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Deus ex Machina

Page 20

by K Alexander

  Ryan walks past to stand just inside the dining room. She looks around, taking in the kitchen and the part of the living room that she can see, the lovely view of the park. "I imagined your place would look like this."

  "Would you like some coffee?"

  "Yes, please." Ryan moves to the kitchen counter and watches Claire as she bustles around, her hands shaking almost unnoticeably as she pours in the filter coffee. When the blonde glances up, the green eyes meet hers inscrutably. Taking the coffee cup she hands it over, acutely aware of their fingers brushing together when Ryan takes the cup from her.

  "Thanks." She remains standing as she takes a sip of the hot beverage. "That's good."

  "Why don't we sit down here?" Claire moves to the doorway of the living room, and when Ryan approaches she suddenly finds herself unwilling to move. The soldier stops next to her and studies her face thoroughly before she raises a hand and drags her palm over Claire's cheek slowly, her fingertips caressing the skin briefly before she pulls away.

  "You had flour on your face."

  "Oh." Breathless, forced out of her suddenly straining chest. Their eyes meet in a fiercely intense collision, and Claire finds herself parting her lips slightly in an effort to catch her abruptly short breath. Ryan's eyes fall to her mouth and the soldier rapidly steps back, breaking the moment.

  "What are you here for?" It could sound terse, but the soldier sees beyond the brevity, almost-smiles (those curved lips that Claire sometimes sees in her dreams) and shrugs.

  "I'm not entirely sure."

  Claire shakes her head. "I don't believe you. You always know what you want."

  "Tough rep to maintain." Ryan still stays standing just inside the door, even when Claire moves back to sink into her favorite chair. "I want to know how you are, to start with."

  "And then?"

  "First things first." Ryan arches her black eyebrows. "How are you, Claire?"

  The doctor cannot help but smile at the exaggeratedly solicitous tone. "I'm fine, Ryan - in fact, better than fine. I'm great." She notes the soldier's eyes flickering around the room. "You're safe here. Sit down."

  Ryan remains standing. "How's your sister?"

  "Andy's good. She came to fetch me from the airport, and stayed with me for a while. It was really nice to have her around for that amount of time. Made me realize that I don't see enough of her."

  "She must be upset about what happened to you."

  "Some of it." Claire smiles. "She knows me better than anybody else. She can see I'm okay, though."

  "You gone back to work?"

  "Yep." In quick strokes Claire tells Ryan about the Nesbitt affair. She realizes as she is doing so that she's telling Ryan more in a desire to see her smile than to impart the information. Ryan's response is as close to a smile as she ever gets, though the enjoyment in her eyes is real.

  "Good. You stood up for yourself." She drains her cup and glances around for a place to put it, settling on the small table next to the couch. "Have you been driving?"

  "I have, yes. No car yet, I haven't decided on what I'd like, but I will soon. In the meantime I'm driving Art's car when he lets me."

  "Art? Oh, Arthur Clarke?"

  "Yes. He's a very good friend." She doesn't understand why she feels the need to clarify that. Ryan nods thoughtfully.

  "Right. You should get yourself a red car, low-slung. That would suit you."

  "Why?" If she were in complete control she wouldn't ask - it's the type of statement that you don't pick a fight with unless you're ready to take the consequences.

  Ryan raises an eyebrow. "Because it would match your charm." Brushing off whatever else it is she is tempted to say she shrugs. "You look very good, Claire. Healthy. Happy."

  "I am." The blonde frowns slightly. "So what's happening with the DEX thing, Ryan?"

  The soldier looks at her inscrutably. "I can't tell you that, Claire. It's not something you can know."

  "Okay." Though she attempts to be nonchalant the upset shows and Ryan steps closer, almost extending a hand before she thinks better of it.

  "It's truly dangerous. I don't want you involved any more."

  "I understand. How are you getting around without being caught? Did you drive all the way here?"

  Ryan smiles and slips a passport out of her back pocket. When she flips it open she only holds it out long enough so that Claire can only identify her picture (albeit with long lustrous hair) and the name Isabella Carmen before she closes it and slips it back into her pocket. "I know people I really shouldn't."

  Claire grins. "I should have known. Isabella - do you speak Spanish?"

  "Yes. My mother was Spanish. I grew up in Mexico."

  "When did she pass away?"

  "A long time ago." Ryan leans against the doorframe a little.

  "Sit down, please?" For emphasis Claire pats the couch next to her chair. With amused eyes Ryan pushes herself away from the door and sits down on the edge of the couch, but even then her bearing is erect and stiff-backed. She sits as if she is at attention, Claire muses. "How is your shoulder?"

  "It's fine." Catching the grin Ryan cocks her head. "All right, a bit stiff now and then, but mostly fine." As if to demonstrate she rolls it around, thought it doesn't escape Claire's notice that the movement isn't quite as loose as it should be yet.

  "And your hands?"

  "All healed." Ryan lifts a square hand towards Claire, and without thinking the blonde grasps it in her own and draws it nearer to inspect the limb. There are faint white scars visible in places, but the skin is neatly healed. It is when the hand in her own twitches slightly that she begins to feel the heat of Ryan's hand seeping into her flesh. Studying it wordlessly she covers every inch of skin, from the long tapered fingers to the narrow bony wrist, memorizing all of the scars and marks, and when she looks up it is to find the green eyes fixed on her with a muted hunger burning in them. Taking a slow breath she raises the hand to her lips and places a blazing kiss on the pale skin, feeling the fingers shift slightly against her hand as she does so. She lowers the hand but does not let it go.

  "What else?"

  Her voice is low and throaty, and she does not care. Ryan watches her greedily. "What?"

  "What else did you come here for, Ryan?"

  The soldier's eyes don't shift from hers, and her rough voice is hoarse when she speaks.

  "For you."

  At the words Claire swallows convulsively. She wants to be levelheaded, she wants to be clear, but the energy from the woman is washing over her mercilessly and the memory of their kiss is setting her mind on fire. Has been doing so night after night. Withdrawing her hand Ryan moves forward, kneeling in front of Claire as she cups her cheek with hot fingers.

  "You can tell me to go right now, and I will."

  "I don't want you to go." Claire does not remember saying the words, but even as she imagines she thinks them Ryan's green eyes flash.

  "Claire." The soldier's voice is ragged. "I can't promise you anything. I don't have anything. All I want is to see if this … attraction between us is real."

  "I don't want promises. I want you." Claire closes her eyes against the fingertips stroking her face so softly. "Just for tonight. I don't care about tomorrow. I want you."

  When the soldier's lips brush against her own she opens her mouth in a silent sigh and leans closer. Ryan caresses her mouth at a slow languid pace, nipping at her bottom lip and then drawing it into her own mouth gently. Her tongue passes over it lightly and Claire moans against her mouth, beginning to return her kiss with rising passion. Their mouths clash and withdraw. Reaching back Claire wraps a hand around Ryan's neck and pulls her closer, forcing their lips together fiercely, and with a groan the soldier wraps her hands in Claire's hair. Their tongues collide and stroke, thrust and tease, and when Ryan drops her head and begins to drop burning kisses on Claire's neck, the doctor gasps, trying to recover her breath. Her attempt is brought to a short sharp halt by the intensity of sensations flooding thro
ugh her as the soldier briefly sinks her teeth into the juncture of her neck and shoulder before she kisses the abused spot fiercely. Her hands slip from Claire's hair to her knees and she parts them firmly, moving forward between them to press her lean torso against Claire's. Her hands slide up the blonde's thigh to cup her buttocks as she moves her mouth to the other side and begins to caress the sensitive skin just under Claire's ear. When the soldier's hands pull her forward and her throbbing center presses against Ryan's stomach she wraps her arms around the lean strong shoulders and arches her back helplessly.

  "Ryan… "

  It comes out very soft and breathless, but the soldier is listening. Her mouth stills momentarily at its amazing motion. "What?"


  When she pauses Ryan sits back immediately, her hands slipping from Claire's buttocks to her knees. "If you want to stop, I will." The flush on her face and the breathy quality of her voice belies the statement, but Claire doesn't doubt her. Shifting her hands from the woman's solid back Claire caresses her shoulders and neck with feather light touches.

  "No, I don't want to stop. It's just… I'm not good with intimacy. I told you."

  "You seem to be doing fine to me." Taking a deep breath Ryan sits back on her haunches. "What can I do?"

  "I don't know. I'm just worried that I might not be able to … " Claire looks down. A hand under her chin lifts her head and Ryan looks into her eyes frankly.

  "You're in control, Claire. Set the pace. Take the lead. I'll do whatever you ask me to."

  The blonde smiles a little shakily. "Okay." Leaning into the hand on her face she licks her bottom lip. "Kiss me?"

  "That I can." Ryan leans forward and the kiss begins again, slowly and tentatively. The soldier's soft lips brush against hers in rhythmic strokes, and it is finally Claire who pulls Ryan closer and deepens the contact. Splaying one hand against the back of Ryan's head she pulls the soldier as close as she can, and the other hand slips over the lean woman's shoulder and down her back. When Claire parts her legs and drags Ryan closer to her she stills for a moment, feeling the heat of her groin pressed once again to the soldier's stomach. Ryan's mouth slows its movement as she waits for the blonde to make a decision, and when Claire's hips tilt forward to press against her she groans into the other woman's mouth and slides her hands slowly up Claire's legs, skimming her thighs and buttocks to rest her fingers loosely on her curved hips.

  The blonde is kissing her ferociously now, the initial hesitation lost to the wild intensity between them, and Ryan can feel the muscles in her straining thighs flutter as she struggles not to press forward into Claire's slowly thrusting hips. The feeling of the blonde's rocking motions against her body, combined with the overwhelming force of the kiss and the fingernails trailing over her shoulders roughly is sending shivers down her spine and rendering her completely light-headed. So much so, in fact, that it takes her a moment to realize when Claire abruptly shifts her mouth from the soldier's and leans in to kiss a hot trail down Ryan's neck. Arching towards the mouth the dark woman wants to gasp, but she doesn't seem to have the air in her lungs, and she can only close her eyes as Claire's right hand begins to caress the opposite side of her neck. Her hands tighten convulsively around Claire's hips, and it is with real effort that she loosens her grip and shifts her hands around a little helplessly. The blonde's lips trail down her neck, alternating between gentleness and fierce passion, and the throbbing left both in their trail and in other parts of her body leaves Ryan weak.

  As Claire pulls a little at the v-neck of Ryan's shirt to find access to the swell of her collarbones she marvels at the feeling of the soldier's smooth skin beneath her hands. Her hips are still rocking rhythmically against Ryan's torso and she has given up trying to control them; the wet aching warmth that is spreading in her groin drives her forward pitilessly.

  A part of her mind is telling her to slow down, to see this for what it is - lust, pure and definite - and to pull back, not to succumb. This is the part of her mind that she is pushing backwards without further thought to make way for breathtakingly raw passion while she slips a hand under Ryan's shirt and drags her nails over the soldier's side. When Ryan moans throatily, the vibrations purring against her mouth - she can feel the dark woman fighting to keep herself under control - she pulls back to stare into the feverish green eyes hungrily.

  Without warning she suddenly stands, hoisting Ryan up with her by her black shirt. The soldier rises to her feet, her breath short and jagged, and when Claire completes the motion by pulling her shirt over her head she lifts her arms silently to let the blonde peel the material from her body.

  Flinging the shirt carelessly into a corner Claire moves forward with a predatory motion that sends a shiver through Ryan's body. In a sure action she places both hands on Ryan's tight stomach, feeling the muscles tremble underneath, and runs them upwards strongly, her fingers kneading gently as they cover Ryan's high small breasts. Gritting her teeth the soldier wraps her hands around Claire's waist, and involuntarily they slip under the blonde's shirt and begins to caress her skin impatiently. Claire seems not to notice this as she runs her hands ardently over the body she has been dreaming about, her fingers and palms and nails everywhere at once. When she briefly brushes over Ryan's belt buckle the soldier stiffens, and when her fingers return to fumble clumsily at it the soldier takes a deep ragged breath. Stepping back Claire undoes the belt impatiently before she unsnaps the top button, and then pulls Ryan closer again. Her left hand slips upward to draw teasing nails over the soldier's tight rigid nipple as her right caresses Ryan's stomach, slowly slipping into the waistband of her underwear to drag through the soft silky hair.

  When her hand slips down lower, Ryan's back arches and she leans against Claire, her knees abruptly inadequate. The blonde runs trembling yet urgent fingers into the warm soaking folds, her breath straining against Ryan's neck as she strokes the soft wet skin. The soldier's shoulders twitch when Claire's fingers tentatively explore the entrance of her sex, and when they carelessly flick over the swollen bundle of nerves at the apex she releases a guttural groan.

  A feral smile crosses Claire's mouth at the throaty sound. Leaning forward she tilts her head and captures the soldier's earlobe between her teeth, nipping at it sharply before she begins to caress the skin beneath it warmly with her mouth. The rhythm of her fingers is relentless, dragging through the slick folds slowly and torturously to culminate every stroke with a firm caress of the clit, and when Claire finally follows it by slipping her fingers into Ryan the soldier almost falls. Wrapping her hands around Claire's hips tightly for support she tries to spread her thighs, her motion constricted by the jeans still hanging around her waist.

  Claire is marveling at the softness, the heat of the flesh under her fingers. When she captures the sensitive bud between two fingers and squeezes it gently an unintelligible word escapes Ryan's throat, and when she enters the other woman her back arches helplessly, gooseflesh dotting her torso unexpectedly. Feeling desire speed through her Claire begins to thrust her fingers strongly into Ryan, her heel dragging roughly over the lean woman's clit with every stroke, and when she realizes that her motion is being constrained by the taut fabric of the soldier's underwear she growls and withdraws her hand, forcing a sharp exhalation from Ryan. Reaching down impatiently Claire pushes down the jeans and underwear to Ryan's feet, not bothering to undo the boots before she moves the soldier backwards a few awkward steps to press her against the wall.

  Her hand finds its way back between the lean thighs and this time Ryan can lean back against the cool plaster and tilt her hips forward. As the blonde enters her and begins to thrust again she reaches out with an unsteady hand to clasp the top of the dresser against the wall closest to her. The brush of the heel against her swollen and sensitive flesh is urging her upwards rapidly, and as her body explodes powerfully and she tightens around the fingers inside her convulsively, her green eyes lock onto the blue ones watching her liquidly with fierce intensity.
  As Ryan's body begins to arch and her muscles start to tighten uncontrollably Claire keeps thrusting, desperate to feel the connection between them until the soldier's hand on her wrist cautions her to withdraw. Leaning forward she rests her palms against Ryan's heaving ribs and her forehead in the hollow of her neck, smiling slightly as she feels the lean woman's hands caress her back bonelessly. Finally Ryan takes a more controlled breath.

  "God." Her voice is husky.

  "No, Claire's still fine."

  Leaning her head back against the wall Ryan shoots the blonde a smoldering look.

  "Is Claire?"

  Blood rushes to her cheeks - and other parts of her anatomy. Studying the flush with suppressed amusement Ryan moves to pull up her jeans, leaving the belt unbuckled. When she reaches out and runs a slow hand across Claire's side the blonde exhales somewhat raggedly.


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