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To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set

Page 33

by Marian Tee

  She shook her head at him. “No,” Misty said with unmistakable sadness, “I feel like it won’t.”

  The old Misty wouldn’t have said that. She was the eternal optimist, after all, and his heart clenched at how life had made her more cynical. Was he responsible for this, too? More and more he was beginning to think that she truly was better off without him and that if he really loved her, he should turn his back on her and allow Misty to rebuild her life – without him.

  “In here,” Aurelius said as he opened a door at the end of the third-floor hallway and gestured for them to precede him.

  Inside were a dozen pack leaders, all of them heads of the most powerful Lyccan packs. Some, she recognized – like Filippo Cavalier, whom she once worked for…and was accused of stealing from. There were also the heads of the Fontabella and Buenaventura, whose daughter and granddaughter she was friends with. And then there was Alessandro, who winked at her even though his form remained tense. The rest she didn’t know…and couldn’t be sure of.

  There were 12 seats, with just one left vacant. She glanced at Domenico.

  He pulled out a chair for her, which confused Misty. “Where would you sit?”

  Domenico smiled at her gently. “Sweetheart, I am no longer heir apparent to the Moretti pack, remember?” He nudged her towards the seat. “I cannot sit at the same table with the other pack leaders.”

  Her eyes widened. “But that’s insane. You were---”

  “Were being the operative word,” he said with quiet firmness.

  Knowing he had again taken a position he wouldn’t budge from, Misty had no choice but to face the assembly of pack leaders again. Her heart broke as she thought of what Domenico had sacrificed just to win her back. Once he had been commanding the entire Moretti pack, once he had been equal to the Lyccans before him, if not surpassing them with his power and wealth.

  And yet now, it almost felt like he had willingly turned himself into an invisible slave for Misty, someone who only showed up when she needed his help.

  “We are glad to see you again, my dear,” Filippo Cavalier said gently. “I trust the Faeries are treating you well.”

  “Yes, they more than treat me well, thank you for asking.”

  Domenico was proud at the way Misty answered the questions of the other pack leaders. Her tone was respectful but strong at the same time, a woman who knew the value of the hierarchy they treasured but one who also did not hesitate to stand for what she believed was right for the Faeries.

  Aurelius cleared his throat, and the way the others stopped talking made both Domenico and Misty tense again.

  “You may be wondering why we haven’t called for your co-ambassador.”

  Misty nodded.

  “Well, this is more of a matter concerning Lyccans alone, which we believe your co-ambassador has nothing to do with.” With the usual bluntness that Misty had come to expect from Lyccans, Aurelius said, “When Domenico relinquished his right as heir apparent to work as our emissary, it was admittedly a great boon for Lyccans. We could not ask for a better representative, especially one who would be free of any conflict of interest.”

  Domenico’s gaze narrowed. He finally knew where this was going and his lips tightened in dislike. He glanced at Alessandro and saw that his brother, too, had caught on as well. There were grimaces on the faces of the Cavalier, Buenaventura, and Fontabella pack leaders.

  He did a swift mental count and cursed silently, realizing that the odds were against them.

  “Domenico had specified certain terms for his role as emissary,” Aurelius was saying. “They have been presented to the Council, and almost all of it was approved – everything actually except for one term and which the Council would now wish to discuss with you.”

  “No.” Domenico’s face was hard as he outright rejected what was about to happen.

  Enrico Fiarino smirked. “I’m sorry, but do you think you have a say in this? You are no longer a pack leader, remember? You gave it up for a woman,” Enrico said with a curl of his upper lip.

  It was a public set down meant to humiliate, and Domenico could feel Misty’s distress at hearing those words. Even his younger brother was furious while his allies appeared uncomfortable. Surprisingly, Domenico was the only one who truly felt unaffected by the slur. If there was anything he didn’t like about this, it was the fact that all of this was hurting his princess.

  Misty so badly wanted to look at Domenico after hearing what the other man said. She recognized him as the son of the traitor responsible for the numerous Lyccan and Caro slayings and whom Domenico had helped capture last year. Because of that Misty understood where the animosity was coming from, but what she had a difficult time taking in was how disrespectful the man was being to Domenico. Didn’t he know Domenico could kill him with his bare hands? Didn’t he know how powerful Domenico was?

  And yet – no one came to Domenico’s aid, not even Alessandro.

  She didn’t understand what was happening, and her heart thudded against her chest as the feeling that something bad was about to happen became heavier, lodging itself inside her body like a ticking time bomb. Forcing herself to speak calmly, she asked, “What is this term you find objectionable?”

  It was again Enrico who answered, his tone jeering as he said, “We wanted our emissary to consider the Lyccan race – the packs – as his first priority. It was to be important above all else.”

  She became even more confused. “And so? I understand why you’d want that---”

  “The thing is,” Enrico cut her off contemptuously, “the man you have enslaved has rejected this term. He wants to place you above all else. He has stated that if he was forced to make the choice, he would always put you first.”

  She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. “I don’t understand.”

  Enrico laughed contemptuously. “Do you truly want us to spell it out? He is choosing you over his pack – over the entire Lyccan race.”

  Misty twisted around to look up at Domenico, and he gazed back at her implacably. “Domenico…” Still, he didn’t answer. “Domenico, no. You don’t have to do this.”

  He finally looked at her. “Yes,” he answered simply, “I do.”

  She shook her head, not entirely surprised to find herself crying. Never in her life had Misty imagined that Domenico Moretti would actually place her above even his duties as a Lyccan. It was one thing to give up his right as heir apparent, but to turn his back completely on his race?

  “You really don’t have to do this,” she choked out. “I’ve never wanted to stand between you and your duties.”

  “You’re not, Misty.”

  The tenderness of Domenico’s voice made her cry harder. How could he bear to sound so tender when he knew that half of the pack leaders in this room were intent on judging him harshly? “I understand---I expect you to put your pack before me. It’s your duty---”

  He shook his head just once, a sharp negation of her words. “You are my duty,” he said harshly, and Domenico’s gaze met the eyes of the other pack leaders, one by one. “And anyone who thinks I’m going to sacrifice you for pack can go to hell. Before anything else, I’m yours to command.”

  Enrico clapped his hands. “What a melodramatic confession. Perhaps you’re hoping that would get you back in your ex-wife’s bed?” He gave Misty an oily smile. “I commend you for picking so fine a slave, my dear. Domenico Moretti as a puppet is quite amusing. Perhaps one day you’d choose to entertain us by telling him to suck up to us?”

  Misty didn’t think after hearing those words. She simply…reacted.

  Domenico knew the exact moment Misty lost it. “Misty, no!”

  But Misty had already lunged for Enrico across the table, her face flushed with anger. “Take that back!”

  Chapter Nine

  Oh, shick.

  By the time she snapped out of her rage, she was bleeding. Misty had a slice on her neck, and it hurt like hell, but that didn’t matter, not when she could see
that she had done her own damage to Enrico. She might not have claws, but she didn’t have to when all she was aiming for was to crush his balls. She had managed a good swift kick to his nuts before Domenico had come between them.

  She was also surrounded by thirteen angrily snarling wolves.

  Oh, oh, shick.

  What had she done?

  Misty had never been a violent person. Even Domenico breaking her heart so publicly had not moved her to commit violence. But God, she had never remembered feeling this furious either. How could that man talk to Domenico that way? And why was Domenico allowing him to do so?

  Then, she only had one thought in mind, and that was to do anything to get rid of the smirk on Enrico’s face. She had known she would most probably get physically hurt because of what she intended to do, and she had been prepared for it.

  And she had, but she had also given as good as she got.

  But what Misty hadn’t been prepared for was to have Enrico shifting before her, as if intent on inflicting the greatest possible damage.

  She had cried out as Enrico attempted to swipe her with his claws but before he could reach for her again, Domenico was between them. He had also shifted, and his forepaws easily countered Enrico’s strike.

  The two wolves lunged apart then, staring at each other with unconcealed hostility.

  When Domenico growled in warning at Enrico’s wolf, Misty felt the hairs on her body standing up. That growl was the definition of danger, and the way Enrico slowly backed away from Domenico told her that the other man knew it, too. Domenico’s wolf was bigger and badder-looking, and next to him Enrico’s Lyccan form looked like a tabby cat.

  Now, everyone was silent, all their gazes on her.

  It took her a moment to understand what they were waiting for her to do. “Oh. Umm, I’ll, uhh, just step outside while you all shift back.” Misty’s face had turned pink by the time she finished her rambling. She couldn’t get out of the room fast enough. She had absolutely no desire to be surrounded by over a dozen naked men once they shifted back to their human forms.

  She waited for ten minutes before knocking on the door.

  Domenico was the one who opened the door, and the next thing she knew she was inside, Domenico carefully cleaning her wound and bandaging it. “You little fool,” he muttered. “You could have died.”

  Misty barely heard him. All she could concentrate on right now was the fact that Domenico still hadn’t put his shirt on and his jeans were partially unbuttoned. Apparently, violence worked like an aphrodisiac, and Misty couldn’t believe at how turned on she was.

  Domenico’s head jerked up, his eyes wide as he sought her gaze.

  She gasped, belatedly remembering that their kind could easily scent another person’s arousal.

  He laughed and drat it, even the sound was seductive, making her toes curl and her nipples stand proud underneath her blouse. “Really? Right now, cara?”

  Misty turned red and slapped Domenico’s hand away when he actually tried to reach for her as if he was about to kiss her. “No!”

  He tried reaching for her again. “As long as you think you can keep your cries to yourself---”

  Misty nearly shrieked, “Domenico, shut up!”

  Domenico laughed out loud but he finally moved a step back, throwing his hands up as if in surrender.

  Her heart clenched. Her sex throbbed. Oh, oh, dear – Domenico in a playful mood was dynamite. She stole a look at him again, and Domenico smirked at her.

  Misty abruptly turned around, embarrassed at being caught like a schoolgirl with a crush.

  Aurelius said dryly, “I suppose I don’t have to ask if you are feeling well?”


  She had forgotten that everyone here had Lyccan hearing, which meant they heard every word.

  “Would you like a minute to yourself and my brother, Misty?” Alessandro asked innocently.

  She glared at him. “No, thank you.” Her face was literally on fire now, and she had a feeling it would stay that way for the rest of this heaven forsaken meeting.

  Domenico assisted her back to her seat, and Misty could feel him still smirking from behind. Ass. Lovable beautiful sexy ass.

  Aurelius cleared his throat. “To continue---we called for you because we believe it would be better to have you present when we make a vote regarding the condition Domenico has set.”

  “There is nothing to vote for,” Domenico stated coldly. “I will never sacrifice Misty for anything or anyone.”

  At least half of the pack leaders inside the room appeared offended at his words, and Misty said hastily, “What exactly do you want me to do? Are you saying you want me to vote as well?”

  Aurelius looked embarrassed. “Ah, no. I am sorry but…” He glanced at Domenico almost pleadingly.

  Domenico closed his eyes. How long was he going to pay for his mistakes? And how much did Misty have to fucking suffer because of his wrongdoing? He lowered himself until he could whisper into Misty’s ear, “I’m sorry. But you cannot vote because we are not mated.”

  She jerked away from him, and Domenico couldn’t fault her.

  Misty looked back at the other pack leaders, knowing that they were also aware of why she couldn’t vote. It brought all the horrible memories back, of how everyone had laughed when they found out she had misunderstood what mating meant.


  That was the past.

  And this was the present.

  Willing her composure back with an effort, Misty lifted her chin, asking Aurelius, “What do you want me to do then?”

  “To simply speak your side to help us vote if it comes to it,” Aurelius explained.

  “And we are going to do it now?”

  He shook his head. “We will do it on the next Lyccan Council meeting, which Lyccans from all over the world would come to attend. This meeting was only meant to inform you of the circumstances.”

  “The answer would still be no.” Domenico’s tone was lined with steel.

  Enrico snapped, “It’s not up to you anymore – you gave up the right to speak the moment you stupidly threw away your right to lead for…” This time Enrico only threw a venomous look at Misty, having lost the courage to attack her again.

  When Domenico had come between him and the human woman, Enrico had felt he was facing death and the memory chilled him, enough to keep him from making another move at the bitch – or at least not when the Moretti bastard was there to see it.

  Aurelius said tiredly, “We are now ending the meeting.” He stood up, and the others followed suit. Domenico immediately moved to help Misty out of her seat.

  The simple act of courtesy made her heart ache.

  Domenico was immediately concerned, having scented her unshed tears. “Sweetheart, what is it?”

  That gentle caring tone made her want to cry harder. She knew that all these little acts of courtesy were an innate part of Domenico. But Misty also knew now that those acts of courtesy would be misinterpreted by other Lyccans as a sign of weakness.

  He was weak because of her.

  She smiled up at Domenico, her voice just a little shaky as she answered, “I’m just thinking of what I should say to the Faeries about this meeting.”

  Domenico tucked loose strands of her hair behind her ear. “You can say whatever you want, cara. There is nothing for you to worry about. I’ll always be here to support you.”

  And that was the problem, Misty thought, struggling even harder to keep her tears locked in. Domenico Moretti was not meant to support her. He was destined to lead the Lyccans, but how could he when she had become his Achilles’ heel?

  Oh God. Did he realize now how wrong he had been to choose her? She couldn’t even begin to fathom what made Domenico think she would be such a big help to him that he had taken pains to keep her at his side. If anything, marrying her had done the opposite for now Domenico was without a pack to lead.

  “Domenico?” It was Aurelius, and he was looking questioningly
at Domenico.

  Domenico glanced at Misty with a frown. “I have to talk to Aurelius about the Caros. Do you think you could wait for me just for a few minutes---”

  She tried to keep her voice normal as she asked, “How about I hitch a ride with Alessandro instead? I’d like to visit your family and mine while we’re here. That way you can also take as much time as you want with your meeting.” It was a lie, but it was also a good decision especially with the way Domenico appeared relieved at her answer.


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