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Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  Pull back.

  He didn’t want to pull back. Laying his feelings and desires on the table had been the best thing he’d done. There was no way for them to move on until she knew the truth of what he wanted.

  Tiny had visited him again at work to ask him about his past. It hadn’t taken Whizz long to find the truth of everything that had happened. Butch no longer cared about the past. He was old enough and wise enough to take care of his own family. He told Tiny that he was going to make Cheryl his woman.

  She took the plate off him. He saw she was shaking, but he didn’t mention it. Their relationship had changed, and there was no going back. Butch had thought long and hard about the future. Taking on Matthew would be an absolute dream. He adored the kid as if he was his own. No man should ever get pissed about helping bring another man’s son into the world. Butch would consider it a blessing to give Matthew a wonderful start in life.

  He knew she came as a package deal when he started to visit her. Once the dishes were done he followed her into the sitting room. The tension in the room mounted in more ways than he imagined.

  Gripping her waist, he drew her down onto the lumpy sofa beside him. He barely lived in his apartment nowadays. Most of his time was spent with Cheryl or at work. There were times he missed the club. No, he missed the club the whole time. When he saw Nash, Killer, Zero, or Whizz, walking around town wearing their cuts, he felt like he was being torn apart. The club was in his blood and had been since birth. Loyalty meant a great deal to him, and he’d stripped the patch from himself. The appointment to have his ink removed had been postponed for another week. He didn’t know if he was going to be able to go through with it. But when he thought about Cheryl, he couldn’t bring himself to go to Tiny and ask to join back up. The Skulls was not the place for him to be.

  “Stop worrying and just sit down beside me.” He tucked her close, taking the remote from her hand. Flicking on the television he refused to do anything else until she relaxed beside him. His cock was rock hard. Ignoring his need, he flicked through the television settling on a thriller for them to watch. She needed to know he wasn’t going to hurt her.

  Resting one arm behind his head he thought about the club. The life was in his blood and had been from a young age.

  “You need to come back, Butch. He took everything from you in the past,” Tiny said.

  “He doesn’t need to take anything from me. The moment I join you Cheryl and Matthew are fucking dead. I’m not doing that. I love her.”

  “We can’t protect either of you until you come back.”

  “I don’t need protection. I’m surviving, and that’s all you need to know.”

  Frederick Gonzalez didn’t hold a single threat to him. It was over and done with. Everything was in his past, and he had no intention of going out for blood. There was no need to rehash old mistakes. He lost his family, and the Gonzalez family moved on. If they wanted the Chaos Bleeds crew then Gonzalez could have them. There was no need to fight what was inevitable. The moment they intervened they were at risk.

  Cheryl relaxed beside him. He stroked her arm then cupped her hip. Her palm landed on his thigh. He stared at her pale fingers on his denim clad thigh.

  “You’re going to give up the whole club for a bitch with a son from another fucking bastard.”

  It had taken every ounce of strength inside him not to hurt Tiny. The other man could kick his ass. Tiny may be in his fifties, but he could fight better than all of them.

  “Nothing has to happen tonight, Cheryl. I’m not going to run away to a different woman. I’m here, and I don’t back down on my word.”

  “I know. God, I’m so bad at this.”

  He tugged her onto his lap, running his hand up and down her thigh. The movie was forgotten as he slid a hand underneath the skirt of her dress. Her smooth thighs opened as he moved between them to press his palm against her covered pussy. The strip of panties he touched was soaking wet.

  “You want this as much as I do, don’t you?” he asked.


  Butch wouldn’t fuck her tonight. They could have some fun without any of their clothing in the way without fucking.

  She stroked her fingers up his arm. “I can’t get you out of my head.”

  “Good. I don’t want you to.”

  He slid the fabric of her panties out of the way. Sliding a finger through the lips of her sex, he teased her clit. She jerked in his arms, crying out as he pinched the bud between his fingers.

  “Stop,” she said.

  Withdrawing his hand, he watched as she climbed off his lap. “I don’t want to do this in the living room.” She took his hand, leading him upstairs to her bedroom. The moment he entered the room he felt like he’d entered her world. The pastel colors were entirely feminine without a speck of dark in place. There was no clutter, and every single item had its own space. He liked the place. It was like Cheryl.

  Moving to her side, he turned her around so her back was to him. He tugged the latch of her zipper down. The red lingerie he’d bought came into view. Pushing the dress off her shoulders, he turned her back to face him.

  Admiring the underwear, he tugged the white shirt from his body. His ink stood out compared to her. Cheryl didn’t possess a single mark on her perfect body. To some men she might be a little too big, but to Butch, she was perfect, rounded in all the right places. He loved her rounded stomach and thick thighs. Many times he’d find himself imagining her wrapped around him as he fucked her hard, slamming his dick inside her. Butch couldn’t wait to get lost between her thighs. Her pussy would be so fucking sweet.

  With his hand on her hip, he drew her close, slamming his lips down on hers. “Fuck, baby, you’re going to drive me insane.”

  She melted against him.

  He looked down to see her tugging on the belt keeping his jeans up.

  In quick movements she had him naked. His thick cock stood out, pulsing with need. Butch stripped her bra and panties from her body and pushed her to the bed. She fell down, crying out. He landed between her thighs, keeping her in place with his body. Taking her hands, he pressed them to the bed beside her head. Leaning down, he claimed a kiss, sliding his tongue deep inside her mouth.

  “Butch?” she asked, gasping.

  “I know, baby. Take it. I’m going to make you feel so good.” He was nowhere near done making her feel so fucking good.

  Kissing down her neck, he licked at the pulse pounding on the side of her neck. She cried out, arching up against him. There was nowhere else for her to go as he kept her contained to the bed with his hand holding her in place. Down he moved, taking one of her tight nipples into his mouth. He bit down on the bud, sucking on the tip.

  She screamed, thrashing beneath him. Releasing her hands, he cupped her hips and pressed his cock between the lips of her sex.

  “Butch, you need a condom.”

  He shook his head. “I’m not going inside your cunt. Trust me.”

  Cheryl didn’t push him away, and he took his time to slide between her slick folds. Her cream combined with his pre-cum was all the lubrication they needed. Staring into her eyes, Butch knew he was in trouble. He didn’t give a shit about who had her before him. As far as he was concerned, he’d be the last man to take her.

  He wanted to taste her. Moving between each breast, he kissed down her stomach, taking his time and relishing the feel of her quivering against him. Resting his shoulders between her smooth thighs, she stared at her creamy cunt on display. She had a small smattering of hair. He didn’t mind his woman actually looking like a woman.

  “Butch, what are you doing?”

  “I’m taking what’s mine.” He opened her pussy staring at the entrance to her cunt and the swollen bud of her clit. His mouth watered, and she smelled so fucking good. She made him ache for more.

  “I don’t think—”

  He silenced her by sliding his tongue over her clit. Nibbling down on her bud, he gave enough pressure to be on the verge of
pain only to pull back when it was too much.

  “Fuck,” she said.

  Hearing her curse was a huge turn on to him.

  Gliding down, he pushed his tongue deep into her pussy. With his tongue alone he felt how tight she actually was. She gripped him so tightly.

  Her hands fisted the bed. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the little fists she made as drove her crazy with his tongue. Butch tongued her clit, sucking the bud, then slid down to fuck her.

  Over and over he repeated the same movements drawing her pleasure out of her, making it last longer.

  “Please, stop torturing me.”

  Chuckling, he didn’t let up giving her what she needed. He tongue-fucked her pussy and caressed her clit. She splintered apart within seconds, crying out her release. Butch caught her hands holding them in place as he continued to lick and suck her.

  When he knew she couldn’t handle anymore, he withdrew, licking the remaining cream from his chin.

  Sitting back, he was satisfied with how relaxed she looked. Caressing her thighs, he smiled at her.

  “Do you feel better?”

  “I’ve never had anyone do that to me before.”

  He chuckled. “There will be no one else doing that to you either. Anything you want from now on you’ll come to me.”

  “Okay.” She didn’t argue.

  Wrapping his fingers around his length, he stared at her body. She was so fucking sexy. Butch didn’t know what he did to deserve her. Cheryl was a dream come true for him. He never thought he could have a woman to claim as his own. For the past three years he’d watched Lash, Murphy, Nash, Tiny, Killer, and just recently Zero settle down to precious women. Cheryl was different from the club whores he fucked. He’d never met another woman like her. She invaded his thoughts all the time.

  “I think this is my turn,” she said, going to her knees.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close. There was so much passion inside her that she took his breath away.

  Cheryl pushed him down to the bed, kneeling between his thighs. “I do know how to do this.” She gripped his length, and her mouth moved over the tip. The moment she sucked him inside he was lost. Sinking his fingers into her hair, he closed his eyes as she worshipped his cock. He didn’t expect her to do this to him. Closing his eyes, he relished the feel of her mouth on him.

  This was his future, and he’d die a fucking happy man with the heat of her tongue wrapped around him. Opening his eyes, he glanced down to see her head bobbing over his cock.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re perfect,” he said, grunting the words out.

  Her tongue glided over the tip swallowing down his pre-cum. He’d not fucked another woman since he met her. There was no way he was going to last with what she was doing.

  “Shit, you’re going to have to stop if you don’t want a mouth full of cum.”

  She kept on going, licking and sucking him.

  He exploded, and she took every single drop he spilled into her mouth. When she finished, he pulled her up against his body.

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Words of love were on the tip of his tongue, but he held them back. It was too early for him to let them out.


  “He’s not coming back. I’ve spoken to him, and he’s done,” Tiny said, talking to his men. Lash was on the phone. He heard the sounds of Angel and his son in the background as he spoke.

  “I tried to talk to him, but he’s determined to stay away,” Lash said. “Man’s a fucking idiot.”

  “You should be enjoying your vacation, not phoning up to find out what’s going on,” Nash said, speaking up.

  “This woman, what do we know about her?” Killer asked.

  “Not much. She’s a single mother and works at the church,” Zero said.

  “What?” Alex asked, speaking loudly.

  Tiny turned to look at his friend. The shock on Alex’s face sent a warning off in his mind.

  “It’s where he met her. When Alan was on the fucking loose, he met her there. They’ve been getting to know each other for a long time.” Zero shrugged. “I don’t know anything else about her. I’ve never actually met her. Butch is smitten. He has to be to want to give up the life for her.”

  “I’ve met her. She’s the florist that does amazing bouquets. Angel adores her. I have to say she’s a nice woman.” Lash spoke up. “At least he’s given up the life for a nice woman and not a total bitch.”

  “Out of all of us Butch is the weak link with Gonzalez. He’s the only one out of all of us who knows him,” Whizz said.

  “Do you think he’s going to do a takeover?” Tiny asked.

  “He’s already claimed Chaos Bleeds’s territory. Nearly all of their contractors know about Gonzalez and are going elsewhere. This fucker killed his father to take over from him. I don’t think you should underestimate him. Gonzalez goes after what he wants and doesn’t give a shit what goes down,” Whizz explained. “When the kid was sixteen he watched his own father put a bullet in his mother’s head for looking at the fucking pool boy. This is a man used to violence. Frederick is worse than his own father. Butch is in danger. We need to get him back, as otherwise we’re going to be cleaning up his mess.”

  Since Whizz’s kidnapping and torture that was the most he’d ever spoken. Tiny thanked him, thinking about his man.

  “I don’t know how we’re going to get him back.”

  “Talk to his woman. She looks like the type to listen. I’ve seen her with her son,” Nash said. “Tell her how much they’re in danger, and it will draw Butch back. He’ll do anything to protect her.”

  Tiny agreed. “Then we better hope they’re coming to the fair tomorrow. It will be much easier to lure them back with our women. It’s a shame you and Angel aren’t here.”

  “I know, Tiny. I’ve got to give her this after everything she’s been through,” Lash said. “I owe her, and so does the club.”

  He couldn’t argue with Lash. Out of all of them Angel had been through the most. The woman was loyal and stood by her man’s side. Tiny missed her sweet presence as did his wife. Angel always calmed the club down.

  “Have a good time and we’ll see you the moment you get back.”

  Hanging up, he dismissed the crew. When they were alone he looked back at Alex. “What the fuck’s your problem?”

  “I don’t have a problem. I’ll be at the fair tomorrow. Don’t go without me.” Alex left the room without giving Tiny chance to question him further. Something didn’t bode well with him. For the first time since he’d known Alex, Tiny didn’t trust him.

  Chapter Five

  “You’re dating him?” Anna asked, raising her voice. Glancing into her mother’s sitting room, Cheryl glared at her.

  “Stop yelling. Matthew doesn’t need to hear you shouting.”

  “You were supposed to be friends, and now you’re dating him.”

  Waking up beside Butch had been amazing. They hadn’t had sex, but they’d taken advantage of their time together. He made her heart sing.

  She wore one of the dresses he’d bought for her. The fabric clung to her skin, and he’d been unable to take his hands off her this morning. He’d only left her alone to go home to change. Butch was picking her up from her mother’s. She had a change of clothes for Matthew to get ready for the fair.

  “Why can’t you be happy for me? I’m happy.”

  “This man is a criminal. You barely know him, and look what happened with the last man you fell for.”

  The blow was a low one. Tensing up, Cheryl turned to her mother. “Stop it. What happened in the past is my business. Butch knows the truth. Whoever Matthew’s father was, he’s not coming back. I’ve never seen or heard from him. I’m not going to wait around for a man who couldn’t handle my life. Butch, he’s different. He makes me happy. I love being around him. Why can’t you be happy for me?”

  “Honey, I worry about you.” Her mother cupped her cheeks, drawing her close.
  There were no tears to fall. Cheryl stopped crying over a man she didn’t know years ago.

  “I’m going to get my son dressed. I would appreciate it if you gave Butch a chance.”

  “Is Butch his real name?” Anna asked.

  Staring up at the ceiling she blew out a breath. “You’re going to be difficult at every turn, aren’t you?”

  “I love you, honey.”

  “Then be happy for me. Give him a chance. This is the first time a man has left me feeling happy. Butch cares about me, and he cares about a son who’s not even his. Please, for once, be happy for me.” She slammed her palm against her chest, losing her temper.

  “Mommy?” Matthew asked. “Are you angry?”

  Closing her eyes, she counted to five and turned to her son. “No, baby. I’m not angry.” Going down to his level, she picked him up. Turning back to her mother she glared at her. “Be happy for me.”

  Leaving her alone, she took Matthew to get changed. Her hands were shaking as she sorted him out. He no longer needed to wear a diaper as she potty trained him already. Her son was a fast learner. Slowly, she started to calm down. She knew her mother only worried. Why couldn’t her mother accept the fact she was happy?

  Holding him close, she inhaled his scent feeling all the love she had for him come crashing through her. She’d do anything for him. The sound of her mother’s door being knocked on interrupted the moment.

  She left her mother to open the door. “Are you ready to have some wicked fun?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” Matthew said, giggling.

  Picking him up and resting him on her hip she spun around in time to see Butch. His gaze lit up the moment he saw them. He was dressed the same way he was last night only they were fresh clothes. Butch took Matthew off her hip, kissing the top of his head. He claimed her lips, and she melted at the smallest touch.


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