As You Wish

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As You Wish Page 2

by Tabitha Kohls


  Misao leapt angrily to her feet, and nearly fell over as her new bosom sloshed wildly, knocking her balance horribly askew. Instantly she felt her back and leg muscles tense up, suddenly growing stronger to match her giant rack.

  The djinn only grinned, smugly. "I merely granted your second wish, Mistress. Are you not pleased?"

  Misao glared at the woman, torn between rage at the magical fiend and horror at her new assets.

  "I wished for money, not these giant fake balloon tits!!!"

  "No," Chrymtalybym replied, in a bored tone. Beginning to go over her nails with an ephemeral file she conjured out of blue smoke, the ancient djinn calmly explained, "You wished, and I quote, 'For a substantial sum of money, in modern American currency, that is neither counterfeit nor obtained illegally, but is fully and unquestionably my legal property, all taxes and additional fees already paid in full, resulting in a sum of money amounting to not less than two million dollars.'

  "Quite a well thought-out wish, I felt. Most of my Masters and Mistresses have not been so careful in their wording."

  "Then why in the fuck am I suddenly fifty-percent silicone, you stupid genie?!" Misao shouted, stomping her foot. Instantly her giant jugs lurched upwards, slapping her face.

  With a growl, she manhandled her new breasts back under control. She'd have to be more careful until she figured out how to get rid of the ridiculous monstrosities, preferably without wasting another wish.

  "Actually," the djinn replied cooly, "your implants are saline."

  "Why the fuck do I even have implants?! What do these--" the sales manager gestured unnecessarily at her chest, "--have to do with my wish?!"

  Chrymtalybym sighed, still casually running her file over her perfect red nails.

  "It's very simple, Mistress; to obtain money legally in your civilization, you have to earn it. Since you don't play the lottery, nor work a well-paying job, I had to find an alternative means of giving you your 'substantial sum of money'. So, I simply changed your personal history.

  "I'd considered having you inherit the money, but you have no relatives sufficiently wealthy, nor likely to leave such an amount of wealth to you. Even if all of them were to die at once, it would not lead to an inheritance sufficient for your wish." The djinn said, as Misao's eyes opened in shock at the woman's casual tone at the possible death of her relatives. "So I was forced to take a more, er, creative route."

  "What did you do?" Misao gulped, sure she didn't really want to know the answer.

  "It was quite simple, really. One year ago, you went to the hospital to have a small tattoo removed, a tattoo you got in college during a drunken party. You attended a lot of parties in college, since you are a drinker now."

  Misao nodded slowly, dreading to think what other changes her new binge-drinking past had wrought.

  The djinn continued. "However, the doctors misread your medical files and instead performed a breast enlargement procedure on you that meant for a local stripper with a similar Social Security Number. You subsequently sued the hospital for medical malpractice and won."

  Misao felt her blood run cold, as the magical creature carried on, clearly pleased with her creativity.

  "I looked at recent similar incidents and found that a woman with 500cc implants was paid approximately two-hundred thousand of your nation's currency for her own wrongful surgery, so I simply assured that you'd receive comparatively larger implants to reach the sum of two-million dollars, to fulfill the terms of your wish; roughly 5000cc. Per implant, of course."

  The djinn smiled, her piranha teeth flashing ominously. "I do so love when my masters and mistresses wish for riches."

  Misao looked at the smug djinn, utterly dumbfounded. Yet, for all its insanity, she couldn't fault the woman's logic. She'd thought the wish was impossible to twist, and yet the genie had found a way to turn it against her. It was almost impressive.

  "Wait a minute," she said suddenly, "Does that mean I still have the tattoo?"

  "I'm afraid you haven't had a chance to get it removed, Mistress," the djinn said, snapping her fingers. Suddenly Misao found herself surrounded by floor-to-ceiling mirrors.

  And she was totally naked!

  Her huge breasts suddenly seemed to swell even larger, no longer constrained even by her robe. She gasped at her jiggling reflections, astonished by just how massive her enhanced melons appeared on her otherwise thin, fit figure. She really was a walking pair of tits!

  Once the shock of seeing her new bosom in all its ample glory finally abated, she turned her attention to her body. She twisted about, seeing her flesh reflected from a dozen angles.

  "What tatto--" she began, when suddenly she saw it, glistening garishly across her lower back in two inch-high letters of solid gold, each thickly outlined in black. "SEX DOLL: Made in China!?!"

  She stared aghast at the genie, as the mirrors evaporated away in puffs of blue smoke.

  "You got rather drunk at one particularly fun party during your freshman year at college, and ended up getting that deliciously tacky decoration above your derrière before the night was over," Chrymtalybym said, smiling smugly.

  Misao reached up to rub her head, her headache suddenly returning, only to hit her huge breast instead. Growling at the reminder of her nude state, she turned around, trying to find her robe.

  It was then that she noticed the changes to her apartment; pictures on the wall had moved, some gone entirely, replaced with new images. All were of herself, each recent enough to show her with her new chest. Above what had been her bookcase, and was now a shelf housing a collection of DVDs she couldn't recall owning, hung a rather large picture of herself. It was clearly from a glamour shoot; she was wearing a tight leather jacket stretched across her huge twin cannons, the zipper straining not to burst, as she bent toward the camera to fill the image with cleavage.

  "What the..."

  Shaking her head, she remembered her nakedness, and hurried to her bedroom, only to emerge wearing an outfit so slutty she felt less-dressed than the blue-skinned woman.

  "Okay Krimtallabimbo or whatever your stupid name was," Misao began, her temper up. "If I'm so filthy rich now, why do I still have these ridiculous tits and why is my closet filled with a cheap hooker's dream wardrobe!?!"

  She gestured at her outfit; a bubble-gum pink pleather jacket whose zipper only reached halfway up, not that she could pull it that high with her tits already straining the fabric to the breaking point. Under the garish jacket she wore a cleavage-revealing white scoop-neck shirt utterly covered in annoying glitter, finished off with an impossibly tight pair of bright-pink yoga pants, in a gaudy pink-and-white leopard print pattern.

  "This was, quite literally, the least offensive outfit in my entire closet."

  Chrymtalybym actually chuckled, eliciting a glare. "It's quite simple, Mistress," she said quickly, before the angry blonde erupted. "You did not win your lawsuit overnight. In fact, you didn't win the court case until yesterday, actually. In addition to this, you needed money to pay for your lawyers and any operation to remove your implants would've drained your funds for the lawsuit. So as soon as you healed up from your impromptu surgery, you became a pornstar to raise the cash to pay your legal fees."

  "WHAT!!?!!?!!" Misao shrieked. "What do you mean, 'I became a PORNSTAR'?!?! Genie!?!"

  A few minutes later, Misao was staring at her very busty self, bouncing on a pogo-stick on the front page of her porno site.

  A dropdown box under the bouncing pogo-stick banner image showed dozens of DVDs that could be purchased, all of which she now realized were sitting in her repurposed bookcase.

  Glancing through the site, she quickly pieced together a rough timeline of her burgeoning porn career over the past year.

  Apparently, once her implant surgery had healed, she'd become some sort of big-titted camwhore, making hundreds of softcore livestreams of her bouncing jugs on various free porn sites all over the internet, building interest and selling m
ore private, less-softcore videos for her growing fanbase.

  Over the course of a few months, she'd made enough money as an amateur pornstar to turn pro, and moved her camwhore livestreams to a paysite dedicated to videos of her enhanced twins. Things had become decidedly hardcore over the past six months, with her latest videos featuring a bevy of men she didn't recognize, and giant cocks that she'd never forget.

  "Oh, fuck me... I wish I hadn't asked."

  "As you wish, Mistress!"


  Misao glowered at the bank clerk.

  "Misao Horne," she insisted, sounding out each name, and fighting an urge to raise her voice. It was bad enough looking like a hooker, without drawing even more attention to herself.

  "I'm sorry, miss, I'm just not seeing it listed in the computer." The clerk said, clearly struggling to keep eye contact with Misao, as her giant breasts bobbed inches from the teller's window.

  Misao pinched the ridge of her nose, and sighed. The djinn stood beside her, looking bored with the whole affair.

  "Look, I know for a fact that I have a lot of money in an account here."

  "Perhaps I'm messing up the spelling, Miss Horne," the clerk offered, helpfully. "Do you have any identification I could check?"

  She considered just spelling out her first name, since that was usually what people got hung up on. But decided against it, instead searching through her purse for her wallet. Better to just let the teller read her license directly.

  "I could've been an Amanda," she muttered under her breath, unzipping her new purse.

  Her name had been a long-standing problem for her, ever since she was a child. For some reason her crazy mother had insisted on giving her a traditional Chinese name, instead of something sensible like her American father had wanted. In college she had actually met fully-Asian foreign students who had anglicized names, while she was stuck with Misao, despite her obviously mixed-race features.

  She sighed, running her hands through the depths of her new purse. Her tasteful old purse was nowhere to be found in her apartment after her second wish, but she'd found an ugly, tiny pink purse next to her bed. The strange bag was filled to bursting with all manner of things she'd normally never have in her purse, including a tiny vibrator, rolls of condoms, a half-empty tube of KY lubricant, far too much makeup, body glitter, the list went on.

  Finally, she found a small wallet and opened it. "Here, my license says...." She stared at the legal document, eyebrows rising in shock.

  She spun on the djinn, her breasts swinging so hard they nearly broke her jacket's zipper. "You changed my fucking name?!"

  "Um... Miss? Is everything alright?" the bank teller asked, worriedly looking around at the outburst.

  When no one at the bank freaked out when the naked blue creature entered the building alongside her, Misao had quickly realized that the djinn could hide herself from being seen if she didn't want to. She could only guess how crazy she must've looked to the clerk now, for all the world appearing to yell at empty air. But she didn't care.

  Misao glowered at the smirking djinn. "You managed all this with one wish? Seriously?!"

  The magical being shrugged.

  "Like I said, it was a very well thought out wish." Chrymtalybym smiled darkly. "I really hate well thought out wishes, Mistress."

  Misao continued to glare at her for a long moment, before looking back at the license in her hands and shuddering at the implications. Finally, she turned around and pushed the card across the counter. "Here."

  The clerk started to ask a question, then seemed to think better of it. "Of course, Miss, uh..." The woman paused, staring at the license, her own eyebrows rising in surprise. Misao winced.


  Ten minutes later, she walked out of the bank, an envelope filled with several thousand dollars of cash in her purse, and an account statement in her hand, proclaiming her a genuine millionaire.

  As soon as the doors swung shut behind them, she spun on the djinn.

  "MISO HORNEE!!?!!"

  "Amazing what a difference a few letters makes, isn't it, Mistress?" Chrymtalybym replied, flashing her teeth.

  Miso's face burned with fury, then embarrassment as several passersby stared at her. "You changed my name to Miso Hornee?! Why!?!" she whispered at the blue woman.

  The djinn shrugged. "You wanted your money to be legally obtained, Mistress. Your nation's legal system is rather complicated; the magic tends to get a bit carried away, trying to fix up all the loose ends. It would appear that your porn career has led to a change of names."

  "Porn career, what porn career?!"

  Chrymtalybym sighed, and explained, for the second time that morning how the newly-dubbed Miso had paid her legal fees, the knowledge having been erased from the busty woman's head by her third wish.

  "Well, I'm not calling myself Miso Hornee, I'll tell you that right now. Bad enough I have to carry these ridiculous implants around, without sounding like a total bimbo too!" Miso growled, once the djinn had finished recounting her new history, again.

  "Oh, and what shall you be calling yourself then, Mistress?" the djinn asked, with faux innocence, as she snapped her fingers.

  "Meesoo Horneeee, that's what I'll be-- oh, you fucking bitch," Miso growled, her eyes widening.

  The blue monster flashed her piranha teeth, her smile wider than ever.

  Shaking with rage, Miso climbed into her new car, the only positive change to come from her wish besides her bank account balance. Though she could do without the IMH0RNEE vanity plates, she thought.

  Her tits honked the car horn, twice, as she squeezed inside. "Are you sure you can't ride back with me? The bus stop is five blocks away, and I really don't feel like waiting another two hours for you get back to my apartment."

  The djinn shook her head. "Not unless you feel like spending your fourth wish removing my ban on non-public transportation methods, Mistress."

  Miso Hornee spun out from the curb, alone. As before, she found driving a constant struggle with her breasts doing their best to steer the vehicle themselves, but despite her unwanted front seat drivers, she managed to get back home without causing any major accidents.


  "You know, you could simply use a wish to remove your implants, Mistress," Chrymtalybym noted, as her mistress scratched through a line in her notebook.

  "No! I've got plenty of cash to pay the surgeon, and I'm not blowing another wish," Miso growled, starting another sentence in her notebook, which was propped precariously upon her breasts, the only way she'd found to both write and see what she was writing at the same time.

  The djinn shrugged, and returned to filing her nails, now working on her red toenails as she floated, yogi-like, above the floor.

  Finally the former sales manager finished her writing. "Okay, I think I've worked out my next wish."

  She'd spent the past hour working out her idea; first trying an incredibly complicated approach to her wish as she had before, but ultimately ending up going the opposite route; an extremely simple, and hopefully hard to twist, short wish.


  "Djinn," the magical creature corrected.

  "Genie," Miso insisted, glaring at her. "If I'm stuck yelling Meeesooo Horneeee!! every time someone asks me my name, then I'm fucking calling you Genie, and that's final!"

  The blue monster narrowed her eyes, but finally shrugged, feigning disinterest.

  Miso continued, "Now, you said I can't wish to live forever. But that doesn't mean I can't get the next best thing: long-lasting youth and good health."

  The djinn appeared to consider this, then nodded. "That should be within my power, Mistress."

  "Okay then. Genie, I wish... that everyone, including me, would agree that I look good for my age."

  She smiled, as the djinn pursed her blue lips into a sudden snarl. It was such a simple wish, and yet, Miso had not worked out a way that the blue-skinned creature could possibly twist it.

  "As you wish, my Mistress,
" the djinn said after a second, her tone slightly bitter. Instantly Miso felt the now familiar swirling sensation of reality changing about her.

  Smiling in triumph, the hyper busty Asian-American pornstar headed to her bathroom to check herself out in the mirror.

  A second later she screamed in rage, rushing back to the magical woman.

  "I look exactly the same!!!?!!!"

  "And you look very good for your age, Mistress," the djinn replied, smiling broadly again. "As I'm sure even you will agree."

  Miso felt her blood run cold, as a realization hit her. "Oh no."

  Frantically, she fumbled through her purse until she found her license again, and to her horror, read her birth date. "But, this can't be right, I'm only twenty-eight years old! But this says I'm nearly forty!!?!!"

  "And you don't look a day over thirty-five," Chrymtalybym noted, still smiling her sharp-toothed grin.

  "Oh, you, you...!" Miso hissed, glowering at the evil creature.

  Angry beyond words, she stomped around her living room, noticing that most of her DVDs now had the words "Cougar" and "Mature" or "Milf" in the titles, and even a "GILF" on one, though she didn't even want to think about what that meant.

  "Oh, I am so going to get you back for this," she vowed. "I swear, I'll have your ass magically-glued to a bus seat for the next century, if I have to."

  "That was your forth wish, Mistress. Just one wish left," the djinn pointed out, her smile only growing broader. "And then I'm free to move on to my next Mistress."

  Miso Hornee struggled against the urge to waste her final wish then and there, in an ill-planned attempt to get revenge on the horrible monster that had turned her world upside down.

  But her cooler side prevailed, the side that had once upon a time made her a very successful sales manager and which lately had apparently been working to market her into full-time pornstarhood, and doing a pretty good job of it too.

  "Okay, genie," she said, "I think I know what my fifth and final wish will be."

  Chrymtalybym perked her head up to attention. "So soon, Mistress? You don't want to wait a few hours thinking it out first?"

  Miso ignored the taunting. "Genie, I wish... that I was physically eighteen-years old again."


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