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Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga)

Page 29

by Susan Reid

  Anthony remained quiet, simply listening with his hands massaging her shoulders.

  “How do you feel about it?” Durien then asked.

  I thought for a moment and then shrugged a shoulder.

  “It was definitely a shock but I’m cool with it now. It’s not like there’s any other choice for me.”

  “And because she loves him as much as he obviously loves her. He’d die for her. That much I do know. That’s how the fallen are. I for one can’t wait to see this baby. It’s gonna be special. It has to be, that’s the only reason it was allowed.” Devlin sort of answered him for me.

  We all looked over at her in surprise. She was serious about that statement and it meant a lot for me to have a fellow warrior understand and back me up in that regard.

  I would have told them it was going to be twins but I really didn’t want to get that conversation started right now.

  “Hey, is that a ring?” Lorelei took notice of the ring Cam gave me.

  I didn’t wear it during training because I didn’t want to get it messed up, and I really hadn’t worn it since Cam first gave it to me. It wasn’t that I didn’t love it, it was to avoid an explanation to the others about it—like right now.

  Lorelei leaned forward and pulled my hand to her, and then everyone began to crowd around to gawk at it. It twinkled and sparkled beneath the low kitchen light hanging over the table.

  “Damn, are all of those real diamonds?” Gabe asked.

  I nodded.

  “No guess as to who gave you that.” Devlin grinned.

  They all looked at me, awaiting confirmation.

  “So does that mean you two are like engaged or something then?” Anthony asked.

  “Something like that.”

  “It’s gorgeous. It looks like…the design of your brandings on this side.” Lorelei pointed with a smile.

  “Wow, that’s cool.” Devlin commented.

  I pulled my hand away from the center of attention. “We need some soothing music or something.” I suddenly stood up, wanting to break the silence and change the subject. I began searching for the remote to the stereo.

  “Your car is parked outside. I want you to head first thing in the morning to the University and go on as if nothing has happened. Alright?” Cam’s voice filtered into my head.

  My heart began to pound with anxiety, feeling as if something was wrong— and then my mind went to that weird chic on that ugly beast, Grace.

  Didn’t he say he was going to meet her at her place later?

  I mumbled to myself.

  “Starling? You’re spacing out. Are you okay?”

  I turned to look behind me. Everyone was staring at me as if I’d lost my mind, standing here with the remote poised but not turning on the television.

  “Oh, yeah.” I nodded and clicked it on. “Here, someone want to pick a movie or something?” I set the remote down and Devlin came over to retrieve it, looking at me strangely.

  “I’m not really in the mood or hungry. I think I’m gonna take a bath and just go to sleep.” Lorelei said quietly as she rose from the table.

  “What is there to do here in Indianapolis anyway?” Anthony asked.

  “Like she’d remember.” Durien said.

  “Oh, yeah. Sorry.” He sheepishly grinned.

  “Google it.” Gabe got up and went to retrieve the laptop sitting on the kitchen counter and powering it on, “I’m hoping we have some sort of internet connection.” he commented.

  I sat down on the comfy, single recliner and pretended to watch the television while Devlin scrolled through the channels.

  “Where are you? When are you coming back?”

  “I’m in the spirit realm. There’s an issue but I’m taking care of it. Jerilah, Rahab, and Vinnah should be showing up at any minute with Crystal and Scarlet. Your friend, Lira is still unconscious but her body is safe. I don’t want you to worry about anything right now. Go on as if life is normal and if you need any references when you meet your friend China again, let me know but be sure to arrive with the luggage that I already put in your trunk. They’re mainly for show but they do have some of the items, shoes, and clothing that I’ve gotten for you already in them. Get yourself some winter clothing. I’ve left enough money for all of you on the bedside table in your room to get what you need…including cars.”

  My brows went up. Was it that easy for Cam to provide a crap load of real money at any given time? Whenever we needed it? Apparently, yes.

  “My room? Do you think I should stay here as opposed to my apartment with China?”

  “Now that you’ve told her you’re pregnant, I don’t think she’ll get too suspicious if you’ve decided to stay with me and we’re eloping. It’s your room here. For the most part I want you with me at my place.”

  Eloping? Well, we were already spiritually bonded. The equivalent of marriage for supernatural beings with the exception of me being human.

  “She fainted with the pregnancy news so I don’t know how she’ll take that. She already thinks that I fell and hit my head. What if she wants to visit? She’s gonna want to know who everyone else is.”

  “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, resume as normally as possible until I return.”

  I sighed. “Cam, I don’t have a good feeling about this. What about Spencer? How long will you be gone?”

  “I can make a million guesses but I have no idea where to start. I’ll have to confer with Aliks on that. We’ll try and find him though. The others will be around you all to make sure that you stay safe. And…this is straight from Aon and Aliks, let the others know that no one died at the Hall. Apparently, they’ve known that something was going to happen. Animals and all have journeyed to another Hall long before this happened. I don’t know how long I’ll be but it shouldn’t be too long.”

  A huge, internal sigh of relief took away the tension in my entire body and all of the sadness weighing heavily on my psyche.

  “How long have you known that and why did you look like something was wrong before you left?”

  He paused. I know he probably didn’t want to tell me.

  “Edanai went to look for your friend, Lira. She’s missing now and she’s not answering me at all.”

  Oh no. I felt sick again.

  “Cam, you don’t think that…”

  “I don’t know. Just promise me that you won’t be stubborn and remember the original promise that you made to me too. I’ll be back soon, you know I can’t stay away from you that long anyway. I love you.”

  Why did I feel my heart breaking already? I was feeling the despair that Cam was probably feeling, given that realization. I didn’t particularly like Edanai but I certainly hoped that she was okay.

  “I love you, too.”

  XXXVII: Cam`ael

  Another vision began to play behind my eyes. It was of Starling, lying on her back, her belly huge and round. She was alone in a lush, green field filled with white, bell-shaped flowers…in the full-blown throes —of labor. Sweat glistened on her forehead and temples, her beautiful face was contorted in pain and determination. I wanted…no, I needed to go to her but I couldn’t. That part alarmed me and I was infuriated at my inability to do anything to help and be with her.

  Why couldn’t I move?!

  In the distance, the dismal horizon began to shift and morph as if alive and it was menacing. Blood-red, fiery clouds began to coalesce, billowing and rushing in from afar at great speed. Darkness began to slither across the green grass, killing and tainting it with its oily, thick presence from across the field. Morning Star’s mocking, triumphantly resonating laughter began to rumble, coming from everywhere at once. I began to curse, feeling helpless as I watched it creep even closer to Starling once she began to push with a scream.

  The vision suddenly snapped closed like a thick, black curtain, shutting the scene away from my eyes completely.

  I found myself gritting my teeth, wanting to howl in agony at my uselessness.
r />   My eyes flew open as I came to and inhaled a deep breath only to grunt and nearly choke. I couldn’t see initially, feeling the weight of a lot of leaves, dirt, and grass packed over my body. More dirt, grass, and leaves invaded my mouth when I took another breath only to gag and spit angrily. A steady, pounding pain still lingered in the back of my skull.

  I couldn’t remember exactly what had happened shortly after talking to Starling telepathically.

  What the hell had happened? I remembered flying towards the destroyed, smoking remnants of the hall because I caught a glimpse of Edanai’s signature, then sheer physical pain erupted all over my flesh, and all went black.

  I quickly sat up taking immediate note of my surroundings. It was obvious that I had been purposefully buried beneath all this brush.

  Leaves and grass crunched nearby. The moon and the illumination from the rubble of what was left of the hall allowed some light, even though I could see perfectly in the dark. There was another fallen here and I was on my feet in a flash, ready to wield my sword and pull forth light.

  It was Edanai and she was alright.

  My breathing was still ragged as I tried to shake off the last images of that disturbing vision.

  I could never leave Starling alone, which meant that I’d better hurry back to her as soon as I can. I’m sure that Morning Star was already up to devastation number three, and I knew that it wouldn’t be long before he found out that Starling was pregnant. Then again, I wouldn’t be surprised if he already knew. He knew when we were together, and he knew that her becoming pregnant was a very likely probability. In fact, I’m sure that he was both banking on and anticipating it.

  “Sorry. If I hadn’t been zapped and knocked unconscious myself too, I could’ve warned you, although I would think that your light would’ve offered you some sort of a buffer. Guess not.” She smiled.

  “What the hell was that?” I groaned, rubbing the soreness in the back of my neck.

  “Apparently, there’s a strong, protective, sanctified force field still surrounding the remains of what’s left. I just came to myself about five minutes ago. Luckily the forest guardians managed to conceal our vulnerable bodies, hence the mouth and face full of leaves, dirt, twigs, and berries.” She grinned.

  I was appreciative and I scanned the trees, boulders, and bushes with acknowledgment and a nod of thanks. They rustled softly in response.

  Well, that made sense. It explained why Edanai couldn’t answer me earlier either.

  Edanai still had a few stray leaves in her long, dark hair and her bangs wisped gently across her forehead in the slight night breeze. She was wearing a cream colored halter style breastplate, and dark brown, leather shorts with thigh high boots. Her smooth, olive toned skin shimmered with a thin layer of sweat, enhancing her long, muscular legs and the gentle ridges of muscle in her flat torso and abdomen.

  “Oh, and the girl isn’t even here. If she’s not back in her body by now, it may be safe to assume that she might have been captured and taken.”

  “Shit.” I sighed, vigorously running my fingers through my hair to comb through and shake out the debris.

  Edanai studied me as I did so for a while in silence. My guess is that she was trying determine if I was still angry with her for all that she told Starling earlier. I was but there were much bigger things to worry about right now, like the vision I just had.

  “Would you mind checking to make sure first? I’d like you to either remain at my place or join the others where they are in the human realm for now, to also help protect them until I get there. Bring Lira with you if she’s back.”

  “Sure.” She replied half-heartedly.

  I shook my head looking over the massive destruction beyond. She turned to look too.

  “I still don’t get it. But for some reason, I have a feeling that they know more about Morning Star’s plans than we do. They were warned though, that much was told to me by Aon and Aliks.”

  “Warned by who? And why now?”

  “That is all we are privy to know.” I replied with sarcasm.

  She looked as if she wanted to say something else but she didn’t. She turned around to stare off into the distance of about a few hundred yards.

  The shell of what was once a great hall, one of several that has been around for many, many millennia, still sat smoking and burning in a mass of nothing but charred stone and blackened, burnt wood. Nothing prominent remained despite the protective field, which had purposefully been left behind.

  “You be careful. I hope we do find her. I’ll be in touch.” Edanai said as her wings snapped out and then she began to ascend, cloaking herself as she did.

  Then, I was alone. I sighed. My first personal thought was that Lira was as good as gone but then I thought of another avenue that I could take.

  Aliks was certainly taking his sweet time with the deciphering of the text and it didn’t make sense to me. It should not take this long, let alone for permission to disclose it but maybe it was because I was a fallen, I supposed. Elohim had shown me where the rest was, and even led me directly to it, allowing me access to dig it up. I had a right to know…I’m supposed to know. My patience was wearing thin.

  I needed assistance once again.

  He seemed to be expecting me to summon him this time, which made me wonder if he had finally completed his task.

  No. He hadn’t.

  “I need to know if Lira is still free, and if she is then why hasn’t she returned to her body yet?”

  “How would I know that?”

  I looked at him wryly.

  “She has her own free will. Her spirit isn’t being monitored. Her talent is her own to use wisely.” He shrugged.

  I shook my head in exasperation.

  “Can you at least tell me if she’s in trouble?’

  “How long has it been since she’s been out of her body?”

  “A very long time. She was coming here to see what happened and as you can see, she’s not here now.”

  “There’s no telling then.” He lamented.

  “You’re absolutely useless, you know that?” I barked with irritation.

  He sighed with boredom at my insulting tone, “Is this what you summoned me for?”

  Then, a thought hit me.

  “No. I need your truth meter. I’ve got a particular Psyren to interrogate and I’ll need you there to tell me if she’s lying or not.”

  “You don’t need me for that. What would she be lying about anyway?”

  “Everything. I also need to ask you something…a request of my own, if you will.”

  He gauged me, waiting for me to get on with it.

  I paused, finding it strangely hard for me to even say the words let alone think of the possibility.

  “I want to make sure that if anything ever happens to me, that Starling and my children will be protected from Morning Star.”

  Aliks was surprised and he stared at me blankly for a moment before speaking.

  “Why do you think that something would happen to you?”

  “Just allow me the peace of mind and guarantee, please.”

  I was dead serious.

  That word alone raised both of his brows.

  “I can’t interfere…”

  I sighed heavily and turned away from him to stave off my rising frustration and temper, while resisting the urge to lash out at him.

  “But…I can watch over them as both Aon and I have already been instructed. You know that we are not allowed to impede upon the divine path of any being.” He added.

  “Fine. I understand that and that’s all I ask. Now let’s go.” I said through clenched teeth.


  Apparently, not having expected both an angel and a fallen to arrive and arrive…together, the City of Psyrens was left nearly deserted, yet glowering eyes watched from dark alleys and homes with intense curiosity. Even the aural bandits scattered and cowered in fear and confusion.

  Even if Grace didn’t have Lira,
she may be able to negotiate her back from whoever did—pending that it wasn’t Morning Star.

  But then again, Lira was a scout. That possibility was slim to none. No one would give her up or make the trade. She was way too valuable in that regard.

  “She’s not here, Cam.” Edanai reported to me.

  I sighed dejectedly.

  “Ok, thanks. You stay safe and keep in touch in the meantime.”

  “I always do. The same goes for you too. You’d better stay alive…for all of us.”

  Now why did she have to put that kind of pressure on me now? I laughed emptily to myself.

  We continued to walk with caution, observing everything and every being as we made our way to the large, luxurious mansion, sitting right in the middle at the very end of a long road that was flanked by homes, bars, and shops.

  “Starling, are you okay?” I then asked.

  “Damn you, Cam! Where have you been? I’ve been calling out to you forever!”

  “Sorry. Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, it’s fine. I was checking on you. Any word? What happened to you?”

  “Carelessness.” Was all that I was going to tell her and admit.

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

  I chuckled. “You worry way too much, Starling but coming from you, it means a lot. How’s the reunion?” I said to redirect her annoyance.

  “She’s not here yet. I hope it goes well though.”

  “It will. I’ll try not to be long. And please don’t give Rahab and Ry a hard time. You know what I mean.”

  I heard her sigh softly. “Fine. I love you.”

  I laughed. “I’ll be back soon. I love you too.”

  “You’d better.”

  XXXVIII: Starling

  Despite the good news that Cam gave about the Hall and then delivering it to the others, who were also relieved and ecstatic, I was still worried. We were all worried sick.

  Spencer was still missing and Lira was still unconscious. It shouldn’t have taken her this long to return to her body. Deep down, I wanted to stay positive but I was already grieving inside. Even shopping didn’t’ help us girls when we went to the local mall to stock up on winter clothes.


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