Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga)

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Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga) Page 18

by Susan Reid

I fought hard against giving in and succumbing to the magic while trying to maintain alertness for my own defense. Then I felt myself being lowered to the ground and my head began to droop forward. The urge to go to sleep was undeniably super strong but I managed to quickly catch myself and forcibly snap my head up, thankfully jarred by the impact of the ground.

  Though my vision was growing blurry with fatigue, I realized that both of my hands were finally free for the moment. I had to take advantage of that, drowsy or not, or I’d never have the chance again.

  My fire had burned off all of the restricting tentacles that were coiled around my wrists and ankles, along with whatever it was that attempted to suppress the movement of my arms and the use of my blades.

  My instinct for survival and the fight began to rouse wildly, which made me automatically think of the unborn babies that I had to do everything in my power to protect. I tapped into every grain of remaining energy and strength that I could gather.

  The demons began to advance on me quickly. Gripping my blades firmly in my hands, I waited until they were close enough before forcing fire to lick down my arm and into the length of one blade. I swiped forward in a horizontal arc, catching the first demon in the thigh.

  At first, he had no clue what just happened, smiling evilly as if what I had done was pointless; until the fire began to grow, expanding, and bursting to consume his entire torso. He began screaming, instantly collapsing as the fire continued to disintegrate him completely where he fell. The smell was horrendous.

  “Do it again, quickly! I won’t last against her flames! Put her to sleep quickly!” tentacle woman shouted, and then right after— her agonizing scream was cut short. I heard voices, rampant footfalls all around, and I hadn’t realized what had happened or who it had done it until I caught sight of all the auras.

  The others had finally found me.

  A sparking rope was wound tightly around her neck, chest, and waist. It burned into her flesh and she was yanked backwards, the rope pulling through and slicing her into three sections. The pieces began to smoke and melt down into a viscous, dark puddle.

  Lorelei was reeling back her scyoto whip, ready to strike again.

  Seeing the fate of both of her partners, the other demon began to back away from me but I was already infuriated. I launched myself to my feet, still woozy, and dove at her with blades raised and positioned to both stab and slash.

  My flames were gone completely and there was no pulling forth any more. I couldn’t even if I wanted to and now a different kind of exhaustion was taking over. I was going to pass out whether I liked it or not.

  Seeing that potential weakness in me, the demon reclaimed confidence and watched me closely, waiting for the right moment.

  She lunged herself at me, ducking low so that she could go for my legs and waist. I thought she was going to tackle me, so I only managed to slash her once across the chest, quickly bringing my other blade down on her back just as she hoisted me off of my feet while howling in pain, and threw me —straight through the portal of darkness.

  I went sailing through, grunting when I landed hard. My head made contact with the ground first and an explosion of stars burst behind my eyelids. My body followed in a crunching slam, skidding, and rolling, which left me momentarily limp and discombobulated all at once.

  Damn that hurt! It felt like a few ribs cracked on impact and it was confirmed when I tried to take in a deep breath. I winced and bit my lip to keep from crying out, tasting foul dirt caked to my lips. I spit and gagged, the simple act sending a spike of white hot pain ripping through my body.

  I had no choice but to lie still and wait until I healed completely, feeling my bones begin to repair themselves already. The grinding was loud inside my ears and I grit my teeth to stifle the whimper trying to escape my throat.

  Looking around, I didn’t have to see much to realize where I was. The sky was a dark and depressing gray hue and there was no sign of the sun in sight. The air was humid and fetid, the breeze leaving an oily residue on my skin.

  There were many things crawling all over the ground. Oh God…and there were other things too…things that looked like cats, but cats don’t have glowing red eyes and they surely don’t cackle and snicker.

  The portal beyond that I had initially been thrown through, had already closed. Nothing followed me through, thank goodness, but I was beyond screwed and I had no kind of portal gems on me at all. Even if I had hall gems, I would surely be thrown right back out just as easily as I had stepped through it, pending that they would even work. Come to think of it, Lorelei’s house gems no longer worked either.

  One of the mysterious and potentially deadly creatures began to stalk towards me slowly, scenting me and making the decision whether or not to regard me as prey.

  I winced. My bones were still fusing back together but it didn’t stop me from backing up and sliding away from it anyway. Keeping my eyes on it, I readied myself to respond to any sudden moves it decided to make. However, that was becoming increasingly difficult for me, being that the effects of the strong magic that had been thrown at me was still working. All I wanted to desperately do right this second, was to close my eyes and sleep.

  The closer it got, the more I could see just how big it actually was. It was about the size of a medium-sized tiger —and there were…many of them, all slowly surrounding me.

  The strange creature gave a guttural growl and then crouched low, ready to pounce. I quickly pulled myself up to my knees painfully just as it leapt. Swaying slightly, I held my arm up and bent across me protectively with the hilt side pointing towards me. It was a natural defensive action.

  When faced with certain death, or painful dismemberment, one was often surprised by the fighting and defensive expertise naturally hidden within.

  I jabbed forward, plunging my blade deep into its soft belly and sliced upwards. The beast bellowed as the full, fifteen inches cut through with the ease and power of a laser beam through flesh. Foul, putrid viscera began to spill from its wound and ooze warmly over my hand as it fell onto its side, twitching. I was far too sleepy to be disgusted with both the feel and the smell of it.

  And then, they all began to swarm in for the attack at once. All I found myself aware of, besides the angry mob of demonic creatures about to jump me, was the sound of rapidly approaching hoof beats hitting the ground rhythmically. I barely managed to call out, “Cam…,” right before I fell forward face down, finally collapsing in helpless exhaustion.

  XXIII. Cam`ael

  I needed more time. This was a bit confounding. There were many things that I didn’t quite understand or trust. This seemed…way too simple. I wondered how Ry and Mac were faring.

  “Ry, Mac. How does it look?”

  “I’ll get back with you in an hour…or four.” Ry replied.

  “It looks really, really good, Cam.” Mac answered back.

  I sighed. “Be extremely careful and do not get caught up.” I warned them.

  That’s when I heard a faint voice calling out to me.

  “Cam.” It was definitely Starling.

  I stiffened. “Starling? What’s wrong? What’s happening?” I was instantly on my feet.

  Grace stood up and watched me inquisitively.

  “What’s the matter?” She asked, tensing in response to my abrupt movement.

  Starling didn’t reply.


  No answer.

  “Answer me! Are you hurt?” I was becoming frantic.

  Something was definitely wrong. The dark lust that was already swirling in me, immediately shifted into dark anger and it was rising fast at the thought of anything bad happening to her. She was supposed to be at the hall and that sudden whisper of my name, with no further words or response, meant only one thing to me.

  “Damnit, Starling, you’re about to make me break my promise to you if you don’t assure me that you’re ok right, now!” I waited for a few more seconds.

  Still no reply.
r />   Divine Hall or not—this Fallen was about to go full- fucking-fledged demon.


  With guns blazing is a popular human cliché, but in my case, it meant darkness waiting to be unleashed.

  I wasn’t going to go in completely unprepared and clueless though. First, I cloaked myself, and in my spirit form I skirted the perimeter, attempting to find a breach in the protective shield surrounding the hall and the wide acreage of land around it.

  My proximity automatically gained the attention of all the guards and other warriors who were out on the training fields, and all over the acres of land beyond, which housed the grazing and riding animals, and most of their gardens.

  Darkness formed an electric bolt of lightning that crackled and curled along each of my forearms and fists as I wielded my sword.

  “Starling! I’m here, please tell me that you’re alright before I do something…very destructive!” I attempted once again.

  All remained silent on her end.

  With a roar of anger and rage, I stormed swiftly in between bushes, boulders, and above and in between trees, uprooting and tearing through everything like a wild, invisible tornado and ready to cut down anyone who dared to cross my path.

  Curiously, warriors, guards, bizarre white creatures, and many of the older men and women were all crowded together on the North lawn, looking out at something about fifty yards away. Whatever it was, it was hidden beneath a canopy of green leaves. There were three female warriors huddled around a young girl lying on the ground, apparently injured in some way.

  I automatically thought the worst until I realized that she wasn’t Starling. However, the brunette looking in my direction was the same one from the club and from last night. She and a few others, along with the small animals immediately sensed my presence.

  The energy building from my magick was pulsing ferociously, awaiting my direction and release. and I know that they could all feel it in the air.

  I didn’t care.

  Remaining cloaked, I purposefully slammed down onto the ground hard and landed in a low crouch. The impact shook the ground with a brief seismic rumble that was surely felt if not heard by everyone, even those on the sanctified land of the hall. The group of unprotected, female warriors behind me were knocked clean off of their feet. I hadn’t meant for them to feel the brunt of my attack and rage but it couldn’t be helped. Trees shook, some falling completely over, and chunks of rocks tumbled from larger boulders.

  I fully released all of the pent up darkness in a single, supersonic, vibrating wave that collided thunderously against their invisible barrier of protection. That enraged me even more. I already knew that I wouldn’t be able to get through but it wasn’t going to deter me.

  The warriors and the guards, braced and readied themselves by drawing and wielding their weapons to both defend and strike back.

  “No!” A female screamed from behind me but I ignored her, unleashing another wave of power anyway. I would keep on attacking until the damn shield gave and possibly shattered if that’s what it took.

  The warriors were stunned, unsure of who or where I was, and searching frantically for a signature. I studied them all, one by one —and then, my eyes locked on his.

  The fucking Seraphim cocked his head, focusing on my location and studying my signature with his lightning Bo gripped and ready for attack. He began to whisper, chanting magical defensive verses. Slowly, I began to materialize, grinning at him malignantly to incite his challenge. His expression turned into pensive astonishment, interrupting the flow of his words.

  “It’s him! That’s him! I knew it! He’s bound himself to Starling and now he’s come for her!” The seraphim exclaimed to the other warriors and elders while pointing at me with his Bo.

  Then, he dexterously began to invoke his weak magic with the fingers of one hand while I was gearing up to strike and counter whatever he intended to throw my way. I waited anxiously for him to set one pinky toe outside of the protected, sanctified barrier.

  I clenched my teeth as more dark power began to refuel my fury. I was absolutely ready to yank his spine out through his mouth with my bare hands.

  The expressions of the elders turned to brief dismay but not disbelief. They didn’t say a word to the seraphim in response and they were all quite calm. Interesting, and I now knew why. The girl had spoken the truth about the other fallen after all.

  “You shouldn’t have come.” She then whispered sharply to me.

  “Jamie, what’s going on?” the Asian girl stood up and asked while wielding her weapon, and then stepping cautiously towards the brunette.

  Just then, lightning crashed down, striking the earth in pop of sparks, dirt, and grass. Aliks appeared between both me and the warriors lined up on the hall grounds beyond.

  “Stop this!” he hissed at me, but he was glancing over at all of them as well.

  “Where is she!?” I growled telepathically to him.

  “Revealing yourself was a grave mistake! Do not get yourself destroyed. I was commanded to intervene this time, which means that what you are about to do will result in serious consequences for both sides, so put the weapon away and back down!” Aliks demanded.

  “Stay out of this. If you want to continue to stand in between us then be my guest, but let me remind you that I really don’t like you very much.”

  “Do as Elohim has commanded and cease this attack!” He returned out loud in a booming voice that absolutely did not match his slight, physical appearance. His tone took on an authoritative commandment and his eyes began to shimmer brightly.

  The glory in his voice, along with the light in his eyes, made me curse and turn away. Though I was furious and I had no intentions of leaving without Starling, I had no choice but to obey.

  The brunette girl was stunned, her mouth hung open as she helplessly watched the scene unfold. The look in her eyes seemed to be pleading, wondering why I allowed them to see who I was, and to beg me to back off for my own safety and the lives of the other warriors. But there was something else going on here. Why were they out here like this at all while so many others simply watched them from afar? At least allow me beat the shit out of that Seraphim then.

  The Seraphim ceased his efforts in conjuring magick, though he was glaring at me and still caught up in the heat of what would have been a quick fight. He stood in incredulous confusion once Aliks appeared and began to command.

  The female warriors behind me joined the brunette, all bewildered. The young, thin, dark-skinned female who had been unconscious initially, slowly began to rouse.

  “Where is she?” I asked Aliks in a low, sinister tone. Violence was ebbing in my core, ready to burst forth if he didn’t answer me or bring her out here himself right this instant.

  “You’re going to ruin everything! Now get a grip and calm down.” Aliks answered back mentally and firmly.

  I was seething beyond the point of continuing on in a mental conversation. “I don’t care about ruining any damned thing, just get her for me!”

  “How are you even aware that anything is wrong at all?” Aliks wondered.

  Damn. I was giving everything away in my irrational anger. He was right. I’d better calm down. Who knows what I’ve already compromised as it is by appearing in front of them. I was sure that they already knew Starling had become soul-tied to me. Her shunning would absolutely be my fault now but I didn’t care. I’ll take on the full consequences so she won’t have to.

  “We don’t know. She was pulled into the trees by something that was apparently looking for her. The others that were here with us all went after her…,” the brunette began to explain with a thumb in the direction of a path that had been roughly disturbed by an imprint on the ground. A trail of some sort.

  I immediately thought the worst and a sinking, almost helpless feeling washed over me. Shit! I had no time to waste. There was no telling where she was or who had her. Whatever happened, she had either been rendered silent by a knock-out curse,
or she was badly injured. I didn’t want to think about that possibility and I was determined to go to any and all measures to find and rescue her. Her aura should make my search a bit easier.

  Judging by the looks on the weary faces of the three warriors and a female Seraphim, who were all emerging from the trees without Starling, I felt another rampage building quickly. Please Elohim, don’t let her be in Morning Star’s hands. I will do anything for you to help me out on this one. She’s carrying our children!

  The blonde girl had been crying and the other two males looked devastated. The female Seraphim looked at me with resolute surprise. They were all dirty with the scent of fresh, putrid demon blood, still clinging to their clothing.

  They stopped short, ready to defend and attack once again and unsure what to make of both my and Aliks’ presence.

  I turned to Aliks just then, my jaw working and my eyes glowing with fury.

  “I don’t have time to lose or waste. Tell me where to look for her. Tell me exactly where she is, now!” I breathed deeply. My red anger making me shake in my effort to try and suppress it and remain calm.

  I knew that Aliks would be able to pinpoint her location faster than I could, simply because Elohim could see all. He knew and he could tell Aliks.

  Aliks glanced at the warriors behind me. “Do not break your oaths,” then he turned to regard at the line of guards, warriors, and elders who stood watching pensively in hushed conversations among each other. “You have my word that there is no imminent danger or threat. You stand within the protected hall grounds, so do not retaliate or attack. That is a direct order.”

  “Yeah, but we’re not.” I heard the red haired one whisper.

  “We aren’t in any danger either.” Jamie told them all though her eyes remained fixated on me in fascination.

  The rest of the small group behind us remained befuddled and shocked by her assurance.

  “How do you know that?” The blonde girl asked her though she kept her eyes on me.

  The seraphim continued to watch both me and the brunette girl inquisitively, as if trying to figure out a riddle unsuccessfullyThen, like a fool, he stepped out of the protected zone and began to jog over to the group of warriors behind me.


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