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Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga)

Page 21

by Susan Reid

Jamie turned to look at Spencer in disbelief. “What more do you need? Even the angel vouches for him and he recommends this choice.” She hissed.

  The seraphim was unmoved, still trying to figure out my motives and hidden agendas.

  Then, he shook his head no. “I don’t trust him. They are the enemy. You all took oaths, remember?”

  “Yeah, but we’re all shunned now too, remember?” Jamie replied.

  “That shouldn’t matter. This is how it starts. The deception and the lies.”

  “Spencer, give it a rest. If the Angel is on his side, that’s all we need to trust.” The Asian girl cut him off this time.

  “No one is making or begging you stay and accept. I’m sure as hell not. I could care less what you do.” I reminded him.

  The seraphim’s jaw was working now. “What about you, Kaia?” He asked expectantly.

  “I made my decision back at the hall already. I’m with them.” She said calmly.

  “I think you’re all making a big mistake.” He said in a low whisper that I heard loud and clear.

  “As Cam`ael has just pointed out in not so pleasant words, that is your choice, Spencer. They have made theirs. No one is wrong here.” Aliks intervened

  I narrowed my eyes at him. I may not be able to read minds, but I was definitely picking up something familiar in him that incited the darkest parts of me while completely raising my awareness of his being.

  “You already said you were accepting being shunned. What are you gonna do? Where are you gonna go?” Jamie asked. Her eyes turned glassy with fresh tears.

  “I don’t know. But I refuse to pair up with sworn enemies. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You’re already open vessels, there’s no telling what you’ll end up subjecting yourselves to.” He went on.

  Everyone exchanged glances with one another and then turned to Aliks.

  “Every choice has its consequence. Do what your spirit tells you to do.”

  “I’ve already chosen.” Durien replied with confidence.

  Jamie wiped her tears, crossing her arms over her middle and turning away from the Seraphim. She returned to sit beside the dark-skinned girl once again.

  “So have I.” She sniffed, still not looking at him.

  “Me too.” The female seraphim affirmed.

  It was apparent that all of the warriors were maintaining their decisions.

  The appeal of what the seraphim was emanating so strongly, wasn’t about his clear opposition and distrust of me and my friends, nor the obvious choices of everyone else. I cocked my head, examining him prudently.

  And then it hit me. It was similar to the same triggering alarm that went off, seeing it in Drakael in the diner that day with Starling, when she was still mortal.

  However, with this seraphim it was different. It was a deadly combination—of pride, doubt, and extreme…jealousy.

  XXVI. Starling

  Aon was driving me nuts. I stopped counting how many times she made me practice throwing my fire, but now, I could literally light each wick of up to twenty single candles one by one —with my eyes closed.

  I felt drained and tired but not from the use of my fire. I was starving. I had finally learned to completely separate it from my emotions. Now, I could simply bring it forth by sheer will, just like my blades. I even got fancy and began flinging the flames off the tips of each blade to light the candles.

  “Alright, you’ve done remarkably well. I knew you had it in you!” Aon smiled with encouragement.

  I didn’t even have the mental energy to reply with something smart.

  “I’m starving.” I whined.

  “Me too, actually.” She patted her stomach.

  I looked at her unbelievingly.

  Within an instant, literally, a wave of brighter than bright, supernatural light nearly seared my eyeballs into pools of liquefied jelly, and then…we were standing on the balcony of stone in front of Cam’s door to his home.

  It wasn’t even two seconds before the door rolled opened and Cam was there, looking as hot as ever in a red, loose-fitting shirt and a pair of black lounging pants.

  I ran to him and I was lifted off of my feet, and into a firm hug that immediately led to an enthusiastic, deep kiss. He missed me as much as I missed him, and much of the passion in our kiss, was relief that we were both alright.

  “You almost made me obliterate everything and everyone at the hall. Are you sure you’re alright?”

  “Yeah. You promised me, Cam.”

  “That was hardly part of that promise. I was beyond livid. You’re going to have to tell me everything that happened.”

  “I will, later. I’m really hungry right now.”

  Aon cleared her throat and announced, “I’ll return at daybreak.”

  We broke from the kiss. I almost forgot she was there. Cam eased me down to the ground and held my hand in his.

  “Aliks will be returning too.” He told her.

  “I know. We’ve both just been assigned to accompany and assist this—new gathering of alliances. Starling has mastered her essence, something to be celebrated.”

  Then, she rudely went into that strange language of hers with Cam again.

  Cam replied in the same language. The exchange was brief and then she was gone in a silent burst of pretty sparkles that made me ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’.

  “Let me guess, I don’t need to know?” I commented.

  He laughed. “Precisely. It’s not bad, don’t worry.” He brought my hand up and winked while kissing the top of it.

  Cam led me inside, closing the entrance quickly behind us.

  Something delicious was cooking and I heard…many voices. Many familiar voices.

  I looked at Cam with a questioning glance.

  He seemed agitated but acquiescent.

  “Spontaneous hosting.” He replied as we walked side by side down the, wide, oval-shaped hallway.

  I had no idea what that meant, other than it was obvious that there were a lot of people in the dining room and living area.

  I gaped, dumbfounded beyond any comprehension of the scene that unfolded in front of me, once we entered the great room that offered a partial view of the kitchen and dining room.

  All of Cam’s friends…were intermingling —with all of mine.

  Durien, Gabe, Anthony, and Jamie were playing a game of pool with several male and female fallen, no surprise there. Lorelei, Scarlet, and Lira were in the living room looking at Cam’s massive collection of music with four, gorgeous, female fallen, and Devlin was parked like a zombie in front of a large screen television, watching a movie. From here, I could see and hear both Crystal and Kaia in the kitchen, helping two other female fallen, and a huge, onyx-skinned fallen…to cook?

  You would have thought that everyone had been lifetime buddies the way they interacted among one another.

  I rubbed my eyes. Was I dreaming, hallucinating or what? I looked up at Cam with dread. “What the…”

  Cam leaned down to whisper with a frown, “I know. I told them not to move or mess up anything.”

  “What’s going on?” I asked him in disbelief.

  Not that seeing everyone here wasn’t a joyful surprise, the shock factor for me was obvious.

  “Hey Starling, you’re okay! This place is unbelievably gorgeous!” Lorelei called out, waving at me happily.

  “And really super clean and organized.” Scarlet added with playful emphasis and a thumbs up.

  I wanted to giggle because I knew exactly what she meant by the sarcastic compliment.

  Lira shuffled quickly over to us and threw her arms around me for a welcoming hug.

  “You seem to always make us worry about you.”

  I was still speechless and paralyzed as I mechanically hugged her back and smiled.

  Cam leaned in close to my ear again, “I guess we both have a few things to share. How about I draw you a bath while Rahab is preparing dinner?”

  Yeah, I’m gonna need a moment to wrap my brain around th
is one.


  After spending quite a while fully submersed in the deep, bowl-shaped tub of steaming water, enhanced with floral scented oils, lit candles placed all around, and bubbles—at my request; I was as calm and relaxed as a light summer breeze over an open field. Cam left me alone while I bathed, but I’m pretty sure it was because he couldn’t stand the idea of not being there to police everyone.

  I was still shocked but I was definitely happy. Happy because he as a fallen, was willing to take my divine warrior friends in, knowing that we had no place to go now that we were all shunned.

  Even if he did volunteer to do it for my sake, especially seeing that he was definitely a private being, I was touched. What fallen does something like this? What fallen would ever consider something like this without something to gain?

  He said we can talk when I was done and completely relaxed but before he left, I had him bring me my cell phone. I spent a long while looking through all of the messages. I couldn’t check the voicemail because I didn’t know the password but I’m sure Cam can fix that.

  Since there were no longer any options for me, heading back to pick up where my life left off was becoming more and more appealing. I was feeling a bit more confident in who I was now, and I certainly didn’t have much of a choice anymore anyway.

  I know that I could always stay here with Cam too, and I wanted to but something was compelling me to return back to the human realm—back to the college that I attended. I don’t know why but it may have something to do with protecting all of my friends, especially China. My friend Joel was going to be here in the spirit realm at some point as a warrior, and I would never be able to see or know him again. That part hurt. I wished him well and hoped that he would be able to conform and adjust better than I could.

  I was waiting to see if some vision would come to me as I scrolled through all of my pictures. I studied all the text messages, which seemed foreign to me at first, but the longer I read and re-read them, things began to manifest like a distant memory. That part excited me but I was indifferent right now. Then, I ran across a text that really stood out to me. It was from China and it read: ‘I keep seeing shadows like u do, especially at night when I’m bout 2 fall asleep. Been happening a lot lately. I feel like they r trying 2 do something 2 me. Steve’s been staying here w/me. Very scared, miss u and wish u’d hurry and come home soon. I understand u have 2 do what u need 2 do and I hope everything is ok. Call me plz! Luv u!’

  I stared blankly at it for several seconds. Shadows? How was she seeing them? Cam said she wasn’t chosen. It didn’t matter, that was the answer for me. The reasoning behind my compulsion to return and to protect all of my friends was revealed. Something was happening in the human realm, that much I could surmise. The date of the text was time stamped on Thursday, November 14th, 2013. That made me curious as to what the current date was in the human realm right now; what date I died; how long I’ve been gone; how old this text message is; and did it need to be addressed? I didn’t see a conversation reply on my part but that didn’t mean that Cam didn’t have his female friend call her back about it.

  I pulled up her name and number in my contacts and tapped on her picture. With my finger poised over the phone icon, I paused. No, I wasn’t ready yet. I’d better ask Cam what day it was in the human realm first.

  Really, Cam? I thought to myself as I perused the clothing he had been acquiring for me, all hanging inside of a new armoire that hadn’t been here before. Where would I wear this? I pulled out a black lace tank top. Though cute, most everything was either sheer and see-through, or really revealing. There were already quite a few maternity shirts and dresses too. Well, if anything he was certainly thinking ahead. Though grateful, and his taste wasn’t bad at all, I would much rather pick my own clothes.

  “Um, Cam? Any chance I could get something a little more modest and bit less on the nine months pregnant side?” I called out.

  “Like what?” His voice came from right above me.

  I gasped, tilting my head back and then whirling around to face a mischievously smiling Cam, literally standing right behind and looking down at me. I had expected him to reply telepathically. The fact that I hadn’t even detected his presence until he spoke, and how quick and easy he had been able to sneak up on me was not a good thing. My heart raced.

  “Damn, you startled me!” I hissed.

  “Startled you?”

  I cleared my throat, “Yeah, you just caught me off guard, that’s all.” I lied.

  He smiled, not believing that at all. “That’s definitely something we’ll both have to work on correcting then, starting tomorrow.”


  “We’re going to be training you guys. Both your friends and mine have agreed and accepted. Now is as good a time as any, much to my apprehension about you in particular because of your condition but you’re gonna have to learn sooner or later. For your safety, it will have to be sooner given what almost happened again. Aon filled me in.”

  I pressed my lips and nodded. “Okay. Do, they know about…” my eyes flicked down to my lower belly. “Your friends, I mean?”

  He shook his head. “Not yet.”

  I wondered why he hadn’t told them, then again, mine didn’t know either. However, now that we were no longer under the eyes and rules of those at the divine hall, it makes it a lot easier for me to tell…at some point later.

  “When should we make the announcement?” I asked.

  He inhaled deeply in thought. “I have qualms about too many others knowing, especially since you’re not showing yet, but if you want your friends to know now, then we can do it together.” He pushed a still slightly damp curl behind my ear and stroked my cheek.

  I nodded but I also wondered why he was apprehensive about it. I could take a few guesses, although in a few months we won’t have a choice, regardless.

  “What day is it? In the human realm?” I then asked.

  “You know I don’t keep track of time but it won’t take but a second to check, just to be sure. And you’re curious because?” He wanted me to elaborate.

  “I was going through some of the text messages on my phone, that’s all.”

  He nodded. “Oh. Eastern standard, central united States, or pacific mountain time?”

  “Wherever it was that I lived last.”

  “Ok. I’ll be right back then.” He smiled.

  “Thank you…and hey,” I stopped him, grabbing onto the front of his shirt, rising up on my tip-toes and pulling him down to me. He leaned down to meet me halfway and I kissed him deep and affectionately.

  He was pleasantly surprised and grinning when I pulled away.

  He licked his lips, savoring my kiss. “Random but very, very nice.”

  “You don’t know how much all of this means to me. I wished they hadn’t chosen to get shunned with me but I guess it’s too late for them to turn back now. Anyway, I don’t know how to thank you enough.”

  “You don’t need to thank me, at least not until later.” He waggled his brows at me.

  “Yeah, not with everyone here. I wouldn’t feel comfortable.” I smiled coyly.

  Cam laughed. “You kiss me like that while completely naked and then tell me that you don’t feel comfortable making love with everyone here? You don’t remember this, but you’ve just confirmed what I said about you on our first date in the human realm.”

  I raised a brow. “Oh? And what did you say?”

  He smiled. “That you were a tease. I was right.”

  “Um, after our date last night, you have the nerve to call me a tease?”

  He appeared thoughtful while rubbing his chin.

  “Excellent reminder. The walls are made of solid stone but if it makes you feel more comfortable, soundproofing them for extra measure is not a problem at all.”

  I shook my head with a grin. “We’ll see.”

  He playfully reached down and around me, giving one of my cheeks a light squeeze and a q
uick, playful spank. The temporary sting sparked a shiver of pleasure throughout my pelvis.

  “In the meantime, dinner is ready. What do you want to wear?”

  My breath caught and I cleared my throat. He knew exactly what reaction his action would generate in me.

  “I’ve always been a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl. Size four, and I wear my shirts in medium. Nothing fancy though.”

  His eyes traveled the length of my naked body, and then he closed his eyes as if concentrating. When he opened them again, he winked and gave me a quick peck on my lips.

  “See you at the dinner table.” He whispered, ghosting out instead of leaving through the closed door.

  Once he was gone, I spotted the neatly splayed ensemble on his bed. A royal blue, scoop-necked t-shirt and a pair of relaxed fit, low-rise, blue jeans. Cam was pampering and spoiling me rotten.

  XXVII. Cam`ael

  I would never admit to it out loud but I was actually enjoying the company, especially the human company. I’ve always preferred their company over any being of the spirit realm and now, it only reminded me of why. Barriers were being broken and lowered. It was a monumental almost miraculous thing, seeing the interaction between my friends and Starling’s, but what really surprised me was when the seraphim decided to stay with them. It wasn’t because he trusted us at all, it was because he made a commitment to them when he became earthbound and he was sticking to it, so far. I could definitely respect that but I was watching him closely. Something wasn’t fully settled with me about the vibes he was giving off.

  I did my best to make sure Starling was occupied and would be for a while during her bath while we all planned for her birthday party. So far, she had no idea. It would be perfect and the fact that her friends were here now, worked out well. Truth be told, it was one of the main reasons that I did make the exception of offering shelter in the first place. It was all for Starling because I knew she would want it this way and that it would make her happy.

  Rahab and Edanai were preparing a great feast and a birthday cake and everyone was in on it. My friends offered to escort the girls to requested places so that they could purchase gifts and acquire some articles of clothing, which hadn’t taken too long. I had already gotten her gifts from me a while back but there were a few more items that I wanted to try and find too.


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