Elonu (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Aliens Of Xeion)

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Elonu (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Aliens Of Xeion) Page 9

by Maia Starr

  I wrapped my hand around his cock.

  “What are you doing Emma?” he asked.

  “You will see,” I said. I sat up, directly in front of him. I moved my hand up and down his cock. He groaned. “That again. I don't know if I can handle it, Emma,” he whispered.

  “What about this?” I asked. Then I placed the tip of his blue cock in my mouth.

  “Fuck. Fuck,” he whispered.

  I twisted my tongue around the tip of it, circling. He moaned and put his hands in my hair. I licked it slowly, like a popcicle. He groaned as he watched me. I looked up at him. His six-pack abs and toned body were exceptional to look at as I played with his huge cock. I held it in my hand and pushed it further into my mouth. I slid back and forth on it. Elonu moaned.

  “That feels incredible. Damn that feels so good, human,” he groaned.

  I was enjoying myself. I wanted to give him pleasure the way he gave me pleasure. I moved slowly and deliberately and then faster and faster.

  “Oh fuck. Fuck…Emma. Stop. I want to be inside you, and I won’t be able to if you keep doing that,” he whispered.

  I stopped. I smiled at him as I looked up at him through my lashes.

  “Damn, you are beautiful,” he moaned. Then he climbed on top of me. He pressed his heavy body between my thighs. “You are mine,” he moaned as he placed his mouth over mine. Elonu kissed me with passion. I wrapped my arms around his back and pulled him to me. I loved kissing him… I loved him. I felt a flood of warmth flow through me as I admitted that to myself. It was true. I had not been in love for a long time, and never like this. I was in love with this blue alien. It was unbelievable. I never even knew aliens existed and now I was deeply bonded to one. I couldn't be without him anymore.

  “I want you badly, Emma,” he whispered between kisses.

  “I do too,” I said. Then he stopped kissing me and hovered above me, looking at me with his purple eyes aflame. Strands of his silver hair fell across his brow, and I pushed them aside.

  Then he moved higher, and I felt the tip of his cock press against my wet slit. I maneuvered myself, allowing him to enter me. “Oh yes, Elonu. Yes,” I moaned.

  His long cock slid inside of me. He groaned loudly until he reached the depths of me. Then he slid out and in again. He started off slowly at first. Then he moved faster and faster, swaying his hips back and forth until I was on the verge again.

  “I’m going to cum again, Elonu,” I whispered. He moaned. “I want you to cum on my cock, Emma.”

  With this alien’s filthy words, I exploded into orgasm again. “Yes! Yes!” I shouted.

  Elonu slowed down. He moved softly, allowing his hand to move over my breasts. Then he pulled his cock out of me and moved his face over my nipples. He licked and sucked on them while I enjoyed the pulsations of my orgasm moving through me. His licking tickled my hard nipples. He moaned wildly like an animal as he pushed one breast into his mouth, then the other. Then he kissed me on the lips. All I could do was lay there as my body experienced the release still flowing through me.

  He moved himself back into position and entered me again. He moved fast this time. He pumped his cock in and out of me. I opened my thighs wider. This alien was strong and able to hold himself up above me while fucking me hard and fast.

  A few minutes later, he grunted and groaned as he tensed. “I’m going to release, Emma.” Then I felt his hot juice flow inside of me. He moaned and bit his lower lip as he did so. I loved looking at his muscular form tense up. He was so chiseled and perfect.

  Then he rested on me for a minute before finally rolling off of me. We laid there breathless having just experienced the best sex of our lives. But as the euphoria of passion started to give way to logical thinking, I started to think about what had been bothering me the whole time. Who was the female he was going back to? I had been avoiding finding out that he had another woman because I didn’t want to deal with the heartache. I had been cheated on by my boyfriend, and I had a hard time trusting anyone. But now I had to know. I realized that this could be the last time we were together because if he expected me to be a second wife to his first wife, I would have to decline. I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t share him with anyone.


  “Yes, my love?” he said.

  “You are calling me your love?” I teased as I sat up on my elbow and looked at his long silver hair around him. His purple eyes sparkled as he smiled.

  “I love you, Emma,” he said.

  “You do?”

  “Yes, I love you. Damn, I’m so completely devoted to you. I can’t live without you,” he said.

  “I love you too, Elonu,” I said. Then he kissed me. I kissed him back, but then I stopped.

  “What? What is it Emma?” he looked at me seriously.

  “I need to know Elonu. When I asked you why you went on the mission to Earth, you said you did it for her. I need to know who she is. Are you married? Do you have a wife? Who is the female waiting for you on your planet of Xeion? Is it another human? A Kynon?” I said rambling on, delaying his answer.

  “Slow down. Slow down. Emma, there is something I haven’t told you,” he said.

  My stomach began to hurt. Here it was: he was going to finally reveal that he had been lying to me, keeping secrets.

  “I’m listening,” I whispered.

  “The reason the Kynon are taking humans from Earth is because our females are dying. We don’t know why it’s happening. But it’s gotten to the point that we needed to find another female species to mate with or our whole species would go extinct.”

  “What? Really?” I asked shocked.

  “Yes, really. It’s true. That is why we are abducting human females from Earth. We know it’s wrong, but it’s also necessary,” he said.

  “So that’s why we are here. I am to give the Kynon males offspring?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he said.

  “So I’m going to be passed around for breeding from one male to another!” I shouted.

  “No. No, not like that. We are monogamous. We have only one wife,” he said.

  “So you don’t have a wife waiting for you?”

  “No. When I say I promised her I would do it, I was talking about my mother. She has the plague that is going around in females, and she is very weak. I don’t know how much time she has left. I promised her that I would find a human female mate and to continue the line of my blood. I promised her I would return to her,” he said sadly.

  “Oh, Elonu, I’m so sorry. That is horrible,” I said hugging him. I was so relieved. I really thought he had another woman and that he was hiding a horrible secret. I felt so much weight lift off of me, and then I realized…

  “Wait, so does this mean that you and I can…”

  “Be together?” he asked. “Yes I hope so. That is if you want to be with me,” he said.

  “Yes, I do,” I smiled.

  Knock. Knock.

  “We’re docking with the mothership!” a soldier shouted.

  “Thank you!” Elonu said.

  “Come on, let’s get dressed, even though I want to lay here with you for hours,” he said getting up.

  “I heard there are more humans on this ship. I can’t wait to see,” I jumped up out of bed and got dressed.

  A few minutes later, we were walking through the hall and out of the ship. I looked up and around. We were in a massive cargo bay of a large ship.

  “And I thought the ship we were on was big,” I said.

  “No, this one is built for long-distance travel. To go home,” Elonu said with pride looking at me. Then the other girls came down the ramp looking around in awe the way I was.

  “It’s true! There they are!” I heard a female voice say.

  I looked to the side to see two women running toward us. They looked very familiar.

  “I remember you!” the blonde said to me as she gave me a hug.

  “I remember you too. You are Vicki, and you are Bridgett,” I said excit
edly to the brunette.

  “I’m Gloria; I don’t think we met,” another girl said.

  The other girls hovered around, and we all got reacquainted. We were so happy to see each other.

  “Where are the others?” I asked. “It is just the three of you?”

  “It is just the three of us on this ship. Nancy and Lauren are already on the planet Xeion,” Vicki said.

  “Really? How?”

  “It’s a long story,” Vicki and Bridgett said in unison and then laughed.

  “Come inside. We’ll show you around,” Vicki said to us. The girls followed her. But I stayed behind with Elonu.

  “So will I be going to my own room on the journey home, or sharing yours?” I asked.

  “Well, there are a lot of bodies to accommodate on this ship, so in the interest of helping to save space, I think we should share a room. Come, let’s go find one,” he said putting his arm around me.

  “I think that sounds like a good plan,” I said.

  I followed him into the ship to begin the journey home, to our new home. My new home.


  “It is nice to meet you. I am Emma,” I said bowing to her.

  “Oh, Emma. You are so beautiful. I have not met many human females yet, but I can honestly say you are a beauty,” Canalu said to me. She was stunning too, with silver hair and purple eyes, just like her son. She sat up in bed looking at us with a big smile. I was so happy that we had made it home in time to find her in somewhat good health, even though the doctors told us that she would not be that way for long. It made Elonu sad, but I could tell that he was relieved to be home and that she was still alive.

  “Thank you for your compliment, Canalu,” I said.

  “I am so happy. Elonu tells me he is in love with you,” she said lightheartedly. “Nothing could make me happier,” she said.

  “Nothing could make me happier either. I am also in love with your son,” I said.

  “And you know? You know what is happening here?” she asked.

  “Yes, I do. I want to be with Elonu, and I want to give him offspring. I am dedicated and devoted to him, and my new family,” I said.

  She sighed. “I am so relieved to hear that, Emma. You are a blessing to us,” she said holding her hand out to me. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

  I spent hours with her, talking with her and becoming acquainted. She told me stories, stories about her family and where she came from. She told me stories about Elonu and his youth. I was delighted to get to know her.

  I moved in with Elonu and his mother; they had a very large house, and she had the entire bottom floor while we had the top. I enjoyed helping him take care of her, and I saw his sensitive side when he was with her, caring for her. Things had turned out better than I could have ever expected. I did get to meet the king, the captain's father. The king granted Elonu the permission needed to take me as his wife and mate. So I would soon be his one and only wife, and I thought about how silly it was that I spent so much time thinking that there was another. I should have trusted him from the beginning, but I had been scarred by my ex-boyfriend. Now I was living on a completely different planet and about to be the wife of a blue Kynon alien that I was completely in love with.

  It turned out well for the eleven women that were taken from Earth while we attended a yoga retreat in the California desert. None of us had ever thought that attending a workshop would end up the way it did, but no one seemed to have any regret over it now that everyone was settled. Half of the women had already been matched with a Kynon. Some of them had it happen while they were on the cyborg planet, with stories similar to my own. Now, we were all living a completely different life. We were the wives of aliens, and our adventure was only just beginning.

  The End

  Extra Value

  I hope you have enjoyed “Alicron-Aliens Of Xeion”! To make you happy and provide as much value as possible, I have teamed up with my good friend Stella Sky who is also a Sci Fi Romance author. She writes the same type of stuff as me so I know you will love her stuff! You cant go wrong with getting lost in the worlds of sexy aliens and weredragons ! Not only have am I providing value from Stella, I am also including books of my own as bonus to introduce you to other steamy series with hot aliens written by myself! Enjoy !

  With Love,

  Maia Starr

  Cylo-Dragons Of Kelon

  (Dragons Of Kelon)

  By Maia Starr



  I saw a large dark shadow just underneath the surface of the water. The massive ripples let me know that it was something fast. It looked dangerous, but I could not look away. I took a few more steps and got as close as I could to the edge of the cliff jutting over the Pacific Ocean. I was very scared of heights and I did not want to be anywhere near the edge, but I had to take a look. My knees grew weak as I looked out over the water.

  "Are those wings?” I whispered to myself as I watched the dark shadow underneath the water get closer to the surface and create a dark outline. It looked like a very large bird swimming underneath the water.

  "That can't be, Melody. I think the pressures of being the president's daughter have finally caught up with you,” I said as I rubbed my eyes and shook my head from side to side as though I could make it disappear.

  I looked back at the water. Whoosh! Suddenly the creature burst from the surface of the water and flew straight up, shooting into the sky, into the blinding light of the bright sun. It was so fast that I could not exactly see what I was looking at. But in the backlight of the sun I saw a brief outline as the creature spread its wings out from its sides. They look to be at least 10 feet across and my mouth was wide open as I stared at it. What the hell was I looking at? Was it some form of dinosaur that we thought was extinct, but would reappear now and then to create a legend like the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland?

  I took steps backward as the creature seemed to hit the highest point of its flight and change direction, toward me. It was diving very fast. I kept my eyes on it but walked faster; I could not run. I was too frozen with awe at the sight of this strange thing.

  Boom! The ground seemed to shake underneath me as the creature landed a few yards in front of me.

  "Holy shit," I whispered to myself as I put my hands over my mouth. I could not believe what I was looking at. It was a man. It was a very large man, almost 9 feet tall. His very broad strong chest was naked, and only a simple loincloth covered his waist down to his thighs. He was very muscular, toned, with six-pack abs that looked chiseled. His jet-black hair was long down to his jaw, and a 5 o'clock shadow beard covered his face. But as he took slows cautious steps toward me, it was not these features that made me feel like I was losing my mind. It was the imprint, almost like a tattoo, that covered his right arm from his wrist up to his shoulder. It looked like a strange pattern, and the very large wings that he had folded behind him let me know this was something not human. My breathing grew heavier, and I knew then that this moment was the start of something that would change my life forever. But little did I know exactly what it all meant.

  I couldn't believe that all of this was happening simply because my friend Gloria had recommended I take a hike to clear my mind. I was the daughter of the current President of the United States, President Reeves. The pressure of all of it was getting to me, even though I lived all the way across the country in California. Being the daughter of the president was not all it was cracked up to be. I hated politics. But I hated even more the intrusion of privacy that came with it. I was a writer, and I wanted nothing more than to have an adventure in order to write about it. But I was never able to really get away without people knowing who I was. My father's security detail watched my every move. Even though I was 25-years-old with my own life on the other side of the country, my father ran my life. I could not wait for his term in office to be over. It affected my life more than anything, and that included my romantic life. I never knew if a man was inte
rested in me because of my own personality or if he was just using me for my position in the world.

  Just like the guy I had been seeing: James Buckley.

  "Are you going to eat that?” James said as he sat across the table from me at a romantic restaurant. We had been dating for two months, and he was a very dashing, rich, Ivy Leaguer. My girlfriends loved him and thought he was perfect. I, on the other hand, thought he was just okay. He was nice and did everything by the book, but I found him to be very boring.

  "No, I'm not,” I said pushing the plate of veal toward him.


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