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Deus ex Machina

Page 18

by K Alexander

  Without further preamble Sierra swings the van to the right and straight into the path of the black car. The driver slams on brakes audibly, but in order not to hit the van, has to twist the steering wheel wildly, and ends up careening into the bushes at the edge of the road with a horrible crunching sound.

  Sierra brings the van to a halt a couple of hundred feet down the road and reverses sharply to stop at the site of the accident. The car's nose is crumpled beyond repair, and a dazed man with a gash across his forehead is climbing from the shattered driver's window. When he sees the van stop and the four men climb out he recoils, but his legs are still inside the cabin so that he falls straight over backwards. As he is lying on the ground looking up at the few stars he can see on this abnormally dark night, the silhouette of a man bending over him blocks them out.

  "Where is she?"

  "I swear, man! I didn't know she was married! She wasn't wearing a wedding ring or nothing!"

  Sierra frowns at what appears to be ranting from the injured man. He peers back at Tango, who has pulled out the passenger, another male - unconscious - and is now searching the wrecked car along with the other two men. Finally he looks back to the man lying at his feet.


  "The girl! She asked for directions. Never said she was married. I didn't mean anything by it, man!"

  "Shut up."

  Ignoring the whimpering man Sierra turns to watch as Tango, Bravo and Alpha efficiently check the interior of the vehicle. When Bravo lifts his head and murmurs something the shorter man is there immediately.


  In answer Bravo holds up the small tracking device that is supposed to be lodged inside Ryan's head. Taking it between two fingers Sierra holds it, almost trembling as he considers crushing it in rage. The other men watch him, waiting for a command, but are unprepared when Mahoney finally loses his temper.


  It drifts out sharply over the quiet night. Even as Danni Delaney slips the needle back in, causing minimal discomfort, she is glancing at the pale lean woman with a measure of concern. Ryan's eyes are closed and her breathing is hitching slightly, and little does the tall woman know that the cause is a painfully delicious flashback of Claire Walsch's lips coaxing her into oblivion. When Danni has finished sticking down the new strip of plaster she touches Ryan's right shoulder sympathetically.

  "You look like you're in a bit of pain - do you need something?"

  That I do.

  "No thank you. I'm fine." Ryan half-smiles her thanks and as Danni leaves the room she closes her eyes again, falling straight into a delicious memory which changes somewhere in the middle to a delicious dream.

  At Danni's suggestion Claire takes a shower in the residents' bathroom, standing under the spray of water in a daze for a long time before she shakes herself awake and begins to scrub her body vigorously, if trying not to linger too long on certain parts. She has no idea what has just happened to her - that heady intoxicating rush and loss of control have not been woken in her since… before then; and she cannot even remember when last there was the slickness between her legs that she is now washing away gingerly. Resisting the urge to slip down her fingers and ease the throbbing she takes a few deep breaths and closes the hot water tap, almost yelping as the torrent of water suddenly becomes freezing. Lust cooled sufficiently, she lathers herself up fast and finishes her shower, stepping out to dry her body. When she walks out into the hall Doctor Jensen is just passing by and stops to talk.

  "Was that good?"

  It is a completely innocent question but it brings a flush to Claire's cheeks. "Yes, it was. Thank you."

  "It's a pleasure." Doctor Jensen turns to answer the quick question of a nurse and makes a note on the man's clipboard before she turns back. "We do have some extra space where you can sleep tonight, and tomorrow Nurse Delaney will help you with a list of hotels and inns in the area where you may be able to get a room temporarily."

  "Thank you very much, doctor. We've really appreciated the thoughtfulness of everyone at this hospital. And I must say that nurse Delaney is a definite asset to any institution."

  "That she is." Doctor Jensen smiles her ridiculously attractive cover-girl smile and brushes her hair back with one hand. "If you need dinner tonight … she'll be able to suggest a few options."

  For a moment Claire thinks that Doctor Jensen is about to ask her to dinner, and when it doesn't materialize she is absurdly relieved. "Thank you very much. I'll be sure to check with her."

  It is still early in the afternoon and Claire makes a quick call to Andy, assuring her that she's fine before she hangs up. She wants to call Art and let him know where she is, but she understands him well enough to know that he will be too concerned not to take action, and right now the last thing she needs - they need - is the extra attention. Instead she hangs around the waiting room for an hour, and pretends to read the magazines when inside she is wondering why she has to physically hold herself back from visiting Ryan. Why she feels the need to hold herself back at all.

  Danni Delaney's suggestion is pizza from a small place called Quattro, which gets her nod because apparently their crusts are fantastic. Phoning through an order for a 'four seasons', Claire retrieves the wallet from the black bag in the Trailblazer and rifles through it, giving the delivery boy with the roving eyes a sturdy tip and a gracious smile. The smell wafting from the box is divine, and as she approaches Ryan's bed her stomach is twisting for more than one reason. Doctor Jensen is at the soldier's side, her hands slender and quick as she examines the stitched wound on Ryan's arm. Apparently she is satisfied with the progress, and it is as she is rewrapping the arm firmly that the soldier looks past her at Claire.

  "What have you got there?"

  "Pizza. Four seasons. Can I tempt you with a slice?" She holds the box up a little awkwardly.

  At the word Ryan's insides heave and she swallows inconspicuously. "No. Thanks."

  With a frown Claire addresses Doctor Jensen. "Shouldn't she be eating something?"

  "Yes." The doctor fixes the bandage and straightens up, her cool blue eyes serious. "She should. But the meds may be making her a tad nauseous. By tomorrow, definitely. You're much too thin - you need to watch yourself or you'll end up in here again. Okay?" The last parts are aimed at the soldier, who nods. "Good. Take it easy." She leaves the ICU, and Claire, who is standing a good ten feet away from Ryan's bed.

  When the doctor turns the corner the soldier gazes at Claire with tired eyes. "Is there a reason why you're standing in the next county, Walsch?" One eyebrow lifts slightly. "Do you regret what happened earlier?"

  "No." Claire holds her gaze. "I don't."

  "Then come a little closer, please."

  "I…. " The doctor looks down at the box in her hand, and when she lifts her head again her cheeks are slightly flushed but her expression is candid. "I'm afraid that if I do… they might have to pry me off you with a crowbar." Ryan laughs - a real actual low husky laugh - in surprise. The rare sound surprises Claire in return, and even as its timbre sends an unwanted shiver down her spine she laughs back. "You asked."

  "I did." The vivid green eyes close for a moment. Pushing down her strange primal response to the soldier Claire steps closer, concerned.

  "You look exhausted."

  "I'm tired." Ryan glances at her, eyes crinkling a little at the blonde's sudden proximity. "Eat your pizza; it's going to get cold."

  Pulling closer a chair Claire sits down and pulls out a slice of pizza, closing her eyes at the first taste. The crust is as good as Danni Delaney said it would be, and she chews with satisfaction, licking her lips before the next bite.

  "That good?" The sight of the blonde closing her eyes and licking her lips causes a sharp twist in Ryan's gut, a response she writes off as casually as she can to pure lust.


  The throaty response causes another twist, this time slightly lower, and Ryan doesn't speak again, aware that her voice will betray her. She watches
as the blonde demolishes four slices in what must surely be a record time, and when Claire puts her fingers in her mouth one by one and sucks off the greasy film Ryan closes her eyes, willing the surge of desire to go away. When she opens them again Claire's cornflower-blue eyes are examining her face, though it doesn't escape her notice that the blonde is still sitting on the chair.

  "You okay? Relatively speaking, I mean?"

  "Yeah." There's still a slightly rough edge to her voice and she clears it. "I think I'm on my way out."

  "I'm keeping you up." Gathering the pizza box Claire stands. "I'll let you get some sleep."

  "No goodnight kiss?"

  Incredulously the doctor stares at Ryan, but her face is inscrutable. Frowning slightly Claire places the pizza box on the chair and approaches Ryan, a foolish desire to call the dark woman's bluff rushing through her veins. She intends for it to be a light uncomplicated kiss, but as she leans closer and their lips touch the intensity between them flares up and her breath leaves her chest with an audible sigh. Ryan caresses her lips gently with a warm mouth before she pulls back. Straightening up Claire attempts to ignore the flush that is spreading across her cheeks.

  "I hope you sleep well tonight."

  "I'm sure I will." Ryan closes her eyes and a small smile curves around her lips. "Good night, Walsch."


  Claire is unsure of the exact time when the commotion outside wakes her. Groggily she turns over in the small cot and stretches her back, starting when the door bursts open and Danni Delaney steps into the room, her tall frame filling the doorway. Behind her Claire can see Doctor Jensen rushing down the hall, twisting to avoid colliding with an orderly moving quickly in the opposite direction.

  "Miss Walsch…"

  Claire shoots up, anxiety unfurling across her face. "What's happening, Danni?"

  The statuesque nurse puts her hands on her hips in a helpless gesture. "Actually we were hoping you could tell us that. Your friend… "

  With widening eyes the blonde gets to her feet quickly. "Ryan? What… ?"

  Danni nods. "Miss Ryan appears to have discharged herself some time during the night."

  "Are you sure she left of her own will?" As soon as the question leaves her mouth Claire curses her own carelessness, but after a brief speculative look at her Danni answers.

  "Very much so." The nurse reaches into her pocket and pulls out a folded piece of paper. "She left you a note." Holding it out she lets Claire take it with uncertain fingers. "You have any idea where she went? She should really still be in hospital."

  "I don't know. She could be anywhere." Claire unfolds the piece of paper, not noticing when Danni leaves the room. The handwriting is sprawling and elegant.


  I don't want you in the middle of this. My reasons for keeping you around aren't enough anymore. I'm sorry that I hurt you.

  Phone Andy. Go home. Buy a car. Drive it! Get a life. You deserve it.

  It's not about surviving.

  It's about thriving.


  "Damn." Claire crumples the paper between her fingers and clenches it in her fist in frustration. "That louse kissed me goodbye."


  She does phone Andy. Her sister is at first alarmed when she hears her voice, and then, elated when Claire has to ask her to help with an airline ticket home. In fact, she is ready to come and fetch Claire herself, and the doctor has to refuse four times before she capitulates sulkily.

  Next, Claire considers whether she should phone the police to report that she is not a hostage anymore. She does not want to get Ryan into any trouble, but she is not sure what the consequences could be. She is also not sure of the jurisdiction of the situation, and so, after a moment's deliberation, she phones doctor Tilley-Clapham at the Fairwater Institute. His secretary puts her through and when he answers his tone is short.

  "Tilley-Clapham here."

  "Doctor Tilley-Clapham, this is doctor Claire Walsch."

  There is a definite stunned silence at the other end before he speaks again. "Doctor Walsch! Are you all right?"

  The concern is polite and cursory at best. "I'm fine, thank you. Captain Ryan … discarded me early this morning in Harlowton."

  "Oh. Good. That's good to know. Can Fairwater arrange a flight back here for you?"

  "No, thank you. My sister has already arranged something for me. I would, however, appreciate it if you could have my handbag and coat sent to my house."

  "Not a problem." He is hearty, and it is fake. "Do you have any idea where Ryan may have gone?"

  "No." Her reply is curt.

  "Well, all right. It is good to hear that you're safe, and if Fairwater can do anything at all to make up for the inconvenience of what has happened we will gladly do so. Of course our security department will have to get into contact with you regarding Captain Ryan sooner rather than later."

  "That's fine. You have my contact details." How like him to describe it as an 'inconvenience'. "Actually, there's one thing you can do, doctor. Can you arrange for a vehicle to take me to the airport in Helena?"

  "Sure thing." He takes down her details, also jotting down the description of the SUV at her insistence, and then rings off with another hearty insincerity.

  ------ When the taxi stops in front of the hospital she says a heartfelt thank you and goodbye to nurse Danni Delaney and Doctor Jensen, whose cover girl looks are by now slightly toned down by the lines of exhaustion creeping in on her face. The drive to Helena is without incident - the driver is a quiet thoughtful man who has no need for conversation, a fact she registers with gratitude - and she picks up her ticket from Horizon Air, boarding immediately.

  It does not escape Claire's notice that, wherever she goes, she is looking out anxiously for a shaved head and a lean graceful body, and when she is finally sitting in her aisle seat she is glad to close her eyes for a while and try to block out the myriad of thoughts rushing senselessly through her head. The air hostess hovers, concerned about her tired manner and obvious exhaustion, offering her extra cups of coffee which she accepts without protestation.

  By the time the airplane lands in Seattle her almost-empty stomach is nervous and unsettled from the overdose of caffeine. She stands at the carousel for a full minute before realizing that she has no luggage, and when she steps out of the arrival area it is another long moment before she comprehends that the mirror image approaching her is not, in fact, a mirror. Andy opens her arms and wraps them around Claire, pulling her closer firmly.

  "Jesus, Claire, I'm so happy to see you." She twists her head to plant an earnest kiss on her sister's cheek. "I was so worried. Are you all right?" Holding onto Claire's hands she steps back and looks her up and down. "You look worn out."

  "Yeah, it's been quite a ride." The blonde shoots a skew fond glance at her sister. "Didn't I tell you not to come?"

  "I think so. I wasn't listening." Andy places her warm palm on Claire's cheek fondly. "I wouldn't let you get home all alone, C. I've been worried sick. By the way, " she raises her eyebrows dryly, "I figured you wouldn't let mom and dad know yet, so I've called them. They've been frantic, sis - they send their love."

  "I would've called them. Later." Claire grudgingly smiles when Andy rolls her eyes. "Yeah yeah. Thanks for doing that."

  "Not a problem." Andy pulls her closer and wraps an arm around her waist, beginning to lead her to the central terminal. Her hand pats at Claire's waist experimentally. "Have you lost weight, C?" When Claire shrugs she rubs her side. "You haven't got the weight to lose, sis. I'll have to fatten you up while I'm here."

  "How long are you staying for, And?"

  "For however much time you need me. As long as it's not more than two weeks." Andy smiles, and Claire does too, and a man passing in the opposite direction almost falls over a chair as he looks back at them. They are on their way out towards the parking garage when two men in Navy service dress blues appear from a side door and approach them with intent.

mm. Sexy." Andy nudges Claire, but the doctor simply watches them without comment. They stop in front of the sisters; one man so tall that they have to lean their heads back to look up at him, the other average height and pleasantly handsome.

  "Doctor Claire Walsch?" It amuses Claire that the two men look between her and her sister as they say this, obviously unsure of the sudden duality of their quarry. She stubbornly considers the option of staying quiet and letting them figure it out for themselves before exhaustion kicks in and quells her sense of humor.

  "Yes. Can I help you?"

  They both fix their eyes on her. The taller one speaks. "We need to speak with you regarding the recent incident involving Leah Ryan."

  Andy steps closer to her protectively, and she reaches out a hand to pat her sister's arm in reassurance. "That would be fine, officer. Lead the way."


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