Caleb's Song

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Caleb's Song Page 7

by Kathleen Ryder

  “Yes,” her voice husky, a slow smile curved her lips, “I will.” His head closed the distance between their faces slowly, wanting to give her time to pull away if she wanted to, praying that she wouldn’t. Their lips met, softly, a hope, a promise. His hands slid around her back, angled her closer to him as he deepened the kiss, uncaring of the people walking past.

  Caleb broke their kiss off reluctantly, and steered Gabby to the front passenger door, opening it and helping her inside the car.

  Caleb tried not to look too smug as he slid into the driver seat, accepting the keys from Gabby, and bringing the engine to life.

  “So,” Gabby started as he pulled out into the traffic. “Where are we going?”

  “Bradford.” Caleb answered with more confidence than he felt.

  “Bradford, really?” Bradford was the neighbouring town, a ninety-minute drive away, not the sort of place you head to for a quick bite to eat. Maybe...Gabby’s cheeks grew warm. Could Caleb have been serious at the bakery yesterday? Was dinner more than just dinner? Or was this just her getting her wires crossed? Well, whatever it was, she would enjoy her night out and not make anything of it. She would not over analyse, no matter what.

  “Yeah, really. So just sit back, relax, and leave everything up to me.”

  They made a stop at the petrol station, Caleb going in to pay and returning with lightning speed, face flushed, hoping Gabby wouldn’t ask him what the bulge was in his pocket, or what was in the bag he had just stashed in the boot. He felt like a teenager on his first date, the blue box catching his eye as he stood in line to pay for the petrol. He wasn’t so cocky as to think that Gabby would fall into bed with him after a few kisses, but still, if anything did happen, it was his responsibility to protect her, protect them both, from the possibility of any repercussions. So, he had bought the box of condoms, and had felt so self-conscious that he had whipped around the store throwing an assortment of items in his basket, including a blue energy drink, patterned bed socks, and a wind up torch, although heaven knows what he needs with any of these items. Ten minutes later they had left Beryl Creek in the rear-view mirror.


  Bradford was larger than Caleb had realised, something he was grateful about. It wasn’t that he didn’t want anyone to see them, he wasn’t ashamed at being seen with Gabby, he just wanted them to have privacy. After he went home to Sydney, he didn’t want there to be any awkward questions for Gabby to have to answer. He could spare her that at least. Not sure of where he was heading, Caleb drove around the outskirts of Bradford, getting a feel for the place. He was surprised to find that he actually liked it, he could well imagine himself coming back one day for a more leisurely visit. There were more than handful of hotels to choose from, Caleb passing them all in an aimless circle, brooding on how best to bring up the subject with Gabby.


  “Hmm,” he turned left past a quaint bed and breakfast decked out in a bright yellow sunflower mural.

  “We’ve been down this street five times already.” Gabby sounded exasperated. “Can you just pick a hotel and park already?”

  Stunned, Caleb pulled the car into the first free spot he found, wedged between a tree and a crumbling brick wall. He glanced over at Gabby, she smiled at him expectantly. “Gabby.”


  “I was trying to find a way to ask you...I mean, I was hoping...I just thought...” He took a deep breath, turning and taking Gabby’s hands in his own, his trademark sexy smile slowly unfurling across his face, dimples on full display. “Gabby, I am insanely attracted to you, for reasons that I can’t fathom. It has been a long time since I have felt this way, and longer still since I have acted on it.” He swallowed thickly, bringing her hands to his lips and kissing them softly. “I would be honoured if you would spend the night with me Gabby.”

  “You are nothing but trouble Caleb, the kind of trouble that could break a girls heart. And yet...You leave me breathless.” Gabby’s fingers break free of Caleb’s grasp and trail up to his cheek. “So, for tonight, let’s pretend we are someone else.” She tugs firmly on Caleb’s collar, pulling him close, tilting her head upwards slightly to touch her lips against his.

  Linking her hands behind his head, Gabby draws Caleb closer, uncaring of how forward she was being. It was about time that she did something for herself. It had been over ten years since Michael, since she had last been touched, kissed. She was out of her element with Caleb, she knew that. Michael had been selfish, in all aspects of their life together, not that she had noticed until after he had deserted her, a blessing in disguise, but he had been especially selfish in the bedroom. She had done what she had been told, nothing more, nothing less. Michael’s main focus had always been himself; Gabby wasn’t even sure he knew she was there half the time; he was so against her contributing in the bedroom in any way. A fission of excitement wove down Gabby’s spine as Caleb nibbles his way down her jawline, she knew Caleb would not be a selfish lover. She broke away from him reluctantly.

  “I would prefer not to do this here.” Gabby’s voice was huskier than she intended, an embarrassed blush tinting her cheeks, she was not used to speaking up for herself so much anymore these days.

  “Then let’s go.” Caleb chuckled, starting the car and pulling back out into the traffic.

  He pulled into the very next hotel they saw, a classic Georgian style building complete with white portico covered with bright bougainvillea, The Aurora. It screamed of wealth and privilege and carried an air of exclusivity. Perfect for spoiling Gabby. He tossed the keys to the valet, took Gabby by the elbow, and steered her inside. The roped off section near the front door should have been Caleb’s first clue, and it would have been, if he wasn’t so obsessed with getting Gabby inside. The flash lit the scene perfectly, it really was a money shot for the photographer. The reclusive world famous rockstar whispering deliciously into the ear of his mystery woman, Caleb could see the tabloid headlines already. Security guards rushed past the rope line, ushering the offending photographer away. Caleb knew it would do no good, he wasn’t the only photographer who recognised Caleb. The manager checked them in himself, profoundly apologetic, promising to have champagne sent to their room at once by way of amends. Caleb flashed his publicity smile and assured him there was no harm done. Gabby looked bemused. As the door to their suite clicked shut behind them, she rounded on him, eyes narrowed slightly.

  “Caleb, is it possible that you are more than just a music shop owner?”

  “Ha! I wish,” the lie tasted bitter to him, “I told you I came from money, my parents are fairly well known in Sydney, I can’t speak for the photographer, but I imagine that the manager has heard of them. He is probably worried about bad press, which is ironic, my parents would never speak to the press under any circumstance.” He took off his jacket and slung it over the arm of the sofa next to her bag, advancing on her slowly. “Anyway, I didn’t come here to talk about me, or them, I came here to...” He brought his lips down to meet Gabby’s, slowly, gently, relishing in the feel of her mouth on his, breaking away reluctantly. Gabby gathered the front of his shirt in her hands. “Gabby,” Caleb groaned, moving away from her.

  “What?” She rounded on him, snatching his hand back. “Did you think some photographer snapping random pictures would scare me away? I’m here. No strings attached okay? I’m not expecting you to stay any longer than you need to in Beryl Creek, I’m not looking for promises of forever Caleb.” Gabby shrugged nonchalantly. “I want you,” she finished forcefully, displaying more confidence than she knew she possessed.

  “I want you too.” Caleb cupped Gabby’s face gently in both of his hands, rubbing the pad of his thumb across her lips, plump and kissable. His eyes never left hers, she blinked once, lips parted, the tip of her tongue darted across them. He didn’t need any more encouragement. His lips crashed down on hers, his tongue probing her lips, asking, demanding, access. She gave it willingly. His fingers tangled in her hair and he
angled her face, his tongue delving deeper inside, entering her mouth with confidence, tasting every inch he could, imprinting her on his memory. She tasted like sunshine and innocence, it danced on his tongue and spread along his nerve endings, warming him, reminding him of happier times. He had never wanted anybody as much as he wanted her right now

  “Gabby, are you sure?” Caleb tore himself away from her mouth to ask. He had to know that this is what she wanted, really wanted, not something she wanted merely because she was caught up in a whirlwind of hormones and longing.

  “I’m sure,” Gabby pulled his mouth back down to hers, knowing he needed to hear her say the words.

  She knew she wouldn’t regret this night with Caleb, she had been alone for too long, it was time that she put herself first for a change, instead of putting herself and her needs and wants last. She had never done anything so reckless before in her life, she found it rather liberating. Maybe it was the fact that Caleb was only in Beryl Creek for a few more days, or maybe it was the electric undercurrents she felt whenever he was around. She sensed he was hiding something, there was a mysterious, a dangerous allure about him. Whatever the reason, Gabby wanted him, and judging by the bulge in his pants, he wanted her just as much. It was a powerful aphrodisiac, discovering that someone wanted you, that there was a physical and tangible reaction to the way someone felt about you. It was a heady concoction, one that Gabby had not experienced before. They were both consenting adults, why shouldn’t they throw caution to the wind and have some fun.

  Caleb pulled Gabby into his arms, his mouth meeting hers, tongues duelling for dominance, all reservations gone. He grew uncomfortably hard as she melted into the kiss, he needed her closer. He broke contact in order to strip off his shirt, easily dispensing with his shoes, kicking his jeans and boxer shorts off of his ankles, leaving them in a pile on the floor of the foyer. Naked, and completely at ease, he bent to scoop Gabby up into his arms, carrying her through the suite to the far end of the hall, where he could see the four poster bed peeking out from behind the master bedroom doorway like a beacon. Placing her at the end of the large king-sized bed, he stripped her of her floral sundress, deftly removing her bra and panties, leaving her standing completely naked in front of him.

  “Breathtaking,” Caleb hungrily took her all in, she really was completely stunning. His eyes lingered on her breasts, full and luscious, a growl of satisfaction emanating from deep in his throat when her nipples puckered beneath his gaze. He drew her close, his mouth bending to enclose her puckered nipple, earning a deep satisfied groan from Gabby. He flicked his tongue over the peak, suckling and nipping it, grazing his teeth over the sensitive nub, causing Gabby to cry out and arch her back, thrusting her breasts towards him.

  He moved to the other breast, showing it the same attention, angling Gabby slightly so that he had better access. His hand feathered a path down to her core between them, dipping his index finger inside her centre slowly, testing. He felt quite smug, feeling her wet core, knowing that he was responsible for that. As his finger continued to probe her silken folds, her wetness wrapped around him. He slid his finger out reluctantly, bringing it up to his mouth and tasting her on his tongue, delighting in the way her eyes rounded as she watched him. He moved his hand back to her core, tweaking her sensitive nub between his thumb and finger, feeling her writhe against him, trying to get closer to him, to his hand, whimpering with need. Caleb couldn’t wait any longer, he wanted her now. Knowing she was ready for him, Caleb dropped to his knees, surprising Gabby. He slid his tongue in and out of her dripping core, flicking and tasting with each thrust, increasing his rhythm faster and faster, relishing the feel of her against his mouth, the sensation of her hips bucking against his face, the sounds of her moaning and screaming out his name as she came undone, shudders echoing through her body. Watching her fall apart at his hands was heady and made his need even more pressing. He stood and turned her around to face the bed, guiding her into the middle and bending her over, his hard length shuddering in anticipation as she went down willingly, sighing his name softly as she did.

  Caleb took a moment to soak in the view, Gabby’s legs were parted, buttocks high in the air as she supported the rest of her weight on her forearms on the bed. Her wetness glistened on her folds, and unable to resist, he bent his head to taste her again, a low groan escaping. She tasted so good, too good; she was addictive. He suckled her nub, still sensitive from her orgasm that had only just subsided, her body jerking in response as pleasure shot through her core. He slowly kissed her delicate folds as she mewed in delight, encouraging him. Needing no further urging, Caleb plunged his tongue deep inside Gabby’s core again, drinking in her wetness, savouring her taste. He moaned into her, flicked his tongue over her nub and then drew back, straightening up. He needed more, he needed all of her, he needed to be buried deep inside her. Gripping his aching shaft in his hand, he used it as a guide to plunge his thick length deep into her from behind, a shout of triumph leaving his body as her walls stretched to accommodate his throbbing member with a delighted shout from Gabby.

  Caleb held onto Gabby’s hips, sliding an arm over the curve of her spine and around to her front, using his fingers to touch and tease her bundle of nerves as he moved inside her. Gabby urged him on with excited grunts and pleading, her hips thrusting as he moved in and out of her from behind, with exquisite slowness. He revelled in playing with her slick wetness with his fingers, relishing the very feel of her, rocking back and forth into her with long, slow, firm, deep strokes until he felt her climax building again. Caleb moved faster, he was frantic with need, so close to his release. He rocked Gabby in rhythm, fuelled on by her cries for him to go faster, harder, deeper until finally, they exploded together, Gabby’s walls gripping Caleb’s shaft tightly as he emptied his need deep inside of her, filling her, claiming her. As they collapsed on top of the bed, limbs entwined, totally spent, Caleb was struck with the thought that being with Gabby had felt like kismet or karma or whatever you wanted to call it. As they lay together, their breathing starting to return to normal, Caleb was struck with the realisation that despite his cringe worthy petrol station stop, for the first time in his life, he had been too caught up in the moment to even think about using any protection.


  Swallowing his fear, Caleb pulled Gabby close, admitting his mistake, apologising. She fixed him with her softest smile, assuring him it would be okay, confessing that she was on the contraceptive pill to help regulate her cycle, and that the chances of her actually falling pregnant were pretty slim. Not wanting to take any chances, she slid off the bed and dashed out of the room, returning with the box of condoms held triumphantly aloft in her hands above her head, like a warrior goddess returning from a hunt. Swinging his legs off the bed, Caleb pounced, capturing Gabby in his arms and twirling her around, tickling her sides until she laughingly relinquished the condoms, claiming his mouth in a searing kiss of victory that had Caleb growing hard again. Without breaking eye contact, Gabby slid the box of condoms from Caleb’s hands, opening the packet and removing a row of foil wrapped packages. Tearing one off and opening it, she slid it down his length. Caleb’s hands cupped her buttocks, lifting her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, settling herself on to his erection.

  He tethered her against the bedroom wall, hands holding her hips steady as he plunged in and out of her in a rhythm that had them both frantic with need. He angled her hips, withdrawing his length and plunging inside again, deeper and deeper, increasing his speed with each thrust. He knew she was close; he saw it in her eyes as his length plundered as deep inside her as was physically possible. There was no time for words, no soft whispers and gentle caresses, this time was primal, a raw need building between them that would only be sated by frantic thrusts and deep-seated grunts. Desire blazed in Gabby’s eyes. Bodies slick with sweat, muscles clenched, cramped, spasmed. With a final twitch, he tipped her over the edge. Her eyes wide, Gabby clawed at his chest, biting int
o his shoulder and panting fast, dripping with need, lost in screams of pleasure and the heady scent of lust. Watching her come undone was all that he needed, and Caleb anchored her against his length as his orgasm ripped through him with a triumphant shout. They clung to each other, not daring to move, until their breathing returned to normal.

  When they were both coherent again, they decided they were starving, Gabby declaring that she had never been so hungry before. They located the room service menu inside a folder next to the bed, and after studying it, simply ordered one of everything. While they waited for the food to arrive, they showered, separately at Gabby’s request, not trusting herself to keep her hands off of Caleb, and dressed in oversized fluffy robes, snuggling down in front of the television to wait for their food. They didn’t have long to wait, and they ate in comfortable silence, simply enjoying the peace with each other. Gabby watched Caleb over the rim of her champagne glass, quirking an eyebrow at the sight of his splayed legs, robe ajar, his erection on full display. The magnitude of his desire, so proudly on display, had her blushing. Setting his own glass aside, he advanced on her with hooded eyes, never breaking eye contact. Her tongue darted out to slide across her bottom lip, eyes darkening with lust, breasts heaving with her ragged breath, her body already quivering in anticipation.

  Without preamble Caleb crushed her body to his, capturing her bottom lip between his teeth, biting down gently before sucking, his hand loosening the tie of the robe, letting it fall open. His hand snaked beneath the robe to cup her sex, feeling how wet she already was for him, her core pulsing with desire. He planted a trail of kisses down to her breast, latching onto it, suckling until her nipple puckered beneath his mouth. Rolling her hardened nib around in his mouth, Caleb flicked it with his tongue, nipping at it with his teeth as Gabby arched her back below him, his name a whimpered plea on her lips. Breaking away from her with a ragged breath, he ripped open a condom and sheathed himself before scooping her legs up over his shoulders, and plunging into her without preamble, sinking down into her deepness. Gabby gasped as Caleb stabbed into her, his length always surprised her, her body stretching to accommodate him. As she clung to him, her fingers gripping against his broad shoulders, his generous length grew even longer still as he stabbed into her shaking core again and again. Their release, when it came, was explosive, rolling spasms that anchored him inside her, their mutual shouts of triumph filling the air around them.


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