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Bodyguard Bear (Bear Creek Protectors Book 1)

Page 14

by Harmony Raines

  “With this in mind, we would encourage you, Kate, and you, Marylin, to think about anyone who might wish you harm. This could be someone from your past, or who is in your life at present.” Flint’s deep voice carried around the room. “The one person who was flagged up from your past was Mike Greville and so we have made a point of ensuring he is here.”

  Red glanced at Kate and then slipped his arm around her shoulders. “It might be that simple. You said Mike had an issue with you and your mom.”

  “I did. But he seemed genuinely surprised when I told him about the stalker in the park.” Kate’s cheeks flushed. “Do people really hold grudges that long? The issue with Mike was years ago, at the start of my career.”

  “You’d be surprised,” Guy replied. “Some people can’t let these things go. They bury them deep inside but can’t just let go and move past them.”

  “These suppressed grudges can be triggered by a chance meeting. In this case, the two of you working on the same movie. And being the nature of the business, he may have had acting lessons, or his girlfriend might have given him some tips, enabling him to cover up his real emotions under a veneer of normalness.”

  “It sounds plausible. Too plausible.” Marylin spoke up for the first time. “The discussion that led to Mike being fired was rather heated.”

  “Heated?! It was an inferno,” Kate added. “I remember it to this day.” She shook her head. “I’d never really seen two people argue like that before.”

  “I’m sorry you had to see it at all,” Marylin told her daughter.

  “You were only defending me,” Kate took her mom’s hand. “Don’t you start blaming yourself.”

  “I don’t. You got the part fair and square and Mike took it upon himself to get you fired so his girlfriend could replace you.”

  Guy added something to his notes. “That’s interesting. We should try to find the girlfriend and get any more relevant details from her. Do you have her name?”

  “No, I don’t,” Marylin replied. “The studio involved would not disclose that to us since they insisted Mike Greville acted alone.”

  “And did he?” Flint asked, his eyes boring into Marylin.

  “As far as I know.” Marylin’s voice came out as a strangled squeak. It appeared Marylin might have met her match. Although not romantically, since Flint was a shifter and Red was certain Marylin was not his mate.

  Of course, he could be wrong. Kate’s presence could be messing with his senses, just like that night in the park. But he thought he had that under control. Because if Mike was to blame, Red’s head needed to be clear so he could deal with the situation. With whatever force was necessary.

  Chapter Seventeen – Kate

  Flint and Guy were good guys who exuded confidence and Kate wanted to believe them when they said they would catch whoever was responsible for the events of the last couple of days. However, she could not believe Mike was responsible.

  Sure, he acted shifty around her on set, and the atmosphere when they met was never pleasant. But stalking her, and then attacking Marylin? He didn’t seem the type.

  To be more precise, she was certain he didn’t have the balls.

  “You are a million miles away,” Red told her when they were alone in the room Caroline had picked out for the couple.

  Couple. Kate had never been in a relationship long enough to be a couple. She liked the idea of being connected to someone else on a deep level. She particularly liked the idea of being connected to Red.

  “I was thinking how much I’d like to go out onto those mountains with you.” She took hold of both his hands and smiled up at him. “What do you think? Will anyone miss us?”

  He bent his head and captured her lips in a searing kiss. Kate leaned forward, pressing her body against his. Warmth flooded through her veins, she wanted to strip off their clothes and make love under a clear open sky. Even if the weather wasn’t exactly suitable.

  Perhaps they should take a blanket or two. Or Red’s body heat could keep them both warm.

  “I’ll ask someone to watch over your mom.” He broke their kiss, his eyes lingering on her face. “She’ll be safe here.”

  “And I’ll be safe out there with you.” She swallowed down her desire for him. It would be so easy to stay here, shut away in this room, safe from whoever might be out there wishing her harm. But that was no way to live life.

  “I’ll always keep you safe,” Red promised. He took hold of her hand and led her out of the room and downstairs, where he retraced their steps to the room where they had met Flint and Guy. Only Guy remained.

  “Hello. Everything okay?” Guy asked, closing his laptop and watching them approach.

  “Yes, we’re going out onto the mountain,” Red told him.

  “Good idea,” Guy replied, standing up.

  “Why?” Kate asked, surprised at Guy’s enthusiasm.

  “Leave separately. Kate should announce to everyone that she is going for a walk to clear her head after the long journey. After you leave, Red can watch for anyone following you.” Guy’s brow creased as he studied Kate and Red. “That is why we’re here, to draw out whoever is responsible.”

  Red’s jaw tightened as he spoke. “You want us to bait the trap.”

  “I do. Why not? If nothing comes of it, then we try something else. But we only have a short amount of time to get this done. In less than a week you’ll be back filming at the studios with only you to watch over Kate.”

  “You have a point,” Kate reluctantly agreed. “Can you get someone to watch my mom while we’re gone?”

  “Sure. I can also have someone else accompany you onto the mountain if you want,” Guy offered.

  Red shook his head. “I can handle myself.”

  “I don’t doubt it,” Guy replied. “But you don’t know if this is one person acting alone…”

  Great, the implication that there was more than one person stalking her was not what Kate needed to hear.

  “I can still handle myself,” Red insisted.

  “Then go for it. I’ll have someone stationed outside the house. If anyone leaves, we’ll give you a heads up.” Guy picked up his phone. “Kate, go tell everyone. Red, you leave first, follow the trail along the side of the barn and then cut across the fields. A half a mile later, the trail cuts into the trees. My guess is that’s where someone would try to attack.”

  Red nodded, not happy at all. But Guy was right, this was why they were here. It was selfish of Kate to want to go off alone and waste valuable time when instead of making love with Red, she could be getting attacked by some crazy woman.

  They left the room together. Before they parted, Red pulled Kate into his arms and kissed her. He slid his hand down over her bottom and pulled her close. His hardened length pressed against her thigh telling her without words how much he wanted her.

  “Look at you two. You should get a room.” Imogen’s voice jerked them apart.

  “Hi, Imogen. I didn’t know you were here,” Kate’s words tumbled out of her mouth as she smiled shyly at the makeup artist.

  “Who could resist coming to stay at Carter Eden’s mansion?” Imogen held out her hands and spun around slowly. “It’s amazing. What I wouldn’t do to have a place like this of my own. All I need is a lucky break.”

  “I’m sure you’ll get it one day.” Kate reached out for Red’s hand and pulled him forward. “Maybe we’ll go find that room.”

  “I thought you were going to go for a walk in the mountains, while I watch your mom,” Red said in a stilted voice. He would make a terrible actor, but at least he had remembered the plan.

  “Yes, I was. I need to clear my head after the long drive.” She kissed Red on the cheek. “See you later.”

  “Have fun.” Imogen spun around and stalked off toward the kitchen.

  “She is a strange one,” Red commented as they reached the door leading into a room filled with people who she vaguely recognized from the movie set.

  “Imogen? Why is she str
ange? All she wants is to break into acting.” Kate laughed. “After Space Monkeys Four, she can take my place.”

  “If she has the talent,” Red replied. “You are not that easy to replace.”

  “You are biased.” Kate stopped outside the crowded room and turned to Red. “This is where we say goodbye.”

  “I have an odd feeling about this,” Red told her as he peered into the room menacingly.

  “Of course you do,” Kate replied. “So do I. But we have to do it.”

  “You’re nervous.” Red placed his hand on her shoulder, giving her his strength.

  “I am. It’s one thing to put on an act for the cameras. But it’s another to put on an act for the sake of it. I feel so false.” Kate took a deep calming breath and steadied her nerves. “This is stupid.”

  She half turned, kissed Red on the cheek and then pushed the door open. As she entered the room, Red slipped away in the other direction. It was as if the thin thread connecting them together stretched out long and thin and she longed to reel him back toward her and tell him not to go.

  Walking into the room, she tried to keep her body language relaxed and not tense up. She needed to blend in and let them get used to her being in the room before she made her announcement about walking in the mountains. If not, it would look false, particularly to the person they were trying to lure out. And if she knew one thing about how this needed to play out, it was that her pursuer should have no idea they were setting him up.

  Her up. Damn, she still needed to get her head around that.

  “Hi, Kate. When did you arrive?” Wanda sidled up beside her.

  “Hey, Wanda. I didn’t know you were coming.” Kate instantly grew suspicious. They were planning on rehearsing, but not a dress rehearsal. None of the costumes had been brought to Carter’s mansion.

  “I wasn’t going to. But Imogen called and asked me to bring along one of the Giraffid costumes. She wanted to test some more makeup ideas on Hannah in between rehearsals. Imogen still hasn’t gotten the makeup right according to our beloved director. Sam Wild is a bit of a perfectionist. Imogen even took the costume home a couple of days ago to test out some new makeup effects.” Wanda lowered her voice. “I’m not complaining about driving all this way, though, I hooked up with Toby. He’s one of the Zengarian leaders.” She pointed across the room to where a cute guy sat chatting to Mike Greville. Instantly Mike looked up and frowned.

  The hairs on Kate’s neck stood on end as they exchanged a cool look. Then Mike lowered his eyes and looked intensely at the glass of beer in his hand. Was that a sign of his guilt?

  Perhaps this might be over faster than she thought. “I didn’t know you were dating Toby.” Kate maneuvered them closer, keeping her tone level, but loud enough for Mike to hear. “I’m so pleased for you.”

  “What about you? That hunk of a man Rrrrrred not trailing along behind you like a lost puppy?” Wanda scanned the room.

  “Oh, he’s here somewhere. But since I’m surrounded by friends, he’s giving me some space.” She lowered her voice, but by now they were close enough that Mike would still hear. “I’m going to go for a walk toward the mountains. I need some time alone. To process what happened.”

  “How is your mom?” Mike asked so suddenly Kate visibly jumped.

  “She’s okay. We’re just making sure there is someone with her at all times.” Kate’s stomach churned at the thought of Mike going up to her mom’s room while she and Red were out. However, when she looked up and saw Guy watching from a distance, she was reassured Mike, being their prime suspect, would be watched at all times.

  “Glad to hear it. Terrible business. I’m sorry it happened, Kate.” Mike stood up. “I’ll see you all later.”

  Wanda raised an eyebrow at Kate. “I can never get a handle on that man.”

  “In what way?” Kate stared after Mike. As he left the room, Guy slid out of the room like a shadow, leaving Kate more at ease.

  “I don’t know. But I’ll figure it out.” Wanda turned her attention back to Toby. “Not like this one, I have him completely figured out.”

  “You think.” Toby took hold of Wanda’s hand and pulled her down to sit beside him in the space Mike had vacated. “But I am a man of surprises.”

  Wanda giggled and snuggled up to Toby while Kate considered his words. What surprises did Toby conceal? Damn, she hated this. Everyone was a suspect.

  “I’m going for that walk,” Kate announced loudly as she crossed the room.

  “See you later. If I find Rrrrrred, I’ll tell him where you’ve gone,” Wanda called, before Toby wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.

  Floundering in confusion, Kate left the room and crossed the hallway, exiting the building through a side door. Once outside, she breathed in the early afternoon air. The air was so much fresher here, it must have something to do with the magnificent mountain towering over them. Or perhaps because it was the furthest she’d gotten away from a film studio for months.

  After back to back filming of a TV series and then two movies, she was ready to go tramp over a mountain for a couple of hours. Maybe the stalker had done her more than one favor. Not only had she found her man, but she was also on an unexpected vacation.

  Taking a quick look over her shoulder to see if anyone was skulking in the undergrowth, Kate took her first step on a hike that may, or may not, end with her attacker being outed.

  She wasn’t sure which way she wanted the outcome to go. Although she wanted the whole ordeal over, she also wanted to spend some alone time with Red on the mountain. She also really wanted to see his bear again.

  As she walked along the path leading around the large barn that belonged to Carter, and where Bear Creek Honey Beer was brewed, Kate tried to improve her own senses. Since she met Red and learned how he used his enhanced hearing and sight, Kate had begun to focus her attention on more distant objects in an attempt to extend herself. Just as she tried to push herself out of her comfort zone with acting, she hoped to push her senses out of their comfort zone. If that were possible.

  Shifters were born with their superhuman senses. Kate would have to develop her own.

  Her heart jolted in her chest. Perhaps it was working. She was certain she could hear someone on the path behind her. Their footsteps crunching on the gravel. Kate was on the far side of the barn, the view shielded from the house. No one would see her if she were attacked here. She couldn’t let fear paralyze her. Casting her gaze toward the distant trees, she was certain Red would be able to see her, but would he reach her in time if the person following her attacked?

  Pushing her hearing further, she decided the person was walking at a steady pace, but not running. Perhaps because they didn’t want to draw attention to themselves. But once they were around the corner of the barn and obscured from view, they would run. They would catch her.

  And then what? Would she simply let them overpower her? Just as her mom had tried to overpower Kate throughout her career.

  No, she was ready to fight.

  Turning to face the corner of the barn, she balled her fists and waited. Scrunch, scrunch, the steady rhythm of footsteps came closer. Kate forced herself to breathe. Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat.

  “Mike.” She spoke the word sharply, and Mike stopped in his tracks.

  “Kate.” He lifted his hand. “Hi.”

  “What do you want? Why were you following me?” Kate strode toward him, trying to intimidate him. It worked.

  “I was...” He held out his hands as if he were a helpless child. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Well, you are walking alone. And last time you walked alone you were attacked.” Mike had a point, but she wasn’t letting him off that easily.

  “So you think you can save me?” Kate asked bluntly.

  “I...I don’t know. It depends on who is after you, Kate. Do you have any idea?” Mike asked.

  “Let’s just say, there are a couple of pe
ople who we suspect.” To her right and along the tree line she saw movement. Was this Mike’s accomplice on her way to help him? The leaves rustled and instead of a person, Kate saw the large, hulking body of a bear. A bear with red-tinged fur. Red was near. He was ready to act if she needed help.

  “Can I ask who those suspects are?”

  “You just did,” Kate said lightly. She wasn’t afraid. She could handle Mike.

  “You know what I mean.” He half turned in the direction of the house. “There are a lot of people here from the movie set who might be the same person who attacked you.”

  “And you believe it’s one of them?” Kate asked.

  “Oh, I don’t know anything,” Mike insisted.

  “Are you sure?” Kate advanced toward him.

  “Yes. Why would I?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe because you followed me out here?” Kate hoped she wasn’t pushing him too hard. Or in the wrong direction. Perhaps Mike had learned a few acting skills of his own while on set and had perfected the harassed innocent man look.

  “I wanted to make sure you were okay. That’s all.” He took a huge breath and as he exhaled, he went on the defensive. “I only wanted to make sure you weren’t in trouble. Excuse me for showing some concern. A lone woman out here, who has already been attacked once...” He huffed and puffed with indignation.

  Kate relaxed her posture and said, “Thanks, Mike. But I’m okay. Thank you.”

  He stood his ground, not knowing what to do. He looked at Kate and she looked right back at him. Resisting the temptation to tap her foot impatiently, she raised her eyebrows at him. Mike stepped backward toward the edge of the barn. “I’ll leave you in peace.”

  “Thanks, Mike.” She walked toward him, matching her steps with his as if she were shooing him away. At last, he stepped out from behind the barn and then turned around and walked away.


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