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A Vampire's Thirst_Adrian

Page 14

by Monica La Porta

  As foreign a thought it was to a werewolf, in the last few hours, Lavinia had started craving his bite. Although his touches and kisses had coaxed her wanton side as no other man had done before, there was a stronger emotion at play. She wanted him to feed from her because, Vampire’s Thirst aside, the moment she entertained the thought of another woman providing that service to Adrian, her heart shattered and her stomach painfully clenched.

  “Are you okay, my love?” Adrian asked, bringing her back to the present.

  Lavinia smiled at him. “Never better.”

  His elegant hands made short work of the seatbelts and buckled her into the seat. Before lowering the headphones to her ears, he introduced her to the helicopter’s pilot, who turned from his bulky seat in the cockpit to wave over his shoulder at her.

  A moment later, they were airborne, again. Adrian squeezed her knee in a reassuring gesture she much appreciated.

  “I wish I could distract you properly,” he said. His voice coming through the headphone made the words more intimate. She blushed at his meaning, wondering what the pilot would think.

  Adrian winked at her. “Give me your cell phone.”

  Lavinia fished inside her bag and found her phone. There were a few missed calls from both her father and Maia, as well as several texts from Maia. Lavinia hadn’t checked her phone since the night before when she had left the gala with Adrian. She automatically made to open the messages, but Adrian took the cell phone from her only to input his number and give it back to her a moment later.

  His eyes shining with mischief, he grabbed his own phone and started typing. When he was done, he looked up and pointed his chin at her cell phone. “You’ve got a text.”

  Lavinia lowered her gaze to the screen of her phone where a notification had popped up.

  I want you again, the text said.

  He caressed her thigh in small circles as he typed again.

  If we were alone, I would ask you to strip for me.

  His touch elicited a long shiver that traveled up and down her body.

  He texted her a third time. These jeans hug your form most pleasingly, but there is too much fabric between you and me. Don’t you think?

  Already too weak at the knees, she could only nod as he continued planting images in her head.

  “We’ll reach our destination in a few minutes,” Adrian said out loud. His low, husky voice was an aphrodisiac by itself. When combined with the soft touch of his hand and his texts, it made her feel like swooning. Could she faint from pleasure? It would seem like Adrian was bent on finding out.

  I would ask you to straddle me, he typed next, his eyes never leaving hers.

  You, completely naked. I, still fully clothed. His hand inched higher, resting on her mid-thigh.

  Can you see us? His thumb stroked the inside of her leg.

  Can you see how beautiful we are?

  She gulped, the rise and fall of her chest becoming faster.

  Adrian moved his thumb ever so slightly higher.

  Sitting on my lap, your legs on either side of mine.

  He let the thought sink in for a moment, and she closed her eyes. Her body tingled with anticipation. Warmth spread from her chest to her core. “Adrian,” she whispered.

  “Look at me,” he said out loud. His soft command made Lavinia open her eyes wide. He indicated for her to check the screen.

  I caress you slowly. You shiver and part your beautiful mouth.

  Lavinia couldn’t help but react as he had just described.

  Adrian’s eyes lingered for a moment on her lips before his free hand flew over the screen of his cell phone.

  So red and swollen, ready for me.

  His thumb moved higher still.

  My fingers close around your nipple, pinching slightly. You open your legs wider.

  A moan escaped Lavinia’s mouth. She was immediately grateful that the noise inside the helicopter covered every sound she might have made without even realizing it.

  Your scent is intoxicating.

  Adrian’s gaze had become smoldering. His thumb brushed between her legs in the softest of caresses, yet it made Lavinia throw her head against her seat.

  “Open your eyes,” he commanded in her headset.

  She did.

  I pinch hard.

  Lavinia felt the first frisson of pleasure build.

  I tell you to open my pants.

  Adrian gently pressed his thumb against her core.

  You lower your mouth and take me between your lips.

  Lavinia’s eyes went to his pants before looking back at him. His gaze was ablaze.

  He typed again. I am hard.

  His finger pressed deeper. Lavinia would have given anything for them to be alone. Her breasts felt heavy under the sweater, and she wished he could stop texting and cup her mounds instead.

  The corner of his mouth lifted into a smile that promised more incendiary words. He finished typing and pointed his chin at her cell phone.

  Your mouth is so soft around me. You take me deep inside.

  Lavinia couldn’t help but gulp. She’d had boyfriends who’d attempted the sexy talk but usually fell short of the mark, turning her off with crude comments. It was unfair to even compare her exes with Adrian, though. He was in a league of his own.

  Your lips and tongue caress me. I swell inside you. I’m coming.

  Pleasure overtook Lavinia. Adrian’s touch deepened as he pressed the heel of his hand against her jeans.


  He leaned toward her and silenced her gasp with his mouth. As he kissed her, she rode the waves of a shattering release, grinding against his hand. He stroked her a moment longer before slowly removing his hand from between her legs and lightly brushing her breast as he reached up to caress her cheek.

  He broke the kiss, then. “We’ve arrived at destination.” His voice echoed in her headset.

  The man was a miracle worker. He had cured her of her phobia of flying.

  Still languid in the aftermath of the orgasm he had just given her, Lavinia looked outside. The helicopter had landed on a narrow strip of land bordering the ocean. When Adrian opened the cabin door, the salty breeze from the sea ruffled her hair, curling her long tresses at once. She breathed in the marine air, filling her lungs until her mind cleared from the sensual fog.

  Adrian removed his headset before removing hers. He thanked the pilot for the smooth ride, making Lavinia blush, and jumped off onto the sandy soil.

  “Where are we?” she asked.

  “Eros,” he answered, extending both arms for her to jump into his embrace.


  “Home sweet home,” Adrian said, depositing Lavinia safely to the ground. “For the next few days.”

  “It’s like a dream,” Lavinia whispered.

  Adrian watched her as she looked in wonder at his exclusive property in the middle of the Aegean Sea. The moon illuminated the sandy shore and the waves crashing against the solitary beach. White rocky walls emerged from the waters at either side of the bay, Mediterranean bushes and pines dotting the natural steps.

  “Come.” He took her hand and pulled her a few steps away from the helicopter. “It’s a short trek to the house.” Moving both of them to face the rocky formation behind them, he pointed at the white villa perched on top of the ridge.

  They left the landing strip and the helicopter behind and took the trail that led to his villa. After walking for a few minutes in silence, Lavinia looked at him and smiled.

  “I still can’t believe you own an island,” she said, shaking her head. Her fingers trailed over the dry stone wall bordering the path and overlooking the crystalline waters below. She plucked a purple bougainvillea flower and tucked it behind her ear.

  “You are breathtaking.” Adrian fought the impulse to take her in his arms and speed to the top of the climb. He wanted nothing more than to act on the texts he had sent her, but Lavinia needed the walk. She was full of energy, skipping steps on her way up
, and he wouldn’t deny her such a small pleasure, even though the Thirst demanded he feed. The first pangs had assailed him during the helicopter ride. The hunger cramps arrived with no warning, and he had done his best to hide his discomfort from Lavinia. Now, he felt famished.

  When they were almost at the top of the trail, Lavinia leaned over the low wall, looking down at the half-moon bay with its golden sands and the waves lazily caressing the shore in perpetual motion.

  “I love the sea,” she said.

  Adrian looked at her profile illuminated by the moon. Freckles brushed her proud nose and high cheekbones. Her full lips glistened under the silver rays, and he longed to feel her mouth on his body. For the second time, he fought his carnal need to hasten their leisurely walk and let her decide the pace. The Thirst was stronger now, though.

  Lavinia stopped once again to admire a cactus’ orange and red flowers. One of the many thorns of the plant prickled her finger. Before she could put it into her mouth, he took her hand and brought her finger to his lips.

  Their eyes locked, and he caught the raw desire in her gaze when he sucked on her digit. Her chest rose and fell fast. His tongue swirled around, licking her blood. Desire shot straight from his mouth to his groin.

  “Lavinia—” His voice was a hoarse whisper filled with lust.

  She stepped closer to him until her body pressed against his, then pointed over her shoulder. “Let’s go inside.”

  Adrian had her in his arms before she finished talking, sprinting toward the house looming ahead.

  “I’ll give you the grand tour tomorrow,” he said, crossing the last meters of the trail at superhuman speed.

  At the large, light blue door, he only had to face the security sensors for the panels to swing open. He flew across the foyer and its terracotta floors, heading for the stairs and the second floor where his bedroom—their bedroom now—was located.

  Tossing her onto the large four poster bed, he said, “I can’t wait any longer.” His stare lingered on her throat, making the meaning of his words clear. He couldn’t delay their bloodmate bond without going crazy. The pain was building up exponentially.

  Lavinia arched her back, offering her breasts to him. “I’m yours,” she said, lowering the zip of her jeans and uncovering a small triangle of black lace. She then lifted the hem of her sweater, and her breasts came in sight, encased in the matching bra. With her long hair brushing the mattress behind her, her legs slightly parted, half-undressed, she was an erotic vision.

  He dropped a knee onto the mattress, throwing his jacket to the floor. His hand went to the flap of his trousers, but Lavinia sat straighter and placed her hand on his.

  “Let me,” she said, taking his hand away.

  She unbuttoned his pants, freeing his hardness for her perusal, and looked at him from under her long black lashes as if asking for permission before lowering her soft lips to him. Adrian nodded, and she took him into her warm mouth, causing him to buck as pleasure shot through his body.

  His need had grown even stronger in the last few moments. He fisted Lavinia’s hair around his hand and pulled before lowering his mouth to hers.

  “I need you.” He couldn’t recognize his guttural voice, distorted by the Thirst.

  With his free hand, he grabbed her sweater and tore it apart. The bra fell to the side next. He released her hair to pull her jeans out of the way with a jerk. Next, he pulverized her panties. “Mine,” he growled, opening her legs wide with his thighs and winding one arm under her back to pull her bottom toward him.

  “Take me,” Lavinia begged.

  Her warm scent invaded his nostrils, and Adrian thrust into her with a primal shout of triumph.

  “Faster,” she said. “Deeper.”

  He obliged, driving into her as the Thirst ravaged his senses. His strokes left her breathless, but her expression of pure bliss told him everything he needed to know. Adrian cupped her breasts and brought them to his mouth, licking and nipping her nipples until they turned to hard peaks. She moaned, her channel contracting around him. His fangs lengthened and he poked at her soft flesh.

  “With this bite, I bind you to me for all eternity,” Adrian recited, grazing her nipple to give Lavinia a moment’s warning.

  She opened her eyes and blinked before nodding in assent. Her hand went to her breast, pulling the mound toward Adrian’s mouth.

  He bit down.

  She gasped, her channel tightening and releasing in powerful waves of pleasure. Her blood flooded his mouth, the flavor of Lavinia dripping down his throat, filling him as no other feeding ever had.

  The world exploded around him. Feeding from his bloodmate didn’t come close to his wildest fantasy. Adrian had thought the experience would be beautiful, but no words could explain what he actually felt. It was ecstasy, pure and undiluted. He couldn’t breathe. Joy filled his heart. Tears welled in his eyes.

  Lavinia moaned. He prolonged her pleasure by drawing her nipple deeper into his mouth but stopped sucking. His strokes slowed, becoming tender caresses as her trembling ebbed and her cries became soft mewls of pleasure. Her hands roamed his back, following the line of his spine from his shoulder to the small of his back, and to his buttocks.

  “You?” Lavinia asked when she finally opened her eyes.

  With her heavy eyelids, swollen mouth, messy hair, the bright glow of her skin and the satisfied look on her face, Lavinia filled him with male pride.

  “Me?” he said, knowing the meaning of her question but wanting her to spell it out.

  The most endearing blush colored her cheeks, her throat, and reached the swell of her breasts. “You haven’t come yet.” Her voice was but a whisper.

  “I have every intention to,” he reassured her. “Don’t worry. Your pleasure is an aphrodisiac to me. The more I have you, the more I want you. The night is still young—”

  Lavinia gasped, her eyes widening as her blush deepened.

  He thought he had never seen anything as beautiful as his Lavinia. “I adore you, my little wolf.”

  She hid her face against his chest. Through her blood, now Adrian could read her emotions as if they were his own, and they pleased him greatly because they mirrored his need. She moved underneath him, rocking her hips against him, silently asking him to resume his thrusts.

  “I have something else in mind,” he said, withdrawing from her warmth.

  “Adrian,” she protested, trying to pull him back to her.

  “Trust me—” He gently removed her hands and lowered them to the mattress.

  Sucking her nipple one more time, he left her breast to kiss her navel before reaching his destination. With his tongue, he flicked her nub and then traced circles around her opening with his finger. His soft touch had the desired effect on Lavinia, who lay down, her hands on his head, guiding his movements with subtle pressure at first. Soon, she became more vocal, and she grabbed his hair. His fangs grazed her soft flesh. Adrian waited for her response that was immediate.

  “Please,” she cried.

  He pierced her, sending Lavinia over the edge. She thrashed underneath him, and he kept her in place, pressing her down as he fed from her core. Her pulses and moans made the experience unforgettable. She screamed his name several times. Her flavor, rich and scented, coated his throat. Lavinia’s thoughts invaded his mind. Her blood filled him, body and soul.

  After closing the small punctures with a wipe of his tongue, he leaned his forehead against her flat stomach, laying a kiss against her skin. Lavinia kept shaking, her fingers trailing caresses over his head and shoulder.

  “Will it be always like this?” she asked, a few heartbeats later. Wrapping her hands around his neck, she closed her legs tightly.

  “I don’t know,” Adrian answered. “But I can’t wait to find out.” He smiled against her navel, his tongue sneaking out to tease her with a soft brush.

  “This is insane,” she said. “I would’ve never thought that something like this, like us, would happen to me.”
/>   “And the best is yet to come, my sweet wolf.” He raised his head to look at her and found her staring back at him with the most beautiful smile.


  Lavinia heard the promise in Adrian’s statement and shivered in anticipation.

  She should have been truly spent by now, but a few suggestive words from him, and her senses were on fire again. How many times had he brought her to the highest peaks of pleasure? Lavinia had lost count.

  “Did you like it when I fed from you?” He caressed her bare stomach and deposited light kisses there.

  “All my life, I was taught to hate vampires,” she said, placing her hands on either side of his face. “Offering the throat to the undead is a strong taboo. The mere idea would’ve made me sick until meeting you.”

  Adrian’s eyes shone with a bright light, which was almost too much to bear. He didn’t say anything and waited in that way she had come to associate with Adrian’s pensive mood and poised character. His silence was pregnant with meaning, and every movement he made was precise and elegant. Adrian was a man who owned the present and didn’t need an overabundance of gestures or words to convey meaning.

  She could have stared at him for hours. His raised brow and subtle curve of his mouth prompted her to continue. “I liked it,” she said.

  “You liked it,” he repeated, making it sound like a question and looking incredulous.

  “I did.” Lavinia couldn’t help but smile as his eyebrow rose even higher on his forehead.

  “You are one greedy little wolf,” he said, grinning like the cat who ate the canary.

  Her heart sped up at the determination she saw in his eyes.

  “I can’t have my bloodmate just liking it, can I, now?” His mouth retraced his previous path and hovered between her legs. “I shall endeavor to make you pass out from pleasure the next time.”

  She had never met another man who talked like him. His speech was a combination of old school and sophistication even when he was making fun of her like now.


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