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Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga)

Page 14

by Susan Reid

  Spencer’s eyes flicked over to mine for a second, which made me shift slightly in my seat. I averted my eyes back to studying the map of the spirit realm spread out before me.

  “Not likely.” He answered.

  His response made me pause, already feeling his eyes on me but I didn’t even bother to look up at him.

  That’s wrong. It happened for me.

  “Once you’re trained, any interaction that you have with any dark fallen must be on the basis of defense. That means that you don’t attack, especially in the human realm, unless you’re being physically threatened or attacked first.” Spencer then began.

  “Wait, I thought we’re supposed to be protecting humans.” A guy in the back commented.

  Spencer raised a finger and then gestured at all of us in general, “We are, but what we are— what all of you are as warriors and are meant to do, will be crucial in the inevitable aftermath of what’s to come. That is our ultimate purpose. We can’t afford accidental and premature deaths. However, if a demon is doing something that could cause detection or harm towards humans, then by all means take care of it if you are able to.” Spencer backed up to the slate board and began writing something.

  When he stepped away, the words.

  ‘Apocalypse = Invasion of Darkness’ was written on the board.

  “Many of you, though you obviously don’t remember, had either constant visions or dreams about what this means when you were mortal,” He pointed to the board “Everyone’s experience may not have been the same, minus the common thread of being able to see things of this plane or things that normal humans can’t see or hear with the naked eye and ear. That’s all natural and expected. As a mortal, many aren’t even aware of the existence of anything otherworldly, let alone its power.

  We were remade in order to forget all that would and could compound our fears once we arrived here, because we can’t afford to be or show fear in the presence of darkness, even though we may feel it. They count on and feed off of it. Superhuman and immortal or not, the only thing we have as warriors is unity, each other, and our wits.

  That’s why physical training and classroom instruction is so important. Though you were chosen, you still have the free will to choose. As you all sit here, you have chosen the path of light. And sadly enough, the reality is that many of your counterparts have already chosen darkness because it was easier and incredibly tempting. We refer to them as dark divines and their numbers grow steadily every day.” He paused to connect eyes with me again.

  Spencers last two statements left an air of stunned silence to hang in the room. Dark divines. Was that who we were about to fight out there after the whole clubbing disaster? They were humans like us, and they all bore brandings similar to ours but theirs had been black.

  “Starling, what do you think about that?” Spencer then asked me on purpose, seeing that I wasn’t really paying attention.

  All eyes and heads turned to me expectantly.

  “About what?”

  He smirked. “About still having the free will to choose.”

  Now I got it. He was asking me on purpose and I was not in the mood for this, especially in front of a class full of new risers.

  In my most disinterested expression of annoyance I answered, “It means just that. Choosing is defined by actions, which makes you what you are, not titles.”

  I got a few whispers of agreement but mostly everyone just looked at me with wide-eyed curiosity.

  “That’s — quite true. Can you elaborate on what you mean by that though?” Spencer replied, looking at me with suspicious intrigue and silence as if trying to read the thoughts behind my words.

  “It’s pretty self-explanatory.”

  He licked his lips and cleared his throat, “So, you’re saying that if a demon saves a human from certain death, it changes what he is, making him no longer a demon? Of it a serial killer suddenly donates money to charity, it no longer makes him a serial killer or worthy of being punished for his crimes?” he then asked.

  I felt myself flush. Funny that he would make that particular analogy.

  I paused and thought about his comparisons for a moment. I think he thought he had me on that reasoning, and—why do I feel like I’ve lived this moment before?

  “No. What I’m saying is that simply calling one a demon or a serial killer, doesn’t make them a demon or a serial killer. It’s what they do that makes them what they are. If we’re all doomed to forever be labeled by stupid decisions, mistakes, or things that may not be in our own direct control or doing, then there’s no point in ever rising to be anything more than what we are labeled as. That’s it.”

  Spencer raised a single brow. I was expecting him to come back with something snarky or even more challenging but he didn’t.

  “Wow, that’s deep. I like that.” Some girl from the back commented.

  “Alright. Yes, that was very interesting. Thank you, Starling. Anyone else want to add or challenge what she’s saying?” Spencer then directed to the rest of the class?

  Erika looked over at me in awe. “Yeah, I understand. She’s saying that just because people may label you as stupid, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are unless all you do is stupid things. Free will means that you can either choose to remain stupid by doing stupid things or change it and choose to do something else that you want to define you. Right?” She directed at me for confirmation.

  I nodded and smiled and she smiled back at me.

  “How come she’s already branded? When will we get ours?” A different guy from earlier pointed at my arms and asked all of a sudden.

  “Good question. Very soon, actually. Starling has an interesting story to tell though. One that would behoove all of you to hear. It’s a reminder of just how important it is to be cautious, because it can happen to anyone at any time if you’re not thoroughly trained. Starling managed to save a fellow warrior and both survived and escaped being taken by a fallen. Care to share your amazing story of bravery with everyone else, Starling?” Spencer encouraged me.

  I narrowed my eyes and shifted in my chair again.

  The bells began to toll, signaling the end of class instruction for the day. Another save for me.

  “I guess we’ll pick up on your story tomorrow then,” he smiled at me and then turned to the rest of the class, “Remember, go over your codes of conduct and the map. There will be a quiz first thing tomorrow over it, and do not forget to start your journals. Those are important. See you guys tomorrow.” Spencer managed to get in as everyone stood and began to file out of the room.

  “Starling, hang on a second, I wanted to talk to you.” He halted me just as I walked past him.

  I groaned internally turning to face him, and then I stiffened.

  Shit. Jamie did tell him something.

  He waited until everyone was gone and then he moved to close the door.

  I tried to maintain a half bored, half innocent expression on purpose.

  “If you attempt to molest or kiss me again, I’m screaming.” I warned him.

  He laughed. “Not the reaction I normally would get but cute. Human world politics don’t apply here anyway.”

  “Fine, I’ll just resort to kicking your ass myself then.”

  He smirked, looking as gorgeous as ever.

  “Now that’s the Starling that seems more fitting for some reason. I knew you had fire in you. No pun intended.” He grinned as he sat on the edge of his desk.

  I gave a sarcastic smile. “Why did you want me to stay?”

  “I’ve been wanting to ask you something ever since the inquisition board but you left so fast after being examined, I never got the chance.”

  Though I felt slightly warm, I had to maintain my pulse and heartbeat. I knew that it was exactly what he was trying to gauge and read in his momentary pause.

  “So ask.”

  “I saw you looking at either end of the table, twice. Who…or what were you looking at specifically?” he then asked.

/>   Huh? Part of me felt instant relief, unless this was the start of another round of invasive questions. Why did he care or want to know?

  “Nothing.” I said quite simply.

  I know he didn’t believe that but I didn’t care.

  He inhaled deeply and then slowly exhaled. He was studying me, looking at my aura and I felt a knot of tension clinch in the pit of my stomach. Or was it the twins?

  “Your aura is back to normal, that’s good.” He then commented.

  “Were there any doubts?” I meant to be sarcastic.

  He laughed and shrugged. “No, of course not. But in all honesty, I think you’re still holding something back.”

  I looked directly into his eyes then. “Something like what?”

  He narrowed his gaze, “I don’t know but even more so, I don’t understand why you would try to hide it. You should be able to trust everyone here, including me.”

  “Trust is earned, not automatic.” I corrected him.

  He bit his lip, “I agree.”

  I sighed. “Is that all?” I then said.

  He finally stood up again.

  “Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow and be ready to train. I’m still in charge of helping to acclimate you to using your weapon and your fire.” He then said.

  I could tell he was both disappointed and annoyed with my curt attitude but I didn’t care.

  “Are Sean and Diana back yet?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “Not yet. There’s a really important conference going on at the Eastern hall. It may be a few more days. Why?”


  “No reason. I can learn to control my own fire on my own though.”

  He sighed, “You know Starling, I’m actually a little disappointed in you. I mean, I thought you were of a certain mind-set but you’re proving to be just the opposite. Your essence and the weapon that chose you is no mistake. You, in particular, stand apart from the majority of the others for a reason. That’s a lot of raw power for a new riser both to have and to wield responsibly and I respect that. The question is, do you?”

  He looked at me pointedly.

  I pursed my lips in annoyance. I couldn’t allow myself to be around Spencer that much. I wasn’t supposed to be according to Aon and Aliks.

  “Maybe you need to have a little faith and let go some of your ego.” I replied, turning to make a brisk exit.

  I didn’t want to allow him the last word. Guilt began to fill the back of my mind soon thereafter.

  Spencer was right. He was only doing exactly what he took oaths for as a warrior, even sacrificing his Angelic status to become an Earthbound Seraphim and fight along beside us humans.

  It was me who was playing on both sides. It’s me who’s in love with a fallen…and it’s me who’s pregnant with the children of a fallen. I didn’t know how much longer I could pull this off without giving myself away, even before I started to show. I had hoped that Sean and Diana would be back by now. I felt more comfortable confessing to them and having them pass them message along for me.

  I headed straight back to my room, fully aware, and with a heavy heart— prepared to do what I could no longer put off.

  XIX: Cam`ael

  It took a bit of persuasion and a whole lot of reminders of what standing idly by and letting Morning Star have both Earth and the humans would ultimately mean. In the end, logic and a sense of independence, pride, and overall repentance; the whole reason we banded together to form this rebel legion against Morning Star in the first place, won out.

  My main purpose in calling us all together was to see just how many were left and to warn them all about Xyn. According to Ry, some had recently met him and only one had been able to escape to tell the tale. If I had waited any longer, the next meeting would have simply consisted of myself and my friends alone.

  “When are you going to tell the others about Starling and your child?” Edanai’s words entered my head, just as the others ghosted away.

  “Soon. I won’t have a choice.”

  “Nice. Another bomb.” She replied out loud.

  I sighed. Yes, another bomb. Edanai didn’t know that we were actually having twins.

  “Rahab, please stick with Edanai. I’ve got another request.” I made sure to verbalize in front of her.

  She sighed and shook her head.

  “You don’t need me to help?” Rahab asked.

  “Not this time. I’d rather you and Edanai remain safe and together.”

  “As you wish, my Lord.” Rahab bowed his head and then he turned to Edanai. I don’t know what was said between them telepathically but a slow smile began to spread across Edanai’s face.

  I pointed at him, about to caution him for starting that again but Edanai pushed my finger aside.

  “Accept it. If you could have seen yourself from the point of view of everyone else…you’d realize just how fitting it is right now, so get over it.” She then said.

  I sighed. I still didn’t like it.

  When Edanai and Rahab were gone, I turned to Aliks, who still remained focused on the giant pool of water down below.

  “You’re awfully quiet.” I spoke.

  He cut his eyes to me. “I’ve merely been listening and observing. I have nothing to say.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me.” I shook my head.

  “You said it all quite well, Cam. I’m intrigued. You and the rest of your brethren have impressed me.”

  I raised a brow. That was an almost compliment I think, especially coming from an Angel.

  “No one gives a flying fuck about impressing you.” Ry interjected with irritation.

  Aliks shook his head derisively as Ry’s choice of expletives and attitude.

  “Alright, Cam. Where to now?” Mac asked as he sidled up closer to join me but still maintaining a wide berth from Aliks too.

  “Care to visit some Psyrens?” I grinned.

  Mac’s brows shot up and a slow grin pulled each corner of his mouth practically to each of his ears, “Psyrens? Fuck yeah!” His enthusiasm kicking up.

  “Aw hell, you didn’t say anything about them. Any other being but them. I can’t stand them.” Ry groaned.


  To say that I didn’t look forward to engaging with the Psyrens myself, would be a flat out lie. Admittedly, they were as gorgeous as the Succubus’ and the female fallen who actually took care of their flesh forms, if not more buxom and well-stacked. I personally, have never engaged in sexual contact with any of them though. They were far too treacherous company and quite frankly, their screams and shrieks annoyed the hell out of me.

  That brought me back to the whole mind-tripping reason of why Elohim would pick them over all the other beings that existed here to partner up with against Morning Star. They owed me nothing; him…well, I don’t know.

  “It may be a good idea for you stay out of sight for now.” I turned to Aliks, just as we all touched down a few yards from their fiery, dank domain and began to materialize.

  We had already been spotted and were being watched.

  Something big scuttled off to the left, thrashing through bushes in a grotesque symphony of grunts and squeals. Probably a few of their riding beasts I’m sure.

  We readied ourselves for a possible initial attack. The Psyrens and Aural Bandits were deathly afraid of the Fallen. We were powerful and strong, so they were always on the defensive and ready to fight…and die, whenever we got too close.

  Shrill screams ripped through the air, making me cringe at not only the sound, but the thought of what lie behind the massive gate made entirely of petrified hell beast bones and their leatherized, armor-plates and scaly skins. The sound of wild laughter, cursing, and tormented cries from all sorts of humans and other-worldly beings that they managed to capture and play with until they became bored, floated up and over the thorny points of the despicable gates.

  Aliks pursed his lips with a wry expression, “You don’t have to suggest that twice.”

t stray too far though.” I grinned. He scowled at me as he began to ghost away.

  I sighed, repulsed. What could they possibly help us do or accomplish, let alone the humans and divine warriors? On the other hand, Ry and Mac were both stoked and horny.

  “What do you want with them anyway?” Mac asked as he moved in to stand next to me. Ry stood on the other side of me.

  “I know it’s last minute. I’ll fill you both in later. As much as I can’t even bear the thought of touching or having anything in there touch me, it has to be done.”

  “Another request?” Ry asked.


  “I figured as much.”

  “Hey, I’m not complaining at all. Psyrens are always up for anything and they don’t mind if all you want to do is watch.” Mac commented.

  “Ready?” I said, turning looking at each of them.

  “As ready as I’m gonna get.” Ry said, copping his crotch enthusiastically.

  “Don’t forget, this place is also crawling with bandits too.” I reminded him.

  “I’m not worried about those brainless, putrid sacks of mismatched body parts.” Ry replied.

  He was right. Bandits were pretty harmless to us. They were nothing more than large, goon-like abominations of what would result in the mating of a crater troll and an over-sized Grethlor, the equivalent of a really ugly alligator in the human realm.

  We had planned to simply ghost in and observe before making our presence known but to our surprise, the gates slowly began to open right before us, invitingly. A black stone road, leading into a small city spread before us, littered with extremely sexy vixens in all shapes and sizes. Fist sized scorpions and spiders skittered around on armored legs, which clicked loudly as they moved.

  Though it was the high point of the afternoon, it was dismal and gray here, like a sheet of dirty cotton, broken up by random flashes of purple lightning every now and then. Numerous posts with glass bulbs dangling from each one, held glowing blue lights. They were actually souls trapped inside the lanterns, to be used as light sources for eternity.

  We spotted the bandits and their failed attempts to remain hidden as if setting us up for some ambush. I didn’t trust the welcoming gesture but if anything happened, we had the obvious advantages here.


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