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Bodyguard Bear (Bear Creek Protectors Book 1)

Page 16

by Harmony Raines

  He kissed her, rolling her onto her back in one fluid movement. Tugging her shirt out of her jeans, he slid his hand beneath her clothes, stroking her skin. With calm dexterity, he unclasped her bra and cupped her breast in his hand. She gasped against his mouth.

  With some difficulty, she dragged her foggy brain away from the sensations flooding her body and dropped her hand down to tug at his belt buckle. With some fumbling she finally got it undone and then twisted her fingers to unbutton his jeans.

  With a sigh of satisfaction, she tugged his jeans down over his hips, taking his shorts with them. It was Red’s turn to gasp when she slipped her hand around his already hard length and stroked him up and down.

  It was as if she had sent a spark of electricity through his body. With inhuman speed, he stripped her clothes from her body until she lay naked before him on the soft, springy grass. As he lay looking down at her, she tugged at the hem of his sweater and dragged it over his head. Or at least tried, it got stuck and he reached behind his back and yanked it hard.

  Kate, despite herself, collapsed into helpless giggles. “If this were a movie, the director would yell cut and we’d have to do the whole scene over again.”

  “There is only one scene I plan to do over again,” he told her as he lowered his head and captured her nipple in his mouth.

  The green valley around her seemed to shimmer in a heat haze as he licked and sucked the taut bud. His hand cupped the soft flesh of her other breast and his thumb grazed the nipple in a rhythm that matched the throbbing in her core. She ached for him.

  And he ached for her. She could feel it. As if the link between them transmitted more than just the mating bond.

  Red moved, slotting his body between her thighs and guiding himself into her. The head of his erection pressed against her opening and he eased himself forward, entering her slowly, so slowly, even though it took every ounce of his self-control.

  He took his time. Rocking his hips as he slid inside her. The friction of his hardened length against her inner walls was incredible. Kate covered his face and neck with soft butterfly kisses, exploring his body with her fingers as they rose toward their climax.

  This was not the hard, fast lovemaking of their first time. Here in the secret valley, shielded from the world, it was their time. On their terms.

  The tension in her body grew until she could hold on no longer and she let herself go. Waves of pleasure swept over her, setting off a chain reaction in Red. His gentle lovemaking intensified, and he lunged into her, his fingers tangling in her hair as he called out her name. His voice echoed around the valley, her name reverberating off the steep sides of his special place.

  When at last they lay side by side, completely sated, holding each other close as they looked up at the sky, Kate couldn’t believe how her life had changed in such a short space of time. If the issue of the stalker had reared its maniacal head without Red here to support and protect her, she would be freaking out by now. Instead, she accepted what happened and knew they would uncover the truth as to who was behind it together.

  “Thank you.” She rolled onto her side and stroked his face with her fingers.

  “You have nothing to thank me for,” he told her.

  “Yes. I do. I want to thank you for being you. For being there for me.” His arms tightened around her. “And mostly I want to thank you for helping me believe we will find out who is responsible and end this.”

  “We will.” He sighed. “But only if we get back.”

  “You’re right, we should go. Not just because everyone will be worried, but because of my mom.” Kate sat up and retrieved her clothes which were scattered around the wooded glade. Red did the same and she couldn’t help watching him as he dressed. She loved the way he moved, how his muscles bunched and then relaxed.

  “Is your mom okay?” Red asked when he stood up and fastened the buttons of his jeans.

  “I think so. Physically at least.” She accepted Red’s hand and he hauled her to her feet. “But she seemed different when we drove down yesterday.”

  “That’s what I wondered. She had a shock when she got locked in that room. And she knows she made an error in judgment when she got Wayne to follow you.” He dragged his sweater over his head, covering his body. Pity.

  “I suppose we all get a little crazy sometimes. I’ve forgiven her for hiring Wayne. It’s not worth falling out with her over. Life is too short. And anyway, she knows what I want now, and I believe she isn’t going to fight me over it.”

  “Even if she does, she won’t win.” Red reached out for her and Kate let him envelop her in his strong arms. “You’re a strong woman, Kate.”

  “I am.” She tilted her head back and looked at him. “I just forgot it for a while.”

  He covered her face with kisses. “I love you, Kate.”

  “I know.” She kept her face straight for a couple of seconds, but she couldn’t contain her happiness. “I love you, too, Redford.”

  He rolled his eyes. “My mom has a lot to answer for.”

  “She does,” Kate agreed. “She raised a fine young man. She must have been very proud.”

  “She was.” He tore his eyes away from hers and looked into the distance. “I never realized how lucky I was.”

  “Until you met my mom?” Kate asked.

  “I didn’t mean it like that,” he insisted. “I mean how she prepared me for life. Gave me my independence when we only had each other. That must have been tough. I understand now how hard it was when I left to join the Army.”

  “This is a new chapter in both our lives and one we will make together. Side by side.” Kate turned to face the mouth of the valley. “But first, let’s bust the person who thinks it’s fun to frighten other people.”

  They left the valley and made their way back to Carter’s house. By the time the large stone-built mansion came into view, it was early evening and the lights from the house were like a beacon guiding them home.

  Was the person they were looking for here in Bear Creek? Did they know the hunted was about to become the hunter?

  Because Kate was prepared now, she was certain she could face whoever threatened her and not let them intimidate her. She’d learned enough moves on set to defend herself if she had to. All she had to do was find the courage to stand up to the unknown.

  She was ready.

  Chapter Twenty - Red

  When they reached the mansion, they immediately sought out Guy and Flint, who were eating dinner in the study, away from the other guests. Red couldn’t blame them. It was as if two worlds had collided. The people who had traveled here from the set of Space Monkeys Four were hyped up and loud, maybe they had drunk too much Bear Creek Honey Beer, while the members of Bear Creek Protectors were calm and sensible, with level heads and a job to do.

  A job that involved protecting his mate.

  That made it the most important job in the world.

  “And Mike approached you?” Guy asked, placing his knife and fork down on his empty plate.

  “Yes. He must have followed me,” Kate confirmed.

  “Did he threaten you?” Flint’s gravelly voice resonated around the room.

  “No, he didn’t threaten me.” Kate frowned. “If it wasn’t for our suspicions, I’d even say he showed some concern. But it was weird.”

  “In what way?” Flint’s eyes narrowed like laser pointers.

  “I don’t know exactly.” Kate glanced at Red as if she didn’t want him to hear the next sentence. “I wondered if he knew who the person was. As if he wasn’t so much trying to protect me, but trying to protect someone else.”

  Guy sat up straighter and leaned forward. “Go on.”

  “I might be wrong,” Kate added quickly. “It might have been my imagination.”

  “You have a history with him. What if this is linked to what happened between you before? Does he have the same girlfriend?” Red homed in on that theory. It made perfect sense. “The girlfriend could be the one responsible f
or following Kate and if Mike knew, he was trying to protect her, by protecting Kate.”

  “I never knew who she was.” Kate shrugged. “She didn’t do anything wrong, so she was never named. And I haven’t worked the same movie with Mike until Space Monkeys Four, our paths never crossed at awards or anything. I don’t have a clue who she is.”

  “We should be able to dig something up,” Guy said. He got up from the table and headed toward the door. “I’ll get on it now. If he does have the same girlfriend and she had access to the movie set, we might have our woman.”

  Flint went back to eating his meal. “You should go eat. Then get some rest. You look as if you’ve been rolling around in the undergrowth,” he said wryly, but there was a hint of a smile on his lips.

  “I should go and check on my mom.” Kate eyed the food on Flint’s plate hungrily. Red figured he’d be the provider and get them some food from the kitchen, while she checked on her mom.

  “Why don’t you do that while I get us some food. I can either bring it up to the room or we can eat down here,” Red offered.

  “That would be great. Let’s eat in our room,” Kate said as she backed out of the study. “Thank you again, Flint.”

  “No problem at all, Kate. And don’t worry about your mom, I have someone watching her door and Caroline had been visiting with her for an hour or more earlier.” Flint’s words were a comfort to Kate, who looked relieved as she slipped out of the room to visit her mom.

  Red resisted the urge to follow her. If he followed her everywhere, even while inside the mansion, she would find it smothering. He didn’t want Kate to believe she’d swapped one suffocating relationship for another.

  “How is she coping, Red?” Flint asked when Kate shut the door behind her.

  “Good. She’s strong. I just wish we could end this for her.”

  “I think the idea of this being linked to Mike Greville is sound. It makes sense. If we really are looking for a woman, then revenge is the most likely motive.” Flint shook his head. “They say revenge is a dish best served cold, but this would be like serving up a frozen meal.”

  “I hope it is linked. Otherwise, I’m worried we’re looking for a link that’s so random we might never spot it before things escalate further,” Red admitted.

  “And you think things will escalate?” Flint asked. “You don’t believe this was a random act in itself?”

  Red shook his head. “If it were just the park, yes. But what happened to Marylin? No. That was personal. That was trying to hurt Kate by hurting someone she loved.” He sighed. “Which makes the Mike theory so much stronger.”

  “I agree,” Flint responded, making Red believe that he’d just passed a test. This really wasn’t on-the-job training, it was an on-the-job interview of sorts, coupled with an aptitude test. “Now, go get some food. If we’re right, it’s only a matter of time until this starts to play out.”

  Red nodded. “Thank you, Flint. I appreciate what you’re doing for me and Kate.”

  “It’s me who should thank you, Red.” Flint began to eat again. “The food is good, and the beer is better. I could get used to this lifestyle after a lifetime of Army rations.”

  “Glad to help,” Red replied easily as he turned and left the room.

  Once in the corridor, he stood still for a moment and pushed his senses out, trying to locate Kate. She was there, on the next floor and to the left. Right, where Marylin’s room was situated. Time to locate some food.

  Follow your nose, dummy, his bear told him bluntly.

  Red smiled to himself. He didn’t need enhanced senses to find the kitchen, the aroma of pizza and garlic bread came wafting toward him.

  Just don’t waft toward it, his bear said drily. That would be weird.

  I promise not to.

  “Hi there.” A friendly voice stopped him in his tracks. Hunter-gathering was on hold for a moment as he turned around.

  “I...” He grimaced, he’d forgotten her name. “Imogen. Sorry. It’s been a long day.”

  “Hasn’t it?” She nodded. “I just hope it’s been worth the trip.”

  “Why wouldn’t it?” Red asked. There was a coldness about Imogen that reminded him of the toe-numbing mountain stream, even though she smiled and linked arms with him as if they were co-conspirators.

  “I don’t think most of the people who traveled here are really interested in work. Do you?” She led him past a large room where music played, and people danced. “Actors, they don’t know the meaning of work. Not like you and me.”

  Red wasn’t sure where this conversation was going. He also wasn’t sure where they were going, Imogen was leading him toward the front door of the building. There was no way he was leaving the house while Kate was still inside with a possible crazy woman.

  He pulled away from her. “I was going to go eat.” He pointed in the opposite direction.

  Imogen caught hold of his hand and with a sudden movement, pressed her body against his in a way that left him in no doubt she was making a pass at him. “Why don’t you eat me, Red?”

  She kissed him, her tongue invading his mouth as he opened it to tell her to get off. To his horror, she slid her hand between their bodies and cupped his balls in her hand, fondling them roughly. “Men like you need a real woman.”

  Red pulled back, his mind reeling. “I’m sorry, I’m not interested, Imogen.”

  “Sure you are.” Imogen placed her hands on his shoulders and moved in for another kiss. “You’re just too tightly wound. You need to loosen up a little.”

  “No.” He put both hands on her shoulders and held her away from him. “Now, I’m going to go to the kitchen and you are not going to follow me.”

  “You’re not the boss of me,” Imogen said sugary sweetly. “But I can see you aren’t interested, so I’ll let you go.”

  “Thanks.” Red’s voice dripped sarcasm as he walked backward a few steps, his eyes fixed on the makeup artist. She was all kinds of crazy. Or horny.

  There is something off about her, his bear commented.

  Off enough to be the person who stalked Kate? Red asked. He wasn’t sure. At least not sure enough to accuse her. Not without some hard evidence.

  “Hi there, Rrrrrred.” Wanda walked toward him, and his stomach sank as she eyed him up. Surely, he wasn’t about to fight off another woman?

  “Hi, Wanda.” He smiled amiably.

  “Where’s Kate?” Wanda looked over Red’s shoulder and then fixed a stern look on her face. “You haven’t been fooling around with Imogen, have you?”

  “No.” Red was about to pass Wanda when a scent hit him. Gardenia mixed with violet. Red cursed under his breath.

  “She’s trouble with a capital T.” Wanda stopped in front of Red and eyed him suspiciously. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Yes, I am.” He forced himself to relax. “How are you enjoying Carter’s house?”

  “I like it. I like it a lot. Sometimes it’s good to get a glimpse of how other people live.” Wanda looked him up and down. “Have you been rolling in mud?” She leaned forward and sniffed him. “I can smell the mountain on you. I’m hoping to get out there tomorrow. It’s the reason I came.”

  “Wanda, there you are.” Mike poked his head out of the living room. “I thought we were going to duet?” He eyed Red suspiciously before ducking back inside the room.

  “See you later, Rrrrrred,” Wanda purred and then followed Mike into the living room where a karaoke session was in full swing.

  Red didn’t move. The scent of gardenia and violets hung on the air. Wanda was his least likely suspect, she was warm and friendly, and always eager to help.

  The perfect cover, his bear told him.

  You could be right, Red answered and turned around. He’d share his findings with Kate, at least then his mate would be on her guard.

  Entering the kitchen, he grabbed two plates and helped himself to the food which was laid out on the countertops. His mouth watered as he carried the loaded plates upstai
rs. He hoped Caroline didn’t mind them eating in the bedrooms, but it was going to be hard to find somewhere private downstairs with so many people hanging around.

  Red made his way to the bedroom he shared with Kate. He left the plates on the nightstand, ensuring they didn’t mark the stripped wood. Then he headed to Marylin’s room, letting his shifter senses flow out toward her. He couldn’t help but smile as he sensed her presence. Their connection was strong and unbreakable.

  When he reached the door, he lifted his hand to knock, but just as he did so, the door was yanked open and Imogen stalked out.

  Chapter Twenty-One – Kate

  “Here he is.” Imogen stopped in her tracks. “Here’s the man who tried to take advantage of me.”

  Her accusing voice hit Kate in the solar plexus, winding her. She knew it wasn’t true, that Red would never cheat on her. But Imogen’s words hurt her all the same.

  “What are you talking about?” Red asked quickly. He looked past Imogen, into the room where Kate stood by the side of Marylin’s bed.

  “Imogen showed me a video on her phone of you kissing her,” Kate told him.

  “Me kissing Imogen?” Red asked incredulously.

  “So she said.” Kate wanted to know what angle Imogen was trying to play. Back at the movie studios, she’d been so nice, so helpful, even with the disguises they used when they visited Wayne. But this evening when she knocked on the door and told Kate she had something to show her, Imogen had been different. Harder. Brittle, as if she would cut you with her jagged edges.

  “She’s lying,” Red said as he rounded on Imogen.

  “You would say that, wouldn’t you? I know you two are a couple, but what you did…well, Kate deserves to know the truth.” Imogen squared up to Red as if she were about to pick a fight with the man who towered above her.

  “Thanks for showing me the video, Imogen. I’d like to talk to Red alone.” Kate left her mom’s bedside and walked toward Imogen. As she did, she looked the young woman up and down, assessing her. Was it possible Imogen was the woman from the park?


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