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Mended Fences: Will love and kindness be able to mend the fences broken by intolerance? (Mended Hearts Book 2)

Page 25

by Sarah Markel

  “If you would allow me,” Armand said with a smile as he stepped forward and lifted the cloche from each of their plates. Underneath the domes were two of the biggest lobster tails the women had ever seen, “Enjoy!” he said as he set aside the cloches and made his way to the grill. Alex was delighted at the look on Kelly’s face. She knew that surf and turf was one of Kelly’s favorite meals. Alex groaned in delight as she breathed in the heavenly aroma of the lobster. Neither woman wasted a moment in picking up their forks and digging into the meal. Kelly grabbed two slices of the fresh crusty bread and smeared them both with butter before handing one to Alex. Both were intrigued watching Armand season and begin to cook the steak and vegetables. As they finished their lobster tails, Carlisle appeared and took away their plates, refilling their glasses in the process, before disappearing again without a word. Armand opened a shallow drawer that was under the flat top and, using a towel, carefully pulled out a clean plate and placed half the vegetables and one of the steaks on top of it. He set the plate in front of Kelly, with a warning that it was very hot, before turning back and repeating the process with the rest of the food for Alex.

  “Would you ladies check your steaks for me please and make sure they are cooked to your liking.” Armand asked crossing his arms behind him and waiting for each woman to confirm that her steak was indeed cooked just to her liking. “Enjoy your meal ladies. If you need anything, all you have to do is ring this bell and someone will be with you right away.” he instructed as he carefully and efficiently tidied his workspace. “Thank you Armand,” Alex said with a smile shaking the man’s hand, “if it tastes a fraction as good as it smells I’m going to have to send my mother to you for training.” The man laughed and shook his head, before pulling the grill back out of the garden leaving the women alone.

  Both women smiled at each other and dug into their steaks. Neither of them got more than three quarters of the way through their meal, before they were groaning and holding their stomachs. “I’m so stuffed,” Alex groaned happily, “that was the most incredible meal I’ve ever eaten. I don’t think I even really needed the knife to cut that steak.” Alex looked at her wife through half-lidded eyes and gave herself a little pep talk. Come on, you can do it. She loves kids, and I’m sure she would be happy to have another. “I know, it all but melted in my mouth.” Kelly replied with a smile rubbing her stomach. “I’ve got a food baby!” Both women laughed and Alex watched as Kelly’s expression changed. Kelly took a deep breath and bit her lip. “Honey, there is something I wanted to talk to you about.” she said, her fingers absently twisting at the linen napkin on her plate. “What is it, baby?” Alex asked, concern evident on her face. Kelly looked at Alex and took another deep breath to steady herself. Taking Alex’s hands across the table, she voiced her request quickly. “I want us to have another baby. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, and I wanted to ask you while we are alone. I want to give you another child. Dej will be such a good big sister, and we already know that Zane is a great big brother. What do you think?” Alex sat for a moment, dumbfounded, before a huge grin spread across her face. “I can’t believe you right now.” she replied. Kelly frowned in disappointment and pulled her hands into her lap. Alex stood and pulled Kelly’s chair to face her before kneeling in front of it. “Kelly, that’s the whole reason I planned all of this. I was going to ask you if you wanted to have a baby with me.” she looked up at her wife as the moonlight streaked across the woman’s face, and her chest felt like it would burst. “I love you Mrs. Walker. I would be delighted if you would carry our child.” Kelly smiled and leaped out of her chair to pin Alex in the grass, kissing her passionately, “I love you too, Mrs. Walker. I can’t wait for you to get me pregnant.” she whispered, tugging gently at Alex’s ear with her teeth. Alex groaned and wrapped her arms around her wife. “I can’t wait to get you pregnant, baby.” she replied with a contended smile as she laid her hand over Kelly’s stomach.





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