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Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga)

Page 12

by Susan Reid

  It was then, that another vision opened up before me.

  This was new.

  The image was of a lush, green landscape, and both myself and Starling standing on a gently rolling hill, facing a bountiful glade full of vibrant trees, bushes, and colorful flowers. The field began to spread before me like a painting coming to life. Where was this place and why were we here? Was this a vision of things yet to come? I used to receive visions all of the time as an Angel, but rarely as a Fallen.

  The picturesque image began to zoom in like a camera lens coming in for a close up, and my view slowly began to rise and pan around our forms. Once I got closer, I gasped in surprise and pleasant elation. Starling looked the same. She was as beautiful as ever with her full, long curls shining and blowing gently in the breeze. I appeared…different. Different in a distinct way that I couldn’t really pinpoint. There was something missing, aside from my wings.

  We were each holding an infant, looking down at the sleeping tiny bundles in our arms with deep adoration.



  Starling was pregnant with twins!

  In this precise moment in time, my already intense love for her grew tenfold. Holding her close, skin to skin during the pinnacle of both of our climaxes, immediately began filling me with the very thing that I have been longing to know, understand, have, and feel since my fall from heaven.

  Experiencing this sudden bond with Starling, I understood the magnificent power of what love between humans represented and meant. She was going to bear and become the mother of my children. I would crawl on my belly through hot coals, poisoned thorns, or over razor sharp glass from one end of the earth to the other.

  I would challenge and fight to defend her from every source and abomination of darkness, including Morning Star himself. I would search each and every galaxy and planet to find her favorite flower, and I would sacrifice my very soul and being a thousand times over in a heartbeat, if it meant that she and my children would live.

  Thank you Elohim.

  I cherished this…cherished Starling and my children to be, with every ounce, fiber, and molecule of my being. Burying my face into her silken and fragrant curls, I felt the need to weep. Her body trembled against mine, her heart thumped animatedly beneath her breasts as another orgasm pumped more of my seed into her.

  The surge of my climax made her stiffen; her thighs clamping tightly around mine as she cried out. I clenched my teeth, tensing and shivering at the tremendous pleasure that went way beyond the connection of our flesh. I will never let her go and I will never hurt her.

  Embracing her beautiful face in my hands, my eyes began to glow brightly once again as I leaned in to kiss her obsessively. When we finally gasped for air, breaking from the deep kiss, my fingers slipped gently into her curls and I pulled her face closer to mine. I gazed deeply into the sapphire depths of her eyes. “I love you.” I whispered in a low, rasp of breath.

  I was amorously compelled to verbalize the words instead of saying them telepathically.

  This is what Adam shared with Eve every time he held her in his arms and she looked into his eyes, whenever they made love. It’s what every male, human or otherwise felt for the women they were willing to fight and die for. Love was the ultimate power, and power like this could not be broken, infiltrated, or destroyed by any thread of darkness.

  XVI: Starling

  Amazing, mind-blowing, and completely satisfying. Those were the only words that came to mind as I lay in the crook of Cam`ael’s arm, basking in the afterglow of our love-making.

  I noticed that not only had he been extra tender and gentle in letting me have control, but he purposefully chose positions that would make me the most comfortable.

  His hand rested on my abdomen, softly massaging in slow circles as we gazed up at the strange, iridescently colorful crystal in the sky. The gentle sound of the waves breaking and churning at the shore was slowly lulling me to sleep, which is all I wanted to do now.

  I didn’t want to leave let alone be away from him again but I knew he was going to have to take me back soon. When his eyes began to glow brightly, it kind of creeped me out at first but I understood why when he kissed me deeply. It was at that moment when I decided that his intentions, getting me pregnant, and his feelings…had to be genuine. A fallen didn’t need to romance a human woman they simply wanted to breed with, not to mention taking the time to be with her like this. I felt guilty for having even thought that about him.

  In the momentary silence, I began to think about what Jamie told me, about Fallen loving loyally and deeply and how it becomes the total opposite if they’re wronged or betrayed.

  Could Cam ever be angry with me enough to try and hurt or even kill me should something ever happen between us? Not that it would but what if?

  What would happen if he ever began to hate me for any reason?

  I don’t know why I was ruining this blissful moment with such negative thoughts.

  Suddenly, Cam spoke, “I’m an Incubus. You do know what that is, right?” He whispered softly.

  I craned my head to look up at him. He continued to stare up at the enormous crystal, as if in a trance or dream-like state.

  When I didn’t answer right away, he looked down at me reverently.

  I know what an Incubus is but I guess I never really thought about it past the powerful sexual prowess and lust magic that obviously came with it.

  Other than incredibly awesome sex? I guess I really didn’t know what it really meant.

  I pursed my lips and looked away from him when I finally answered, “So what? You’re a womanizer? A male fallen whore? You’ve slept with a lot of women?” I felt myself grow hot with jealousy instantly. I sat up, my back to him as I gazed out onto the rippling pink water. Why was he asking me this now?

  After a moment, I felt his hand gently touch my shoulder, urging me back down to lay with him but I shrugged away. I guess he was waiting to see if I’d explode into white flames with my sudden shift in moods. I was actually surprised that I hadn’t because my skin and my blood certainly began to warm inside.

  I frowned, casting my eyes downward.

  He sat up, leaning in close to me. “You wanted to know why I fell.” He then said.

  I perked up. That made me forget about my brief pouting jealousy. He was going to tell me, finally!

  I turned around to face him fully in anticipation.

  The hesitation and chagrin brewing in his gorgeous eyes was evident as he glanced down at the pearl infused sand.

  “Curiosity.” He simply said first.

  I remained quiet, expecting him to elaborate.

  His eyes returned to mine. I took in and traced every angle, hollow, and contour of his beautiful face, awaiting his confession with undivided attention.

  He licked his lips and sighed softly, “My punishment was derived directly from my sin. Lust. When Elohim began the process of creating Eve, we as angels couldn’t wait to see what she would look like but we were told we were not allowed to look upon her until after she and Adam had consummated their marriage as husband and wife. She was stunning, with a strong and super bright aura, much like yours.” Cam nodded as he examined mine with furrowed brows.

  Or what mine used to be, I wanted to comment but I remained silent. I was shocked. Our auras were similar? What did that mean? If Cam knew the answer to that, then he’d tell me —I would think.

  Apparently, he did notice the darkness that was smeared into it too. Though he didn’t comment about it, I could tell that he was concerned about my not being able to hide it from the others. I imagined that it would only get darker the more I was with him and the further along I became with the pregnancy. I was sure that he was thinking the same thing.

  He continued on, “Naturally, many disobeyed out of sheer curiosity. They were cast down to join Morning Star, who had already been cast down for trying to become greater than Elohim in the very beginning.

  I was chief Angel of All
Powers, given authority, and branded with the sword of resolute and divine justice; as well as the order to take care of any demons and fallen at that time and in the future. At least, that was supposed to have been my duty—had I remained.” He paused again, his eyes focused back to the sand.

  “Our next command was to never look upon them when they were intimate,” he bit his lip and a slight smirk briefly pulled the corner of his mouth upwards when he looked at me.

  “Though I never looked or watched…I could hear them. We all could. Eventually, my curiosity got the best of me and I began to wonder what would cause them to want to lie down with each other so often. I saw the way Eve looked at him afterwards and how doting and protective Adam was over her. That connection bound their souls to each other each and every time, and it steadily grew into something beyond powerful. More powerful than any kind of magic that exists. All I know, is that I wanted to feel and understand what made the act of physical intimacy between a man and a woman so special. Like an idiot, I thought I was being crafty by waiting until Adam went off to hunt for food.

  I wanted badly to know what that kind of love felt like. Physical love. So, I took his form and approached Eve while she was alone in the garden. I say like an idiot because I didn’t even consider that

  Elohim would know my thoughts and my heart long before I took any action. He let me get far enough before calling me out, condemning, and stripping me of my true-given name and title, and permanently locking me out of the heavens. Forgiveness and apologies aren’t options for angels. I was supposed to know better. Despite free will, obedience is expected for the rules that we were given. And being that I was perfect, there was no excuse.” Cam swallowed and turned away from me after that last sentence, as if he couldn’t even bear for me to look at him then. I could see his jaw tightening.

  I didn’t really know what to say at first. My lips parted slightly, wanting to say something, anything but nothing came to mind right away. He was waiting for me to respond, already regretting having told me, I’m sure.

  “So, your punishment is that you can only know and experience physical pleasure, just like you wanted to with Eve, but you can never actually have or feel love. That’s why you’re punishment is not just being branded a demon but being an Incubus.” I finally whispered.

  His gorgeous eyes widened, shimmering with emotional surprise. Apparently, I’d completely stunned him with my understanding. He studied me in amazement, as if seeing me for the first time.

  “Not until now.” He then said as he reached a hand out and gently brushed my cheek. I smiled.

  My next automatic question was itching to be known in the back of my mind but I ignored it. I didn’t want to know. It would only reignite my jealousy.

  He hadn’t mentioned his true God-given name yet but this was enough for me, for now. I rose up on my knees and threw my arms around his neck, pulling myself against him to both hug and embrace him.

  “I forgive you and I love you, Cam.” I whispered into his ear this time.

  I could hear him sigh deeply, as if the tension, embarrassment, and anxiety that he had obviously been feeling while revealing it all to me, had finally began to leave him altogether. My forgiveness of him, even though I wasn’t his master or original creator, had meant everything for him to hear. That much I could tell.

  His arms tightened around me, hugging me closer to him.

  “By the way, we’re having twins.” He then said.

  XVII: Cam`ael

  Starling was silent once she pulled back from our meaningful embrace. Her words, her forgiveness, and her profess of love for me despite my past, touched me in a way that I never believed I could be touched. It meant so much coming from her. What I hadn’t expected, was how freeing it was for me to be able to reveal it in its entirety, especially to her—the woman I loved.

  Perplexed astonishment immediately contorted her face and her brows knitted together in confusion. You would have thought I’d morphed into another creature right before her eyes.

  I smiled.

  “Wh—how…” She couldn’t even form the words as both of her hands automatically went over her belly. She looked down at her abdomen and I placed my hands over hers. We were both still naked.

  “I saw them and I saw us together in a vision not long ago.”

  She was still at a loss for words.

  Her eyes flicked back up to mine. “You saw them?”

  “I couldn’t see what they looked like or if they were twin girls or boys. They’ll have your genes, so I know they’re going to be beautiful.”

  She began to smile, taking in what I had just told her as we both held our hands over her still flat and toned belly.

  “You’re not so bad looking yourself.” she smirked.

  I laughed softly.

  “So, we were together?” She then whispered.

  I nodded unable to contain my own happiness and excitement at the thought the more it began to sink in for the both of us.

  “Are you alright with it? I mean, are you happy?” I then asked her.

  She gave me a curious look and studied my face. “Why wouldn’t I be?” she smiled.

  I sighed. She knew why I felt guilty. Her soft hand touched my cheek.

  “I’m happy, and I meant exactly what I said, so stop with the guilt, ok?”

  I couldn’t help but smile at her positivity and acceptance of it all as I leaned down to kiss her lovingly.


  I had barely gotten her back in time. It was pre-dawn, the sun was just rising—and according to her calculations, the morning bells hadn’t tolled yet.

  I hadn’t heard from her once we parted ways, which was good. I told her to immediately call out to me if there was a problem and I’d find a way to go in and get her.

  My first order of business was the texts that Elohim had revealed to me, however, I wanted to get a jump on figuring out how I was going to go about creating this alliance with the Psyrens and Aural Bandits.

  First, I would need to take a head count.

  Ry, Mac, and Nay had been awfully quiet lately. I didn’t want to speculate on the side of negativity with Xyn still around.

  “Rahab? Are you and Edanai alright?”

  I waited.

  “Cam, yes all is well. Edanai has finally found a planet that intrigues her. We’ve been here ever since.”

  “Really? So she knew you were following her?”

  Rahab chuckled. “Yes, she knew.”

  “Well, as long as you two are safe, that’s good. I don’t know if she’s still pissed off at me but I’ll need you two to come back here for a quick head count. I just want to see with my own eyes, how many of us remain.”

  “Is something wrong? Has something happened?” Rahab’s voice turned serious.

  “No, not yet anyway. It’s just been a while and I want to make sure that everyone is alright. Help me contact any and all who will respond and have them meet at the reservoir now.”

  “Sure. We’ll be there shortly, my friend.”

  “Great, see you in a bit.”

  I cut our telepathic connection.

  I knew it wouldn’t be long before I needed to head to the reservoir myself, so my next plan of action needed to be quick.

  Aliks mentioned that I could go about establishing this alliance in any way that I saw fit. I grinned devilishly to myself as I turned my eyes upwards towards the heavens.

  This was going to be a ridiculously long shot in the dark but I was going to try it anyway.

  “Aliksaeth! I summon thee!” I shouted out loud, turning to face the Eternal Lake.

  I watched and listened closely. After a few moments, a sudden flash of lightning lit up the sky and touched down upon the stone in a thunderous crack, spraying a burst of celestial sparks. Aliks’ slender form began to materialize and then he floated down to touch the stone surface of the mountain peak several feet from me.

  A weary expression was already affixed to his narrow, pale, glitt
ering face.

  “Consider this a compliment, Cam`ael. You know that you no longer have the power or the authority to summon Angels, and I didn’t know that you knew my full name. However, be thankful that I happened to hear your call, let alone that I even bothered to respond. I don’t make it a habit of catering to or associating with demons.” He made sure to remind me.

  I smirked. “Sure, I’ll remember that.”

  “What is it that you’ve summoned me for? Questions about your task or your beloved, precious little one?” he raised a single pink brow.

  Drakael had been arrogant. Aliks was simply a smart-assed punk to me.

  “For your sake, she’d better remain alright.” I warned him with every intention of carrying out any threat I would make against him.

  He smiled and rocked back on his heels with a hand to his chest. “For my sake? Or what? You’d better be glad that things have turned out the way they have so far. But you and I know that nothing is ever set in stone, don’t we? Now state your business or message, I don’t have all daybreak.”

  I felt several nerves twitch when my teeth clenched. It was really hard for me to bite my tongue sometimes and I was getting tired of this charade. He was daring me to kick his ass.

  Why couldn’t they all be like Sha`rel? I remember dealing with her before when she relayed one of my past requests from Elohim. She was kind and respectful even though it was obvious that she didn’t like me.

  “I’ll make this quick because I do have somewhere I need to be. I just wanted to clarify that you did say that I could use whatever means necessary to forge this alliance, correct?”

  He pursed his lips into a thin, tight line, then jammed his hands casually into the faded, loose-fitting jeans that he wore, complete with a green v- neck t-shirt. He was barefoot and his alabaster, shimmering, white feet were unblemished and clean.

  I appreciated that.

  Where the hell had he been and what was he in the middle of when I summoned him?


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