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The Fall of the Prodigal

Page 26

by Michelle Lindo-Rice

  Josie opened the door. Her eyes sparkled when she saw the children. She ushered them into the kitchen for some treats. Michael practically sprinted into Keith’s office.

  “I’m engaged to both Lauren and Verona,” Michael announced after knocking and hearing he could enter.

  Keith’s head snapped up from the book he had been reading. “How did you manage to do that?” Without waiting for a reply, he continued, “I’m glad I didn’t open my big mouth and mention your engagement to Lauren in church last week.”

  “I did ask Lauren, first. However, when I went into Tiffany’s to pick up the ring, I saw one that screamed Verona’s name. I had to get it. I had to ask Verona to marry me. I’ve been fighting it, but I know she’s the one.”

  “You can’t stay engaged to two women,” Keith ordered, stern-faced. He beckoned to Michael to close to door. Michael complied before easing into the chair across from Keith.

  “You have to break things off with one of them,” Keith reiterated.

  “I know. I tried. I went to Lauren’s Friday night and told her I couldn’t marry her. She threatened to kill herself and the children if I left her.”

  Keith slid away from his desk. “She said kill? As in intent to harm and you’re just now telling me this?”

  “I called but it went to voicemail. I’ve been glued to Lauren’s side ever since. I haven’t let John and Olivia out of my sight.” He rubbed his head. “It wasn’t what she said; it was how she said it that has me in torment.”

  “How did she say it?” Keith questioned.

  “She didn’t scream or yell. In fact, she growled the words in this low, menacing tone.”

  “Listen, there’s too much going on with people today to dismiss that as a harmless threat. I think we need to alert the authorities. Even if Lauren wasn’t serious, those words should’ve never left her mouth.”

  “I agree, but I’m not trying to get her in trouble.”

  “Then she never should have fixed her mouth to say something so despicable. We need you to pursue emergency custody.”

  Michael wavered. “I don’t know, Keith. She’s John and Olivia’s mother. How would that look if I stole them from her?”

  “You wouldn’t be stealing them. You’d be rescuing them from potential harm. How many mothers have you heard hit the news for driving their kids into the ocean or something? Too many. Well answer this, how has she been acting? Did she apologize for her statement?” Keith’s eyes narrowed to slits.

  Michael backtracked over his and Lauren’s conversation. He shook his head. “No, she didn’t apologize. I did. I backed down with the excuse of cold feet. Once Lauren heard that, she went right back to the wedding planning. She didn’t skip a beat.”

  Keith narrowed his eyes. “Is she bipolar? How well do you know this woman?”

  Michael shook his head. When he met Lauren years ago, Michael had been heartbroken over Keith and Gina’s betrayal. For him, Lauren had been a tool for his revenge. And she had been a crazy good bed partner. He squinted his eyes. Somehow, he was a magnet for psychos.

  “I don’t know if she’s bipolar. I know her in the biblical sense,” Michael said. He pulled out his cell phone and speed dialed Frank.

  After a couple rings, Frank picked up. “Frank, I need you to gather all you can on Lauren Goodman. I need it yesterday.”

  Michael disconnected the line. By then, Keith had grabbed his coat and waited for him by the door. “Let’s go to the police station and get an emergency custody order. John and Olivia are safe here. I’ll warn Josie not to let Lauren in the house if she comes by.”

  “I don’t think she will. She believes I’m at Chuck E. Cheese.”

  Keith nodded. “Have you told Verona any of this?”

  “No. I was hoping to have it handled before she returns.”

  Keith stopped and put a hand on Michael’s shoulder. “If you love her and she’s the one you want to marry, you need to tell her. Lauren doesn’t sound stable. She might decide to go after Verona when she finds out the truth.”

  Michael gulped. He had not thought of that. “I really made a mess of things, didn’t I?”

  “Hold the remorse,” Keith advised. “Lauren had everybody fooled but God. That’s why, in my spirit, I believe you should take her at her word.”

  The brothers entered Keith’s vehicle. Michael’s heart thumped in his chest. “I hope we’re not overreacting.”

  “Better to overreact than to have regrets.”

  Keith was right. “Now I feel as if I waited too long,” Michael said.

  “No point in second-guessing. You did the right thing by not leaving her. I know it may seem as if I’m being dramatic but, believe me, you don’t know how many cases there are that don’t make the news.”

  “When Lauren said those words to me, it took everything within me not to strangle her with my bare hands.” Talking about it brought Michael’s anger back to the surface.

  “She’d be picking her teeth up off the floor if those had been my children.”

  “Pastor Ward, I don’t think that’s a godly response,” Michael teased, although he appreciated Keith’s honest reaction. It made him human.

  Keith acquiesced. “You’re right. God looked out for me by making sure I wasn’t present at the time. Once I’m assured the children are safe, I’ll try to pray for her.”

  Michael chuckled at Keith’s choice of words. If it’s one thing he could appreciate about his brother, Keith was real. “I’m glad you’re here with me,” he observed.

  His brother smiled. “I’m glad you’re here. Period.”

  “Give me my kids, Michael!” Lauren screamed. “I know you’re in there. So come outside! I’m not leaving without my children. John! Olivia! Mommy’s here.”

  Keith had been expecting her. He opened the door and stepped outside. He kept his tone neutral and said, “Lauren, I’m going to ask you to leave. You made an awful threat against yourself and your children. It’s late and John and Olivia are sleeping. You can hire an attorney and protest the judge’s decision, but you need to leave.”

  She shoved her hands in her pocket. Keith backed up, wary. He should have stayed inside. Lauren could be packing and he was easy target. Lord, I invite your presence. Keep me safe and from all harm and danger.

  She shivered. “Keith, I love my children. Please let me see them. I need to take them home.”

  Gently, he said, “I’m sorry, Lauren. I can’t.”

  In an instant, her demeanor changed. Lauren let loose a string of profanity and screamed at the top of her lungs. “I want my children! I want them! I’ll come back and blast this place apart if you don’t give them to me.”

  Wow. She was “out of this world” crazy. She was “kill her kids and everyone in his home” kind of crazy.

  Keith sprinted up the steps and sailed through the screen door. He needed her to enter his home. After that, anything that transpired would be self-defense. Gina was standing by the door with Trey’s bat in her hands. Keith put his hand over his lips, urging her to remain silent.

  Lauren picked up some of the stones that lined his driveway and flung them at the door. Keith clenched his fists. This was a woman who would make him fight her like a man. He turned and said, “Lauren, if you don’t leave. I’ll call the cops. The neighbors are probably already on the phone.” Thankfully, he only had a couple of surrounding homes in the vicinity.

  The commotion must have awakened Michael for he strode toward the front door. Keith tried to hold him, but he pushed past Keith.

  Michael stormed over to Lauren. “It’s one-thirty in the morning. Go home. Now. We will talk later on today.”

  The young woman sobbed. “I miss them,” she said. “Please, Michael.”

  Michael moved to hug her but she reared back and spit in his face. Turning on her heels, Lauren stomped to her car. “This is not over,” she sneered flinging the ring off her hand and tossing it in the bushes. “You’re going to be sorry you did this to me, Michael.
After all I did to be with you. I can’t believe this is how you repay me. You wouldn’t even have children if I didn’t . . .”

  Suddenly, she stopped. Jumping in her car, the tires squealed under her outrage as she spun off for parts unknown.

  Michael remained rooted in that spot for several minutes. Keith went out to him. With troubled eyes, Michael asked, “If she didn’t what? What did she do?”

  “Don’t take too much stock in the words of that troubled woman,” Keith advised.

  “I won’t rest until I find out what she meant,” Michael promised, with a distinct edge to his tone.

  Keith sighed, feeling weary. Lord, I need you. “Wait to see what Frank finds out before you do anything.”

  “What if she comes back?”

  “If Lauren knows what’s good for her, she’d better not.” His patience was worn thin. If she did show her face, he would not be as nice like this time.

  As they made their way back into the house, Michael tried to defuse the tension with humor. “I’m sure this engagement is over now. She threw a twenty thousand dollar ring into the bushes like it was an old piece of chewed-up gum.”

  “Cancel her access to your penthouse if you gave her a card. An angry woman makes a vicious, vindictive enemy.”

  “Tomorrow, I’ll get a restraining order.” Michael yawned.

  “That’s a mere piece of paper to people like Lauren. You’ll need more than cops in your corner. You’ll need the hand of God.”

  Chapter Fifty-five

  “You sure you weren’t seeing things?” Bill asked. “I don’t want to look stupid when we go see the pastor. He’s a busy man.”

  Mindy wished he would stop asking her if she was sure about this or sure about that. “I’m not sure, Dad. That’s why I need to talk with Pastor Keith.” She searched through the pile of sweaters on her bed until she found the cardigan that matched her dress.

  Her father rushed her out the door. It was one silent ride until they pulled into the church parking lot.

  “It’s not that I don’t believe you,” Bill said as they exited the vehicle.

  “I know. I understand. FYI, I have been taking my pills. Let’s go inside.” She lifted the handle and pushed the door to the church open. Now she wished she had come by herself because her father was hovering and it was getting to her. She entered the church office with Bill on her heels.

  Mindy sighed with relief when she saw Pastor Keith approach. He must have been looking out for her. Mindy scurried over to him. “Greetings, Pastor. Thanks for seeing us early this morning.”

  Pastor Keith had bags under his eyes. He looked like he had not slept in days. She felt bad for the early morning call, but Mindy could not rest until she spoke with him.

  “It’s not a problem. I decided to wait here in the hall to look out for you since Dianne isn’t here yet.” Keith shook hands with Bill and said, “I have a lot going on but I will always make time for Mindy. I promised and I intend to keep my word.”

  Pastor Keith ushered them toward his office. He unlocked his door and turned the lights on. “Dianne will be here soon with coffee and bagels.”

  Mindy and Bill settled into the chairs. Then Pastor Keith zeroed in on her. “Are you still seeing Dr. Forrester? Are you taking your meds?”

  “Yes and yes. I’m also reading the Bible, especially the New Testament.” Mindy had been enthralled with the scripture of Jesus saving the madman with the legion of demons. She knew she would be delivered one day.

  “She lives in that book,” her father joked.

  “Every time I feel any way out of the norm, I reach for the Bible,” she confirmed. “It helps. I’ve never felt so whole.”

  Pastor Keith smiled. “Mindy, I’m amazed at your faith. You’re teaching me what trust in God really means.”

  “Tell him why we’re here,” Bill chimed in.

  “I came because when I was in church and it was time for the altar call, I thought I saw Elle G. It wasn’t until last night my mind pieced it all together. She is real and I didn’t make her up in my head.”

  She braved a glance at Pastor Keith. He looked interested. “I thought it was only Mousie who had seen her, but I know her. I first met her outside of Dr. Forrester’s office.”

  He pushed his body across his desk. “I’m listening.”

  Mindy had his undivided attention. She did not feel so stupid now. “She struck up a conversation with me, and introduced herself as Elle G but I saw her sitting next to Michael on Saturday—”

  “Whoa. Back up!”

  Mindy quailed at his tone.

  “What is it?” her father interjected. He, too, must have noticed Pastor Keith was more than interested.

  Keith waved his hand. “I’m sorry. I won’t interrupt. Please continue.”

  Mindy nodded. “You were introducing Michael and his friend Lauren Goodman and when I saw her, I wondered why it felt as if I knew her—”

  Again, Keith interrupted her. This time there was no denying his jubilation. “Elle G is not a name, they’re initials! Not a name. Oh, Lord, you’ve answered our prayers! LG is Lauren Goodman.”

  She was not quite following his train of thought, but she would not be deterred. “Then last night, I remembered how I knew her. She was the person I met at Dr. Forrester’s office. She was the one who befriended Mousie at the strip joint. It was Lauren who punched me and beat me up.”

  “What!” Bill roared. “You didn’t tell me that!”

  “That’s because I didn’t want you doing anything crazy,” Mindy answered. “And, I’m the one who asked her to punch me. I didn’t like myself. Sometimes the pain of being alive was too much and I’d cut myself. It was supposed to be one punch. It took me forever to persuade her but once she started, she couldn’t stop. She enjoyed it. I was begging, begging for my life and she wouldn’t stop.” Oh, Lord, the horror of that night was coming back to her. She hid her face as tears poured.

  Seeing her distress, her father came to hug her.

  “The next thing I knew, I was waking up in the hospital,” she sobbed.

  Pastor Keith came around holding a box of tissues in his hand.

  “Thank you,” Mindy said, blotting her eyes and cheeks.

  Pastor Keith took her hands in his. They felt small in his larger ones. “Thank you for telling me, Mindy. You don’t know it, but you’ve helped Michael’s case.”

  She sagged. After all the hurt she had caused, this was great news. “How?”

  “Lauren and Michael dated. She is the mother of his children. I’m thinking that’s why she befriended you. Did you mention Michael at all when you first met?”

  Mindy knew her eyes were bulging. “I don’t know.” She clutched her forehead. “I might have. Because why else would she have been there at the hotel with me that night? I don’t have all the answers.”

  Pastor Keith patted her on the shoulder. “It’s okay. You’ve done plenty, Mindy.”

  “See, Dad?” Mindy gave her father a tremulous smile. She remembered something else. “Her hair wasn’t red, though. She always wore a black wig.”

  Pastor Keith snapped his fingers. He grabbed her to kiss her on the cheek. “I’ll check the camera tapes the police confiscated to see if Lauren was there in disguise. I have a feeling Lauren is the answer to the condom found on the scene.”

  Pastor Keith excused himself to make a phone call. He was barking orders in the phone to someone. She felt good she had been helpful.

  “I’m ready to go, but I need to go to the bathroom, first.”

  Her father gathered his belongings and hers. Mindy raced into the stall. When she came out to wash her hands, she gasped.

  “Elle G? I mean, Lauren. You scared me.” Her eyes scanned Lauren from head to toe. Lauren was dressed in a wedding dress, complete with tiara. And they called her crazy.

  Lauren came over to hug her. “Mindy, what are you doing here?”

  Mindy’s hands shook as she pretended she did not think it odd Lauren was
dressed as a bride. “I was speaking to Pastor Keith.”

  The older woman reached to touch her hair. Mindy inhaled, scared. She remembered Lauren’s vicious beating and trembled. Normally, being this scared would make her switch personalities. Instead, a part of her favorite verse popped in her head. “For God has not given me the spirit of fear,” she recited internally.

  “I’m here to see the good pastor myself,” Lauren said.

  “Are you getting married?” Mindy had to ask. It might appear odd if she didn’t ask.

  “No. Not anymore,” came the cryptic response.

  Something about Lauren’s tone gave Mindy the creeps. She washed her hands and uttered a quick, “Okay, see you later.” Her hand was on the door when Lauren stopped her.

  “Not so fast.”

  Mindy faced her with dread. Her chest tightened when she saw Lauren held a gun pointed directly at her. “Wh . . . what are you doing?”

  “I’m sorry, friend, but you’re my insurance in case things don’t go according to plan.”

  Chapter Fifty-six

  Michael ended his call with Keith and shouted, “Thank God!” He threw on a sweater and jeans preparing to meet Keith at the church. His knees weakened when he heard Mindy had identified Lauren as her accomplice that night. Finally, all the pieces of the puzzle were in place. He could move forward.

  After Lauren had left the night before, he had taken Keith’s advice and confessed all to Verona. She had hit the roof a couple of times. He saw all the emotions on her face as they had used FaceTime to talk. But, Michael kept telling Verona how he loved her until she calmed. He showed her the pendant. He intended to give it to her as his wedding gift. That appeased her, somewhat. He knew their love was strong enough. It was the real deal. She was not going anywhere. Neither was he. He was ready to commit and spend his life basking in the love of a good woman.

  John and Olivia were already up. He dressed them. They were now eating breakfast, prepared by Josie. The Jamaican lady was a godsend. She was a substitute grandmother to his children. He wished he could clone her but she had already tipped him off about her cousin, Pat Wilkins, in Jamaica. Michael hired her based solely on Josie’s exemplary performance. He had already filed the paperwork for Pat’s work visa. The Jamaican Embassy had approved her entry into the United States. She should arrive within two weeks.


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