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Page 17

by Sam Crescent

  “Love you, Mommy.”

  “I love you, too, baby.” She kissed his head. Looking down at her son, she finished reading his book.


  Placing the helmet on the table, Butch glared at Alex. The last thing he expected was to see the man in his home. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “I was trying to talk with Cheryl.”

  Staring down the length of the other man, Butch sneered. Alex always dressed in the fancy designer suits, rarely wearing his leather cut.

  “You were hoping to talk with Cheryl by threatening to take her son away.”

  At least Alex had the grace to look down at the floor. Butch respected him. He respected all of The Skulls. Since leaving the club, he’d been thinking about them more and more. He wanted to go back, yet he held himself away for fear of what it would all mean. With Cheryl he was a good man. He stayed out of danger even though he’d bailed the club out of jail a week or so ago.

  “I didn’t know how to get her to see me. I was concerned and willing to use everything at my disposal.”

  Nodding, Butch let out the anger he’d been containing. He slammed his fist into Alex’s face. With one blow Alex was on the floor, covering his eye.

  “Fuck! I should have the cops throw your ass in jail.”

  “Go ahead, do it, fucker. I wouldn’t do this shit if you’d stop with throwing shit out of your mouth. I’m going to marry that woman. Cheryl is going to be my wife, and I’ll love her just like I’ll love her son.” Butch had thought long and hard about asking her to marry him. He didn’t want to rush into a decision then live to regret it.

  “I’m not after Cheryl.”

  “You’ll treat her with some goddamn respect, or I swear I’ll fucking kill you here and now. I heard how you were talking about her. I don’t give a fuck if you knew it was her or not. The fact is, you were disrespecting my woman. Got it?” He took a step back so he wouldn’t lash out.

  “I got it.” Alex started laughing. “You left The Skulls, and yet you still use your fists to be heard.”

  “I suggest you shut the fuck up.” Butch watched Alex get to his feet.

  “I’m used to getting what I want. I came here in the hope of mending fences. Cheryl didn’t deserve what I did to her. I should have made sure she was well looked after and that there were no consequences from that night. I didn’t. I’m the one who fucked up. I know this, and I know I’ve got to put it right.” Alex kept his eye covered. “I’ve never had a son. Matthew, he’s mine whether you marry Cheryl or not, and I want to do right by him.”

  “What are you asking for?” Butch asked, placing hands on hips.

  “I want to get to know my son. He’s mine. I have a right to know him.”

  Gritting his teeth, Butch looked away from him. He couldn’t deny Alex his right to know his son. No man could deny that of another father, not even him. “I’m not coming back to The Skulls.”

  “Believe it or not, Butch, this trip had nothing to do with the club. This trip was about me.” Alex removed his hand. His eye was starting to darken.

  “Sorry about your eye.”

  “No, you’re not.” Alex smiled. “This has nothing to do with The Skulls or you. I’m here to make an arrangement with Cheryl so I can see Matthew. Now, that will involve him meeting the other kids in the club.”

  Butch stared at him wondering what he should do. Matthew deserved to grow up with friends.

  “Sure, providing you’re not going to make a claim on Cheryl.”

  “I’m not. You’re marrying her though.”

  “Yes. I proposed, and she accepted.” Butch puffed his chest out, feeling happier with having Cheryl on his side.

  “Congratulations.” Alex glanced at his watch. “Can I see my son now?”

  Seeing no reason to put him off any further, Butch led Alex upstairs. He heard Cheryl reading to Matthew. Opening the door, he nodded at her. She smiled and sat up in bed.

  “Go on in. Do not hurt him,” Butch said, warning the other man.

  Not wanting to see the introductions, he made his way back downstairs. Taking one of the cookies off the tray, he took a bite out of one and winced. They were rock hard and burnt.

  “You shouldn’t eat those,” Cheryl said, leaning against the doorframe.

  “Why didn’t you throw them in the trash?” He filled a glass full with water. After two glasses, the rancid taste was still in his mouth.

  “They were too hot to throw out. I’d have set fire to the trashcans and caused more problems.” She giggled, stepping up closer to him. Cheryl wrapped her arms around his waist. “I love you.”

  Caressing her hands, he glanced down at her. “I love you, too.”

  “I noticed the shiner on his eye. You hit him?”

  “Yeah, he annoyed me. Alex always finds a way to piss me off. I think he’s got a talent for it.”

  She laughed, stepping back. He picked up the tray of cookies and dumped them in the trash outside.

  “They were that bad?” she asked.

  “Baby, they were the worst tasting things you’ve ever made.” Opening the fridge, he pulled out some spread and started making himself up a sandwich. “Do you want one?”

  She shook her head.

  “You’ve gone quiet on me, baby.” He turned toward her.

  “I don’t know. I’m just nervous, I guess. What he said was all true.”

  “About what?” He took a large bite of his sandwich feeling ravenous.

  “Taking Matthew away. I don’t know what I’d do if he ever tried to do it. I love my son.”

  Putting his food down, he took hold of her hands, drawing her in close against him. “I want you to look at me, baby.”

  Butch waited until her gaze was focused on him.

  “I love you.”

  “And I love you.”

  He’d never get tired of hearing her say the words to him. “Then you’ve got to learn to trust me. I’m not going to let Alex take your kid away. The Skulls wouldn’t even allow it. If you were a drug user and sold your body for drugs, then maybe, but you don’t.” He leaned in to kiss her head. She looked up, and he took possession of her mouth instead.

  “He won’t take Matthew away?”

  Looking toward the door and recalling the look on Alex’s face, Butch shook his head. “No, he won’t. Alex is a lot of things, but he’s not a bastard who’ll separate mother and child. You’re a brilliant mother, Cheryl. You’ve gotten through harsh times, and he should respect that.” He pressed a finger to her lips to stop her from talking. “Don’t interrupt. Alex was saying that stuff to get in the house. He needed you to think that was what was going to happen.”

  Running his hands down her back, Butch rubbed his aching cock against her stomach.

  “I’m sorry. The thought of losing my son freaks me out. I love him so much. I don’t want to lose him.”

  “We’re not going to.”

  She nodded.

  “Good, now kiss me.” He leaned down, brushing his lips against hers. She melted against him. Her fingers teased the hairs at the back of his neck as he gripped her plump, lush ass. He couldn’t wait until they were alone and he could fuck her once again.

  Cheryl pulled away first. “How did the job hunt go today?”

  He’d stopped renting and given the keys back to the landlord who’d been willing to take him on. Butch moved all of his crap into Cheryl’s small home. Butch had been surprised by how little he actually owned. Instead of worrying about what he had, he started to buy better furniture for the house. He’d also been in talks with the bank in the hope of owning this place with Cheryl.

  “Not good. I can’t get back in the café, and I had to pay them over a thousand bucks in replacement cutlery. Who knew plates, cups, and dishes could be so expensive.” He ate his sandwich, watching as she put away the stuff he used. Butch was happy to clean up after himself, but he loved watching her move.

  “Go figure. I’m surprised it’s such a small a
mount,” she said, turning back toward him. “Why don’t you go back to The Skulls?”

  “Did Alex put you up to asking me?”

  “No. You were happier when we first met working with them. They’re your family. You can’t just cut them off because you want to.”

  “I can cut them off, and I have. I’m not going to be controlled in what I do.” He folded his arms. She raised a brow at his gesture.

  “You’re acting really immature,” she said.

  “Can we drop this?”

  “Sure, we can drop it, and then in ten years you can blame me for forcing you to give up everything you love about being in the club.” She folded her arms underneath her breasts. He couldn’t help but look at them. The shirt she wore showcased her cleavage off to perfection.

  “I’m not going to blame you.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Her answer annoyed him.

  “I’m not going to blame you.”

  Cheryl stared at him. “Okay, I want you to consider the fact that you gave up the club for me.”

  He went to open his mouth, but she stopped him from talking by placing a hand in front of his lips.

  “You can say you didn’t, yet it was the moment we met that you started to think about it, didn’t you?”

  Butch couldn’t argue with her.

  “I’m not angry with you, Butch.” She placed her palm over his heart. “I love the man you are.” Cheryl smiled. “Not the person you think I want.”

  “Baby, the club is deeply dangerous.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t care. I really don’t care. I love you, Butch. I want to be with you. Matthew can never get away from the club. Alex is his father. Will you do something for me?” she asked.


  “Good. I want you to think about your life with the club. Please, take the time to think about it and then make a decision on whether to leave The Skulls or not.”

  He cupped her face, tilting her head back to look at him. “I know I love you.”

  “I hope it’s enough.”

  Dropping his lips down to hers, Butch silenced her with a kiss. He hoped it was enough as well.


  Fredrick took a large bite of the juicy steak and moaned. One of the women he’d brought in from abroad was lying beside him waiting until he wanted to fuck her again. There were times he loved using the women who earned him enough to make a good living. Once he finished with his food, he picked the tray up and left the room. If she thought about moving or touching his things, she’d been trained to expect pain. He catered to everything a man desired, even crap he hated himself.

  “Beautiful steak, remember to tip the chef,” he said. Ronald nodded from where he sat eating his own hamburger.

  Pouring himself a shot of bourbon he looked around the room. “Homer still not returned?”

  “Not yet. I imagine he’ll be back within a matter of minutes.” Ronald finished his food, standing up to place the containers in the trash.

  “Why do you eat that crap? It’s awful stuff.” No matter where he was in the world, Frederick always loved a good home cooked meal. He made sure he stayed in the classiest of hotels or at least paid a chef to cook for him. Ronald always paid for a burger at the local takeout place. Rarely did he indulge in a decent meal.

  “A lifetime spent eating home cooked food. I’ve developed a need for all things easy.” Ronald shrugged. “Was the bitch worth the money?”

  “Yes. Are you keeping an eye on the clubhouse?”

  “Nothing new is happening. They’re fucking boring when they’ve got an enemy. Why are we doing this again, boss?”

  “Because I want what others have failed to get. I want Fort Wills, and I want to own Tiny and The Skulls. They think they’re better than everyone else. It’s time they were brought down a peg or two.”

  Homer walked into the room, whistling.

  Turning to his other man, Frederick waited.

  “Job’s done. Bitch thought she was being clever. We now have two bodies without heads in storage and the two heads on ice for when we’re ready.” Homer reached for a burger as Ronald looked pale.

  “Fuck, how could you eat after that?” Ronald asked.

  “Killing bitches doesn’t bother me. Now slaughtering a dog will upset me. At least they’re loyal.”

  The reason Frederick employed Homer was the fact he’d killed his wife when he discovered her in bed with another man. Homer had tortured both of them, then killed them without a moment’s regret. Frederick had a lot of respect for the man.

  “Fuck, man, you’re sick,” Ronald said, flicking through the television.

  Both of the men with him had their qualities. Ronald got him all the information he needed without leaving a trail while Homer left a trail.

  “Get ready to mail the heads. I’ve got a feeling victory is around the corner.” Frederick poured the other two men a glass of bourbon. Clinking glasses together, he nodded at his men then made his way back to the woman waiting.

  Closing the door, he stared at the woman in his bed. Tears fell from her eyes, turning him on.

  “Spread your legs, bitch. It’s time to earn your keep.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Inhaling the rose blooms, Cheryl smiled as she glanced around the florist shop. With time she’d make changes and advance the business from selling flowers to going into more of a retail outlet. She loved being around flowers, maybe chocolates as well. Cheryl wasn’t sure what would be a good business incentive. For the past couple of days life had been going well. Butch was still looking for work, but they’d made progress with his time at The Skulls. He talked about what he loved, what he hated, sharing everything with her.

  She took the time to listen to him talk. He didn’t hold anything back from her, which she was thankful for. Butch told her about the women he’d been with and the life on the road. When he told her about the danger he and the club faced she’d been scared. Throughout it all, she’d been scared by what he admitted to. There was no way anyone could survive so much, and yet he had.

  The club was part of Butch. She really hoped he saw the truth and didn’t argue with her about it. He’d not caused any problems with Alex spending time with Matthew. From the day he’d asked to be part of his son’s life, Alex made time every day to come and see him. Cheryl didn’t mind his presence in her life. He’d not tried to interfere with his care. In fact, he’d offered to look after him. She made the introductions with her mother.

  Her mother was charmed by Alex but still put him through the ringer for leaving her. She didn’t mind. Her mother knew she wasn’t going to pick Alex over anyone.


  Cheryl pulled out of her thoughts turning to look at the person. Eva stood in the doorway. The other woman looked sad.

  “Eva, I’m so sorry. I was lost in my own thoughts.” She wiped her hands down her apron, going behind the counter.

  “I figured as much. You were smiling, so that must have been a good thought.”

  “It was. For some strange reason my life is actually going well.” Cheryl tucked some hair behind her ear.

  “I’m glad it is for someone.”

  Cheryl frowned, looking at the other woman.

  “Anyway, I’m actually here to invite you to a picnic. We’re all going out to the new park, and there’s going to be some events for us all to earn money for charity.” Eva started going through her bag and pulled out a leaflet.

  She took it from her and read through it. “It’s for kids?”

  “Yes, it’s to help children overcome illness. Tiny likes to go and be part of events that helps others. He helped the town, and now he wants to help others.” Eva smiled, and it didn’t reach her eyes.

  “Are you okay?” Cheryl asked.

  Eva was a sparkly personality, and the woman before her didn’t show any of that right now.

  “Life is just being hard at the moment. It’s club business, but it’s hard. I heard Alex is making pro
gress with you and your son.”

  “He is. They’re getting along well. Butch is keeping his fists to himself,” Cheryl said, feeling the heat fill her cheeks at the memory of the bruise on Alex’s face along with the broken nose. She was going to have to talk with Butch. He may have been part of the club once, but he wasn’t anymore, and he needed to stop hurting men who could make his life difficult. “Why didn’t Alex press charges or anything?” Cheryl asked, curious.

  “Butch may not be part of the club, but it’s club business. Alex won’t go and tattle for a beating. It takes more to rattle his cage.”

  “That’s nice of him.”

  “Not really, they’re all hoping Butch will come back.”

  “I just hope they don’t attack each other again,” Cheryl said.

  “Men, you can’t take them anywhere. Knowing Alex, he deserved whatever you threw at him.” Eva blew some hair out of her face.

  “We’re doing good.” Glancing at the leaflet, she licked her lips. “This would be fun. Butch will come with me.”

  “That’s fine. Come and enjoy some food. I want us to be friends, Cheryl, even if Butch doesn’t come back to the club.” Eva took a step back. “I’ll leave you to it.”

  Frowning, she watched Eva leave the shop, and she placed the leaflet on the counter. Two hours later Alex walked in with Matthew in his arms.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “Hey, this little guy wanted to see his mommy.”

  She took Matthew from his arms, cuddling him close.

  “Eva dropped by,” she said, bouncing from side to side.

  “About the picnic?” Alex took a seat on the only available stool. Cheryl didn’t mind. She’d been sitting for a lot of the morning going through the books.

  “Yeah, I’ve got to see Butch before I can confirm our answer. I’m sure we’ll be there.”

  “Great, you’ve got to bring some food with you as well. It’s like a potluck event.” Alex pulled out his cell phone and started messaging on it.

  “Sure.” She kissed Matthew’s cheek as she went around the counter to read from the book. Her son settled against her as Alex stood.

  “I’ve got to head out.”

  “Eva didn’t look right. Is everything okay?” she asked, concerned for her friend.


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