Caleb's Song

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Caleb's Song Page 8

by Kathleen Ryder

  Gabby stroked Caleb’s strong arms and back, splaying kisses across his chest, marvelling at the way he felt inside her, at the way he was already hard again. She shifted slightly, rolling them over so that Caleb’s back was against the sofa and she was straddling him. With Caleb still buried deep inside of her throbbing core, Gabby took one of his hands, guiding it up to her sensitive nub, humming appreciatively as he began to swirl and roll it between his thumb and forefinger, pulling it lightly, then pinching it with a sharp twist, shooting spasms of pleasure to her very core, causing her to jerk and rock atop him. Splaying her legs even wider, Gabby arched her back, leaning backwards to hold on to Caleb’s calves, giving him an uninterrupted view of her straddling him to the hilt, his balls flanking either side of her molten centre. Caleb knew that no matter how long he lived, he would never see anything hotter than what he was seeing right now. Mesmerised, he raised his free hand to twist and pinch her pebbled nipple in time with the ministrations to her sensitive nub.

  Gabby’s entire body was tingling with delight, humming with a need only Caleb could satisfy. She knew they were close, she wanted to see his face, to see what she could do to him. As his hand continued to torment her breast, Gabby delighted in the sensations he elicited from her peaked nipples. Hesitantly, she reached down between them to touch his balls, a gasp escaping Caleb’s lips as he bucked unexpectedly beneath her, plunging even deeper into her.

  “Yes, Gabby, oh, that was so hot,” Caleb gasped out, releasing her nipple and her sensitive nub, gripping on to her hips instead, tethering her to him, keeping her seated firmly on his erection. Gabby moved her hips in small circles, rolling his balls in her hot hands, her nub rubbing against Caleb’s pelvic bone, fissions of heat coiling up her body. When he was almost at climax, Gabby released Caleb’s balls, looked him straight in the eye, slipped her hand in between their bodies and gave her nub a hard tweak, shooting spasms of pleasure to her very core, sending them both over the edge with such force she was sure her heart had stopped beating. Completely spent, Caleb held her as they rested, curled into each other, bodies entwined.

  It was close to midnight when they finally unravelled from each other’s arms, Caleb taking Gabby’s hand and leading her out onto the covered patio, not bothering to put a light on, the moon overhead cast a soft glow, gently illuminating the patio furniture. Gabby sat on a sun lounge, oddly self-conscious despite the late hour, while Caleb walked across to the railing to peer up at the stars.

  “There is magic in the air tonight Gabby,” Caleb’s whisper floated to her on the gentle evening breeze.

  “Magic? I like that, and here was I, thinking it was just lust.” Crossing over to Gabby, he lowered himself onto the sun lounger beside her, gently cupping her breast as he lowered his head to claim her mouth. “Caleb!” Gabby’s voice was thick with need. “We can’t, what if someone sees us?”

  “We can,” he nibbled at her bottom lip, giving her nipple a quick twist between his thumb and forefinger, causing her to cry out in surprise. “It’s the middle of the night Gabby, there are no lights on anywhere, who is going to see us? I want to feel you wrapped around me; I want to bury myself deep inside you.”

  She splayed her hands over his chest, absently pinching and plucking at his nipples, sighing in delight as he leant into her, deepening their kiss. It was Gabby who broke the kiss, pushing firmly against Caleb’s chest, until he sat up, confusion clouding his eyes. Her lips were swollen, nipples pebbled with aching need. Caleb watched, eyes darkening with lust as Gabby lazily let her legs fall open, never breaking eye contact, giving him a perfect view of her silky folds waiting for him. Manoeuvring to kneel between her legs, Caleb wasted no time, the head of his throbbing length twitching, teasing her sensitive bundle of nerves, Gabby’s hips bucking beneath him in an attempt to get closer to him, to draw his throbbing member inside her aching folds. With deliberate slowness, Caleb slid into Gabby’s soft centre, savouring the moans he elicited from her, loving the way his name sounded on her lips. He slowly built up a steady rhythm, matched thrust for thrust by Gabby, until, with a final thrust, he tipped them over the abyss, his triumphant shout mingling with Gabby’s fevered calling of his name.

  Caleb was worried. He had been intimate with Gabby for less than six hours, but it already felt like a lifetime. Time had moved at a different speed here tonight, with them. The thought of tomorrow coming and ending this thing that they had between them tonight was unsettling for Caleb, it was a new experience for him. he had never been clingy in any past relationships, had never wanted to be, and had certainly never encouraged that in any of his other lovers. He was starting to wonder if he could walk away from her, if he would. He couldn’t stay, not with the lie that was between them in any case. And yet, if he left, what would he be returning to? An empty house, a stalled career, an estranged family.


  Gabby could hear the lulling sound of Caleb’s solid heartbeat, her fingers tracing random patterns across his chest and down his sides.

  “Why did you come to Beryl Creek?”

  “Hmm?” Caleb wasn’t sure if Gabby had actually spoken or if her voice had been a hallucination.

  “Why did you come to Beryl Creek?” Gabby pushed herself up on her elbow to look down at Caleb. He wanted to pretend he hadn’t heard, wanted to fire off some quick lie, but he was unable to speak. Nothing came to him. His fingers twitched, if he just reached out and tweaked her nipple slightly, she would be writhing back underneath him, or maybe on top of him if he was lucky. He sighed deeply, no, that wasn’t fair, he wasn’t going to fob her off with sex, no matter how mind blowing an experience it was. Maybe he could tell her the truth. Maybe he should tell her the truth. They had no future, he didn’t owe her anything, if it stunned her, if it had her despising him, then so be it.

  “My brother died; I am avoiding his memorial.”

  “What?” Gabby couldn’t believe it, Caleb’s brother was dead, that’s why he was in Beryl Creek. “Oh Caleb, I am so sorry,” she reached down to stroke his cheek gently.

  “I don’t need your sympathy,” Caleb scoffed, brushing her hand away. Her saw the sting of rejection flash in her eyes, felt slightly guilty for being rude. He knew he had to push her away, it was for her own good, if no other reason. “You want to know why I am here? My brother died, I killed him,” Caleb choked on the words, “The only reason he is dead right now is because of me. I haven’t seen my family in nearly twelve months, they have a memorial service planned for my brother, so I came to Beryl Creek instead, until after the service, then I will go back to Sydney.”

  “Caleb...” Gabby trailed off, she knew what raw pain sounded like, could see right through his tough indifference. “I don’t believe that you are responsible, and I don’t think you do either, not really. I think you are in pain and blaming yourself is a whole lot easier than blaming your bother.” It was like a slap in the face for Caleb.

  “You think I blame Sam? I don’t, I blame myself. If I hadn’t...” Caleb stopped midsentence.

  “Sam? That was your brother?” Gabby probed gently.

  “Yes,” Caleb sighed, paused to take a deep breath before continuing. “Sam, Samuel, was my older brother. He was my best friend actually; it had always been just the two of us against the world. While my sisters were busy playing dolls and tea parties, Sam and I would plot world domination,” Caleb’s voice was thick with emotion. “It will be a year ago that he died, a year ago next week.”

  “What happened?” Caleb knew the question would come. Eventually someone, somewhere was bound to ask him. it didn’t hurt any less that it was Gabby instead of a nameless reporter looking for a juicy scoop.

  “He was killed in a car crash.”

  “A car crash? Oh my God, Caleb...That’s what you meant. You told dad that you haven’t played guitar since you had an accident...Caleb, were you in the car too?” He heard the horror in her voice, the underlying fear, dread.

  “Yes, we were both in the car.
I lived, he died, someone’s idea of a cruel joke, a cosmic error.” Caleb didn’t mean for it to sound so cold, but that was the truth. Sam was dead and it should have been Caleb instead.

  “Caleb, surely you don’t think...” Gabby swallowed uncertainly, not sure how to continue, or if she even should.

  “He was so much better at everything than I was. It should not have been him. I had already had a full life, but Sam, he was only getting started. He was a lawyer; he had just made partner in his law firm. A good, stable, solid profession. I wanted to go out, there was a party at a local nightclub, and I wanted to go. I wanted Sam to come along, I wanted him to loosen up, to see my world, to watch me work my magic with the ladies.” At this Gabby snorted. “I told him that he needed to relax more and work less. He wasn’t interested, he had a big case to prepare for, but I badgered and badgered him until he agreed. If I had just listened to him, had just let him be, he would still be here today. It replays in here,” Caleb tapped the side of his head, “over and over, on a continuous torturous loop.”

  Laughing, Caleb turned to look at Sam, his eyes twinkling. “See,” he couldn’t help teasing, “I knew you would have a good time tonight Sammy.”

  “I always have a good time with you little brother,” Sam ruffled Caleb’s perfectly lacquered hair, deliberately squashing the rock star ‘ruffled fresh from bed’ style that Caleb had spent hours perfecting. “But we can’t all be irresponsible rockstars now can we? Some of us actually have to work to earn a living!” It was the same banter that always existed between them, the ribbing and poking fun laced with the love that comes from being a family.

  “Work?!” snorted Caleb, “Ha! As if! You’re a partner in a law firm Sammy, how much work can you possibly do? Don’t you have staff?” Caleb’s raucous laugh mingled with Sam’s deep chortle.

  “Staff? That’s your department brother dear, how many do you have now? Eighteen? Ninete-”

  “Watch out!” Caleb’s panicked shout interrupts Sam, and he blinks once, surprise etching his features. The unrelenting screech of bare metal tyre rims on bitumen reaches a crescendo before fading into silence, the world turning black, the only sound an incessant beep, beep, beep.

  “I woke up three weeks later in intensive care. Sam had bled out at the scene, a passer-by had found us, they had to pry our hands apart in order to cut me from the car. Some teenagers had thought it would be a fun prank to play to dress up a mannequin as a small child and place it in the middle of the road. Smart as they were, they fled the scene of the crash, leaving their mobile phone behind. They had filmed the entire thing. I missed the funeral,” Caleb couldn’t breathe, bile rising up in his throat as he pushed the memory away.

  “Oh Caleb,” her eyes, full of compassion, was his undoing, a sob renting the air, finally breaking free after all this time. She pulled him close, holding him tightly as his sobs of pain and anguish filled the air. She sat like that for minutes, hours, she wasn’t sure, simply stroking his hair, thinking. She sensed a shift in him before he moved, a stillness, a peace, had come over him. she wondered if he had ever cried over Sam before now, somehow, she doubted it, not if he blamed himself for his brother’s death.

  Caleb fixed her with a long stare, before gathering her up into his arms, carrying her into the bedroom and sitting her on the edge of the bed. He cupped her breasts and started to knead them, watching as they pebbled under his intense gaze almost immediately. Bowing his head, his mouth catches a nipple, and he sucks hard, eliciting a surprised gasp from Gabby. He rests a knee between her thighs on the bed, the shifting weight dipping the bed, Gabby’s breasts bouncing free and unhindered, begging to be touched. His arm snaked around her back, supporting her, his tongue darted out, flicking across her hardened nipple, suckling and nipping at it with his teeth. His hand trailed down to the apex of her thighs, he knew he would find her wet to the touch, he knew if he slid two fingers inside her silky folds, he would feel her pool of wetness wrap around him, encasing him, covering him in her juices. Instead, he fell to his knees, and leant forwards, tasting her wetness, his tongue probing her core, her eyes round as she watched him. Caleb could feel Gabby writhing against his mouth, trying to get closer, whimpering with need. Knowing she was ready for him, he guided her knees up and over his shoulders, giving him a perfect view of her silky folds. Knowing that he was responsible for her obvious wetness only highlighted his ache, his member growing uncomfortable, making his need even more urgent.

  With a low growl, Caleb dipped his head, tongue plunging deep inside, licking, sucking, tasting Gabby’s delicate folds. Gabby fevered with delight, encouraging him, Caleb’s hard length shuddering in anticipation as she sighed his name. Reaching between them, Gabby’s hand found his rigid shaft, gripping it tightly, pumping him firmly up and down, slowly at first, before increasing with speed, the heat and friction of her hand against his member the sweetest of torture. Jerking upright, Caleb captures her hand in his own, removing it from his engorged length, guiding it up over her head and holding it there. With a single thrust his thick shaft enters deep into her softness, her walls stretching to accommodate his length with a delighted triumphant shout from Gabby. His need urgent, Caleb thrusts deeper, harder, Gabby moving in sync with him, thrusting her hips to draw him deeper inside her centre. Caleb moves faster, so close to his release, Gabby moaning and screaming out his name. Their release is mutual, Gabby gripping Caleb’s shoulders, shudders echoing through her body as he emptied his need deep inside of her, filling her, before collapsing atop her on the bed.

  Gabby wasn’t sure how long they stayed this way, clinging to each other, Caleb’s shaft already starting to stir again in anticipation, in need. He was insatiable, a fact which delighted her. He was also very dangerous, addictive even, she reminded herself cautiously. She wondered if she would ever tire of him, of having him buried deep inside of her, of the way her body felt wrapped around his? He fit inside of her so perfectly, and the things he did, the unselfish way in which he gave her pleasure, if she was stupid, she would go ahead and pin her hopes on Caleb. But she wasn’t, she reminded herself firmly, she wasn’t stupid, she was smart, and she was a realist. She had tonight, and that was enough, it would have to be, no matter how much soul baring he did while he looked at her with those wounded puppy dog eyes.


  “Gabby!” Caleb gasped, as her hand slipped between his legs, taking a firm grip on his shaft and starting to slide her hand up and down. After their previous joining, Caleb had shared with Gabby stories of Sam, and Gabby had listened, commenting from time to time. The love Caleb had for Sam was palpable, and as the night stretched on, Gabby urged Caleb to go home, to speak to his mother, to attend Sam’s memorial.

  “You need closure Caleb, and I would imagine that your parents do as well. It wasn’t your fault, Caleb, you are hurting your family by blaming yourself, by keeping yourself from them. Your parents didn’t just lose Sam, did they Caleb? They lost you as well that night.” He knew she was right, he had known for some time now that he would have to go back, to face his family, to face a final goodbye to Sam.

  “I will think about it tomorrow, for right now all I want, all I need, is you.” He pulled Gabby close.

  “Caleb,” she took his mouth in her own, “you have me.” Gabby shimmied down the bed, stopping when she found her prize. “You are so gorgeous,” breathed Gabby, marvelling at Caleb’s erect member, just as chiselled as she had imagined it would be.

  Eyes never leaving his face, Gabby trailed her fingers up his inner thighs, softly caressing, before taking a delicate testicle into her mouth, causing Caleb to cry out in surprise. Gabby sucked gently, rolling his aching testicle around her tongue, releasing it with a soft nip, before repeating the same ministrations to the other testicle. Rock hard, and standing erect, Caleb wasn’t sure how much longer he would last, his hand moving down with the intention of releasing his need. Slapping his hand away, still not breaking eye contact, Gabby shifted her mouth to his achi
ng shaft, her tongue darting around the rim and over the top, fingers tickling the underside. She slid her waiting mouth over his hardened length, drawing him deep inside. Watching Gabby slide her mouth up and down his length, Caleb decided, was one of the hottest things he had ever seen. Gabby’s teeth grazed along his length as she slid her mouth up and down his shaft, painstakingly slowly, before building up a rhythm, faster and faster, before slowing back down, determined to draw out his pleasure for as long as she could.

  “Gabby, I won’t last much longer, I’m going to come!” Caleb ground out, his voice impatient with need. “I can’t...hold on...much longer!” Gabby merely took Caleb’s shaft even deeper into her mouth, humming as she did, sending vibrations shooting down his length. “Gabby!” Caleb cried out triumphantly as his orgasm tore through his body. He was vaguely aware of Gabby licking him clean before kissing his swollen head, but beyond that he was incapable of coherent thought.

  “Your turn,” Caleb growled, having regained his composure. Pulling her flush against his erection, he captured one of her pink nipples in his mouth. It stunned him, his attraction to her, his primal need to have her, the way a single look from her had him coming undone. He plunged a finger deep into her core, rewarded with her excited moan and an unexpected buck of her hips. He slid his finger in and out of her, enjoying the feeling of her becoming wetter and wetter under his ministrations, until his need for her became more pressing, and he pulled back, looking at her flushed face. Gabby wiggled delightedly against him, the thick head of his erection rubbing against her sensitive nub. She reached her hands up and guided his mouth back down to her nipples, relishing the sensations he elicited from her. Moaning softly, she rolled them over, surprising Caleb by straddling him and giving him a delicious view of her heavy breasts. Smiling lazily, she leant over his chiselled chest to kiss him deeply, her nipples grazing against his firm chest. His hands glided down her sides, cupping her bottom and pressing her firmly against his erection. Gabby moved her hips in small circles as she deepened the kiss, her nub rubbing against Caleb’s hard length, teasing him slowly, gasping and jerking away from his mouth when his hand slipped in between them and gave her nub a hard tweak, shooting spasms of pleasure to her very core.


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