having to verbalize his wish. Leaning low, as Robert lifted his legs to ensure her ass remained spiked on his erection, she let a fleshy tit dangle by his mouth. He had enough strength to take the nipple and nurse on the milk. His suckling became so intense, she pulled back until her nipple snapped out from between his teeth.

  Bending forward, she let Robert's rod slip from her back passage. She kissed him passionately, her tongue delving into his mouth to taste him. She could taste his life ebbing away. He almost tasted of death. Death and rotting flesh. His breathing was even slowing.

  “Ride me one last time. Ride me into death.”

  “I don't want to leave you in death. If I leave you in death, you'll never be with me. I'll never see anyone again.”

  “Don't let me become one of them. Please don't let me turn. I don't want t
o end up like Liam.”

  Britney didn’t care if she’d just had a baby a few days before. She settled on his cock. It felt blissful in her cunt, though she knew she had lost the tightness she possessed nine months earlier. Robert didn't seem to mind. He bucked his hips, encouraging her to forget his weary body and think of him as the fit stallion he always believed himself to be.

  Hands on his shoulders, Britney began riding his cock slowly. Her mind was not on the task. Robert didn't know that Liam did appear to be capable of affection and attachment. Killing Robert would deprive her of building that same connection. Maybe being the only member of the household left with life, Britney could raise her and Liam’s child and not miss out on the only two real men she'd ever loved. It was better to let Robert turn so she could train him, teach him, and allow him to exist in the same state that Liam seemed to have some quality of existence in. She knew there was something of Liam left, and she knew there would be something of Robert left, too.

  Satisfied with her decision, even though it went against Robert's dying wishes, she began to build up some enthusiasm for Robert’s last fuck. His last living fuck, that was. Planting her feet on the ground she bobbed herself up and down on the cock. She'd let the head burst through her looser slit and then raise herself so it slipped out. Other times she'd plant herself on the full nine inches so her weight rested fully on his pubic bone. Then she'd raise herself to the point where the helmet of his cock tugged at the entrance of the pussy. She'd repeatedly teased him, taking him in at different depths and releasing him at different times. Reaching behind she could feel his balls, full of cum, tighten as they got ready to unload. Squatting on his cock, she rubbed herself back and forth. Her clit was tantalized by the thick patch of Robert's pubic hair. Bringing herself to climax, she bent forward again so he could nurse from her milky white tits until he turned.

  His hungry mouth attacking her soft breast flesh had Britney wet and horny as she ground harder and felt the familiar tingles of an oncoming orgasm begin to emanate from her clit. As the orgasm threatened to overtake her, she flung her head back, ready to release an ecstatic scream. Just then, Robert opened his teeth in a fierce snarl. Her milky white tits had become more than just two irresistible melons that he had to suck on… Now that wasn’t enough. He had to rip them open and eat them. As she slammed her pussy down on his thick shaft, he brought his teeth down toward her fat, round nipple.

  At the last second, however, he felt a rough stick planted between his teeth. Oh well, he thought. Those tits would have tasted great, but he was still happy. With his last moments of human sentience, he felt nothing but joy and gratitude as his balls finally unleashed their last into Britney in a torrent, as cum erupted from his cock one last time.

  Britney had not outlasted everyone by being stupid. She was just crazy. She had been prepared in case he turned and had gotten the stick ready for just that purpose. As his body lay there, spending the last of its seed, she rode out the last of her orgasm as well. After his eruption, he had quieted and she had secured him to the bed. She would sort out what to do with him later. It seemed she would not be alone at all. She would have her little family to care for after all, she thought happily.


  Stepbrother Romance

  My New Billionaire Stepbrother

  Cynthia Wilde

  Copyright ©2015 by Cynthia Wilde. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Thank you so much for your interest in my work!


  Jennifer wished that she didn’t have to be there at all. But there she stood in a hideous pink bridesmaid dress, standing next to her mother while she married the man of her dreams. She was having every girl’s fantasy wedding. Her fiancée had told her that money was no object, and by the attention to detail and the spare-no-expense feel of this affair, it was clear he hadn’t been lying. Jennifer hated his constant show of wealth, but her mother Darla apparently was looking for the financial reassurance of stability over the spiritual connection of emotional attachment and chemistry. At the same time, Jennifer had to admit that the chocolate fondue fountain her mom had planned would be pretty awesome. The light show would be cool too, for that matter. Still, she would have rather stayed home.

  Her mother’s new husband Ryan was a bit older than she was, maybe by ten years. Jennifer was never privy to their exact age difference, but everyone with eyes could tell when the couple was out together. To be fair that was really not a big deal. If she had really liked the guy she wouldn’t have thought twice about it. But Jennifer never really did warm up to him during the whirlwind three month courtship. She kept that to herself as best as she could though, because her mother just seemed so happy. She couldn’t bear to be the one to rain on the woman’s parade, so she just kept her mouth shut and tried as best as she could to be supportive.

  Jennifer was happy to see that the ritual ceremony was over and people were getting up to head to the reception. She went to congratulate her mother one last time before leaving them to go change and get to the other venue.

  “Congrats mom, you look so adorable.”

  Jennifer was being honest, as her mother was radiating a glow that was hard to surpass. She looked as close to radiant as she ever got and the dress was just beautiful. That dress probably cost more than Jennifer would make in a year, and it showed. All of the detail and embroidery really made it stand out.

  “Thank you baby. Stick around Jenny, so you can meet your new brothers.”

  Jennifer looked confused since she had never heard of Ryan having any children. She envisioned a couple of teens that he had from a previous marriage.

  “I didn’t know I was getting new brothers out of this deal, mom. No one ever tells me anything. I go off to school fifty miles away and ….oh, never mind. I will see you at the reception and meet them then, okay?”

  The blonde tried to smile, hiding her true feelings from her mother. As always her mother was distracted and didn’t seem to notice her daughter’s annoyance. She walked away as she heard her mom gushing to her oldest friend, Ruth. Jennifer pulled her hair out of the fancy up-do which had taken an hour to create. Shaking her hair out, she slid into her old Mazda, which had been parked in front of the church, and headed down to the country club where the reception was to be held. Well, at least she wouldn’t have trouble finding her car in that parking lot later. Being almost 10 years old, it would certainly stand out, she thought, shaking her head.

  Jennifer sat in her car for a few minutes after she pulled in. She hunted for her party dress and pulled it on after taking off the pink fluffy nightmare dress that her mom made her wear. It was now the tackiest, most expensive dress she owned and she hoped to hock it on Ebay as soon as she got back to school. Maybe someone would buy it, or at least she hoped so. She figured it would at least pay for a few books if nothing else.

  Jennifer fluffed her hair and re-applied some light pink lipstick. She lit and took a few quick drags on a cigarette before stubbing it out and going inside, blowing smoke out of her lips as she went. She knew almost no one there and Jennifer found herself walking towards the bar. The buffet would be her second stop.

  “Do you have an I.D. miss?”

  “Oh come on, I’m the daughter of the bride. If I have to be here, the least you can do is give me a couple of shots.”

  “I’m sorry miss, but no card, no drinks.”

  Jennifer was about to say something else when a tall, dark-haired man came up behind her.

  “I need….”

  The man looked over at Jennifer and waited for her to answer.

  “Double vodka.”

  The bartender looked between the two, and rather than protest, did as the man, who also seemed to be his employer, bade. Jennifer thanked the attractive strang
er and then headed towards the buffet table with drink in hand. She didn’t care for weddings in general, and especially not for this one in particular. Probably as a direct result, her cup was empty by the time she got back to the table. Jennifer looked around for the handsome stranger for a moment and when she didn’t see him, she decided to try her luck for another drink on her own.

  The young, tuxedo clad bartender already had another one poured and ready for her when she got back. Pleasantly surprised, she thanked him.

  “I told him to keep ‘em coming for you all night, as many as you wish…as long as don’t get too wasted.”

  The change of tone was welcomed, as well as suspicious. She took the drink and walked toward the closest available table. For the moment she ignored decorum and the standard prearranged seating. She just wasn’t in the mood. Jennifer had just picked a random seat when her new tall, dark and handsome friend joined her, taking a seat on her left.


  Jennifer looked over at the man and said hello back. He was ruggedly handsome and he was dressed impeccably. Jennifer didn’t know that much about custom tailored suits, but she suspected that was what he was wearing. He reeked of money, as most of the people around her did. Some of those at the reception seemed to make a show of every bit of jewelry, and took every opportunity to mention their connections, but he carried it all off effortlessly, as if he might as well have been wearing a pair of old overalls. His brown eyes held hers captivated for a moment, before she looked down at her plate.

  “So um, thanks back there. I really needed a drink.”


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