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Untouchable (Unexpected Love Book 1)

Page 15

by Isabel Love

  Me: We’re at Piazza now, but I’m dragging Monica to Savor (the bar next door) once we finish eating. Meet us in 1 hour?

  Max: Will do.

  I glare up at Quinn. “You…” I don’t even know what to say. Quinn always manages to get her way.

  She smiles innocently back at me, unaffected by my glare.

  Me: Hey, it’s me. Sorry, Quinn stole my phone. You don’t have to come out tonight if you had other plans.

  Max: It’s ok. I was just leaving my mom’s house.

  Max: Unless you would rather I not come?

  Me: No, it’s not that. I’d like for you to meet my friend.

  Me: But be warned, she has no filter.

  Max: No worries. She can’t be worse than Charlie.

  Me: See you in a bit.

  I sigh. “Okay, you’re going to meet Max. I wish I’d known we were going to Savor; I’m not really dressed for a bar.”

  “Babe, it’s a bar. There’s no dress code. I’m in jeans and a t-shirt. Who cares?”

  “I guess. Tell me about you. Any boy toys in your life?” Quinn and I are the same age. Though we are both single now, she got married really young to her college boyfriend and went through a pretty nasty divorce last year. Since then, she is anti-relationship. She just wants to have sex—lots and lots of sex.

  “You know it. Getting divorced was the best thing that ever happened to me. Now I am footloose and fancy-free.”

  “Have you run into he-who-shall-not-be-named?” Even though she appears to be over it, saying Reid’s name out loud sometimes triggers a mood swing.

  “No, I have not. Last I heard he moved that slut-bag-whore into our house. Now she can clean up after his bullshit,” she huffs. Looks like referring to him at all is still a bad idea. Reid cheated on Quinn. When she caught them in the middle of having sex, Quinn packed a bag, left their house, and never went back. She couldn’t handle being in that house after that. Luckily, they didn’t have any kids together, so she has no connection to him anymore.

  “So tell me about your latest conquest.” I need to change the topic quick.

  She smiles mischievously. “I have two words: Prince Albert.”

  “What? He had his penis pierced?”

  “Yep. You have no idea how amazing it is,” she says.

  “Really? I wouldn’t know what to do with that thing.”

  “Monica, you’re a doctor for crying out loud.”

  “So what? I have never, in all my years of practice, seen a pierced penis.”

  “Well, maybe you should talk Max into getting one. It adds some extra stimulation and helps reach all the right places.” She sighs happily.

  “Max doesn’t have any trouble on his own. Besides, I’d be afraid of that extra…hardware,” I admit.

  She launches into the pros and cons and then admits to wanting to get pierced herself. Time passes quickly as we move from one topic to the next and catch up on life. Quinn and I are so different—she’s an artist and makes a great living selling her paintings at a gallery downtown—but I really treasure our friendship. She is one of the few people I feel comfortable being completely myself around.

  We finish dinner and I admit, I’m glad Max is joining us soon. At that thought, my cell chirps from my purse.

  Max: Charlie wanted to come with me tonight, is that cool?

  Me: Of course.

  Max: Ok, see you in 10 mins.

  Now it’s going to be me, Max, Charlie, and Quinn. This should be interesting.


  I was pleasantly surprised to get the text from Monica’s friend Quinn earlier. After helping my mom do various things around her house, I was planning to head home and relax for the night, but the thought of being at my apartment alone left me feeling like something was missing. Then I realized Monica’s house feels more like home than my apartment does. I was about to text her to see if I could head to her place instead when the texts from Quinn came through.

  Then, just as soon as I agreed to meet up with Monica and Quinn, Charlie texted me asking to meet up. I went home, showered, and changed, then headed over to Charlie’s house. My new Honda Civic is awesome. It feels great to be able to pick up Monica and my friends instead of them always driving me around. Work is so close to where I live that I still like to ride my bike when the weather is nice, but having a car is such a huge accomplishment. It makes me feel less like a broke joke and more like a successful adult.

  Charlie did not end up buying Monica’s Porsche. I told him he could make her an offer and when he researched a fair price for her exact model, he couldn’t afford it. I was relieved it didn’t happen. She ended up trading in her car for a Toyota Prius, and though Charlie couldn’t believe his ears, the new car suits her better than the Porsche did.

  “Nice car, dude,” Charlie greets as he gets in on the passenger side. This is the first he’s seen it. It’s white with grey interior and has that new car smell.

  “Thanks, man. What’s up?”

  “Just bored. How’s your mom?” Charlie knows my mom and sisters very well.

  “She’s doing okay, I guess. She’s still working at the bakery in the morning then goes to clean houses after that. I just wish she didn’t have to work so hard to make ends meet.” The financial difference between my family and Monica’s family is vast. As a single mom, she’s always held at least two jobs at a time. She always regretted not having a college education as it severely limits what kind of jobs she can get, and she pushed me and my sisters to go to college so we could have an easier life than she does.

  I’m so proud of my mom and how hard she works to take care of everything, but I haven’t told Monica she’s a housekeeper. I think Monica might have a housekeeper herself, and I don’t want to know if that would make a difference in the way she sees me.

  “What about Ella and Chloe, what are they up to?” Charlie asks.

  “Ella’s working at a graphic design firm in New York City. I can’t believe she’s done with college and living so far away.”

  “No shit! Good for her. I’ll have to visit her next time I’m there.”

  “I haven’t seen her place yet, but she’s so excited about it. Chloe’s in her second year of college. I think she wants to be an accountant.”

  “An accountant? Blech.”

  “I know. Definitely not for me, but she likes it, so I’m happy she found what she likes.” I’m so proud of my sisters.

  “And how’s the lovely Dr. Morgan?” Charlie gives me a wicked grin.

  “She’s good. It would be nice if you abstained from groping her tonight. Her friend will be there, too. Her name is Quinn.”

  “Oh, yeah? Is she hot?” Charlie asks.

  “No idea. This will be the first time I meet her.” It makes me feel good to meet one of Monica’s friends tonight, like our relationship is becoming more real and less hidden. “But please don’t hit on her friend. I don’t want things to be awkward if you fuck her and never call her again.”

  “Seriously? You just told me I can’t fuck her friend—now I already want to fuck her because you made her forbidden, and I don’t even know what she looks like.”

  “Asshole. Keep your dick in your pants.”

  “All right, all right. I’ll try to behave,” he concedes.

  We get to Savor, park the car, and head inside, where the sight of Monica makes my cock twitch. She’s wearing a sundress again; I love her dresses. This one is pink and shows off her curves. I wonder if she’s wearing any underwear tonight, and the thought makes my cock start to swell. As she talks with her friend, she throws her head back and laughs. She looks so feminine and young, so vibrant and happy. I wish I could take a picture. Her shoulders lift up with her full belly laugh and one of the straps of her dress falls off one shoulder. The man sitting next to her at the bar stares with interest. As I look around the bar, I see more than a few men eyeing Monica and her friend.

  My feet carry me toward her with purpose. When I’m behind her, I kiss her shou
lder and fix the strap of her dress. She turns around quickly and smiles when she sees me. “Hey, baby.”

  “Max, hi.” She meets my lips in a sweet, chaste kiss. I know I should end it there, but I deepen the kiss anyway, a statement to all the men that were checking her out a moment ago that she is mine.

  “All right, lover boy. Why don’t you just pee on her?” Charlie says, disgusted with my display.

  “Fuck. Off,” I tell him affectionately.

  Quinn laughs at us. “Wow, I like you guys already.”

  “Quinn, this is Max. Max, meet Quinn,” Monica says with a smile. Quinn is very attractive with red hair, fair skin, and cinnamon-colored freckles covering every inch of exposed skin. I know instantly that Charlie is going to be all over her tonight.

  “In the flesh,” I joke as I shake her hand.

  “I see you are in fact 100% real, and even hotter than your pictures.” She smiles saucily.

  I look at Monica. “Pictures?”

  She blushes and turns to greet Charlie, dodging my question. “Hi, Charlie. Nice to see you again.”

  Hmmm, I’ll have to see what kind of pictures she has of me later.

  Charlie muscles his way in front of me and picks Monica up in a giant bear hug as if she is his long-lost friend. She laughs as he spins her around.

  “All right, that’s enough,” I say when the hug lingers longer than necessary. He winks at me and puts her down.

  “Charlie, meet my friend Quinn.”

  Quinn blatantly checks him out and whistles. “Hi, Charlie. It’s very nice to meet you.”

  “Yes, it is.” He shakes her hand while flashing his dimples at her.

  “Let’s find a table so we can all sit,” Monica suggests. We make our way to an empty booth in the back of the room where it’s a bit quieter and Monica sits next to me, leaving Charlie to sit next to Quinn. A server comes up and we order some drinks and nachos to share.

  “So.” I look at Monica and smile.

  “So,” she says, smiling back at me. We’ve started so many of our dates with this very eloquent beginning.

  “Max told me I was not allowed to hit on you tonight, Quinn, and I’m just saying right now that’s going to be impossible,” Charlie blurts out.

  I sigh and shake my head. This guy.

  Quinn looks at me and tsks. “Why did you want to spoil my fun?”

  “Well, I’ll tell you why.” I narrow my eyes at Charlie. “My best friend is allergic to the word relationship. Most girls want one of those. Besides, I don’t even know if you’re married or single.”

  “What a coincidence, I hate the word relationship, too, and I am, in fact, divorced.” She smiles widely at Charlie.

  He looks over at me pointedly. “Excellent.”

  I need to change the subject. “So how was dinner?” I ask them.

  “It was delicious,” Monica tells me.

  “I was telling Monica to talk you into getting a Prince Albert,” Quinn says.

  Charlie meets my eyes and starts to laugh. He has his dick pierced but it’s called something different, apa-something.

  Monica turns bright red and leans into me. “Wow,” I say to her. “You were right about her having no filter.”

  “Filters are no fun,” Quinn states. “I’d rather just say what I mean.”

  Charlie scoots closer to Quinn. “I agree completely. What’s the point of acting polite if it’s just an act? With me, what you see is what you get.”

  “I like what I see,” Quinn tells him with a wink.

  “Likewise.” Charlie chuckles and puts his arm around her, pulling her close. “What were you saying about a Prince Albert?”

  “Just that I got to play with one recently and it was amazing,” Quinn reports matter-of-factly.

  “Really? Would you like to play with a different kind of piercing?” Charlie asks her meaningfully.

  She looks up at him, eyebrows raised. “You have one?”

  He nods. “I have an apadravya. It’s slightly different than a Prince Albert, and I’d be inclined to say it’s better,” he tells Quinn, a seductive grin on his face.

  Quinn’s eyes widen. “Fuck yes, I want to play with it!” They are staring into each other’s eyes and I can practically see the sexual energy bouncing between them.

  Monica groans and covers her eyes. “I did not need to know that about you, Charlie.”

  “Charlie, please keep your dick in your pants,” I tell him sternly. I can just imagine him whipping it out right now.

  “Don’t worry, Max. I won’t show Monica what’s she’s missing.” He smirks.

  Monica leans to whisper in my ear, “I’m not missing anything.” I smile down at her and give her a sexy grin. Those beautiful hazel eyes suck me into their depths and I lean down to kiss her lips. Once. Twice. The third one turns into a deeper kiss, and then I remember we’re at a table with our friends and pull away.

  When I look back up, Charlie and Quinn are kissing—rather passionately.

  I look back at Monica and shake my head. “I’m sorry in advance.”

  “Me too,” she says. “Quinn is a bit much, but she’s my oldest friend. Honestly, I think Quinn and Charlie would make a cute couple, but Quinn is anti-relationship since her divorce.”

  “As long as she isn’t counting on Charlie being relationship material. I love him, but he’s just not a relationship guy.”

  Monica chuckles. “I don’t think we’ll have to worry about them.”

  Quinn and Charlie stop kissing when they realize we are staring at them. Charlie sees the look I’m giving him and flips me off. “Dude, come on!” He starts ticking off points on his fingers. “She’s hot, she doesn’t want a relationship, and she likes piercings. I only have so much willpower. I don’t even want to fight it anymore.” He throws up his hands.

  We all laugh at his honesty.

  “Okay, everybody. I need to play with an apadravya.” Quinn picks up her purse and pulls Charlie out of the booth with her. “You’re coming with me,” she instructs.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Max, I’m so glad I got to meet you. Give Monica lots of orgasms, you hear? She works too hard.” She leans over to give me a half hug. “Oh, and when you meet her father, just ignore everything he has to say. He’s a condescending asshole.”

  “Okay, thanks for the tip.” I return her hug. “Nice to meet you, Quinn. Charlie, I drove you here…”

  “No worries, hot stuff. He’s coming with me. We’ll figure the rest out later,” Quinn reassures me.

  “Later, Max. Later, Monica.” Charlie waves goodbye and follows Quinn out of the bar.

  Monica and I look at each other and bust up laughing. “Well, that was interesting. I think Quinn is the female version of Charlie,” I tell her.

  “You are exactly right,” Monica agrees.

  “You ready to go home?” I want to take her to bed.

  “Yes. Will you come to my house?”

  “I was kind of hoping you would say that.”

  They can’t keep their hands off each other.


  The morning of the fundraiser starts in the best way, consciousness filtering in slowly as I fight to hold on to sleep. First, I feel extraordinarily hot. Then, I notice that the warmth is radiating from the hard body behind me. I burrow in deeper, wanting to stay buried in the cocoon of slumber. Then I sense the arm wrapped around my waist and hand on one breast—my naked breast. Am I…? I take stock of the feel of my covers and Max’s body then remember that I am, in fact, completely naked. I’m lying on my side with my right arm under my pillow, my legs tangled with Max’s and my left arm holding Max’s hand to my chest. Max’s erection is nestled against the crease of my ass.

  As soon as I’m aware of my nakedness, my nipples start to harden. This prompts the hand holding one of them to investigate, petting and plucking and pulling. Tingles shoot from my nipples to my core and I arch my back, pushing my butt into Max’s groin. His erection jerks against me a
nd I realize that Max is naked too.

  “Mmmmm,” I mumble sleepily. My eyes are still closed, but I’m awake now.

  “Good morning, gorgeous,” Max says in my ear. His voice is raspy with sleep, and the sexy sound makes me shiver. He lays a wet kiss on my shoulder, stubble scratching my skin ever so pleasantly.

  “Mmmm.” I squirm against him, arousal waking up all of my nerve endings. Max shifts our position, pulling me to lie down on my back as he settles over me. My legs fall apart and he blankets my body with his, pinning me with his weight. His hands smooth my hair, wild from sleep, then pet my arms, caress my hips, and pull my legs wider to accommodate his hips in between them. He’s touching me everywhere with soothing caresses, and I feel like this could be a dream. Our bodies start to move together, rubbing, writhing, seeking more friction. His cock is rock hard and so hot, I feel it like a brand. As his hips circle, his cock falls into place right at my entrance. Mmmm, yes. I want him inside of me. I’m expecting him to push in, but he holds still.

  I open my eyes to find him staring down at me with so much longing. He looks at me, but it’s more than that. It’s like he’s really seeing me. He sees all the different sides of me, the parts I’m ashamed of, the parts I don’t want anyone else to see—and he wants me. His hands touch my face, then he pulls my arms up over my head and links his fingers with mine. I’m caught up in him, in his tender touches, in his face, open and honest with the intensity of his desire.

  It’s at this very moment that I know, without a doubt, that I am in love with Max Spencer.

  I see him, too, and I want him.

  Leaning up, I brush my lips against his. Our kiss is tender, languid strokes of tongues and lips. I link my legs around his waist and cant my hips up in invitation. I need him inside me. He pulls back from our kiss to regain eye contact as he slowly pushes in. He watches my face as I groan in pleasure, watches what he does to me as he fills me up, again and again. Slow and deep. Tender and unhurried. This time it doesn’t feel like we’re fucking; this time, it feels like we’re making love. When I can no longer keep my eyes open, I kiss him again, pouring my feelings into this kiss. I feel so connected to him—our hands linked, our mouths fused, him inside me. Sex has never been like this for me before.


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