Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga)

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Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga) Page 4

by Susan Reid

  I needed her because she calmed me and made me forget about what I am. I feel genuine love with her, one that I’ve spent thousands of years wishing and wanting to have with a female since being cast down. With Edanai, it was comfort, which only stopped at a close friendship for me.

  Starling had my interest even before I knew her and the longer I watched her, the more I fell in love with her. It didn’t matter to me that she was still a child at the time I first took notice of her either. I’d never touched or did anything of a sexual nature to her, which was why it was so devastating to me when I thought that she had died in that torrential storm and flood. Knowing that she was chosen, meant that she would be here and off limits. Never in my whole existence did I imagine that she’d be here now and that I’d have a chance to be with her at all. Now, she was pregnant with my child.

  Elohim has allowed all of this to happen.

  Starling, as a human being and a divine warrior, gives me hope and a reason to exist; believing that I’m more than just a condemned, evil, untrustworthy fallen, incapable of receiving or giving love.

  She wouldn’t possibly be able to conceal her growing belly for long. Have they discovered that she was pregnant yet? She would have said something to me by now. Maybe after the discovery, she was both angry and in shock. She could be upset with me for getting her pregnant, maybe even disgusted and horrified at the thought of what was growing inside of her. No, I didn’t want to believe that about her, not Starling. After all, the child is a part of her too. It was still half human— half superhuman, actually.

  The very thought of anyone harming her let alone our child brought my anger to a whole other level. My teeth began to gnash together the longer I fixated upon the structure of the Divine Hall in the far distance. All the while, I calculated all of the possible fractures along the circumference of the impermeable, indestructible, invisible wall. It was made up of runic symbols and it surrounded the entire acreage of sanctified land, in order to keep the dark ones out. I began to estimate just how close I could get to either break through or cause some serious damage without being detected or hurt in the process.

  I’d keep my promise to her. I wouldn’t kill any divine warriors outside of self-defense but I sure as hell would seriously maim a few in a heartbeat to get to her.

  “Starling, what’s going on? Talk to me.” I called out, not meaning to sound gruff. It was the darkness rising in me.


  I didn’t like this. Something wasn’t right.

  “Starling!” I called out with more intensity once again.

  “I’m pregnant, Cam.” She finally answered softly. The shock was evident in her tone.

  Words left me. They had indeed discovered it. My anger and lust was instantly suppressed into chagrin and consolation.

  “I know.” That was all that came to mind as my reply.


  I couldn’t tell if she was upset or what and that bothered me.



  “I’m sorry.” I whispered, as heart-breaking as it was for me to say because I really wasn’t.

  I was beyond happy to finally have what I’ve always wanted. If I had to exist forever on Earth in imperfect flesh form, this made it all worth the mistake of my original sin.

  “For what?”

  Her reply surprised me.

  For putting you in a position that would ultimately result in your banishment from the hall, and leaving you an open vessel. For knowing that I’d impregnate you when we made love and not bothering to tell you that it was a high possibility. Those were all of the things that I wanted to confess.

  It couldn’t have been avoided anyway. Fallen don’t have or use any form of birth control. No material exists that would serve as a strong enough barrier against our seed.

  “For selfishly getting you shunned before you’ve even begun as a warrior.”

  “You didn’t force me, Cam. I wanted you as much as you wanted me. All things do happen for a reason, right?”

  She was right. It happened because it was allowed to happen. Her words made me happy and consoled my pain but I didn’t want her to have to suffer for it. I wasn’t bound to anything but she was.

  “Many instances, yes. Who discovered it?”

  “The succor. She seems trustworthy but I don’t know for sure. Either way, I’ll let you know when I see you.”

  “Blame me. Tell them that I took advantage of your unconscious state.” I then urged her.

  “That’s what she automatically assumed but I’m not going to tell her that and give her a reason to think that I want it taken care of.”

  I sighed helplessly.

  “If you don’t then they’ll know…”

  “I know. I’ll see you as soon as I can get away.”

  “Alright. I’ll be waiting.”

  I waited a bit longer, my heart aching for what Starling would have to face alone. I had to be ready to go in and get her if worse came to worst. After a while, I reluctantly created a personal portal for entry into the familiar abode that I had chosen once before, and wisped through.


  I immediately heard voices and laughter once I ghosted into the living area of the farmhouse. It was daylight and cold. Winter had begun to settle in judging by the bare trees and large piles of dead, dull-colored leaves scattered about the ground outside.

  The television was on but set to a low volume. One of the voices definitely belonged to Berith and the other was a fallen male. The aroma of many different dishes filled the interior, all coming from the kitchen.

  The clatter and scraping of metal utensils floated out from the kitchen. I silently peered around the edge of the arched wall and saw…to my surprise—a smiling Atiro, stirring a bowl of something thick and chocolate scented. Berith was barefoot and wearing comfortable looking yoga pants, tank top, and a food-stained apron with chocolate smeared on her nose and chin.

  They both stopped and looked at me as if caught in an embarrassing pose.

  “Hey Cam`ael, I…we ah —didn’t know that you were coming.” She then said as her eyes shifted to Atiro.

  I’ve never seen him smile let alone heard him laugh, which I found interesting and refreshing if this was what I was thinking.

  “Just checking in. I see you’ve grown accustomed to your new habitat.” I joked with Berith.

  She pursed her lips and lifted her chin as if she didn’t want to admit my observation, given her rampant complaints and whining when I initially offered the place to her.

  “It’ll do. If anything, being in this body has made me more creatively resourceful in many ways.”

  I looked her over. She had actually managed to thin out a bit. The original body she had taken was a cadaver of a young girl who was a little on the pudgy side. Berith has been working it out but maybe a little too hard.

  “Good to hear but remember, you can only handle so much physical exertion before you’ll have to change again and Edanai won’t assist this time.”

  “Yeah, yeah I know and I’m actually fine with that. She’d probably give me a hunched back and a clubbed-cloven foot anyway.”

  I chuckled a bit at her remark and catching sight of the slight rise in Atiro’s yellow-tinted cheek. I never would have thought that any being, other than Morning Star and his moronic mob, would have found Berith…interesting or desirable past her looks—of which she didn’t have anymore. From what I could ascertain so far, Berith was actually tolerable to be around. Amazing what two people of polar opposites and pasts can sometimes bring out of each other. It instantly made me think of Starling.

  Berith was hiding out, having been on the run since Morning Star stripped her of her flesh and power in his childish rage against her meeting and sharing information with me.

  She came to me for help and if it hadn’t been for her saving me when Xyn nearly killed me, I wouldn’t have bothered.

  “How are you, my friend?” I nodded with a smir

  “I’m well Cam`ael, and yourself?” He returned the curt nod.

  “No need to complain and no worries.”

  That was a lie.

  “Atiro is an amazing cook and an even better teacher. I had no idea.” Berith complimented him with a wide grin.

  An array of dishes and brand new cookware was spread out on a few of the counters. There was a whole roast, a whole baked chicken, quail, duck, several different cakes, pasta dishes, cookies, breads, and potatoes prepared in several different ways.

  “I can see that. I didn’t know either. Expecting guests?” I pointed to the buffet of food.

  Berith chuckled. “I guess we got a little carried away.”

  “Well, Berith did most of the cooking actually. I simply offered to assist.” Atiro said.

  “Oh don’t be modest, Atiro.” Berith smiled with a playful nudge.

  Was Atiro blushing?

  “Well, just mention the word ‘food’ and put it out there. I’m sure Mac, Ry, Nay, and several others would promptly respond and be more than happy to oblige in helping to sample this spread.” I commented.

  Atiro laughed and nodded in agreement.

  Hearing Atiro laugh at all was a strange sound to my ears. I’ve never seen him so engaging, let alone speaking since our meeting at my place.

  Was he becoming smitten with Berith of all beings? Apparently so.

  “Is there any news? Something happening?” Atiro then inquired seriously.

  I shook my head. “Not really, no.”

  Berith looked at me. “Nothing here either, so far.”

  “That worries me too. Don’t let your guards down.” I told them.

  “Well, I don’t have much in the place of defense but I do know a few spells,” Berith pointed a wooden spatula at me, “Did you know that there are several underground organic spice stores here in this city?” She then said, making air quotes when she mentioned ‘spice stores’.

  I raised a brow with low interest. “Really?” I said, perusing the tableau of culinary arts and picking up an herbed baby potato to sample. That didn’t surprise me at all.

  She nodded. “They’re all over the place, if you’re of the supernatural plane and you know where to look. Which means, there have been a lot of special shoppers in and out of there. Females gossip and I happened to pick up on several conversations.” She grinned as if she held a juicy secret.

  I looked up at her as she joined me, standing across from me on the other side of the kitchen island.

  “There’s a haven of dark divines right here in this city, in the shadier district of downtown.”

  My gaze fixated on her with interest now. “Gossip or you know this for sure?”

  “Both. I haven’t ventured over there to verify it for obvious reasons but it’s a tip. In fact, there are more and more dark ones coming through from a rift somewhere nearby. I don’t know where it is but I’ve heard that these dark divine’s are being protected by a legion of fallen aligned with that schizo-bastard. There’s also a group of succubus’, para- demons, and high level voids that seem to be focused on both you and the girl too.” Berith warned.

  Focused? More like the elimination of me and the capture of Starling. Many others have tried to go against me throughout the Millennia, mainly out of spite and jealously but they’ve all failed.

  I wondered if they were remnants of Drakael’s liege, perhaps to seek vengeance over his destruction or maybe even Baal’s death since I was tied to both.

  Though I wish I had been the one to destroy Drakael, I didn’t do it. His righteous vanquishing came direct and swift for the spilling of Starlings blood.

  Drawing the blood of a chosen while they were still mortal, either intentional or accidental, was vehemently prohibited for both sides per universal laws. It’s one law that if broken, provokes instant and direct death straight from Elohim.

  “Her name is Starling.” I flatly corrected Berith.

  She rolled her eyes. “Sorry. Starling. Have you seen her yet?”

  My eyes flicked to Atiro, who remained silent and engrossed in carefully ladling equal amounts of the chocolate batter into each cup of a metal baking pan.

  “How are you liking college?” I skated over her question.

  She eyed me inquisitively and crossed her arms over her chest, “These humans that teach know nothing about the real world around them. They’re only breeding a new generation of completely clueless, vulnerable humans. I find listening to them both humorous and boring. I would have stopped attending a while ago but there are a lot of nice vessels there.” She grinned.

  I gave her a warning glance and then turned to Atiro, still dodging her question on purpose.

  “Keep a low profile. I’ll check in again soon. Be very careful, Berith. You too my friend.” I nodded at Atiro.

  Atiro nodded assurance and Berith took my blatant avoidance of answering her as an insult, though I was sure that she knew what my non answer meant.

  “Wait. I ah, have something else that might be of some interest to you. I was going to give it to Atiro to bring to you but since you’re already here…” Berith began as she turned and padded back into the living area. Her footsteps soon began to thump up the hollow wood stairs.

  At first, I wondered why she didn’t simply just conjure whatever she had for me into her hands but I forgot, she couldn’t.

  She was powerless now. Something else I knew was getting difficult for her to get used to.

  “She’s right. I saw some activity when I accompanied her to the food store. It’s mounting. When you’re out there among the humans, you can sense it right away. The time must be growing near.” Atiro offered as he put the cupcake pan into the oven.

  I found the scene humorous. Formerly silent Atiro, as huge as his bulk was, and an expert fighter; was now in an apron baking cupcakes.

  “What do you make of it?”

  Atiro began removing the apron, “They’re gearing up for something else, something really big. That much is certain. Ry, Mac, and Nay are on the western coast of the North American Continent, some place he called Hollywood California, I believe. He’s been looking for a crowd to better blend in with and I think he’s found it,” he laughed softly. “He says there’s so much dark activity out there, that none of them pay much attention to each other. They’re having way too much fun.”

  Berith returned, carefully holding a small, extremely old, yet spectacularly preserved, yellow-gold and authentic mother’s pearl decorated box.

  I furrowed my brow as she delicately handed it to me.

  “What’s this?” I questioned, carefully taking it from her. I examined the design and details in admiration, recognizing the age of the precious metal. Curiously, I turned it over in my hands gingerly and then gently opened the cover to reveal its hidden contents.

  I was stunned.

  The title on the cover of the nearly petrified, brown leather was written in gold leaf script, and in an ancient language. It was some form of angelic to be precise. I ran my hand over the impressive jewels and then carefully opened the cover. The inside of it contained just a few yellowing, superfine pages, all frayed with brittle, browned edges.

  “It’s part of a tome or texts.” Berith whispered.

  I looked at her wryly. “Thank you for clarifying that. I meant where did it come from?”

  I wasn’t familiar with this form of angelic but I could figure it out if I studied it for a while.

  “It’s something that I took from Morning Star right before everything happened. I hid it where only I could find it, here in the mortal realm.” Berith admitted.

  “She had me take her to the barren arctic lands near the Northern pole. She sealed and buried it deep. It was a good hiding spot that’s for sure.” Atiro affirmed.

  “I don’t know what it is necessarily but if Morning Star had it, then there’s something of deep importance in it. If I were you, I’d keep it locked up at your place, or better yet bury it at the bottom of the Ete
rnal Lake.”

  The text appeared scattered, not forming any uniform continuous lines that would normally link paragraphs together.

  “He can’t even read angelic anymore.” I commented in bewilderment as I glanced over each page in wonder.

  There were many pages missing, that much was apparent not even knowing what was written on them. Where or who had he gotten this from? This should have been something that was in the keeping of angels.

  In fact, I’m sure that at one time it had been.

  So how the hell had he gotten it? Another interesting mystery perhaps. I was fascinated. A feeling of both nostalgia and excited curiosity began to kindle in my mind.

  The parchment was crafted from ancient fibrous plants and papyrus trees that were indigenous to the Earth around what is now the Tigris and Euphrates River in the Middle East, after the Great Flood.

  I wondered how Berith managed to keep it all in one piece so easily and maintain it so well.

  The symbols stoked a distant memory of the speech that I shared with my former angelic brethren once upon a time. Enochian? No, this was different and it was evident it was not written by man.

  How many angels or fallen had he killed in order to obtain possession of this?

  “I know but some of the newly fallen can and they were helping him to decode some of it in exchange for favors, dominions, and vessels. Either way, I know it was extremely important to him. Maybe it can become a bargaining tool at some point.” She then said with raised brows.

  “I don’t play bargain games with the wickedly insane. Not ones I have any intentions of following through with anyway.” I immediately clarified.

  She shrugged a shoulder. “You never know.”

  There was silence between the three of us for a brief moment. Atiro was attuned to something else; taking in scents and noises around the vicinity to ensure that we weren’t being tracked, watched, stalked, or surrounded.

  “This is the real reason he nearly killed you and is now hunting you down, isn’t it?” I finally asked Berith.

  She shifted from foot to foot with hesitation. “It’s the main one, yes. He was already suspicious and I think he thought that I was trying giving it to you then,” She sighed, looking down at her bare toes for a brief moment and then back up at me, “I did plan to. I knew you were the one fallen that he’d have a hard time getting it back from if at all. I didn’t want to leave it where it could get damaged or eventually retrieved by one of his minions. He tortured me for days, tearing a piece of me apart each time I refused to tell him where I took it, until there was finally no trace of physical flesh left. When I saw my chance, I fled.” She admitted. I had no idea just how fucked Berith was but if it was something that Morning Star desperately wanted back. He was going to have to try and take it from me.


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