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To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set

Page 54

by Marian Tee

  With a baleful glare, I said in a rush, “They referred to me as your girlfriend.”

  There were so many ways I could imagine Luka reacting to my words, but none of it was remotely close to what actually happened.

  “Ah,” was all Luka said before relaxing back against the seat.

  I smacked him hard on the shoulder. “What do you mean ‘ah’?” My hand immediately stung at the force on which I hit him with but I was too proud to show it.

  Luka didn’t even have the grace to look hurt. He just gave me a knowing look and then grabbed my hand before massaging it.

  I tried to pull my hand away but he held on.

  “Stop being such a baby. I know it’s hurting,” Luka snapped.

  I ceased my struggles with another baleful glare.

  “As for that issue,” Luka began.

  I was cringing again. Even though Luka and I enjoyed indulging in each other, there wasn’t anything to it. What we had wasn’t the same with what Phillip and Sabina had. We were just friends, and I found it horrible that the press had somehow twisted our relationship into something more.

  “It’s better to let them think that way.”

  My jaw dropped open. If Luka kept this up, I was going to have a heart attack soon. “Why?” I burst out.

  Luka’s attention was still focused on massaging my hand—it didn’t hurt now, but his ministrations were too good to resist and the giddy feeling it created inside me, weird as it was, was irresistible as well. His gaze still focused on my fingers, he murmured, “You’re still in danger, Caylie.”

  “I’ve already guessed that, but—”

  “You know how with guys in my position, girlfriends are effectively considered as fiancées as well, don’t you?”

  Although I couldn’t see where this was going, I also knew I wouldn’t like wherever it would be heading. “Luka—”

  “I can’t get the Brethren to lend their forces to protect you, Caylie, but I can if they believe we’re betrothed.”

  I frowned. “Luka, I don’t think that’s—”

  Luka shook his head impatiently. “Let me explain to you in terms you’re sure to understand.”

  I raised a brow. “You’re dangerously close to insulting me. Are you saying that you have to explain things to me like I’m a fifth grader, something like that?”

  “No, I mean like the latest gossip, something like that,” Luka replied without missing a beat.

  I laughed in spite of myself.

  Luka’s face slightly softened with a smile. “When Kate Middleton broke up with Prince William—”

  “I’m surprised you actually know her last name.”

  Luka ignored that. “—she was besieged mercilessly by the press. Buckingham Palace couldn’t do anything about it because she wasn’t related to Prince William anymore, and they wouldn’t be able to justify the expenses to the pubic if they still sent guards to provide her protection. But when she and William reconciled, the royal family became once again authorized to protect her.”

  Luka looked at me directly in the eye. “Think of yourself as Kate and think of me as William. Do you get the picture now?”

  I did, but I didn’t want to, especially considering the fact that William and Kate weren’t just married but were already parents as well.

  I said slowly, “But my family has more money than Kate has. We can afford to hire protection—”

  Luka was already shaking his head, saying harshly, “Your parents can only purchase brute force but that’s no match for the kind of opponents I have. Only the Brethren have forces trained to handle any threat.” He paused. “Like vampires, for instance.”

  “Vampires,” I echoed, my entire body going numb. All at once, I felt like I had suddenly fallen off a cliff and I only had myself to blame. Luka was going against vampires, and wasn’t it ironic that some days I had a horrible feeling I was turning into one myself?


  “I was just thinking how impossible it seemed, to worry about vampires.” I spoke the lie expressionlessly. “I remember being taught that they were solitary creatures, driven mainly by their hunger—”

  “They’ve evolved.”

  My heart slammed harder against my chest. They had evolved. Could that also mean another way for a Caro to turn vampire without being bitten?

  “Then the massacre years ago in the realm of Faeries…vampires were truly behind it?”

  Luka nodded curtly.

  I felt sick to my stomach. “And you think vampires were behind the assassination attempt on your life?”

  “It’s a possibility.” Luka touched my face. “Now, do you understand why you have to take the pretense of being my betrothed? It’s the only way I can keep you safe.”

  Oh God of Caros, those words hurt.

  “Caylie?” Luka demanded when I tore away from him and sat huddled in the opposite seat, gaze directed at the scenery that flew past us outside the limo’s panoramic windows.

  Luka followed me to the seat. He tried to make me look at him, but I swatted his hand away. “Caylie, what’s wrong?”

  I shook my head. How could he ask me that? How could he?

  In an instant, Luka had pushed me against the door, locking my wrists behind me with one hand. He used his other hand to tip my chin up, forcing my eyes to meet his.

  “Tell me what’s wrong,” he gritted out.

  There was nothing cool, nothing polite about Luka now, nothing urbane in the way he spoke and stared at me. I used to think that made me special, used to believe I was the only one he could let down his guard with. But his betrayal taught me better.

  I wasn’t special. I was the opposite, the only girl he knew he could get away with almost anything.

  He had treated me like trash all those years ago and yet he only had to walk back into my life and I was already panting for his touch, my obsession nowhere cured by my hatred.

  “I hate you.” I hissed the words out, wishing I meant it as much as I wanted to mean it.

  Something flashed in his eyes, one that almost made me feel guilty but I told myself I was being foolish. It was just Luka with his ever manipulative ways.

  “Because I foolishly endangered your life?” he asked.

  I laughed mirthlessly. “Oh, come on, Luka, do we have to play this game?”

  “I’m not playing any fucking game—”

  “Then don’t fucking lie!” If I had one of my hands free, I would have slapped him. “Just once, just one fucking time will you admit it to me and give me some fucking closure? You were my best friend,” I lashed out in a hurt, furious whisper.

  Luka flinched.

  “You were like a brother to me,” I said brokenly, “A kindred soul even though we’re completely different. You made me think you loved me back, but you didn’t. You threw me away so easily. You killed me when you let me beg even knowing—”

  “Stop.” Luka released my hands. I tried to scramble away, but he had imprisoned me in his arms, his lips taking mine for a kiss.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered harshly against my lips as he cupped my face. He took my lips again with his, but this time my tears flavored our kiss. “I’m sorry,” he repeated, his voice raw with emotion I couldn’t name.

  Luka pulled away, his beautiful face tense but pale as he gazed at me with bitter regret in his eyes. “I thought I was doing it for your own good.”

  I shook my head wildly. “Don’t treat me like a fool—” Again, I struggled to be free from his hold but Luka’s strength kept me chained in place.

  “Caylie, stop struggling!”

  “Then strop treating me like I’m an idiot!” I screamed. “I had it with you and all your stupid lies and pretensions! You may be the fucking smartest Caro that ever lived, but I hate you.”

  Luka’s face was ashen. “Don’t say that.”

  I hate you so fucking much—”

  “Stop saying that—”

  I hit my chest with my fist, my emotions out of control. �
�If I could give this body you’re so obsessed with to any other man right now, I would!” I screamed at him. “I’ll let another guy fuck—”

  The rest of my scream died in my throat as Luka snatched me back into his arms, silencing me with a ravaging kiss that left no doubt of his mastery over my senses. I tried, oh, how I tried to ignore the pull of his heated passion but it was impossible.

  “You’re mine,” he growled as his hands cupped both my breasts and squeezed hard. “Every inch of this is mine and if you ever let another man touch even a single strand of your hair—”

  Luka’s violet eyes turned midnight black in an instant.

  “You. Are. Mine.” He bent close and sucked on my lower lip hard the same time one of his hands trailed down and cupped me between my legs before squeezing again, his thumb finding my clit and flicking it.

  I gasped.

  “Don’t ever forget that.” He let me go, and I shrank back against the seat, exhausted and shaking. Our bodies swayed as the limo slid to a stop a moment later. The car door opened, and Luka stepped out first—but only after giving me one last warning look.

  I came out next, a stiff smile on my face. Luka grasped my hand and helped me out. I wanted to pull away but managed not to, conscious of how everyone’s eyes were on us. I let him took the lead, my head still in a daze at what just happened. Even so, I noticed how women’s gazes trailed after him as we walked past them, their eyes turning red for a moment when they took in the seeming closeness between us.

  The crowd of reporters seemed to have swelled even more, the bulbs seemingly more blindingly bright as well.

  Luka’s arm curled around my waist as he pulled me closer.

  “Give us a kiss and we’ll go away!” a reporter shouted, and the crowd roared its approval.

  No, my mind immediately shrieked but Luka was already turning us to face them once more.

  “Is that so?” he asked.

  “We promise!” the reporter yelled back.

  I pasted another smile on my face while hissing to Luka, “Don’t you dare—”

  Luka ignored me as his lips curved, sending a charming smile to the crowd that had more than one female reporter sigh loudly. I hated it.

  And then he said calmly, “It’s a deal.”

  My eyes flew to his in horror. It was one thing to flirt in private exclusive Caro parties, but it was another thing entirely to make out in national TV.

  I said unsteadily, “Luka—”

  His lips covered mine in the next instant, shutting me up effectively.

  My eyes closed, toes curling as Luka let loose all his passion, drowning me in the heat of his touch. My body was moving on its own volition, arms creeping up to go around his neck as Luka devoured my lips and demolished what little of my common sense remained. His tongue pushed insistently against my lips until I opened my mouth, and his tongue darted in, teasing me with little circles before sweeping in to taste me completely.

  When he pulled away, his eyes glittered, telling me without words that he had proven to us both I was his.

  And then Luka was facing the crowd, gently reminding them about their promise. The reporters dispersed after throwing us good-natured jokes.

  My mind was still a blank when Luka closed our front door behind me. “Caylie?”

  I glanced at him, noting how utterly cool and in control he appeared. Why did our kiss not affect him the way it still had my knees shaking?

  “Are you all right?”

  I had to protect myself. This couldn’t go on. I might not desire revenge like I had before, but I still had to take it. Revenge was the only way I could keep myself safe and prevent myself from falling for the same tricks.

  I managed a breezy smile. “I’m fine. I understand you had to do that little show for the press’ benefit. It was no big deal,” I finished with a lie, thankful that my voice didn’t shake at the end.

  Luka’s eyes flashed. “No big deal,” he echoed after a beat.

  I gritted my teeth, ready to snap at him but my words died when I heard rapid footsteps coming towards us, one light and another heavy. It was William and Catherine. My mother’s face was ecstatic, my father’s grim.

  William didn’t waste time with preambles. “Did I hear you two right on TV? You are engaged?”

  Chapter Ten


  20 Months Ago

  Domenico Moretti questioned his decisions as he climbed the last few icy steps that led to the snow-capped monastery that was one of the Caros’ greatest secrets—so much so that almost the entire race didn’t know about it.

  The gargoyles gave the game away, though, Domenico thought as he used the knocker to alert the insiders of his presence. For some reason, the Caros—a race known for its love for beautiful things—was also strangely fond of gargoyles. In fact, as far as he knew, they were the only ones who did. Not even the gargoyles’ closest kin, the Vidange, cared for them at all.

  Hooded novices pulled the door open, their slim builds belying their true strength. He had the healthiest respect for the novices here, having once seen how they trained. In the early mornings, the first years were made to hunt cows and carry them on their own as they trekked all five-hundred steps that led to the monastery.

  The novices giggled as Domenico Moretti walked past them, the same time Cayan came out from one of the hallways. She sighed. “You’ve bewitched my girls again.”

  His green eyes were all wide and innocent. “I didn’t do a thing.”

  “Hmph! You only have to flex those muscles of yours and women would come running. How Misty bears being married to you, I have no idea.”

  “She loves me.”


  “And I love her.”


  “And I love to f—”

  “Domenico.” She added a glare for good measure.

  He laughed, a sinful sound that had the novices dawdling in the area sigh. Cayan sighed, but for a different reason.

  When they entered her study, Domenico’s face was sober as he asked, “How is he?”

  “A lot better than the others. I have hopes he will recover and learn to master his instincts.”

  “But he is what you think he is?”

  “Yes—and it’s not a bad thing.”

  “It’s a bad thing if we lose him,” Domenico argued curtly. “I have few remaining allies left alive, Cayan. This one, I need badly for without him the triangle of power that the legends say of Caros won’t be born.” He gazed at the flames that danced in the cobbled fireplace. “And he’s a good boy,” he added gruffly.

  “He does remind me of you when you were young.”

  Domenico started to smile.

  “Only, he is a lot less promiscuous than you were.”

  Domenico’s smile vanished.

  A sense of uneasy quiet followed, punctured by a menacing growl coming out from the dungeons below. “Is he really going to be fine?” he asked abruptly. “No fucking false hopes—just give it to me straight.”

  “I can get rid of the symptoms here, Domenico, but it will be up to him when you take him back to the real world and he is once again exposed to the person who is making him turn.” A growl erupted from below once more, and Cayan briefly closed her eyes, hurting for the boy whose love threatened to turn him into a monster.

  “One thing you must warn him from,” Cayan said haltingly. “He must never let the woman he loves stay with him out of guilt. If the love is not returned, if the love is feigned or forced—the seeds of self-destruction will still be sown.”

  * * * *

  Present Time

  “It’s a—” I began.

  “—surprise, sir,” Luka smoothly interrupted even as a warning glint flashed in his gaze when he glanced at me. “Having nearly lost my life and then almost losing Caylie, I realized what was truly important to me and I just had to propose to Caylie.”

  My eyes couldn’t stop blinking. Luka sounded so sincere I was this close to believing him.r />
  William grunted. He was tall and dignified-looking, and once upon a time he had been one of Caros’ greatest soldiers. “My daughter is still too young in my opinion. I hope it’s a long engagement?”

  “Absolutely,” Luka agreed.

  Catherine clapped her hands. “Enough of that! As far as I’m concerned, this is a great reason for a celebration.” She let out a contented sigh. “I’ve always wanted you two to be together!”


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