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Boomerang Love

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by Melissa Lopez

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  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

  Macon GA 31201

  Boomerang Love

  Copyright © 2008 by Melissa Lopez

  ISBN: 1-59998-857-7

  Edited by Eve Joyce

  Cover by Anne Cain

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: January 2008

  Boomerang Love

  Melissa Lopez


  To Ann Peach,

  For being the first person in the business to declare I could tell a good story.

  God bless you, fair lady.


  Thanks go to two generous ladies, Aussie Mo and author Denise Rossetti. You were both great help with my research.

  Chapter One


  “You’re a bloody fruit loop.” Miller drained the rest of his beer and set the empty mug down. “Chill, or let’s get out of here.”Cohen ignored his brother and looked around the crowded pub one more time. The place was teeming with tourists. No doubt, Miller had the right of it. A bloody fruit loop, to be waiting for a woman he’d spent half the night with a year ago. Still he could recall their fevered promises to reunite this year. If only he’d been able to get the night out of his mind or Hayleigh out of his fantasies.

  “Mate, the least you could do is spill.” Miller waved the barkeep over again. “You’re making me bloody nervous. I can’t even enjoy the beer.”

  He winced. Just like his brother to get down to business. Cohen was still surprised Miller had lasted an hour in silence. Would it have been too much to ask—for once—to have Miller go along? Miller would think he was a real nut, if he found out the reason Cohen had dragged his arse into the city.

  Cohen’s gaze didn’t leave the door. He didn’t want to miss her. Though, as time passed, he agreed with Miller. He was an idiot for waiting, thinking she might show up after all this time.

  Miller swung around and braced an elbow on the bar. “Bloody perv tonight, aren’t cha?”

  Cohen blew out a breath. “I’m looking for someone.” Though he had eyed every female who’d come through the door, he hadn’t seen her. A time or two he’d looked too long. Nothing wrong with looking. He’d always favored a nice full rack.

  Christ. What a nut to be waiting.


  “I met someone in here a while back. I’m looking for her.”

  “Considering neither of us has been to the city…” His brother folded his arms and slowly scoped out the pub. “…in what…?”

  “A while.” He cast Miller a glare before turning back to the door.

  “So, I’m guessing you and this woman did more than chew the fat.” A shit-eating grin spread across Miller’s cakehole.

  “I may have mentioned her to you and Ethan.” Maybe, he’d spoken to Ethan more than Miller about Hayleigh. Their oldest brother could be bloody difficult to talk to. Especially in recent months.

  “Damn me.” Miller shook his head. “You were a dog after last year’s Sydney trip.”

  Cohen caught the inside of his cheek between his teeth. He had no desire to give his brother any details of that night. They’d done a whole lot more than talk. Hayleigh had allowed him to fuck her against his truck. Then she’d allowed him to fuck her inside his truck.

  His prick stirred at the memory of how hot she’d been. Hours of sucking face, and he’d been hornier than he’d ever been. He’d made the moves, and Hayleigh had melted at his every touch. Several hours of dance and a little talk had ended with an hour of the most remarkable sex of his life.

  “Pig’s arse.” Miller nudged him. “Are you telling me you hooked up with a Yank and expect her to show up again?”

  Yeah. Sounded like bullshit to him to when it was laid out fact on fact.

  “Bloody fruit loop.” Miller’s expression showed his disbelief and disgust. He turned back to the bar. The barkeep placed another mug in front of him and without a word moved off. “I bet a week’s pay, you had a gutful of piss.”

  “I wasn’t drunk.” He’d been buzzing, but he could still recall every minute of the night.

  “Mate, you’re a grazier. You spend your days tending cattle and sheep…” His brother took a long swallow of his beer. “The Yank didn’t consider the screwing any more than a one-night stand.”

  Fists clenched, Cohen turned back to the door. “Look, I know this is a waste of time. Head on back…”

  “I got all the time in the world.” Miller sipped his drink.

  Frustrated, Cohen wanted to give his brother a knuckle sandwich. Instead, he ordered a beer for himself. How many times had he tried to forget about his one night with Hayleigh? Since last year, he’d fucked every woman he could to work her out of his system. Had even gone as far as to date a neighbor. Nothing had helped.

  Hayleigh had gotten into his blood, and he didn’t know how to work her from his mind. If she didn’t show…

  “Mate, there’s a spunky sheila eyeing you.”

  Cohen turned around, and his breath stalled. Oh, Christ. She’d returned.

  “That her?”

  Mouth dry, he swallowed. No way to get his head around seeing her again. Hayleigh had bloody returned like a boomerang. Slowly, his gaze perused her from head to toe. Loose brown hair framed brown eyes. A kissable bow-shaped mouth. Eh, she was spunky as all get out.

  “She looks nervous. Better get over there before another bloke spots her.” Miller gave him a shove in the pretty brunette’s direction. “I’ll catch up to you back at Ethan’s place.”

  “Thanks, mate.” He nodded. While in the city, they always stayed at Ethan's condo.

  Light-brown eyes widened as he approached. She backed toward the wall she’d been standing near.

  Miller’s retreating back gave him pause. Damn. Maybe he should have come alone. The opportunity to see their brother Ethan had been his chance to visit the city. But seeing Hayleigh waiting for him…it reminded him Miller had been left cold at the altar and hadn’t been worth shit since. Denae hadn’t spared Miller a thought, yet Hayleigh had traveled across the Pacific Ocean to be with him.

  That was saying something.

  Only, he’d have bet the world Hayleigh wouldn’t show. Pure instinct had driven him back to the pub. He glanced over to Hayleigh.

  Lust stirred.

  Shaking off the guilt over Miller’s situation, he moved. He’d waited forever for this moment. He smiled. “G’day.”

  “Hello.” Hayleigh’s skin flushed from her cheeks and neck along her full cleavage. Eh, he’d always favored a nice rack.

  His prick swelled, turning rigid within his pants. Christ, she was something to look at. No getting over her beauty. His hands itched to caress the fullness of her jean-clad hips, to trail down her curved belly. She’d picked up some weight since last year, but the curves only encouraged him to explore. She looked softer somehow.

  “You remember me?” Her lower lip trembled, only to have her catch it between her teeth.

  “Hayleigh Davenport, I remember every inch of you.” T
ruth was, he could recall every inch of her sweaty body and wanted nothing more than to reacquaint himself with each curve she had to offer.

  * * *

  Hayleigh’s breath quickened at the hungry look in Cohen’s darkened gaze. Dark-blue eyes—such a true shade of cobalt—looked at her so intently, she quivered. How many times had she woken from a dream of them taunting her? He’d become a night phantom.He was here. Waiting. She couldn’t break the eye contact. The time they’d spent together had to have affected him as much as it had her. Or was that wishful thinking?

  Please, let it be so.

  The big blond stepped into her personal space. Shaking, she grasped his thick biceps. She couldn’t help herself. She wanted to feel him, his strength again. The year had gone by far too slowly. Too often thoughts of his request for her return had sent her into a tailspin. How many times had she considered his words had been spoken in the heat of the moment?

  Never in a million years had she expected Cohen to really show up. She’d hoped, she’d fantasized, but never had she believed.

  A flesh-and-blood dream come to life.

  As he eased her further against the wall, his wide shoulders cast a shadow. His body cocooned her with heat. She inhaled to suck in his masculine scent. Hmm…he smelled clean and manly, without any heavy cologne.

  Blinking away the headiness, she met his gaze. She hadn’t imagined his height. The top of her head barely reached his mouth. He was taller than her by half a foot. Narrow hips pressed a thick cock against her belly, causing her to whimper. His package hung down the inside of his right thigh, just as it had last year.

  Oh, yes, this was what she’d come all the way to Australia for. Another chance, another night with her outback cowboy. “I can’t believe you’re here.” She’d always recall the last words he’d whispered to her. I’ll be here next year…

  The meeting was like a fairy tale.

  “I didn’t think you’d show, either.” His voice was rough, his breath hot as he whispered in her ear.

  She quivered. Liquid heat scorched her sex.

  “How ya been?” The muscles in his throat worked.

  “Okay. More nervous, I guess, as my flight approached. How about you?” Her hand drifted over to his heart. She calmed somewhat at the feel of it hammering. “I’m really touching you…” Her voice faded as she lifted her eyes and watched his throat swallow and his jaw clench.

  “Christ, let’s get out of here. I can’t think straight.” He clasped her hand and tugged her toward the door. Hayleigh went willingly.

  Outside, the night was perfect. Not too hot or cool. And stars as far as the eye could see. She sighed, keeping up with his longer steps. His rough fingers entwined with hers.

  They’d barely cleared the building’s structure when he urged them off the path. Along the wall, Cohen turned to cup her face between his trembling hands. Thick blond hair fell over his forehead as his eyes shuttered closed. His large body pressed hotly against her own.

  Hayleigh moaned at the first swipe of his mouth on hers. Eagerly, she opened under the onslaught of his lips and tongue. Arousal burst wildly through her belly and sex. His arms circled her to crush her breasts to the wide expanse of his chest. Her nipples tingled in anticipation.

  As his seeking tongue played havoc on her thinking, delicious sensations tingled in her clit. His tongue stroked, and teased, and all the while his teeth nipped. They drew a brief breath before he delved deeply into her mouth.

  Hayleigh whimpered, so needy for more. Her hips pressed against him.

  For the past year, she’d craved his taste, his touch. Now she savored every caress and every thrill he incited.

  Inflamed, she rubbed along his body. In response, Cohen thrust his cock forward. His tongue danced with her smaller one. Heat burst in her belly. Pleasurable sensations threatened to unravel her.

  Lightheadedness set her mind buzzing to match the mad pace of her pulsing clit. Cohen’s hands skimmed down her back to cup her butt. Her hands clutched at his shoulders to hold her upright.

  Still the kiss lingered. Their lips sucked at one another’s while hungry tongues teased and chased.

  When Cohen finally eased the kiss, her body was electrified with arousal. Her thighs quivered. His hands clasped her hips as he rested his forehead on hers. His breath, hot and rough, matched hers pant for pant.

  “How long?” Rough hands cradled her face. His nose flared on an exhaled breath. “How much time do we have this time?” He pressed a wet kiss to her lips. “Tell me it’s more than a damn night.”

  Hayleigh moaned at what a short amount of time they had left. “Three nights.” She fought to steady her breath. “I’ve been here almost a week.” She’d arrived early and had gone to the tourist trap every night, hoping he’d show.

  And he had. On the very night to the day that they’d met. She closed her eyes in thanks. So much to tell him, with so little time to do it right.

  Hungry lips claimed hers once more in a searing kiss. She gripped his wrists and he dominated her mouth, as if he wanted to consume her body and soul.

  She whimpered, only to catch his groan in her mouth. His chest vibrated with the sound. Her nipples tingled as her breasts swelled.

  Pure need burned wildly in her clit.

  Again, he broke the sexual play to leave her panting.

  Blowing out a breath, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders to hold her close.

  Never having experienced something so good, she clung to his warm, hard body. “I still can’t believe you're here.” Her hands rubbed at the muscles in his back and explored his ribs. “I can’t believe we’re here.” Tears worked her throat. She’d come so close to not making the trip. She owed her mom for her encouragement to take the chance.

  His strong arms tightened around her. One of his hands tangled in her hair. “There’s so much I want to know about you.”

  A shaky laugh bubbled up. “Not half as much as I want to know about you.” She hugged him tightly.

  “Come on.” Roughly, he rubbed her upper arms. “Let’s go down to the ocean. We’re going to make up for lost time.”

  * * *

  Instead of walking down to the beach like she’d expected, Cohen helped her into his truck. The truck sparked several pleasurable memories. Magic had happened inside it, as well as on its hood.Cohen pulled his door shut. “It’s damn good to see you, Hayleigh.” He reached across the long seat and tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. “After you left…” He blew out a breath. “I wasn’t worth shit.”

  She smiled. “I don’t believe that.” As good as his admission had felt, she couldn’t have affected him the way he had her. She’d been miserable and had spent the better part of a year moping for what couldn’t be.

  They lived worlds apart.

  “Come here.” He cupped the back of her head to encourage her to meet him halfway. The action was unnecessary. Hayleigh wanted this. Wanted Cohen.

  She slid across the seat to snuggle into his embrace.

  This time, his mouth was just as bruising. His lips plundered hers. They clutched at each other's bodies and traded off sucking one another’s tongues. The interior of his truck turned stifling hot to match the liquid heat dampening her panties.

  As yet another groan rumbled from his chest, she pushed at his shoulders to shimmy out of his arms and onto the floor.

  “Hayleigh…” His protest died on his lips when she grasped the top button on his jeans. Her fingers worked to get the zipper down. After he raised the steering wheel, he scooted the seat back, giving them a little extra space. Cohen lifted his hips as she struggled to get his hidden cock free.

  A gasp of awe was followed by her tongue dragging over her lips in anticipation. Cohen had a beautiful build, and his cock was just as breathtaking. The rigid length stood out proudly from his body.

  Quickly, she moved his jeans down out of her way. She clasped the base of his cock and then placed her other hand around his length above her first hand. She
repeated the motions until she gripped the head in her fist.

  So big and so hard. Last year, she’d had no time to play or explore. She wanted deeper memories this time.

  “I’m not going to last." His chest heaved, and he tilted his head back so far the cords of his neck stuck out.

  “You don’t have to.” She lowered her head and sucked the head of his cock into her mouth. She screwed her mouth down as far as she could take his length. Her hands grasped his cock’s base and his balls.

  Cohen jerked on a growl. His legs spread to give her what little more room he could. The tight space didn’t slow her. She’d waited way too long to experience such delights as giving Cohen head.

  She moaned, focusing all her energy on working his hard length. Eagerly, she played and sucked. Her clit throbbed every time he made a sound of pleasure.

  “Oh, damn…”

  She sucked harder. All the while, her hands continued their play.

  “I’m going to come.” His body tensed as his hips jerked.

  And he did. His come was hot and salty as bursts pelted the back of her working throat. Her mouth sucked his pulsating cock until he was left trembling. With a final lick, she moved away to sit up. Her fingers touched her swollen lips. She’d never given head. Not real head. She’d never swallowed. The salty taste still lingered on her taste buds.

  Cohen blew out a long breath. “Sheila, it’s going to take me a sec to catch up here.” He jerked his jeans back up and shoved his semi-hard cock away. Once his clothes were righted, he ran his hands through his hair. He reached across the seat to clasp her cheeks in his hands. “Now that the edge is gone, I may be able to think straight.” He kissed her. A hot mouth and tongue coaxed her to play, but didn’t dominate her.

  She moaned. They shifted to get more comfortable. No time was wasted before his hand loosened her pants to allow him space to work his fingers inside her panties.


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