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Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “Stop it. The club has been your life for a long time. You told me that you grew up in a club.”

  Her mention of his past reminded him of the conversation he’d had with Becca, the doctor who saved him. He’d warned her that Frederick was out looking for her. The doctor knew what to do to go to ground. She was leaving her life behind and heading for the hills away from any apparent danger. He had to believe she’d be okay. There was nothing else he could do to protect the older woman. She’d told him to watch his back.

  Butch took a step back. Her words were finally getting to him, holding him in place. Staring at Cheryl, he smiled. “You’re telling me to go back to the club?”

  “I’m telling you to think long and hard about what you want. You’ve always been in the club, and I don’t want you to hate me when you can no longer find a reason to not be with them.”

  “I wouldn’t do that.”

  “How do I know that? In fact, how do you know that?” she asked, firing the questions at him.

  Butch hadn’t seen past the immediate future. What would he do in years to come when there was no threat? Would he blame her? Start to hate her?

  The thought of hating Cheryl didn’t sit right with him. There was no way it could happen, but again, he couldn’t know for certain how he’d feel.

  Chapter Nine

  Cheryl hated arguing. Throughout the whole of her life she’d tried to avoid conflict. She despised yelling at her mother or starting anything that couldn’t be solved by conversation. Staring at Butch she waited for him to say something, anything. She’d thought about his reaction long and hard. There was no way for him not to blame her in the future. No matter how much he tried to deny it, she knew it wasn’t possible. The afternoon spent with all of The Skulls’ women had been a blast. She wasn’t too fond of Tate, yet the other women were amazing. Eva was such a darling with how she cared about everyone. Sophia, Kelsey, and Prue made up the numbers, and Rose was an old timer. She’d been married over ten years and had seen a lot of change within the club. None of the women tried to find out information about her and Butch. They were all happy to talk their girl talk. The only time they’d asked about Butch was when they were talking about sex.

  They’d all been surprised to find that she’d not slept with Butch.

  “Look, baby, can we talk about something else?” he asked.

  “You’re going to avoid it. You quit the club because of me. When are you going to realize I don’t care about the club?” She stormed past him, pushing him out of the way.

  “Don’t,” he said, grabbing her arm.

  She stared at where he held her then up into his eyes. “You’ve got to stop using me as an excuse.”

  “When I first met you, you were holding a stack load of Bibles. There was no way you were going to let me in your life.”

  Cheryl glared at him. “In case you haven’t caught on, I needed the fucking money. The priest paid me to do that. I slept with a man I knew a matter of hours. I’m not some sweet innocent girl you need to protect. I never have been. Stop thinking that I am.” She threw her arms wide, hoping he’d get the message.

  “You’re not some slut either.”

  “I never said that.” She started to yell. “If I just bash you over the head will you start thinking?”

  He smirked, enraging her more.

  “You can’t do it, can you? You can’t take anything seriously. God, you’re going to drive me crazy.” She walked out of the kitchen, charging upstairs. The only way to calm down was to put some distance between them. There was no way she’d ever be able to look at him without getting angry otherwise.

  “Cheryl, you can’t run away from this.”

  “This is my house. You can leave whenever you like.”

  What are you doing? This was supposed to be fun.

  Slamming the door shut to the bathroom, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her cheeks were flushed from their argument.

  Butch banged on the door. “Open up, Cheryl. This is stupid.”

  Ignoring him, she unpinned her hair allowing the length to fall in waves around her. She felt horny. Turning this way and that, she glanced at her body from all sides. Licking her lips, she listened to Butch talk. Each sound sent a spark shooting through her body. She was more than ready for what he had to offer.

  What are you doing?

  As she cupped her cheeks, the heat radiated through to her palms.

  A jolt of lust worked its way through her body. Wriggling out of her jeans, she removed her shirt revealing the plain cotton underwear. Butch had seen her naked, but she wanted to shock him.

  They were alone with her son being taken care of. She didn’t want to waste the opportunity by arguing with him. The last thing she wanted to do was send him away without going to the next level.

  “Stop doing this, Cheryl. Open up the fucking door.”

  The door rattled from where he was tugging at the handle. Licking her lips, she took one quick glance at her reflection then turned toward him.

  You can do this. It’s simple, and it’s what you want.

  Clicking the lock, she opened the door. Butch had his back to her. Leaning against the doorframe she didn’t say a word, waiting for him to turn around.

  Twirling a lock of hair, the heat was thumping through her system.

  “Are you done runn—”

  Butch turned and stopped talking. His gaze ran up and down her body.

  “Hey, Butch,” she said, flicking the lock of hair out of the way.

  “What the fuck happened?” he asked.

  “I’ve been relaxing, and we’re going steady. You know I’m a single mother, and I won’t sleep around.” She stepped into the room. Cheryl wouldn’t have dreamt of doing this with anyone else but Butch. He made her feel confident in the way he looked at her. His very presence awakened her.

  “Holy shit, fuck, baby, you’re so fucking hot.”

  He reached out, spanning his hand across her hip. She glanced down seeing his large tanned hand against her pale skin. Butch had lost a lot of his suntan from not being outside. Cheryl hoped any decision he made in the future was what he wanted himself and not what he thought she wanted.

  His gaze returned to hers. “We were fighting.”

  “Our first fight and I think we can return to it later. We don’t need to waste our night over it.”

  “I never want to argue with you.” He pulled her closer as he looked down her body. His eyes were directly on her breasts. Since giving birth they’d gotten larger. She liked her fuller shape whereas some men hated a woman who liked her food. Cheryl wouldn’t be giving up the few pleasures in life, and food was one of them. Life was too short to give everything up in life. She hoped in the next few hours she could add a few other pleasures to her list.

  “We’ll argue.” Seeing The Skull women, Cheryl knew she needed to stand up for herself. The women were sweet, loving, but they didn’t take any crap.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’m sure. I’m ready.” Running her hands up his chest, she circled her arms around his neck.

  He gripped her ass rubbing his cock against her stomach.

  “I love your body,” he said, leaning forward. She couldn’t respond as he took her lips in a searing kiss, cutting off all thought. He plundered her mouth with his tongue, licking along the seam then inside. Moaning, she tightened her arms, needing to get as close as possible.

  “Please,” she said. Cheryl didn’t know what she was begging for, only for him to get rid of the ache clawing away inside her.

  Butch moved her to the base of the bed. He withdrew his lips leaving her empty. Whimpering, she stared into his eyes.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take care of everything.”

  She watched his shirt come off his body revealing the ink covered perfection of him. There was no way she wasn’t dreaming. Pinching her arm she winced at the onset of pain.

  “Why did you do that?” he asked.

  “I wanted to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.” She pinched herself again.

  “Stop. You’re not dreaming. You’re going to hurt yourself.”

  Smiling, her mouth went dry as he started to finger the belt holding his jeans up.

  “Fuck, I want to see that hungry look on your face,” he said.

  “What hungry look?”

  He took hold of her chin turning her head this way and that. “How did I get so fucking lucky?”

  His words charmed her.

  She took over, tugging at his belt.

  “You’re impatient.”

  “I’ve been waiting for this since you asked for me to get Matthew taken care of. I know I was more than ready.”

  Butch covered her hands where they were tugging at his jeans. “Stop, Cheryl. I want you to look at me.” He sounded serious.

  “What is it? What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing.” Butch cupped her cheeks, staring into her eyes. The tension changed, becoming charged. “I love you.”

  The declaration of love was not what she expected. Her heart pounded against her chest. Opening her lips, she closed them, then opened. What the hell was she supposed to say? None of it made any sense to her.

  “You love me?”

  Her feelings for him made more sense to her. How could a man like Butch fall in love with her? She was nothing compared to some of the women she’d met today. They were strong and fought for what they wanted while she lay down and let life happen. Alex had swept through her life then left as quickly.

  “Yeah, I love you.”

  “How? I don’t understand.” Tears filled her eyes at the smile in his. She saw the love reflected back at her.

  “Baby, do I need to smack your ass?”

  She shook her head. “I’m a single mother.”

  “You’re what I want.” He slammed his lips down on hers cutting off all protest. There was no way she could fight what he wanted. “Never doubt yourself, Cheryl. From the moment I saw you carrying those Bibles, I was hooked.”

  Biting her lip she stared at his chest. “You’re too sweet.”

  “No, I’m not. I’ve killed people, baby. I’ve taken lives for the good of the club. I’ve caused pain, and I’ve broken the law. The club was my family. I want to make you and Matthew my family now.”

  “Why can’t you have both?” she asked. Pressing a kiss to his lips, she stared into his eyes. “I’m not going to ask you to choose between the two. The club and me, it doesn’t have to be one or the other. It could be both.”

  “Don’t worry about the club. I can deal with the club.” His hand moved from her face down to the strap of her bra. “Now, I’m going to fuck you, and then I’m going to make love to you. I haven’t got the time or patience to go slow the first time. I will make it up to you, I promise.”

  “I don’t care.” She pressed her head to his. “Make me yours.”


  Tugging the strap down her arm, Butch stared at the top of her breast as he started to expose the plump flesh. The red of her nipple appeared. Sliding the strap further down, he growled at the large red tip. It begged to be sucked and taken in deep. With his mouth watering, he leaned down sucking the bud.

  She cried out. Her fingers sank into his hair and tightened on the strands. Pulling the second strap down he reached around the back unsnapping the clasp. In a quick tug the offending item was on the floor, and all he had to do was remove her panties. She shuddered against his touch. He laid his palm flat against her stomach.

  Moving to the next breast, he sucked in the large bud. Her tits were a thing of beauty. He wanted pictures of her tits on his person for when he left her alone and was desperate for a view of her tits. Would she let him have a picture of her naked? He loved looking at her and knew he could spend hours simply gazing at her.

  Pushing the band of her panties aside, he inhaled the musky scent of her pussy. She was soaking wet to the touch. Butch slid a finger through her soaking slit at the same time he pinched her nipple. He caressed her clit before going down to plunge into her core.

  Her nails sank into the flesh of his shoulders as she tried to hold herself up. “Butch?”

  “I’ve got you.” He muttered his response against her skin.

  Jerking back, he tore the panties from her body and pushed her to the bed. “I’ve got to taste you.”

  Butch removed the belt, pushing his jeans down. He couldn’t believe he had the woman he truly wanted in his arms and in his bed, or at least in her bed. Soon he’d have a place with a large yard out in the back with a lot more space. Cheryl deserved the kind of man who’d give her everything she needed.

  There was fire inside her that he’d not anticipated. He truly thought she was sweet, vulnerable. Cheryl was sweet, but she wasn’t vulnerable. No one was going to treat her like shit, and it turned him on. She’d spent the afternoon with The Skull women and survived. There were no marks on her body or fear in her eyes. She looked happier than he’d ever seen her. Not many women could handle the conflict of personalities. He’d seen some of the sweet-butts sent away crying because they couldn’t handle them.

  Tiny wouldn’t let a piece of ass speak with anything but respect to the old ladies.

  Naked, he knelt at the bottom of the bed drawing her closer. Opening her thighs, he stared at the red lips of her sex. She had a small smattering of brown curls, but nothing took away the beauty of her slit. Using his fingers, he opened her up to see the entrance to her cunt. Further down, he saw the puckered hole of her anus. His cock pulsed at the sight and the smell. She was pure, and the raw lust filled him.

  Bending down, he inhaled her subtle fragrance before running his tongue around her slit down to her cunt. Plunging his tongue into her pussy, he felt her tighten around him. The taste of her exploded on his tongue. Sucking her cream down, he slid up to circle her clit. Flicking his tongue over the bud, he kept up his ministrations never letting up.

  “Butch.” She screamed his name over and over.

  The sounds echoed off the wall. Soaking his fingers in her cream, he finger fucked her, watching her drive closer to the edge of pleasure.

  “Come for me, Cheryl. You’re not getting my cock until you come all over my tongue.” With his free hand, he reached up to pinch her nipples. She thrashed underneath him, but Butch wouldn’t stop.

  Releasing her cunt, he took both of her hands, banding them down at her side. “You’re not moving. Come on my tongue, or I’ll spend all night licking you. It’s no problem to me, baby. You taste so fucking good that I won’t want to stop.”

  He tongued her clit, sucking, nipping, and tugging the hard bud into his mouth. Holding her in place, Butch didn’t stop. He wasn’t going to let her go until she gave him what he wanted.

  Butch didn’t stop, and within seconds she splintered apart in his arms. Her orgasm crashed over her, leaking her cream onto his waiting tongue. He swallowed her down, relishing every drop. Once he was done, he pulled away wiping the remains of her release from his chin.

  Reaching into his jeans, he pulled out the condom, tearing into the latex. Cheryl’s gaze was on him as he worked the condom over his shaft. He was rock hard, achingly so.

  “Do you like what you see? You do this to me.”

  “You’re so big.”

  “I know, babe. I’ve not had any complaints before, and you’ll be satisfied with what I give you.” Getting to his feet, he nudged her further up the bed until she lay amongst the pillows. Her hair fanned out around her. She looked so beautiful and perfect.

  Stroking a hand through her hair, he cupped her hip.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she said.

  Smiling, Butch knew he was in heaven. Nothing else mattered but him and her in that moment. The world could be ending, but he didn’t give a fuck.

  Gripping her hip, he took a kiss he was desperate for. She didn’t pull away even as she tasted her own cream. Sliding his tongue into her mouth, he fell eve
n deeper in love with her. Cheryl was everything he wanted in a woman. She was sweet, charming, sexy, and passionate. No one was going to take that away from her.

  He took hold of his cock, running the latex covered tip through her creamy cunt. She shook beneath him, jerking as he pushed against her clit.

  She screamed his name. Moving down to the entrance of her pussy, he pushed the first inch inside her. The heat, even through the condom, was amazing. Another inch inside and her cunt clenched. Her own cream helped ease the way inside her. She wasn’t fighting him. He rested both his hands beside her head, trapping her against the bed and his body.

  One last plunge and he seated himself deep within her body. Cheryl whimpered, and he watched the dilation of her eyes. The arousal built inside her. He hit her cervix and stilled, relishing every second of her response.

  “You’re so fucking tight. Your pussy is perfect, baby. You’re what I want.” Kissing her lips, he followed the path to the rapidly beating pulse at the side of her neck.

  “Please, fuck me, Butch.”

  He smiled, shaking his head. “Not yet. I’m going to feel your cunt tighten around me. You’re going to beg me to fuck you.”

  “I’m already begging.”

  Sucking the flesh of her neck into his mouth, he moaned as she tightened her sweet pussy around him. She was tighter than any woman he’d been with.

  Pulling out of her heat, he watched the relief in her face then slammed in deep, not waiting for her to get used to the size of him. Butch fucked her over and over, going in deep. Each thrust took him closer to the edge. He didn’t want it to be over, but he knew if he didn’t stop then it was all going to be over. Butch wanted to make a lasting impression on her. The only cock he wanted her craving was his own.

  “So … fucking … good.” He spoke the words between each thrust of his cock. “Touch your clit, baby. I need you to come. I’ll make it up to you in time. I can’t wait. Fuck, so fucking good.”

  Over and over, he fucked her hard. She wrapped her legs around his waist, opening her core up. Gripping her hip, he looked down watching his cock disappear inside her tight warmth. Her cream soaked the condom. He wanted her to be bare, skin to skin, but that wasn’t going to happen any time soon. There was plenty of time to take her without the use of a condom.


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