Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga)

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Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga) Page 17

by Susan Reid

  I don’t see how this was going to happen. There was no way I’d ever trust anyone who dealt with him.

  Mac ghosted back in and fell into step with us once again. He grinned crookedly. “I knew it! The other side of this mansion is actually positioned half in the human realm, and it’s disguised as a hotel and dance club on that end. Place is crawling with a shit load of hella hot babes; human, Succubus’, and Psyrens. It could be anywhere but I’m gonna guess that it’s somewhere in the Eastern hemisphere. There’s a large variety of women and men with many different accents.” Mac informed us.

  Interesting and clever of them. I wouldn’t be surprised if more and more beings were doing the same thing. I’m sure it was under Morning Star’s advisement. He had ventures, sites, and well-known places set up just like this all over the world. Once any human entered, they were marked as prey and vulnerable. They became open vessels once intoxicated or high, which then allowed them to willingly invite darkness into themselves on a subconscious level.

  “Not surprising. Do me a favor, will you two check out the entire mansion? See who’s hanging around and if you recognize any from Morning Star’s crowd.” I relayed to both of them.

  “Well, if I must.” Mac grinned, rubbing his hands together after spying a group of lingerie clad succubus’ and Psyrens waltzing past us at the base of the stairs, purposefully pushing lust magick in our direction—or more like mine.

  “You got it, Lord Cam.” Ry saluted, mimicking Rahab on purpose with a smirk, and then he turned to head back down the stairs before I could comment.

  “Is it alright if they mingle?” I asked Grace who glanced over her shoulder at Mac and Ry’s departure.

  She appeared stunned that I would even ask.

  “Be my guest but I’d prefer for Draea and Saje to escort them. House rules regarding any fallen. And don’t be surprised if a few Bandits decide to follow. They’re very protective of us.” Grace winked at me.

  “You mean like a pimp and prostitute?” I replied casually.

  She quirked her lips with a slight smirk. “Not quite. More like the other way around.”

  I wondered what she meant by that.

  Ry and Mac were already at the bottom of the stairs, easily disappearing into the crowd with Draea and Saje in tow close behind. If I knew them, they’d end up cloaking and splitting up just to throw confusion.

  “Don’t do anything to cause trouble, insult, or get them riled up. I’m here to establish trust and create an alliance.” I warned Ry.

  “Oh, so now it’s gone from simple requests to performing miracles?”

  “Don’t play, Ry.”

  He laughed, “Shit, Cam. You take the fun out of every damned thing. Fine, I won’t insult but I can’t promise that I won’t sample a few things. And if Draea keeps following me around, I’m gonna feed that damned snake to her and I don’t mean through her mouth.”

  I sighed with a chuckle. That was Ry.

  Grace led me to her personal boudoir. She had a thing for the Spanish Renaissance décor, from colorful fabrics, to the giltwood and wrought iron framed furniture, all the way down to authentic paintings by El Greco and Juan Van Der Hamen.

  She had very good taste in art and design, another surprising discovery. What really stopped me in my tracks was her wall of books, hundreds of books of all sorts.

  She reads? I was dumbfounded.

  “Care for something to drink or smoke?” She offered as she moved to sit behind a fancy, dark wood desk.

  “No thanks.” I said, still fascinated by her collection of paintings. I moved closer to the bookshelf, examining the spines of some of the old bound leather.

  Tolstoy, Faulkner, The Iliad, obvious first editions of poetry from Greece, Ancient Rome, and Ancient Egypt.

  “I’ve gotten many of those as payments. Most were from the authors and artists themselves. One of my favorites is Shakespeare, actually.” She informed me, seeing my intense interest in the books.

  “You’ve…read these?” I had to ask.

  “What kind of question is that? Obviously. They aren’t for decoration. I see that you have a keen eye for art too. Guess we’ve both been proven wrong today. I thought all fallen were arrogant warlords who cared for nothing more than fleshly pleasures and conquest.” She commented.

  I looked at her over my shoulder, “I’ve assumed the same.”

  She grinned.

  “Alright, let’s get down to business then,” She lit a long, slender cigarette and sat back in her chair, crossing and propping her shapely legs up on the desk. “What is it that you want because it’s evident it isn’t about auras or vessels.”

  I smirked and moved to join her, standing on the other side of the desk. I allowed her time to admire me as if it wasn’t obvious.

  She licked her upper lip invitingly and raised a brow. “So?”

  “This is a smart set-up you have going on here. The humans have no idea and I guess it’s no secret who your biggest client is.” I began.

  “My biggest client or clients? You’d be surprised, actually.” She grinned, sensually blowing out a steady stream of intoxicating smoke that took shape of a…cock. She flicked her tongue out, stroking the length of it as it dispersed gently.

  I nodded, very impressed.

  “You don’t have to say anything, Cam`ael. I know why you’re here.” She eyed me carefully.

  “Really?” I smirked.

  She laughed soft and low, “I get it. The rivalry between you and Morning Star and what’s at stake, along with the earth and everything on it. You don’t want him to have it. None of us do. There’s been a lot of talk going around though. Many are taking bets on which one of you will rise to power over all when the time comes.”

  “What’s your bet?”

  She smirked. “I’m not sure. You are the total opposite of him in many ways but…” She hesitated.

  “But what?”

  She shook her head, taking another long draw on her cigarette, nearly finishing half of it. She slowly blew out another perverted stream of smoke. Breasts this time.

  I take it that she wasn’t going to finish that thought for some reason. I watched her body language, admiring her full breasts.

  “You still do business with him.” I more stated than asked.

  “Of course, he pays very well.”

  “And how long do you think that will last, once he’s in power? He won’t need anything from you then. He can do it all on his own. The Earth will be his to rule and rape. What will you do to survive then?”

  I wanted to make sure to plant the seed. She was thinking about that.

  She had been right though, she knew exactly why I was here, which made me instantly wary. Did Elohim know or see this coming? Yes, more than likely.

  “He can do it all on his own now but I won’t lie to you, Cam`ael—you do seem pretty cool…on the surface, and no doubt you’re very masculine and incredibly sexy. Whatever it is you’re looking for, might be easier attained if…”

  Here it comes.

  “If what?”

  “If we start hanging out more.”

  I raised a single brow. “That’s it?”

  She snickered and held up a sharp, manicured finger with a determined glimmer in her neon green eyes, “Oh, let me clarify what I mean by, hanging out more. Sex and a relationship. I don’t want you to just do me, I want you. You’re a powerful fallen with much influence. I find that to be an extra added bonus. If you’re trying to make nice with us for whatever reason, then I’m all for it and I can guarantee that it will definitely be well worth your effort too.” She smirked, leaning forward to allow her breasts to spill over onto the desk.

  I sighed internally. My intuition was rising again. There was no way that this was going to be as simple as it was going so far. Something was amiss here but what?

  Either way, Starling would never understand or forgive me for taking Grace up on her offer, pending I could even keep this secret. Maybe I could. It was for the gr
eater good. However, a major part of me already felt guilty for even contemplating it. On top of everything else, if her laughter and shrieks were already painfully irritating and annoying to me, how would she sound in the throes of sex and passion? I cringed internally just thinking about that.

  “I’m not interested in an exclusive relationship.” I rearranged the truth. I didn’t want any of them to know about Starling for the simple fact that she was wanted. More than likely, a very nice reward has been announced and offered by Morning Star for her capture.

  She laughed a bit. “Who said anything about exclusive? You’re an incubus. Expecting you to be exclusive is like expecting a void to refrain from mimicking a human.” She leaned forward on her elbows and flashed a half grin. “I can get sex from anyone and any being at any time. But I want to be with you, right there by and on your side. I can be if you decide to challenge Morning Star and claim this world as your own.”

  I scoffed. “What makes you think that I want this world?”

  She leaned back and eyed me. “Why wouldn’t you? It’s yours for the taking. Even though Morning Star is well equipped and capable, you’re the only one out of the rest of your kin who has the power and ability to destroy him.”

  I smiled. “Now why would you want me to do that when he’s supplying you all of this?” I gestured over the lavish décor.

  Her lips pursed into a thin line and twitched. I think I touched a nerve.

  “He going to kill you the very first moment that he’s allowed.” She almost seemed to warn me.

  “And the reason that you’re trying to tell me something that I don’t already know?”

  She studied me hard, bewildered by my lackadaisical attitude and nonchalance about it all.

  This time I leaned forward and looked her straight in her bizarre eyes. “It isn’t the fallen that are going to have to worry about scavenging for food, shelter, and a place to exist. There are thousands upon thousands of distant planets available. Planets that you nor many of the other beings subjected to this realm are able to travel to on their own. The sky arks are commanded to escort and take humans only.”

  She stared at me nonplussed, and then a flirtatious smirk immediately quirked her mouth. “I’m not an idiot. I know how to play the game, Cam`ael.”

  “I’ll just bet you do.”

  “So what do you say? You can have me anytime and anywhere you want. I’m yours.”

  Wait a minute.

  She was trying to ensure the safety, protection, and the continuity for her kind —behind me. Maybe I had this whole creating an alliance thing with them backwards or misunderstood. Or… maybe, this was a set-up. I was willing to go with the latter. She inhaled, her breasts rising and jiggling lusciously in the tiny, gem encrusted bustier she wore.

  I didn’t believe it was possible but Grace was reigniting dark and deviant thoughts in me once again. It was something that I thought I’ve managed to conquer since being with Starling.

  Starling and my children.

  I had to think about them. They were the only things that meant everything to me and I didn’t want to risk losing them.

  It was more than just Grace’s body and her offer, it was the fact that I have been completely wrong about the Psyrens for so long, looking around at her taste in décor and literature. Granted, I couldn’t stand the obnoxious, deafening screams, and laughter, much less the metal teeth. She was bit too freaky looking for my taste but I couldn’t say that I wasn’t intrigued. She was indeed voluptuous.

  Damn. I could literally feel that corrupted part of me coming to life again, growing steadily and creeping through my veins. The temptation was rising like the pressure building beneath a large volcano. I actually wanted her, physically, and not the way I would normally engage in sexual activity with women.

  Wrestling with my own desire and sin, I had to curse myself for even thinking it.

  No. I couldn’t. I won’t.

  Starling had my soul and the only one who would have my physical flesh in such an intimate way.

  I had to think logically about this though. This seemed conveniently too easy. Something wasn’t right about the ease of this conversation either. I didn’t trust her, however, wouldn’t seeing me hanging with the Psyrens completely confound Morning Star? He absolutely hated me, so surely he would no longer deal with them if he knew I was involved, would he? What did the Psyrens really have to offer in power, magick, or defense? Morning Star wasn’t afraid of them and we sure as hell we weren’t either. What made having them as allies such a necessity? I wondered.

  XXII: Starling

  Something was pulling and dragging me deeper into the forest. Another tentacle like appendage whipped up and swiftly slipped itself around my neck, like a noose. My arms and legs were flailing wildly to find some sort of purchase of resistance. I couldn’t get a steady grasp of anything let alone cut through the tentacles and free myself.

  Reflexively, I brought my hand up to wedge my fingers in between my throat and the fleshy, rough tentacle, in order to keep from being strangled. I had managed to flip and turn over onto my back.

  With one blade wielded, I desperately attempted to once again, bring my free hand up and cut through the tentacle. As soon as I did, another tentacle shot up from out of nowhere and wrapped itself firmly around my wrist, pulling my hand down and away from my neck.

  It was scary and dangerous enough to be dragged along the ground fast and forcefully by some unseen dark thing; but completely another not be able to do a damned thing about it because I was literally rolling, bouncing, and thumping all over the place unsteadily, like a pinball. I was trying to draw forth my fire, only to be met with more physical exhaustion and nothing was happening!

  Though the fear of colliding with a large boulder or a large tree trunk passed through my mind, the burn and sting of the ground scraping my exposed skin raw beneath me began to take its toll.

  I was now bound by both feet, one wrist, and my throat. I had no choice but to try and slice through the tendril around my neck again. I removed my fingers from the coiling vine around my throat in order to wield my other blade and the tentacle quickly closed the gap once I did.

  I began to choke, and before I could bring my second blade up to cut it, yet another tentacle gripped my remaining free wrist. It jerked my arm down to my side forcefully, rendering that blade useless to me now too.

  Not again! I refused to be taken again so soon!

  My mind screamed.

  I could hear the others calling after me, their frantic running footsteps pounding the ground in pursuit. Jagged earth, dry leaves and moss, rocks, and thorny brush, continued to scrape and tear at my clothes and my skin. How far back and where was this diabolical being trying to drag me?

  I couldn’t get enough air in me to call out to them, so that they’d know which direction I’d been taken. The tendril or tentacle thing began squeezing again, as if it knew that I was about to inhale in order to scream. It was enough to constrict but not enough to completely strangle. Suddenly, the source of the taunting voice grew closer and I was being lifted up off the ground and suspended vertically.

  Both my ankles and my wrists were restricted firmly and being pulled taut in opposite directions, which left me spread eagle in mid-air. I was a trapped butterfly in a deadly, thick web—both exposed and vulnerable.

  The dim woods masked the four forms into nothing more that dark silhouettes, however, one was obvious even in the minimal light.

  There was no mistaking the wings, and I could see where the tentacles had been coming from now. A dark figure of a woman stood right below me, grinning deviously as the freakishly long, living tentacles of her wild hair continued to hold me captive.

  The other two appeared human on the surface to me, aside from the smell, but once their eyes began to glow it was evident that they weren’t.

  “Sedate her, quickly!” Tentacle head hissed.

  I tried to manipulate movement around the strong tendrils secured around
my wrists but it was useless. Something sticky, like a mesh netting, began to slide over my forearms, feeling like nasty insects with a million furry legs. I cringed, wanting to scream in revulsion.

  Whatever it was, it was keeping me from using my blades.

  My only hope was my fire but I couldn’t bring it forth at all when I tried a moment ago! I had to try again. Now that I was no longer being ping-ponged along the ground, it might make it a bit easier to focus.

  I inhaled deeply, concentrating hard on pulling together every ounce of energy that I had left to salvage. Despite how I felt physically after what I had done for Devlin, I couldn’t afford to simply give up and attempt nothing.

  My body began to quiver with fatigue in response.

  Please, if I didn’t have any fire left in me, I was dead.

  “Open the portal now!” the fallen shouted to the other two human looking demons. They were both as black as pitch, with this exception of their irises; those were all white, surrounding a small pinpoint of black in the centers. They were the most disturbing and scariest looking beings that I’ve ever seen on this side so far—aside from the severe medusa woman with the possessed, monstrous, killer hair holding me hostage.

  There was no way that I would be able to dodge whatever magic she planned to throw at me, and she was definitely conjuring up something big and bad.

  A sickly, yellow ball of light began to form in the middle of her hands. I panicked once she raised her arm, pulled back and then launched it at me. I turned my head as if that would help or make a difference, and at the last minute, a short burst of white flames enveloped me just in time to keep most of the magic from hitting me full on.

  The part of the magical, electrified field that did manage to permeate through and hit me, immediately began to take effect. I felt like passing out cold, only one heartbeat away from fainting altogether. A portal shot up a few feet from me and the darkness beyond was lit up sporadically by both red and purple flashes of lightning against a dark, steel gray sky.


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