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Seon's Freedom: Found by the Dragon (Book 2)

Page 38

by Lisa Daniels

  Markus shook himself, and flexed his arm muscles. “Right. Absolutely no attraction at all. We’re just old friends. Catching up. With things. That need to be caught up with.”

  “Uh huh.” Danny sat back, clearly enjoying this. “You can keep telling yourself that, mister alpha werewolf and hotshot cop. Whatever makes you sleep at night. Or doesn’t.”

  Arina and Markus simultaneously lashed out at Danny, and he blocked the hits, roaring with laughter. “I need to tell Tia this. She’ll love it.”

  “Don’t you dare,” Arina hissed, clawing for Danny’s phone, but he danced out of reach, furiously tapping. Markus ran a deep pink tongue over his top lip, apparently distracted by the barest of hip flesh that had been exposed under Arina’s blouse. Danny waved her aside, giggling.

  “She says that I should make my excuses and give you two a quiet moment together to explore the differences.”

  “Fuck off, seriously,” Arina growled, both turned on and exasperated at the same time. She was annoyed with herself that she could feel the desire, annoyed because her heart and body craved the idea of staying behind, of doing something with Markus Spirova, that even hearing his deep, rumbling voice was enough to make her wet, though she tried to hide it.

  It annoyed her as well, because these people were damn werewolves. A connection to a dark legacy, a world hidden in plain sight. Another, heinous thought wormed in. Markus was also a connection to Ricten Spirova. If she kept him close, it invited that danger, the memories that she wanted to discard back into her life, like a body crawling out the grave.

  It also put him closer within the reach of her gun.

  One step forward, two steps back. She had flourished in Fort Tyr, gained friends, stability. She dreamed about her friends, but would have accepted never seeing them again, leaving them as a crystallized link to the good segment of her past.

  I would have forgotten that I loved him.

  As Danny continued sharing the messages he sent to his human girlfriend, Markus and Arina kept finding excuses to look at each other, occasionally touch, brushing limbs.

  Sometimes, it was just best to go with the flow.

  Chapter Four

  There was some definite flowing going on. The door closed behind her. She faced the darkness of Markus’s bedroom and shivered and shivered, her cheeks already flaming from the two glasses of wine she’d treated herself to.

  Markus grabbed her from behind, growling softly, burying his mouth into her neck, sucking and nibbling at the flesh there, pressing his erection into her clothed rear. Sometimes, he sniffed at her hair and neck, the same way Arina took deep inhales, absorbing the intoxicating scent of him. “Arina,” he whispered into her neck, licking at the bruising flesh, as she tilted her head back, mouth open in a silent cry of pleasure. Her legs buckled, and he supported her weight, grasping her tighter, whispering her name again, as if worshipping her, kissing up to her earlobe and lipping it. She felt the smile on her ear, all the electrical ripples in her spine and arms and stomach and clit, and melted into him. He moved up his hands to caress her breasts over the material, squeezing, now gently grinding his hips into her rear, causing the erection to lengthen, causing the wet arousal from Arina’s core to seep into her panties, drenching them.

  Arina’s eyes snapped open, glazed in lust and pleasure, and she pushed herself into Markus’s chest, reaching a hand behind to cup his neck, the shock of cold against warm skin making Markus groan.

  She certainly had wanted to see Markus again. However, Arina didn’t anticipate just how handsome he would be, how horny she would become, and how keen he was in her body, her beauty. It did strange things to the heart and mind, seeing desire in somebody else, knowing that they focused it on you, that they wanted nothing in the world but you at that moment.

  It felt incredible. Arina’s legs dangled as Markus pushed back, lifting her by the waist and positioning her onto the bed. He started tugging off her pants, and a dark thrill surged inside – she knew something of how werewolves had sex – had asked around to the boys when she was eleven, curious of how things worked, because in the smaller villages, girls could marry as young as twelve. Alpha werewolves loved taking someone from the rear – for them, it was an aggressive claim that the person underneath them belonged to them – less a romantic act, more a primal one – marking their territory. Markus wanted to claim her, to take her without preamble, and it made her ridiculously wet, and her breath panted out in excited gasps.

  Still wearing her top, but with her pants and panties pulled off, the bed creaked as he crawled onto it, and dug himself inside her, his throbbing erection wrapped in her inner core. She howled pleasure and longing, and dug into the bed as he began thrusting aggressively inside her, one hand grabbing a fistful of hair as he rocked back and forth, making her whole body move, making the bed creak. Sweat crawled down her forehead, and she cried as he slammed into her, hard, fast, breath hitching in excitement, and her fingers slid further up the sheets from the force. God, Arina thought, a warm knot curling in her stomach, Maybe all my friends were werewolves because I had some of the animal in me as well. Danger attracts me, aggression turns me on – and I crave this. I fucking crave it.

  She braced her palms into the headboards, felt his hands scratch at her hips, felt him pound into her soul, laying bare the fantasies and sometimes twisted thoughts she had, which made her ashamed, made her want to deny she ever had them, except right now she just wanted him within, wanted pain, to give into the darkness that she held at bay, locked within a mental fortress of her own making.

  He reached forward, hands sliding up her blouse, rolling down her bra to grab her breasts and thumb over the nipples, which were rock hard by now, and he bit into her neck, slowing down his thrusts as he orgasmed, spilling his warmth into her. She shivered as he rested against her for a few seconds, before forcibly turning her around, so they could lock gazes. His eyes gleamed icy blue, influenced by the werewolf passion within. A low growl stirred his throat, as Arina, keeping eye contact as much as possible, peeled off the rest of her clothes, and unclasped her bra, letting her hair cascade past her shoulders. The werewolf eye glow began to slowly fade, the more animalistic urge dissipating into the sex-scented air, and he breathed deeper, calmer, as she went and took off his shirt, the rest of his clothes, revealing a masterpiece of a body, lean and muscular at the same time.

  The voice at the back of her head that whispered she should be ashamed of giving into such carnal, basic desire, no less with a werewolf, the murderer of her family, got suffocated into silence. She listened instead to the heartbeat of Markus through her palm, examined the body of her once childhood friend, and leaned forward to brush his lips with hers. For some reason, this sent a powerful, warm shiver through her bones, heated the blood under her skin and melted some of the ice around her heart, because the kiss had something the fucking before them hadn’t – love.

  He kissed back, slowly, letting his arms envelop her, cradle her, and she endulged in the mountain and lake scent of him, tasted the salt of ocean on his lips, clamped his bottom lip between hers, moved and breathed in time with him. It was easy to keep her eyes close, to lose herself into the kiss, which was soft, and sweet, and beautiful.

  When their tongues touched, the raw nerve shock of it sent them both into a bout of aroused shivers, and his erection, which had been recoiling from its former release, quivered a little, but otherwise remained without the same hardness, temporarily out of power.

  That didn’t matter, though. Not at all. Instead, they explored the taste of one another’s mouths, pressed their fronts together and embraced, kissing in rhythm, breathing in sync.

  Markus made a sound which was oddly like a low purr, as he moved from Arina’s mouth to her neck, kissing it with feathery presses.

  “I can’t believe how much I want this,” Arina said, drunk and floating, feeling the odd combination of being secure and anchored at the same time, feeling as if she belonged in his arms. “It’s your w
erewolf pheromones. Clearly. Making me do all these things.”

  “Yes. Clearly. I mean, like, there’s obviously no way you can resist them. You’ll just have to succumb to my wolfy whims every single time. Such a horrible fate for such a beautiful woman.”

  “Terrible,” Arina murmured, as Markus kissed to her collarbone, along her breast and to her belly button, where he dipped his tongue into her navel for a brief, tantalizing moment. Arina relaxed into the sheets, her head resting against the pillow – she stared at cracks in the ceiling, before closing her eyes, letting Markus carefully spread her legs, breathe hot air onto her thighs, before his warm, wet tongue brushed her nether regions. She jerked, her hips twitched at the powerful shock, and Markus clamped his arms around her thighs to hold her in place as he licked at her, breathed into her, focused on that tiny organ capable of injecting so much endorphin throughout her entire body.

  “Arina,” he said again, saying her name like a prayer. “How I’ve wanted to find you again. How I hung onto the conversations we had, and what a strange absence I felt without being able to see you again. I was empty.”

  His tongue pressed onto her clit, curled around it, flicked. Sometimes, his lips pinched around the organ, sometimes, he huffed tormenting hot air onto it, making her jerk uncontrollably. “I needed you. But you didn’t need me.”

  “I need you,” Arina whispered, opening her eyes to see him staring straight at her face. “I always needed you. I just didn’t always allow myself to see. I wanted to marry you, even. Why do you think I asked so many questions?”

  His eyes turned from worry to surprise to purpose. They transformed color slightly, going from dark blue to ice, as his passion ignited. He gripped her thighs tighter, and dabbed his tongue harder and faster into her clit, making her spasm, cry, gasp to whatever God happened to be out there, her hands reach for Markus’s hair to hold him, to feel him and encourage the assault of pleasure. Her toes curls as the beginnings of an orgasm began to cluster, rushing closer and closer and closer until it burst like fireworks in her body, shooting out to every limb as she arched, her neck and thigh muscles tensing, her mouth agape as she choked out sounds, shuddering as the feeling melted her into bliss.

  Markus had kept lapping at her the whole time she endured the orgasm, making it last longer, until she became too sensitive, and flinched with every touch. Removing himself away from her core, he wiped his mouth before moving up her body, still happily tucked between her legs, to kiss her on the lips, before positioning himself to comfortably embrace her on the side.

  “Give me a moment,” Arina said. “I’m seeing fairies and stars.” She wasn’t completely lying – her brain felt detached, delirious in the sensations coursing inside.

  Markus kissed her cheek. “I can wait.”

  A strange feeling of sadness went over Arina, mixing with the happiness. She wondered how things might have been, if her family were still alive, if the werewolves had never needed to go away. Would she and Markus have been married? Would she have ever hopped to America, pursued a career in law enforcement, or would she have been happily shacked up in a small village, perhaps with children puking and gurgling on the floor?

  Could that still happen?

  She buried her head into Markus’s shoulder, unsure of how to deal with the new wave of emotions. She knew it was pointless, going down that path. It led to insanity, it caused insanity, considering the thousands of what-ifs your life took you through at any point.

  What if she hadn’t drank, taken drugs. What if Markus and Danny had never warned her ahead of time.

  What if she never exacted any vengeance on Ricten Spirova? What if it didn’t even matter if she did or not?

  What if.

  The ache wormed itself into her heart, leaking out through her eyes. Markus, confused at the change of emotion, hugged and rubbed her back, not sure if he needed to comment, not sure if it was his fault.

  For some reason, a bone-deep weariness pervaded. She wanted to stop fighting. Worrying. Living with such a heavy past.

  All she wanted was to be happy. And the only boy she had ever wanted was Markus.

  Her sobs shook her body, as she became eleven years old again for a moment, and lost herself in sadness, of a lost future.

  Then, she clung to Markus like a lifeline as she tossed out at sea, and cried herself to sleep.

  Chapter Five

  When Markus woke up in darkness, he saw the sleeping, naked body of Arina next to him. A thrill of satisfaction and happiness hit him.

  She was his. Years and years without her, with just her voice, her smell of honey and innocence drawing him more to her than anything else. When a werewolf found the scent of someone alluring, addictive, it spoke volumes of whether that person could be a mate, a permanent fixture in their lives. He had quite simply, always assumed he would end up with Arina, even from the delicate age of nine, because it was just logic. They liked each other, they liked their smells, and his mother always talked about knowing how his father was the one because he had that special addiction about him.

  Well, Arina was his. Even after she had gone, disappeared into the cracks of the world, and his family tried to pair him with prospective female werewolves, of which there wasn’t many – for some reason, there was always less females compared to males – he rejected them.

  He found excuses to drop into Sofia and try and find out where she might have been living – even tried going into random shops and asking people if they had seen her, describing her to the book. Haunted dark eyes, a face that gracefully curved, hinting at the beauty she would become – a beauty toughened by what the years had shown to her.

  His fingers lightly dug into her shoulder. His heart throbbed painfully, recalling the way she had wept, broken and devastated after the high they experienced. She’d been repressing things, keeping them under lock and key.

  His mind creeped to Ricten Spirova. His uncle. Currently missing, on the run from Bulgarian authorities. His family back home, ashamed of Ricten’s lack of control, kept him posted for any signs of Ricten, any clues for where he might be in the world now.

  Truthfully, Markus had been plotting to murder his uncle. A huge part of him blamed Ricten Spirova, who had grouped up with the Lubanovs and Gregorovitches to butcher the entire village, which only had fourteen humans, attempting to live a life of peace. The other Spirovas stayed out of it, too powerful a clan to risk petty raids, and too influential on an international scale. Ricten, however, could never resist a fresh meal. Same with Nikolai Lubanov.

  However, Ricten had sensed of Markus’s intention, knew once the boy grew into alpha status, the first thing he planned to do was butcher his uncle. So, instead, Ricten slunk out the unit, but not without a promise that if he ever found the brat who had gotten away, the brat he could smell on Markus’s skin, the day she escaped – she would be his most delicious meal.

  It kept Markus awake at night, with an icy chill stabbing at his heart and soul. It made him feverishly try and find her, before realizing, belatedly, that if he couldn’t find her, then Ricten likely wouldn’t, either.

  His close-knit family applauded Markus going over to America – he was destined to be alpha, but didn’t want to take over the Spirovan legacy in Bulgaria – leaving it instead to his father and the next in line, his sister, twelve years older, Elinor Spirova.

  In North Dakota, Markus underwent the task of gathering the lone wolves, tackling small clans and asserting his alpha status over them. Within six years of arrival, North Dakota was his, with a few stubborn werewolf bodies scattered into the ground. The other clans, although bigger, from better states, took heed of his sudden expansion, and all gathered to meet him, hemming him from America and Canada.

  They wanted to know if he intended to go beyond North Dakota. Small states, with fragmented werewolves – that was one thing. But prominent ones, with long established clans – that was another.

  Markus honestly told them he didn’t care beyond having the territo
ry already claimed. A territory he intended to make safe for humans and werewolves – with the secret desire that all his friends could come here and merge into his clan. If he was destined to be an alpha, he intended to be a good one. To make the choices others could not.

  It did prove for some annoyances, as he had to shelter any newly initiated werewolves within his borders, and take care of any problems his registered pack members had.

  The current headache was helping Danny Lubanov gain safe status. He wouldn’t get it in America – but the Canadian werewolves would want to test the Lubanov, ask why he deserved a pardon when he had violated state rules.

  He continued stroking Arina’s back, admiring her perfect, curved form, heart swelling in pride and dark thoughts, wanting nothing more than to wipe off Ricten from the realm of the living. He needed to protect her.

  She knew a lot, but she had no idea of the danger that still awaited her. Not from Ricten, but from other pro-werewolves, disgusted with the idea of bonding with humans.

  He moved his nose to her hair and took a long, deep inhale, drowning in the scent of her.

  Look at us, all running together. We’re like five little ducklings. They’d actually referred to themselves as ducklings, and Ordri as the ugly one, though she wasn’t, really, just more awkward. Luelle wanted to call their group the little wolves, but ducklings won, and that was that.

  He wondered if Arina would be interested in seeing him, after this. The breakdown worried Markus that she might not be suited, after all – that maybe it would be better for her to be removed from their world in the long-run, and instead, he protected her from the shadows.

  Except, well, she was everything he had remembered, and so much more. She fit in all the right places, gave a sense of completion that only previously existed in dreams.

  He gently kissed her on the head, then sidled out of bed, careful to not move the covers much.


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