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Page 15

by Sam Crescent

  His hands cupped her tits, and she was lost.

  He’s going to marry you.

  She didn’t know what to think of his sudden proposal and the purchase of the florist shop. What did he hope to achieve? They were staying in Fort Wills. Butch wasn’t going to get her to leave no matter what he thought.

  “Fuck, I need you.”

  He reached out going to the button of his jeans.

  “Butch,” she said, moaning.

  “I know, baby.”

  The button slid open, and she wiggled her hips for him to push the jeans down her thighs. There was no time to make him wait. Butch took over. He turned her to face him, picking her up easily to place her on the dinner table.

  She chuckled as with one quick movement he tore them from her body.

  “Baby, we’re going to need to buy you some new underwear, thongs or something to reveal your pussy more.” He took hold of her cotton underwear, destroying the fabric in his haste to get rid of it.

  “You’re going too fast,” she said, chuckling.

  “No, I’m not. I need this, baby. Come on, show me you want me.” He ran his hands up the outside of her thighs, curving inside to open them wide.

  Cheryl removed her shirt, hearing him moan as she fingered the bra covering her breasts from his view.

  “Fuck, you really are beautiful, honey. I can’t wait to be inside you.”

  He ran a finger through the lips of her sex. Crying out, she arched up.

  “Not yet, Cheryl. I want you to see what I’m doing to you. Watch me touch you.”

  Butch was fully dressed. She opened her eyes and fingered her clit.

  Glancing down, she saw him teasing through her curls. His thumb pressed to her nub then stroked from side to side. The pleasure whooshed through her entire body.

  “Keep your eyes on what I’m doing to you, Cheryl. Don’t look away. I’ve got you all afternoon, and I intend to have you screaming my name.”

  “Please, Butch.”

  “I got the lube the other day. Remember, we talked about me fucking that ass.”

  She tensed. He’d talked about fucking her ass, and he’d been teasing her with his fingers. Cheryl didn’t think he’d been serious.

  “You’ve got nothing to worry about. I’ll take care of everything, and you’ll only experience the amazing pleasure that can be had,” he said.

  She shook her head. No, how could having anal sex be pleasurable?

  “Trust me. You’re going to be begging me to fuck your ass.” He leaned down, flicking her nipple with his tongue.

  “I doubt it.”

  “You doubt me.”

  The sound of the chair scraping forced her to open her eyes. She’d closed them when he touched her clit.

  Butch took a seat in front of her. He placed his hands at her hips and pulled her to the edge of the table.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m going to look at your sweet pussy. You look good enough to eat.”

  She covered her face as the heat started to build inside her. “Butch?”

  “You’re beautiful.”

  Going to her elbows, she saw him watching her pussy. He opened the lips of her sex, and his eyes seemed focused on what he saw. “You’re so fucking tight.” One finger slid inside her pussy.

  Collapsing to the table, she rested her hand over her eyes. Two fingers slid inside her core. He spread his fingers open, stretching her.

  “I’m going to lick you now.”

  His tongue stroked over her clit, then down to slide his fingers inside her pussy. Butch removed his fingers then slid down to caress across her ass. He placed his other hand over her pussy, touching her wet heat.

  “Don’t tense up. I’m going to show you how good it can be between us.”

  “Butch, I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “Trust me, baby. You’re going to love what I do to you.”

  She wanted to argue but kept her mouth shut. Butch knew what he was doing. Thinking about the other women he’d been with annoyed her. Pushing the thoughts aside, she focused on his touch. His tongue took over the pleasure, swirling around her clit then going down to her core.

  The fingers against her ass, stroked over the puckered hole of her anus. Licking her lips, she blew out a breath knowing she wasn’t going to last long. The pleasure was a dual sensation. She never expected any sensation to come from him touching her ass. He circled the bud, sliding over it before pressing against the muscles.

  Butch didn’t force his fingers inside or make her take him. It was a caress with slight pressure. The whole experience was strange to her.

  “You’re so fucking ripe and juicy. I want you to come all over my fingers and inside my mouth before I fuck you.”

  She whimpered. Her pussy felt empty even with him using his fingers. Cheryl wanted to feel him inside her, sliding through the muscles. His cock was large, and he filled her so completely.

  For three years she hadn’t cared about sex or being with a man. Butch had changed all that. She couldn’t imagine living without him.

  You’re going to marry him.

  The thought alone cheered her.

  “Come all over my fingers, Cheryl. Give me what I want.”

  He attacked her clit, licking, sucking and biting her. The sudden attack on her clit had Cheryl splintering apart within seconds. She cried out, screaming her pleasure for him to hear.

  “That’s it, baby, spill your cum all over my fingers.”

  The orgasm took her completely by surprise. Holding onto the edge of the table, she collapsed as he continued to torture her clit.

  “Fuck, you’re so fucking hot.”

  Butch stood, scraping the chair back away from her. She watched him getting into his jeans. He handed her the foil packet containing the condom.

  Tearing into it, she handed him the latex back. He rolled the condom over his cock, growling. “I can’t wait until I feel you without a rubber between us.”

  “You want that?”

  “Yeah, I want it. I want to know how tight and wet you can get as you explode over my dick.”

  It had taken her time to get used to his rough language. Now, she wouldn’t have him any other way.

  “I don’t mind protecting you, but you’re going to have to be prepared for me to take you without.”

  “Are you wanting children?” she asked.

  “Yes. You’re going to have to realize, baby, that I want everything with you.”

  He slammed his lips down on hers as he rubbed the tip of his cock through her slit. She gasped at the pleasure rushing through her. Every bump against her clit sent the arousal crashing through her.

  “Butch, please, fuck me.” She couldn’t handle any more of his teasing. Cheryl needed him inside her.

  He gripped his cock, thrusting the tip inside her. Butch stretched her with the width of him. She held onto his arms, arching up to his touch.

  The table wasn’t the most comfortable of places to fuck, but right at that moment, she didn’t care. She needed him more than she needed her next breath.

  “You’re so fucking responsive. Your cunt is gripping me tight, baby.”

  “Yes, please, Butch, please.”

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’ve got you, and I’m going to fuck you, so fucking good.”

  His hands returned to her hips, and he thrust inside her going to the hilt inside her. The depth was on the verge of pain he was so deep. Crying out, she reached down to stroke her clit.

  “That’s it, touch yourself. Show me you want me to fuck you.”

  Butch plunged in and out of her, over and over again. He didn’t let up fucking her. Holding onto him was all she could do as he drove them to the edge of bliss.

  “It’s not going to last, baby. You feel so fucking good wrapped around my dick.”

  “Shut up and fuck me.”

  He didn’t disappoint her. His grip bruised her hips as he pounded away inside her. There was no end in si
ght as he took her to the edge of bliss. Together they fell over that edge, crashing into bliss.

  “I’m coming.” He grunted the words as he tensed.

  Cheryl could hardly hear him. She was already crashing through her own orgasm. What did he do to make it so amazing? Butch was making her addicted to sex. He was making her addicted to him.

  Chapter Twelve

  Time was fast running out before she had to collect her son, and Butch was determined to make use of their alone time. Her pussy was heaven. He watched her put a chicken casserole in the oven while she was naked. Closing the curtains, Butch didn’t like the thought of another man seeing her naked. She was all his, and he hated to share. There was a time when he shared all of the women with his brothers. Cheryl was not the kind of woman he wanted others knowing the sweetness of.

  “You can do the dishes when Matthew gets back.” He picked her up in his arms.

  “Butch, let me down. You’re going to hurt yourself.”

  “No, I’m not. I like having you in my arms, and you better get used to being there.” He kissed her lips to shut her up. She glared at him, folding her arms. “You’re adorable, baby.”

  “When you end up in hospital you’re going to have to tell them you pulled something by carrying an elephant.”

  He kicked open the bedroom door then dropped her onto the bed. “Hey,” she said, screaming.

  Landing two hard smacks on her ass, he held her in place admiring the red prints of his hands. “That’s for saying nasty shit about your weight. There’s nothing wrong with you.” He ran his fingers over the marks, loving what he’d done.

  Sliding a finger inside her pussy, he felt the evidence of how much she liked the spank.

  “I can’t believe you hit me.”

  “I didn’t hit you, Cheryl. Talk shit about yourself and I’m going to spank your ass. I’m giving you plenty of warning, so you better not do it again.”

  She cursed him again. Landing another slap to her ass, he heard her yelp. Chuckling, he bent in front of her and licked her pussy from behind. He was close to her ass, but he was going to claim that as well today.

  You’re going to be married to her soon.

  He knew he’d have to deal with Alex, yet all he wanted was to have Cheryl kept by his side. Buying the florist shop wasn’t a problem to him. He had plenty of funds to help both of them with what they wanted for the future. Cheryl and Matthew would want for nothing even if he died, which he didn’t plan on doing.

  “Butch.” His name came out on a moan this time. Plunging his tongue into her cunt, he tasted how ripe and juicy she was.

  “You taste so fucking good, baby,” he said, muttering the words against her pussy.

  “You’re driving me crazy.”

  She started to push back against his tongue. Using his fingers, he filled her cunt as he tongued her clit. Sex had to be dirty and rough for him. When she was close to the edge of bliss, he drew back never giving her a release.

  “Why did you stop?”

  “I want you to be begging for an orgasm. At the moment you’re getting a little too greedy.” He swatted her ass before opening a drawer in the far corner. In time he’d purchase some nicer furniture. He knew everything she owned was handed down or secondhand. His woman was going to have the best money could buy.

  He took out the handcuffs he’d purchased along with a large tube of lubrication.

  Turning back toward his woman, Cheryl was on her back staring at him. When she saw the cuffs her eyes grew wide. “What do you think that’s for?” she asked.

  “I’m going to chain you to the bed and have my way with you.” Chuckling, he dropped the lube to the bed.

  “Chain me to the bed?”

  “Don’t you trust me, baby?” He held up the restraints seeing her swallow. Her throat looked so pretty when she swallowed, and he’d felt the way her throat tightened around his cock.

  “I trust you. Erm, cuffs, don’t you think that’s a bit much?”

  He shook his head. “Not at all. I promise I will do everything you love.”

  She bit her lip still unsure.

  “I’m not a total monster, Cheryl. Tell me to stop and I’ll stop, remove the cuffs, and then I’ll fuck you without you being chained to the bed.”

  “Okay,” She lay down on the bed, giving herself to him. The submission she displayed made him fall in love with her more.

  “You’re not going to fight me more?” he asked.

  “No, I trust you. I’ve loved everything you’ve done to me so far.”

  Butch stood at the base of the bed looking up her body. She looked so beautiful, pure even, with her hair across his pillow. From the first moment he saw her, he was kicked in the gut by the rawness of her person. Was it their personalities?

  He caressed her ankle watching her response. She didn’t pull away from him. Cheryl stayed perfectly relaxed with her hands by her side.

  “Put your hands up above your head and spread them out.”

  Waiting for her to do what he asked, he walked the length of the bed, sliding his fingers up her thigh.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said. “I love the way your body responds to me. You know your master.”

  Securing one wrist, he saw his dilemma. He only had one set of cuffs. “Bring your other hand closer.” He fitted the cuffs through the bed post and secured her other wrist. Tucking a pillow under her head, he went back to the base. Opening her thighs wide, he pushed her knees up. Taking another pillow, he slotted it underneath her ass, which showed her cunt off to perfection.

  “I’d ask you to touch yourself, but you can’t.”

  She laughed.

  Smiling along with her, he knelt on the bed. Stroking his length, he was rock hard already. He slid his cock through the lips of her sex. The foreskin was pulled back, revealing the glistening tip. He pushed back and forward, hitting her clit and withdrawing. Each touch of her clit had her jerking in response. He loved the way her tits shook with each movement.

  “You’re so responsive.”

  “Please, Butch, stop torturing me.”

  “I will when I’m ready.” He watched her lips spread open around his cock. She was so small compared to him. Her clit peeked out from its hood, begging to be touched. “You’re going to have to learn, Cheryl, that I like to be in charge. You can’t order me around, not in the bedroom.” He stayed silent as he slid back and forward over her clit. It would be so easily to slide further down and fuck her. Butch forced himself to not do that.

  He didn’t want her pregnant immediately. Children would come in time.

  Cheryl growled with frustration. The way he had her open to him, she couldn’t move away from him.

  “Do you want to come, babe?”

  “You know I do.”

  Caressing her body, he reached up to pinch her nipples.

  “Please, Butch, fuck me.”

  “I’m not wearing a condom.”

  “I don’t care. Stop torturing me.”

  He chuckled. Pulling away from the bed, he grabbed a condom from the drawer full he’d bought. Tearing into the foil, he fitted it over his cock and moved back to the bed. Without waiting for her to respond, he slid in deep. She cried out, arching up. Pressing a hand to her stomach, he kept her in place as he fucked her. He moved in and out of her. Her pussy tightened around him as he fucked her. Butch had no intention of reaching climax. His only desire was for her to get to the brink.

  Licking and sucking at her nipples, he stroked inside her tight warmth. Reaching between them, he worked her clit. Gliding his fingers over her nub had her pussy tightening around him. Her body shook and when she started to tense up, he pulled away. Withdrawing from her body, he moved to the head of the bed. Quickly removing the cuffs from one wrist, he spun her onto her knees and secured the cuffs back in place. She didn’t get a chance to fight him as he had her in place in a matter of moments.

  “Get on your knees.”

  She did as he ordered. Climbing
back on the bed, he grabbed the tube of lubrication and squirted enough to coat his fingers. There was plenty in the tube, but he slid his digits over her ass. Cheryl tightened immediately.

  “It’s okay, baby. I’m going to take care of you. Remember, trust me.”

  He took his time, applying the lube to her ass. Butch pressed one finger inside her knuckle deep. In and out, he slowly worked the digit past the tight muscles. He heard her breathing slowly, in time with his ministrations. Watching her ass take his finger was turning him the fuck on. Her ass was red from the slaps he’d given her. The smell of her cream made his mouth water. Cheryl was amazing. He couldn’t believe he’d found heaven in her.

  After she took the first finger without tensing, he started to use the second finger. He took his time, making sure she was with him the whole way. Caressing her back, he ignored the need to simply take her ass and fuck her. This wasn’t a quick tumble he wanted. Butch wanted for her to enjoy what he was doing to her, relish it even. He’d take his time, however much she needed to love it.


  How could having two fingers in her ass feel so wonderful? She’d never been curious about anal sex, or even searched for ways to try it. The times Butch touched her ass she’d felt something strange, something different. The pleasure was there, but it seemed multiplied somehow. None of her reactions made sense, at least to her they didn’t.

  His fingers inside her went deeper, and she tightened her muscles around his invading digit. She didn’t want him to stop.

  “Take my fingers, baby. I’m going to add a third one. Don’t tense up. I’m not going to hurt you. This is going to make you feel good.”

  Closing her eyes, she expelled a breath. The cheeks of her ass were warm from the hard spanking he gave her. She loved the way he was taking care of her, even down to when she called herself names. Cheryl wasn’t stupid and knew she wasn’t the most beautiful or the slenderest of women. There was nothing that made her stand out from the crowd. The only reason she felt any different was the way Butch stared at her. He didn’t look through or past her like a lot of men did. His gaze focused on her all the time. When he stared at her, she felt like they were the only two people in the world and nothing bad could touch them.


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