Elonu (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Aliens Of Xeion)

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Elonu (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Aliens Of Xeion) Page 8

by Maia Starr

“We’re almost there!” he shouted. I looked up to see the two towers building. Then he ran inside, and I followed.

  “We made it. We have to get to the roof,” he said.

  “Okay!” I shouted over the sounds of battle outside. We ran up the stairs, stepping over dead cyborgs.

  “I need a transport on the roof of the two towers building in twenty seconds! Evacuation transport on the roof of the two towers building!” he shouted into his arm cuff.

  “Evacuation transport confirmed. Headed in your direction,” the response said.

  “Come on!” he shouted at me pulling me after him up the stairs.

  We got to the roof. I looked out in complete disbelief. There was a full-on battle raging in the skies and all around us. All of this for us, the human females. My heart was touched, even though these beasts took us from Earth. I looked at Elonu.

  “They are coming. Look,” he pointed at a ship coming toward us.

  “Thank you, Elonu. Thank you,” I said. He leaned down and kissed me. Explosions went on around us in the distance, but I felt like they were going on inside of me as well. I kissed him with such passion that I didn’t know who I was anymore. I was one with him. But in the back of my mind, I thought… who is the female he needs to get back too?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Elonu Fiul

  Nothing could prepare me for the anger I felt when I saw that cyborg dragging Emma away. But it was nothing compared to the rage that overtook my body when I saw him pinning her to the wall. He was trying to rape her. A spark ignited inside of me that let off an explosion. I pulled him off of her and punched him. Unfortunately, in my rage, I forgot he was metal. After going a few rounds letting my rage control my actions, I got some sense of logic back and knew that I had to get rid of him for good. That was when I remembered the knife in Emma’s boot. I grabbed it and ended the cyborg’s life. He would never again touch her.

  Now we were on the transport being taken away from the explosions and battle of the cyborg city. We were headed to the main control ship: the captain’s ship.

  “Are you alright, Emma? Are you sure?” I asked as I grabbed her hand and led her to a bench seat in the back.

  “Yes. I am alright. I’m not hurt; just shaken,” she said.

  “I’m glad I got there in time,” I said.

  “Yes, me too,” she said looking at the floor.

  “Is that what you were trying to tell me before? That is what the cyborgs do to the human females? That’s what he did to you when you were his prisoner?” I whispered.

  She nodded her head yes and started to cry.

  “That fucker. If I could kill him again, I would,” I said trying to restrain my rage. I wanted to punch the wall. But looking at Emma shaking and crying, I knew that I needed to put my attention on her. “I’m sorry that happened to you. It’s in the past. You never have to think of it again,” I said pulling her into my arms. She pressed her face against my chest. I could feel her wet tears on my skin. They burned a hole in me. I wanted to take away her pain. Now I knew without a doubt that she needed to be mine. I wanted to protect her forever. I wanted her to be mine forever. Would she want too? After all that she had been through, would she willingly want to be with me? Or would she petition the king to be given as a mate to a different Kynon all together? I squeezed her tightly.

  “What can I do for you, Emma? Do you need some water?” I asked.

  “Just hold me, Elonu,” she whimpered.

  “Yes, I can do that,” I said holding her with both arms around her. I held her allowing her to cry. It seemed that she needed to get it out.

  “Approaching ship number one,” the pilot said over the intercom.

  Emma pulled herself from my chest. “What does that mean?”

  “That’s the ship we were on before. It’s the captain’s ship.”

  “Will the others be on there?” she asked suddenly lightening up.

  “I am not sure, but I would think so,” I said.

  “Good,” she said wiping the tears from her face. She straightened up. A few seconds later, the transport was entering the cargo bay of the ship.

  We walked down the ramp. Lieutenant Vnor Gin was waiting for us.

  “Welcome back,” he said with a raised brow.

  “How much trouble am I in?” I asked.

  “The captain is on the bridge ordering the rest of the fleet out of the battle and back to the mothership. Once all have retreated and are safe, he wants to see you,” he said.

  “I am ready to take whatever punishment he has in store,” I said.

  “No! It’s my fault. I am the one to blame,” Emma said to him.

  He smiled. “I don’t doubt that. You humans are very headstrong, I have learned.”

  “The others? Where are they?” Emma asked.

  “Inside. We have them sharing rooms as we don’t have enough to accommodate them all, but the mothership will be able to once we reach it,” he said.

  “Take me to them, please,” she said.

  “Elonu can take you. I have to get back to the battle. They are in the C Quarters,” he said and then left.

  “Come on. I can take you to them,” I said grabbing her hand. I led her inside the ship and down the long halls. I went to the C Quarters. The doors were open, and we could hear the chit-chat hum of the women.

  “Veronica? Diana?” Emma said running ahead of me.


  The girls ran out into the hallway. Shouts of joy rang out as they all hugged each other and talked over each over.

  “This is Elonu; he is the one that helped me get you guys out of there,” Emma said pointing at me. I nodded.

  “Thank you,” they each said. Then they began to talk to each other again. I slowly backed away and let them talk. I needed to see the captain. I might as well get it over with, I thought.

  I reported to the flight deck. I saw out the windshield that we were entering the darkness of space. We were leaving the cyborg planet of X003.

  “All ships have reported in?” the captain asked a soldier at the console.

  “Yes, all ships and troops are accounted for. The battle was a success,” he responded.

  “Not if their leader decides to retaliate on us or our planet in the future,” Alicron said.

  “He’s dead. I killed him,” I said. Captain Alicron turned and looked at me. He stomped over and got in my face. “You! You defied my orders! You put us through this!”

  “I apologize and accept my punishment,” I said standing at attention with my hands behind my back.

  “Are you so eager to be punished? Why would you disobey me?” he barked.

  “I had to. I couldn’t abandon them. We brought them here. We are responsible for them; it was the right thing to do,” I said calmly.

  “Is that it? Or has the red-haired human female gotten to you? I have reports of you two,” he said. I looked at him with wide eyes. Shit, he knew.

  “Don’t think I don’t understand the pull and temptation of the human females. I know all too well, but you disobeyed your captain,” he barked.

  I looked at Lieutenant Vnor Gin, who was trying to restrain a smile. What did he know? Had the captain also fallen for a human? They were not telling me everything.

  “Now go get cleaned up! I can’t deal with you right now! We are docking with the mothership and then heading home. It’s time we get out of this shithole. I’m sick of this place” the captain barked.

  “Yes, sir,” I said. I walked out, giving one last look at the lieutenant, who was still trying not to laugh.

  I went to my room and took a quick shower to wash the battle off of me. I wanted to give Emma some time with her friends.

  After I stepped out of the shower and put on a fresh pair of pants, I was ready to go find Emma when there was a knock at my door. I opened it.

  “Captain?” I said.

  He barged in and closed the door.

  “I want to thank you, Elonu,” he said.

p; “Thank me?”

  “Yes. I wanted to say it out there, but I couldn’t. I had to make it look like you were being punished in front of the others because they have to know that disobeying me is not acceptable. As you know,” he said walking back and forth in the room.

  “Yes, I do know,” I said.

  “Good. But you are right. We needed to get those females. My father only gave me this fleet because I said I was coming back here to get the females and my crew, but once the crew was found and I found out that the other women were in the cyborg city, I lost sight of that mission. I was being selfish. I was only thinking about getting myself back to my own human that waits for me aboard the mothership. But when you left and went on your own, it reminded me of just how reckless I am too. Thank you for that. And because of your recklessness, we got the females and now can return home.”

  “You’re welcome,” I said.

  He smiled and moved toward the door. “When we arrive home, I think there will be a ceremony for your bravery and a promotion to lieutenant.”

  “Thank you,” I smiled.

  There was a knock at the door. The captain opened it.

  “Oh sorry, I thought this was Elonu’s…” Emma said.

  “He’s here. Good job, human,” the captain said.

  “Thank you,” Emma said. The captain walked out, and Emma walked in.

  “I was just freshening up,” I said to her with a smile as she entered and closed the door.

  “Yes, I could use a shower too,” she said, pulling off her dress over her head. “But I felt lonely.”

  “Well, I have a shower,” I said grabbing her and kissing her. She moaned. Then I remembered something: a question I wanted to ask her.

  “Emma. What happened to you? When we were crouching down around the outskirts of the city? You were behind me, and then you weren’t. Then minutes later you were contacting me over the cuff. How?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I knew it was going to take too long to find the women. So I left you and found some cyborgs and told them I got lost and separated from the other humans on my way back to them. They bought it and took me straight to them,” she said.

  “I don’t know if you are brilliant or completely insane,” I said, shaking my head at her reckless bravery.

  “I could say the same to you,” she said.

  “That is true,” I said kissing her. “Now let’s get you nice and wet,” I said, pulling the material off the pants she wore high over her body and exposed her perfect breasts. I had every intention of allowing her to take a shower, but I was going to watch.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Emma Garrett

  Seeing the girls again made me so happy. They were all accounted for and safe on the ship. They were so relieved to be free from the cyborgs and already understood that treatment of the Kynon was so much better than being held prisoner by the ruthless cyborgs. It was a weight off of my shoulders.

  “We are so glad that you came through with your promise, the pact that we made,” Veronica said hugging me.

  “Of course. I couldn’t abandon all of you. I knew that if it were any one of you that had escaped, you would come back for me and the others, so I held true to that. I wasn’t going to leave you all with those monsters. I couldn’t live with myself. But it really was Elonu who did it; without him, we wouldn’t be here. Without the fleet coming for us, we wouldn’t be here. I’m just so glad we are all safe,” I said.

  Everyone was crying tears of joy and relief. They had already made themselves comfortable in the rooms and were settled in.

  “So we have been told there are other humans on the mothership,” Amber said.

  “We don’t know who,” Sara added.

  “We are all very anxious to know who it is,” Jennifer added.

  “We can all be reunited again,” Monica said.

  “That is incredible news. There were twelve of us taken from Earth, and we are seven, so the rest must be on the mothership,” I said.

  “I’m so happy to be free,” Veronica mumbled. I hugged her. She had been through what I had been through, and I felt for her.

  I sat with them for a little longer, talking about everything that had happened. I told them about jumping out of the ship when K2Q had me and everything that happened after that, well… almost everything. I was not ready to admit to them that I was in love with a blue alien and had given myself to him willingly. Then I told them the good news: that K2Q was dead. They were all very happy about that. Then they filled me in on what happened after I left them. We were all exhausted and relieved.

  “I’m going to go wash up. I’ll find you all in an hour or so, when we get on the mothership,” I said.

  I said my goodbyes and then went to find Elonu.

  I found him in his room talking to the captain, and before long, we were alone and he was undressing me so that I could take a shower.

  “I get to watch you shower, don’t I?” he asked as he peeled off the pants, exposing my breasts. He moaned.

  “A show? You want a show?” I teased.

  “Would that be a show? I just want to allow you to clean up. It will just so happen I will be there too,” he said as he unlaced my boots and pulled them off. Then he grabbed the pants and pulled them over my hips and down to my feet.

  “You are beautiful, Emma,” he said as he placed soft kisses on my legs and thighs. I moaned. He was turning me on.

  “If you keep doing this, I won’t be able to stop to take a shower,” I said.

  He sighed. “Fine, come this way,” he said grabbing my hand and leading me to the washroom. He ran the shower, and I stepped in. He smiled at me. He leaned against the wall, and watched, just as he said he would. I slowly washed my body, running my hands over my breasts and over my ass while he watched. I ran my hands through my hair. I could hear him moaning. I looked over at him and smiled. He looked at me with lust in his eyes.

  “I can’t take it anymore, Emma. You are driving me crazy,” he said as he turned off the water. He scooped me up into his arms even though I was dripping wet.

  “Aah! Elonu! I’m so wet!” I laughed.

  “And I’m going to make you wetter,” he groaned.

  His words turned me on so much. He carried me to his bed and laid me down on it. I hung onto his neck, placing soft kisses on his chest.

  “Your skin is so smooth and delicate. Such a strange color,” he whispered, kissing my neck.

  “Me, a strange color. You are blue,” I said.

  “Yes, the perfect color,” he laughed as he trailed kisses down my belly. I moaned as playfulness gave way to passion. He kept going further and further down, licking the beads of water off of my skin. I moaned and wiggled underneath his heavy weight. His damp silver hair tickled my skin as it fell on me. Then I felt him between my thighs as he placed a kiss on my inner thigh. I groaned as he did so. I felt Elonu’s kisses press against my wet center.

  “Oh yes, yes. Please don’t stop, Elonu,” I whispered.

  “I don’t intend to, Emma,” he whispered back. Elonu licked me up and down, going along my slit as I moaned. I could feel the pulsing between my thighs start to rise. I felt such incredible passion building inside of me. Now that we were safe, I was able to let go. I thought of nothing else except for him between my thighs. This massive blue alien with perfect purple eyes. He was licking and kissing me, enjoying it with groans and moans. He made me feel desirable and petite. I felt him push pressure on my clit with his tongue. I groaned louder. “Oh yes. Yes!”

  He moved on top of it back and forth and rolling his tongue around it until I thought I was going explode. “I’m going to cum. Elonu, I’m releasing,” I said just as I shivered. My whole body trembled as the small convulsions moved through me. I felt the pulsations evolve to a violent throbbing between my thighs. I sat up toward him and pushed my hands into his long and damp silver hair. “Oh God, I’m cumming!”

  “Mmm, I love listening to you,” he whispered between licks.

  I was lost in the moment of feeling the sweet release washing over me. Then I laid back on the bed and felt my body melting into the mattress. I was completely gone.

  “I can’t wait to feel you again,” he said as he stood up. I felt his weight lift from the bed. I turned my head to look at him. He took off his belt, boots, and then peeled off the pants he wore. I bit my lower lip as I looked at his perfect alien body. His six-pack abs gave way to his muscular hips and chiseled thighs. His long cock hard as a rock. The thick member was ready for me, and I wanted it badly. But I also wanted to play with it. Elonu came toward me, ready to climb on top of me.


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