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Boomerang Love

Page 6

by Melissa Lopez

  A stodgy lawyer butts heads with a free spirit. Let the mattress dancing begin!

  Ready or Not

  © 2007 Anara Bella

  At first, Brianna Michaels' agreement to fill in as a bachelor party stripper sounds like a win-win situation. She's returning a favor to a friend, and earning some much-needed cash. But when she sees the man she's lusted after for years in the audience, baring all suddenly doesn't seem like such a hot idea.

  Quinn MacRae stops the show—literally—when he reacts instinctively to protect Brianna and her reputation. Plus, it’s nearly unbearable to see exactly what he's been missing. As an attorney with a prestigious law firm, he's sure of one thing. Brianna would hate living in his world. She's the last woman he should be lusting after.

  But lust he does—with a vengeance.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Ready or Not:

  Out of the corner of her eye she drank in a shirtless Quinn’s tall, lean physique, blocking the way out of the room. She couldn’t help it, her fingers itched to explore the bulging muscles in his arms and chest, and continue on down to check out his six-pack abs and follow the trail of hair there like breadcrumbs leading to nirvana.He must work out because he sure looked amazing for a desk jockey. She sighed. Unfortunately, that was one journey she’d never be taking. No matter how much she wanted to.

  Then again…

  Maybe she could at least have a little fun at Quinn’s expense. She knew he wasn’t completely indifferent to her. Sure, he disapproved of her, but for that very reason it might be fun to see just how much of a reaction she could get out of him. Hell, he’d already seen almost everything she owned anyway.

  Hiding a grin, she started looking around for her clothes. “You see my jeans around here anywhere?”


  “Never mind. Found ’em.” Making a big production out of it, she slowly leaned over at the waist to pick up her jeans, making sure Quinn’s shirt rode up as high as possible to give him an unobstructed view of her thong-clad backside. When she heard his indrawn breath, she knew she had his undivided attention, and bit the inside of her cheek to hold back the smile that threatened to break out.

  Without straightening, she glanced over her shoulder at him. “Something wrong?”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed and he looked about to choke. “No.”

  Not quite sure where this urge to taunt and tempt him was coming from, she decided not to worry about that and just go with it. After all, he had it coming with his rampant disapproval of her. May as well have some fun with this. Get a little bit of revenge, maybe even cop a feel in the bargain.

  She stifled the giggle threatening to erupt. Really, it was just a little friendly revenge. It had nothing to do with the fact that she’d fantasized about touching him for ages and this would be the perfect time to actually do it.

  Nothing to do with that at all.

  Uh huh. Yeah, right.

  First making sure the shirt was still mostly unbuttoned, she straightened and turned towards Quinn again. “Are you sure? You seem kind of uncomfortable.”

  “I’m fine.” His voice croaked and elation raced through her. She was definitely getting to him.

  Moving towards him, she felt like a hunter stalking its prey. Which she supposed she was. Quinn, the king of the circumspect, was battling between his need to get away from her and his need to keep her from going back out there and stripping. This kind of power was heady stuff.

  Brianna stopped directly in front of him, leaving no maneuvering space at all. Even if he tried squirming away it would only make things worse. “I’m not so sure. You look a little flushed to me.”

  His pupils dilated, almost drowning out the storm gray of his irises. She gently laid her hand on his arm, still crossed in front of him as if he were warding her off, and felt the muscle twitch beneath her fingers. She soothed it with her thumb.

  Quinn didn’t say anything, just watched her closely. She wished she knew what he was thinking, but his face was impassive. Impossible to read. Maybe she needed to up the stakes a bit to get the reaction she wanted, because she definitely wanted to get a rise out of him. Although, judging from the size of the bulge in the front of his pants, she was already getting one kind of rise out of him. What she really had her heart set on, though, was for Quinn to acknowledge the attraction between them. He’d never act on it, of course, but they both knew it was there and it irritated her no end that he behaved as if it didn’t exist.

  No, this was the perfect time for a teeny bit of payback for all the sleepless nights he’d caused her.

  Licking her lips, she took in his face. Standing this close, you’d have thought she’d find all kinds of imperfections, but his rugged features were still movie-star perfect. She couldn’t see one thing she’d change. Even his five o’clock shadow only managed to make him even more handsome.

  Damned irritating if you asked her.

  How can masturbating in a hotel Jacuzzi lead to love? Cassidy Yates is about to find out.

  Beyond the Tears

  © 2007 Michelle Cary

  A year after her husband died while serving in Iraq, Cassidy Yates still nurses a broken heart. Thinking a vacation will help, she agrees to a week in Key West with her best friend, April. Upon arrival, April suggests a way for Cassidy to ease her pain—sleep with the sexiest stud she can find.

  Not the type to bed hop, Cassidy refuses April’s idea and ends up alone. Abandoned by her friend, Cassidy decides to take a nighttime swim. In the Jacuzzi, she masturbates to the memories of making love to her husband. Mortified by her own behavior, Cassidy retreats to her hotel room, hoping no one witnessed her exhibition.

  Chase Dempsey is a man with rugged good looks and a killer smile. He isn’t looking to fall in love and only wants few days of relaxation before returning to his Texas ranch. Still, he’s curious after watching Cassidy’s erotic display and wonders what makes the gorgeous redhead tick. When he finds her dropped sarong, he realizes she’s just given him the opportunity to find out…

  Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex and graphic language.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Beyond the Tears:

  The elevator opened, revealing an empty carriage. Cassidy stepped inside. He held her against him. She waited, but when he didn’t make a further move, she tilted her head back and crushed her lips to his. The first kiss was chaste. She pulled away, he followed, his mouth slowly covering hers. This time her lips parted, her tongue teasing his with timid thrusts. She could feel him, the hard length of his cock pressing against her. It felt good to know she could still incite such a reaction from a man. Instinctively, her hips moved, grinding against his shaft. The movement resulted in a low growl from him as his hand slipped down her back and cupped her bottom.Breaking the kiss, he nibbled his way along her chin. His ragged breath whooshed over her ear. “You want it too, don’t you, Cassidy?”

  “Yes.” Her reply was barely audible. Despite her fear and her already building guilt, she did want to make love to him.

  The doors opened and they stepped off onto the seventh floor. Her entire body shook from anticipation and fear. Bobby had been her first, and although he always claimed to be happy with her lovemaking, performing for another man made her nervous. Would he be disappointed? Could she even go through with it? She’d been so bold up to this stage, but bold was out of character for her. At what point would the shy, self-conscious woman she normally was return and ruin everything?

  She stood behind him, impatiently waiting while he rooted through his pocket in search of his keycard. With second thoughts already scratching through her consciousness, she knew they needed to get inside before she changed her mind.

  Finding the card, he shoved it into the reader. The light remained red. Chase muttered under his breath and tried again. The light turned green and he pushed open the door. She slipped inside. Before she could say a word, he spun her around and claimed her mouth with his own. She heard the door slam shu
t behind them and felt the impact as her back hit the wall, nearly losing her breath in the process. His hands seemed to be everywhere at once, assaulting her senses and scattering her thoughts.

  Desperate to feel his skin, she tugged his shirt free from his jeans. He broke contact only long enough to pull it over his head and toss it aside. Tanned washboard abs had her reaching out to touch him. Her hands skimmed over his firm muscles and soft skin, and she decided there really should be a law against one man looking that perfect. Lust propelled her, pushing her to lean forward and lick along his pecs. He sucked in a breath as she drew his nipple into her mouth. His hand slid up her abdomen and over her breast. He cupped her, gently tweaking her nipple with his thumb and index finger.

  His hands slipped around her back and located the zipper of her dress. He pulled on the slider and slowly unzipped the chain of teeth, barely creating a sound. The fabric fell away and puddled on the floor at her feet, followed by her lace bra.

  Butterflies danced in her belly as she waited for his reaction.

  Chase reached out and gripped her by the waist. “I want to taste you, all of you.”

  Finding his way to his knees, he mouthed the tender skin of her stomach, licking around her bellybutton. His fingers curled around the elastic of her bikini briefs and tugged. She stepped out of the cotton and stood completely naked before him. He tossed her panties to the side then slid his hands up the outside of her legs. She let out a gasp when his mouth came to rest on the skin right above her curls.

  He wanted to give her pleasure, to provide her with what she’d been denying herself for the past year. But he also wanted her lost inside the world of desire, trapped so deep she wouldn’t change her mind and try to leave. His lips brushed along her stomach, placing gentle kisses over her lightly tanned skin. He followed the kiss with a swipe of his tongue. Lower he worked until he reached the swollen lips of her sex. She moaned when he brushed his thumb through her folds and found the entrance to her pussy drenched in her own juices.

  A small smile tugged at his lips. Knowing she was already wet from desire, he was confident she wouldn’t back out now. With his other hand splayed across her belly, he went to work. He licked at her sensitive tissues, toiling his way between her lips to the source of her pleasure. Reaching her clit, he made sure to not touch it. Instead, he sampled the skin surrounding it and lapped at her juices.

  One finger, then a second eased its way into her hot, tight channel. She cried out, her hips pressing against his other hand as he held her to the wall. In search of that oh-so-elusive G-spot, he pushed deeper. Barely a second later, he felt her hands weave through his hair while she tried to lift her hips to him again. Found it! She whimpered and panted, her breath growing more rapid, and he knew she was close.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  It’s all about the story…









  Red Hots!


  Science Fiction


  Young Adult




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