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Untouchable (Unexpected Love Book 1)

Page 9

by Isabel Love

  Max meets my eyes and gives me a small smile. His eyes are kind and he nods as if to tell me I did a good job.

  “Your favorite patient is here today,” Kevin informs me.

  “Mrs. Harvey?” I ask. Mrs. Harvey is 85 years old and sharp as a tack, but she has terrible arthritis and can’t get around very well. Her frequent falls and pain flare-ups have brought her to the ER a few times this year, so while most of my patients don’t ever come back to our department, Mrs. Harvey and I have gotten to know each other. She’s grumpy and crotchety and has absolutely no filter, but I love her feisty spirit.

  Kevin nods. “Yes, she’s in room two, asking to see you.”

  “Why is she here today?” I ask. My heart drops at the thought of something serious happening to her.

  “She slipped in the shower, worried about a broken hip.”

  “Oh no. I’ll put in orders for the x-rays now before I go talk to her.” A couple keystrokes send an order to the radiology department, then I head over to see her.

  “Mrs. Harvey? Can I come in?”

  “Dr. Morgan! Thank god you’re here! I was afraid I’d have to deal with that other doctor—the fat one.”

  I choke back a laugh. “Oh, come on now, Mrs. Harvey,” I admonish. “Dr. Rosetti is a great doctor.”

  “He almost killed me the last time!” she grumbles.

  “Tell me what brought you to see me today—or did you just miss me?” I smile at her.

  “Didn’t those boys tell you? I fell in the shower. Hell of a place to fall. My neighbor had to come get me and I was naked!” she exclaims. She’s wearing a housecoat but her hair is damp and pinned back.

  “That is embarrassing, but I’m glad you had someone to help you.”

  “I just wish I didn’t have to scar that poor boy with the sight of this saggy old body.”

  “Oh, stop it. Tell me about your hip. Can I take a look?” She tells me all about it while I examine her, and I’m afraid it is broken. “Well, we’ll get an x-ray to be sure, but I am concerned that you have a fracture.”

  “That’s what I thought.” She studies me with clear, intelligent eyes, and I feel myself blush under her perusal. “Oh my, Monica Morgan! Did you finally get yourself a man?” I start to cough. How in the world did she guess that?

  “What? Don’t be silly, Mrs. Harvey. I don’t have time for a man.”

  “Well, that’s a damn shame. Every woman needs a man—except for those lesbians. Are you a lesbian?”

  I laugh. “No, I’m not.”

  “Well then, you’re not immune to human needs just because you’re a doctor,” she informs me. “My Eugene was a pretty fine male specimen back in the day, rest his soul.” She smiles at the memory with sparkling eyes.

  “You were lucky to have Mr. Harvey.”

  “You know, I have just the man! I saw someone just this morning—that new nurse here. He’s a hot one.” I can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of me. Of course, she would comment about Max.

  “We do have a new nurse. His name is Max.” My face is carefully blank.

  “Yes, Max! He looks like a proper man. I bet he could help clear out the cobwebs down there, dear.”

  A cough near the door startles me, and I turn to find Max and Jenna, the radiology technician, standing there. The heat of a blush starts at my neck and works its way up my face.

  “We’re ready to take Mrs. Harvey to have her x-rays, Dr. Morgan. I was just coming to transport her,” Jenna says.

  “Oh, can’t Max take me?” Mrs. Harvey complains. “He’s a prettier picture than you, no offense dear,” she tells Jenna.

  “No worries, I’m coming along,” Max informs her. “You can stare at me the whole time. I’ll even let you take a picture.” He winks at Mrs. Harvey and she giggles like a schoolgirl.

  “Well, why didn’t I think of that?” She beams. Max and Jenna go to the bed, pull up the sides, unlock the wheels, and begin transporting her out of the room. She stares up at Max adoringly the whole time. “Did you know Dr. Morgan is single? I bet you two would make beautiful babies.”

  “You think so?” he asks her. I cough again.

  “Oh, yes. If I were younger, I might try to snatch you up for myself. Back in my day, you wouldn’t have been able to resist my feminine charms…” Her voice fades away as they turn the corner.

  I chuckle to myself. That woman cracks me up.

  My cell phone vibrates in my pocket, alerting me to a text.

  Max: Mrs. Harvey propositioned me.

  Me: Why am I not surprised?

  Max: She said I’m lucky her hip is broken or else she would tie me up and take me for a ride.

  Me: Um…that’s quite a visual.

  Max: I know. I tried not to grimace.

  Me: I still love that woman. I hope I’m just as spunky as she is when I’m her age.

  Max: You ever tie anyone up?

  Me: No, you?

  Max: No…but I must admit, the thought of tying you up, having you at my mercy…fuck. I like that visual.

  Me: Is it hot in here?

  Max: What’s on your bucket list?

  Me: Like sexual bucket list?

  Max: Yes.

  Me: I don’t really have a bucket list.

  Max: Well that’s a shame. No fantasies I can help bring to life?

  Me: There was this dream…

  Max: Keep going.

  Me: You told me you needed my assistance in one of the exam rooms.

  Max: Fuck. Did I bend you over the exam table?

  Me: That may have been a part of it.

  Max. Fuuuuck. My break is over and now I have to go back to work, but I need to learn more about this dream later.

  Max: So tell me more about your dream.

  Me: What do you want to know?

  Max: Did I fuck you in the exam room?

  Me: Yes.

  Max: Were there people outside the room?

  Me: Yes.

  Max: Did the risk of getting caught turn you on?

  Me: Yes.

  Max: Did you wake up and touch yourself to thoughts of this dream?

  Me: **blushing**

  Max: Fuuuuuck. There’s another visual.

  Me: I didn’t admit anything!

  Max: We’re making a bucket list.

  Me: What’s on this list?

  Max: #1 - Me tying you up.

  Max: #2 - Public sex.

  Max: #3 - You touching yourself while I watch.

  Me: We kind of already had public sex.

  Max: You mean at Club Bailar?

  Me: Yes.

  Max: That was amazing, but I want to fuck you in public.

  Me: I think I need a cold shower.

  Max: You and me both.

  Me: Are we still on for tonight?

  Max: Yes. I’ll meet you at your office at 6?

  Me: Perfect.

  Max: Did you eat lunch?

  Me: Didn’t have time.

  Max: Check your desk.

  Me: Thank you!!

  Max: Did I ever tell you how much it turns me on when you boss the residents around?

  Me: Really?

  Max: Oh, yeah. I like it when you spout medical facts and quiz them.

  Me: And this turns you on why?

  Max: Because you’re brilliant. I like it when you’re full of information.

  Max: It makes it that much hotter when you’re so turned on you can’t think of one intelligent thing to say.

  Me: Fuck.

  Max: That’s my line, lol.


  Two weeks float by in a haze of orgasms and work. Monica and I have seen each other almost every day and one thing has become clear to me.

  I am in lust with Monica Morgan.

  This woman turns my crank like no one else has. I love watching her work. I love watching her dance. I love seeing her smile. I love watching her come.

  Maybe I’m more than in lust with her…

  Salsa night has become our regular Thursday night thi
ng, and I must admit I’m getting good. I never thought I’d like salsa dancing, but it is basically foreplay. Our hands touching each other, our bodies moving together, seeing Monica embrace her sensuality—it’s hot.

  We have not checked anything off our bucket list yet…nor have we had sex at all. I want to make sure she’s ready. Once I get inside this woman, I have a feeling I’m never going to want to leave. The taste of her already has me addicted.

  I have high hopes about tonight—she’s coming over to my place and I’m cooking dinner.

  Once the lasagna is in the oven, I clean up the mess from cooking, set the table, and take stock of the rest of the place. My new home is coming along. There is no designer furniture, not much artwork gracing my walls, but it’s clean and comfortable and mine. It’s also a thousand times better than my old place. Every time I walk through the door, I’m grateful I finished school and got this job.

  Though pride is what I feel when I look at my apartment, I wonder what Monica will think of it. Will she notice most of my furniture is from Target? Will she realize how far out of my league she really is? Despite having an amazing house and expensive car, she doesn’t act like a rich spoiled brat. She doesn’t boast about her car, nor does she wear gaudy, expensive jewelry. Monica is the definition of understated class, which makes her all the more appealing to me.

  However, when we went back to the dance studio the second time, I found that she had paid for our night in advance, and when she chose the restaurant for dinner last week, the bill was taken care of when I asked for the check. Although I don’t want her to feel like she has to pay for everything just because she makes more money than I do, the truth is—money is tight for me. Dating is expensive, especially when we’re going out more than we’re staying in. My going-out fund for the month was spent the first week we started seeing each other.

  So, I suggested dinner at my place tonight. I want her in my space. I want to feed her my food. I want to give her orgasms in my bed, in my shower, and possibly on my kitchen table, too.

  The buzzer sounds, alerting me to my visitor. “Hello?” I say into the intercom.

  “It’s me,” Monica’s voice comes through the speaker.

  “Come on up.” I buzz the door open and take a deep breath. Not much else I can do to impress her now. Dinner will be ready in 45 minutes, and my cock is already starting to harden in anticipation of seeing her. Jeeze. Settle down. I can’t attack her the moment she walks through the door.

  I open the door at her soft knock and am taken by surprise when Monica practically throws herself at me. “Hi,” I try to say between kisses, laughing.

  “Hi,” she mumbles, pulling my mouth back to hers.

  I kick the door shut, lean down, and lift her up. My cock, already rock-hard, nestles in the center of her thighs as her legs wrap around my waist. “Mmmm,” I moan, feeling the warmth of her through our clothes. I force myself to pull away and look down at her. She’s dressed casually tonight, a soft blue sundress leaving her shoulders bare, as well as her legs, and…fuck. Her nipples are hard nubs poking through the thin layer of fabric. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail, exposing her neck. Every part of her turns me on.

  Her eyes look up at me, cloudy with desire. I ask, “Do you want a tour?” She licks her lips and blinks, trying to focus on what I’m saying.

  She looks around my apartment quickly and says, “Nice place.” Then she pulls my face down for another kiss. Her mouth is warm and wet, hungry for mine. Fuck.

  I pull back again. “Do you want something to drink?” I need to attempt to be a gentleman here.



  “Shut up and kiss me.”

  “Okay.” I don’t try to fight the need to consume her anymore. I adjust my grip, pulling her up a little higher, a little closer, so I can kiss her deeper. As my hands get a better hold on her, I realize she’s not wearing any underwear.

  Fuuuuck. I slide my hands fully under her dress and cup her ass, squeezing. She moans loudly and the sound revs my body up even more. I need to taste her.

  Walking through my living room and down the hall, I stumble into my bedroom and sit her down on my bed. She is a picture of desire. Hair messed up from my fingers. Lips swollen from my kisses. Eyes heavily lidded. Chest rising and falling rapidly. I take a mental snapshot to remember this later. Breathing in and out to try to calm my racing pulse, I debate where I want to start.

  She watches me, waiting.

  I pull my shirt off, then my pants. My cock tents my boxers and she stares at my dick, rapt. I slide them off, loving the way her eyes devour my naked body. She can’t hide her attraction and it fuels me. I wrap my hand around my cock and give it a squeeze. Her eyes widen at the sight of me touching myself, and I remember our bucket list. I need to explore mutual masturbation, but right now, I’m too desperate to touch her.

  Her nipples are like beacons, demanding my attention. Kneeling on the floor, right in front of where she is sitting, brings me eye level with her heaving chest. I finger the neckline of her sundress, tug it down under her breasts, and bare them to me. They are so perfect, full and round, with nipples the prettiest shade of pink, like her lips, and her pussy.

  Her breaths get louder as I stare at her chest, breasts swaying with the movement of her breathing.

  “Max, please,” she begs.

  Her fingers are gripping my comforter, knuckles white with tension, and her thighs are squirming. She needs to come, and I need to be the one to make her fall apart.

  I wrap my arms around her waist, burying my face in her chest. Nipping, licking, sucking, I can’t get enough of her nipples in my mouth. She whimpers and holds my head to her chest, arching into me.

  Fuck, this woman.

  I crawl forward onto the bed, lifting her higher so she is on her back and I’m on top of her. Her legs find their way around my hips, pulling me into her, and this makes my cock brush up against her bare, wet slit. We both gasp at the contact and I stare down at her. One subtle movement and I could be inside her. She’s soaking wet, and the slippery sensation feels so good.

  She tilts her hips up in invitation and I freeze.

  “Monica, you feel amazing, but if you don’t stop, I’m going to end up inside you,” I warn. I look into her eyes. She’s as turned on as I am and I don’t want her to make a decision in the heat of the moment that she will regret later.

  “I want you inside me, Max.”

  “Are you sure? We don’t have to do this tonight.”

  “I want you. Please. This was all I could think about all day.”

  Fuck. Yes.

  I reach into my bedside drawer and grab the papers I put in there for this very reason. I know it’s a bit late as she’s had my dick in her mouth already, but I want her to feel safe with me. She huffs when I hand her the papers.

  “What’s this?” She reads through my recent STD test results, confirming I’m clean.

  “I just want you to trust me.”

  “I do trust you, Max.” She puts the papers aside and reaches for me. “Get back over here.”

  I grab a condom, roll it on, and crawl back over to her. I tug off her dress so we are skin to skin. Kissing her deeply, I settle my body over hers and line up the head of my cock so it’s notched at her entrance. My hands find hers and I link our fingers together, arms over her head. My heart is beating so fast I know she can feel it. I can feel hers too.

  I look into her eyes as I push into her body. We both gasp at the first thrust.

  Fucking hell.

  She feels so good, so wet, hot, and tight. All I can think is that I want to get deeper. Slowly I back out then push inside again, in and out until I’m balls deep. Her eyes never leave mine as I fuck her slowly, letting her adjust to me.

  “You’re amazing, Monica,” I tell her. She moans in response and nods. I love it when she’s like this. She isn’t much of a talker during sex, but her whimpers and moans tell me everything I need to know. Soon I’
m coated in her wetness, gliding in and out easily. Her hips push up, meeting my thrusts, and she tightens her legs on my ass, asking for more.

  “You want it harder, Monica?” I don’t want to hurt her.

  She bites her lip and nods frantically. “Yes,” she whispers.

  I lift my upper body off of hers, getting the leverage I need to thrust harder. God, that feels good. Pleasure courses through my body. Her breasts bounce with each push. I’m holding back, trying to make this last longer, trying to make sure I don’t hurt her.

  She holds on to me, hands wandering up and down my arms, feeling my straining muscles.

  “Max,” she whimpers.

  “What do you need, baby?” I lean down to kiss her, continuing my steady rhythm.

  “Harder, Max.”

  Fuck. I sit up, kneeling between her legs, and I hold her waist steady as I start to pound. Her thighs cushion my thrusts, her breasts really bouncing from the strength of me fucking into her. Fuck, that’s a sight. I look down to watch my dick disappear inside her body and groan loudly.

  “Monica, you have to see this. Watch me fuck you, baby.”

  She leans up, hands supporting her while she angles up to look. Her eyes widen, entranced by the erotic sight. I lean over, capturing her lips in a messy kiss. Sweat trickles down my back from my exertion and she falls back onto the bed. I hammer into her, grunting as I work. Her clit is a hard little nub, glistening from our sex, and I circle it with my thumb. She needs to come before I do, and I’m close.

  My balls tighten. Tingles start up my spine, and I try to hold back my orgasm.

  “Pinch your nipples, Monica. I need you to play with those pretty nipples.” She’s too far gone to be embarrassed and the sight of her pinching and pulling her tits brings me closer.

  She cries out and I can tell she’s close. I pump harder, strumming her clit in time to my thrusts.

  “Fuck, Monica. I’m going to come.”

  I pinch her clit hard and she gasps in surprise. Then I feel it. Her pussy spasms around my cock, clamping down on me. With one final thrust, I fall forward, losing all finesse as my orgasm takes over. My cock pulses as I fill the condom and my body shudders with the force of my release.


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