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Never Submit (The Kurtherian Gambit Book 15)

Page 27

by Michael Anderle

  “Oh,” Ecaterina bit her lip, “Ok.”

  Nathan just nodded his head in understanding.

  Five minutes later, Barnabas left the meeting room, allowing the two a moment to finish the suggestion he placed in their minds as to why they were now in the meeting room, away from everyone.

  My Empress?

  Yes? she replied, instantly.

  Barnabas took a right turn down a hallway, I’ve solved the Pepsi case.

  It was Team BMW, wasn’t it? she replied.

  I told you, I would solve it, provide appropriate punishment and that would be the final result. We both know you are too emotional on this subject to deal with it.

  He could almost feel Bethany Anne’s annoyance through his connection.

  Do you disagree? He asked.

  No, she grumped, you are right. I feel like we are back to the time when I kept telling you everyone needed to die, just to make my point.

  Ah, good times.


  Well, considering everything we have accomplished, the fact that a recipe for a drink has made it over to this side of the galaxy isn’t the biggest deal.

  Well, I guess not. She agreed. Besides, do we still have the coriander crops properly hidden?


  Good, make sure we sell the oil on the black market for a huge profit. We will use the coriander oil trade to help fund some of the agricultural budget for the next couple of years.

  Yes, my Empress.

  It was Ecaterina and Nathan, wasn’t it? She snuck into the conversation right before he dropped.

  Still not telling, Barnabas answered and disconnected their conversation, a small smile on his face.

  He was sure he had blocked any information on the guilty party traveling across the connection back to her.

  Barnabas was impressed. Bethany Anne understood the psychology of peoples who would want to drink a banned substance, Pepsi, as a form of rebellion. The only way to make Pepsi was from oils of the Coriander plant. Fortunately, this plant wasn’t available in Yollin space, or anywhere as far as they knew.

  Now, those who wanted to spit in the eye of the new Empress Bethany Anne could buy the drink on the black market for exorbitant prices. It would be their little act of rebellion, and they would feel better.

  And fill her coffers to help run her Empire at the same time.

  It was, Bethany Anne had told him, a tax on those who might wish for a rebellion, but just needed to blow off some steam. She told him that she would be loved at times, and hated at times.

  She had learned this already back on Earth.

  Those times where she was loved, they would be able to determine due to the lower income from the Coriander oil. When the income went up, it was a good indication they needed to focus on which areas bought more of the product.

  If Empress Bethany Anne could rule with benevolence, that was preferred. But what about when she couldn’t?

  Well, the Queen Bitch was never too far below the surface.


  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  Written February 2, 2017

  As always, can I say with a HUGE amount of appreciation how much it means to me that you not only read this book, but you are reading these notes as well? I write these for each book, sometimes wondering if anyone reads these anymore? Or, have I become too boring, too repitious and readers are thinking ‘stop writing these, just get on with the next story already!’


  Ok, now that my existential angst is shared, and because of the sharing, easier to handle, I’ve got something to chat about (ok, a couple somethings) that came up because of a Facebook post and some feedback.

  #1 - Science, as in Science Fiction.

  Here is a famous quote from Author C. Clarke: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

  The whole Kurtherian Gambit is based on this premise. I’ve been blessed that paranormal, vampire loving readers have stuck with me when I pulled (some of) them kicking and screaming into Science Fiction.

  (Don’t say I haven’t, I’ve read the reviews! LOL)

  Now, I asked a question on Facebook about a week and a half ago, and divulged a plan for a future series called “The Rise of Magic” and guess what occurred?

  That’s right, OUTRAGE!


  Ok, it really wasn’t so much outrage as “you are going to lose me, here.”


  Why did the fans say something? Because I didn’t explain myself very well. The original question (related to a podcast) divulged that in the future on Earth, we would have a magic based age. But, we have to go through two more ages before Irth (our Earth) pulls it’s ass out of everything and freaking FINALLY humans build something we can all be proud of accomplishing.

  With Never Submit, Bethany Anne is now officially out of our Solar System for a time (approximately 160 years take or give 5 years). During this time, we have stuff happen here on our planet during which The Terry Henry Walton Chronicles, Reclaiming Honor, and The Second Dark Ages series occur.



  Ok, at the end of Michael’s series, we have an HEA (happily ever after) event with Bethany Anne and Michael. She’s put in her time, finished her job, and so has Michael. They hop in their bad ass chariot with friends and ride off into the Universe for another set of adventures.

  Think TKG as Star Wars, the future series (no name yet) as a Star Trek.

  But that discussion is for another time.


  Now, after the events above in the Spoiler, the Earth moves forward. Unfortunately, Kurtherian science has a hiccup after our people leave.

  Remember, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

  Even technology that has gone haywire, and the people it is affecting don’t KNOW they have technology inside them.

  Technology from Kurtherians.

  From the Earth’s past.

  So, we have The Age of Magic, a new Kurtherian Age on Irth (Earth) in our Future. When humans seek to learn about, contain, restrain, use and abuse for personal gain new capabilities they call magic.

  Stories about where these abilities might have originated and how they are changing people, by changing their genetics, their DNA, their … humanity.

  One thing that often won’t change is the human spirit - unfortunately, both kinds.

  Enter Hannah, a very young woman caught up in events in the beginning of The Age of Magic.

  All she wanted to do was save her brother from dying in her arms, she didn’t mean to use magic. She didn’t even know she HAD magic.

  Those set to kill her for her using magic, breaking the law, tracked her down to an alley, ready to kill her. They didn’t realize just who the old man was that interrupted their sadistic fun …

  But they should have.

  When I wrote Death Becomes Her, I was curious what readers would think about the ‘left turn’ of how Vampires were created? Would they shut down the story when they found out alien’s were involved? Would they get pissed off at me for screwing up their favorite Paranormal genre and leave SCATHING reviews about how I shouldn’t be playing with the history as we know it?

  In short, was anyone besides me even interested in this stuff?

  I have to admit, it wasn’t all curiosity, there was a HUGE amount of trepidation, as well.

  (Trepidation: A $5.00 word for scared shitless).

  It wasn’t like I had huge expectations, but even my tiny little selling $7.50 a day-per-book goal could be dashed, you know? However, so many fans loved that exact twist that it has been more than a nice surprise. It’s been a huge heartwarming BLESSING.

  Why? Because I’m not alone, you know?

  The reason we have fans of anything - football, crochet, racing, Gone With The Wind (my step-mother is a HUGE fan) is because it allows us to talk and connect with those who also like the same thing. Now, I have people who like these sets of stories I like (generally speaking - not every fan of Bethany Anne is a Fan of another series, and vice-versa) and it has been very cool.

  If you have looked at the Kurtherian FB fan page, we are multi-cultural, multi-sex(ual), gender-neutral, multi-country (I HEAR you Australia! Every time I put a date up and you guys get to it before I have the book out, I HEAR you) and while we lean older, we have representation from most ages…Except young adult - On Facebook at least.

  I don’t seem to delve into that market too much. I suppose I could try and market there 20-32 year olds), just not sure if it is a smart move? If you have any suggestions on whether I’m getting readers in their 20’s, let me know, please!

  This book, the 15th in The Kurtherian Gambit Series, is also the first book of the 3rd Arc (the Green Arc – you can tell by the bar of color under the Author Name at the bottom…1-7 (red), 8-14 (blue), 15-21 (green)).

  This is important (well, ok, it is important to me … not so sure how many others) because it is the arc where we take the fight out to the Kurtherians, and damned if we didn’t meet one right up front.

  How many found this to be a surprise? (I’m raising my hand – so, if I telegraphed that the King of Yoll was a Kurtherian in previous books? That means my subconscious was doing a number, because him being Kurtherian wasn’t originally planned by me.)

  I did telegraph way back in earlier books that the Yollins got their ass kicked in the first battle, so hopefully not too many readers were surprised by the results.

  In my beats (consider beats something similar to a connect-the-dot setup for writing a fiction book), I did not have Bethany Anne getting involved in the fight in New York. I didn’t even have her do much more than help everyone get to the G’laxix Sphaea and go back to the Merideth Reynolds.

  Then John Grimes got his bright ass idea to go play hooky, which was kinda funny. I mean, when most Royalty play hooky, their idea isn’t to get some armor, some guns, (a box of grenades) and go find some terrorist nest to clean out. I hope to come back to that day of hooky and write it as a short story. Perhaps as a Frank Kurns short.

  I particularly liked the scene in the Pod when Tabitha calls Bethany Anne through their mental connection and early in the conversation, Bethany Anne says ‘shoot’. Tabitha thinks the Queen is telling her to continue talking, but really Bethany Anne meant that comment to go to John…as in “Shoot them sum-bitches!”

  One of the situations in this book I’ve been struggling with (besides writing this whole book) was just how far does a Queen’s Ranger go? They are pretty bad-ass, but are supposed to try to be more law abiding, less kill and let God sort out the good from the bad. So, in this story, we have Tabitha wondering what is she going to do when the four mercenaries come storming into the building?

  I realized at that moment when I was writing the scene, Tabitha is aware that Monica has been kidnapped, and Ted is an almost useless wreck. When she is waiting to see who comes in the front door she finally sees a military strike team and that makes the decision for her.

  As far as she is concerned, this isn’t a legal operation, but enemy action.

  I enjoyed letting Tabitha play a little more (and I mean just shoot and kill, no slapping the cuffs on people). I look forward to more writing more Tabitha stories in the future.

  Because, who doesn’t like a person who kicks ass, but occasionally just trips over a cord? She is my favorite flawed character. Full of heart, but still somewhat damaged. I want her to succeed, but she needs help from her friends to make it happen and her friends know this.

  I’m curious what they will setup in the future for her, myself.

  I hope you enjoyed this book. It was a challenge to write. Partially because of juggling more in the beginning of the month due to the other releases (I edit everything with my name on it) and me thinking I’d be able to dictate a big portion of this book.

  Didn’t happen. Lost 5 days thinking I would be able to dictate a huge portion of the book…HUGE mistake on my part AND missed my Jan 31st date. Dammit.

  I appreciate the support, the push and ALL of the kind words you provide both myself and the other writers working in this Universe. I have some pretty awesome plans I want to share, and more coming, all the time.

  We have four artists working now in TKG. Plus, two new cover artist(s) for two new series.


  Here are the series, and who is doing narration at this time:

  The Kurtherian Gambit - 21 Books (First 7 in Studio)

  Narration provided by Emily Beresford

  Death Becomes Her - AVAILABLE NOW! (Woohoo!)

  Click to see on Audible’s Website

  Reclaiming Honor - 4 Books (so far)

  Narration provided by Kate Rudd

  Justice Is Calling - AVAILABLE NOW! (Woohoo!)

  Click to see on Audible’s Website

  Terry Henry Walton Chronicles - 4 Books (so far)

  Narration provided by Kate Rudd

  Nomad Found - IN PRODUCTION

  Etheric Academy Series - 4 Books (so far)

  Narration provided by Emily Beresford

  Alpha Class - IN PRODUCTION

  The Rise of Magic - 4 Books (so far)

  Narration provided by Kate Rudd


  Want to know about the Coke Recipe?

  Here it is! Coke Recipe (and story) as told on This American Life (American Radio Show)

  Love you all,

  See you NEXT Book ;-)





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