As You Wish

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As You Wish Page 3

by Tabitha Kohls

  The djinn raised an eyebrow, then shrugged with her hands. "As you wish, Mistress."

  Once more, Miso felt the world whirl about her and then snap back together. Grinning, she rushed to her bathroom mirror again, and giggled with glee at her now very youthful face. She was still stuck with her huge, fake tits (and her ugly tattoo, she quickly confirmed), but had also gained nearly two-decades of life back.

  And while a twenty-eight year old face looked good on a woman a decade-plus older, it certainly didn't fit an eighteen-year-old's face. Nor did a childishly young face, for that matter. Which meant, not only did she now look far younger than her real age, but also no one would think she looked too young for her new age. The genie's hands had been thoroughly tied by her previous wishes.

  "Congratulations, mortal, you got what you actually wished for," the djinn said, when Miso finally stepped out of the bathroom. "But you are still stuck with your new life as a saline-inflated pornstar." The creature added, a smug smile crossing her dark lips.

  "Ah, but you're wrong there, genie," Miso Hornee pointed out, grinning herself. "In this State, no one under nineteen can work in the porn industry, or even as a stripper."

  The djinn opened her mouth, then shut it and pursed her lips angrily. "Very well, mortal," she muttered, snapping her fingers. "May you enjoy your newly returned youth. And all that comes with it."

  Miso started to reply, but blinked as her shelf full of DVDs suddenly disappeared, along with her ultra-slutty outfit. Despite suddenly being naked in her house again, she couldn't help but smirk triumphantly, as all evidence of her porno career evaporated as suddenly as it had appeared.

  But then more things started to disappear around her. Before she could react, the world snapped in a final burst of chaotic fury, and Miso gasped, as she suddenly found herself sitting on her bed.

  Her old bed.

  In her old bedroom.

  In the house she had grown up in.

  "MISO HORNEE!!! Get out of your room this instant, young lady!!!"

  The new teenager gasped, recognizing the sound of the voice instantly. Oh, no, no no--

  Her bedroom door burst open, revealing her overbearing mother, no longer pushing retirement age, but somehow back in her youthful thirties.


  "Miso, what are you doing naked?! And still in bed!?! Get dressed this instant!! You were supposed to leave for school twenty minutes ago!!!"

  Miso blinked in confusion, suddenly aware of her nakedness. "School?"

  History must have changed, she realized, her confused mind finally catching up to all the developments of the past few seconds. I'm a teenager again. Oh, shit, that means I'm still in school!

  She stared down at her tits, which looked, if anything, even larger on her more youthful body. Wait, if I've still got these implants... then I must still have had my lawsuit, and thus, I'm still rich.

  Satisfied at her hasty logic, she said, "But mom, I'm rich now, why do I have to go to school at all?"

  "Miso Hornee! You know perfectly well that no daughter of mine is going to be a high-school dropout, I don't care how much money the court awarded you. Besides, you've missed more than enough days already due to that surgery mishap, and you're lucky that the school officials are only making you stay an extra semester instead of holding you back to make up your entire Senior year. Now, get your butt dressed and get to school, young lady!!"

  Miso started to reply, when she finally noticed the blue-skinned guest standing in the corner of her room. The genie, she's still here?! Wait, if I can get mom to make a wish, we can get five more wishes out of her. I can get rid of these tits, and maybe fix a few other problems, like this stupid school thing. Plus maybe I can get some revenge on the bitch.

  Being younger was nice, but no way was she going to spend another year in school, and certainly not trapped under her mother's thumb. It had been bad enough the first time around. One wish could easily fix everything, if she were careful, but first she had to get her mother to wish something, before the genie moved on to her next victim. But how?

  "Hey mom, if you could wish for anything in the world right now, what would it be?" She asked, as she pulled the covers up over her ponderous chest. The djinn blinked, and stared at her, then at her mother.

  "Easy," her mother said, picking up discarded dirty clothes from the floor, apparently not having noticed the blue-skinned stranger in the corner. "I wish you'd get your lazy butt off to school, right now!"

  Miso groaned as the djinn smiled and snapped her fingers, but at least her plan had worked. It was a lame waste of a wish, to be sure, but now she'd have four more wishes to work with. She just needed to explain to her mother about her experience with the genie, and then the two of them could come up with a plan to put things back just the way she wanted them.

  But before she could so much as say a word to her mother, Miso suddenly leaped out of bed and ran out of her room. She raced down the stairs, and out of the house, then began frantically jogging down the sidewalk... still completely naked.

  Her mother stared out the bedroom windows, watching as her nude daughter run down the street in the direction of the high school, her giant fake tits sloshing wildly from side to side.

  Vera Hornee shook her head, utterly dumbfounded at her daughter's bizarre antics. She was used to the girl doing things to make her angry; often enough she'd caught her daughter drinking, and had pulled her out of more than a few parties over the years. And then there was that horrid tattoo she'd gotten last year, which in turn had led to her massive implant surgery, which she was not at all convinced had been as accidental as Miso claimed, no matter what the judge had ultimately decided.

  But running out of the house in the middle of the morning, butt-naked?! That was the last straw!

  "I swear, that girl is incorrigible!" she growled, already dreading the phone call she'd surely be getting from the school secretary the instant her daughter arrived. "It would serve her right if the school made her stay like that all day. No, the whole school year!"

  Vera paused, suddenly imaging her naked daughter stuck in class all day, forced to continue this rebellious nudist phase of hers long after it stopped being the least bit fun, and chuckled. The girl wanted attention? She'd have plenty of it, in spades.

  "I wish the school really would do that, just to teach the little slut a lesson. Be careful what you wish for, Miso."

  With a final snicker, Vera sighed deeply and left the room, arms filled with dirty clothes, and wondered whatever she'd do with her wayward daughter. The girl wasn't taking her studies seriously at all.

  Shaking her head, she shut her daughter's bedroom door behind her, and headed down the stairs.

  Inside the room, a tiny but smug voice whispered, "As you wish, my Mistress. As you wish."

  * * * * *

  The End

  * * * * *


  by Tabitha Kohls

  Copyright 2019

  * * * * *

  "You swear you can really undo all of this?" Suzi Slutmelons growled at the ugly sex shop owner, her huge namesakes squeezing around the man's raging erection, tight as a vise.

  "Sure thing, babe!" the sleazy man replied, vigorously pumping his hips. "It's real easy, too!"

  All around them, the backroom of the shop was littered with a wild assortment of dildos, silicone busts, piles of porn DVDs, and more than a few used condoms for good measure.

  Suzi grimaced at the sight, or at least the best approximation of a grimace her botox-injected face would still allow her.

  The shopkeeper hardly noticed, too busy driving his cock through the valley of her cleavage to bother watching her face.

  "It better be, I don't think I can take much more of this curse," she said.

  "Nothing to it, I just have to mutter a few words, and -POOF!- the curse will have run its course." He grinned and gestured at his cock. "But first, you gotta finish...."

  Suzi glowered at him, her botox-ravaged face res
isting even that small movement. With a sigh, she began to bounce her huge, saline-filled tits in time with his thrusts....


  As unlikely as it seemed given her appearance, only a month earlier Suzanne Simpson had been one of the most well-respected realtors in the city, and just hours away from finally breaking away from her old employers and start her very own real estate firm across town.

  She was waiting in her office for her final client of the day, and in fact her very last client for the firm, to arrive. As she waited, she worked on finishing up her own client-list she'd be taking to her new company, carefully selecting only the most prestigious accounts. Unlike her old employers, who would seemingly represent anyone who came in off the street, her new firm would have some standards. Only the best, wealthiest clients would do.

  Perhaps she was simply distracted by her task, or perhaps it was the stranger's odd, dirty clothing. Either way, when an ancient crone of a woman suddenly entered her office unannounced, Suzanne exploded in rage.

  "Fuck! Not again!! Marty!! Marty, get your ass in here!!!" Suzanne roared.

  The old woman was taken aback, jerking backwards at the outburst. She grasped the door handle desperately, only just managing to catch herself from a bad tumble.

  Her boss Martin rushed to the office door, even as the angry realtor shot out of her office chair and charged for the door herself. "Suzanne, what's wro--"

  "She's what's wrong!" She gestured wildly at the woman. "I thought you said security had fixed that busted backdoor?!"

  "Uh, they did--" her boss began, but Suzanne was in no mood to listen.

  "I want this trash out of my office, NOW!!"

  She grasped the old woman by the shoulder and shoved her out the door, a little harder than she meant. The frail, disheveled crone fell to the floor, in full view of the throngs of waiting clients and other realtors.

  Suzanne looked at her hand, and grimaced. The woman's clothing was filthy.

  "This is the third fucking time, Marty! I'm tired of these homeless bums wandering in here. What if my client had shown up on time? I nearly lost the Danson account last week when that crazy cat-lady burst in, screaming like a mad woman."

  Marty's face grew red, as he gulped. "But, Suzanne, she is your new client."


  "Man, old Gran sure did a number on you, didn't she?" The man grinned, as his rock-hard dick pulsed between Suzi's huge breasts. A curious gleam entered his eye. "Hey, what did the old bat say to you, anyway?"

  Suzi would never forget the way the old woman lifted herself on one elbow, staring straight at her, nor the way the crone's dirty clothes seemed to flutter as an ill-wind moved across the real estate office.

  Her mouth moved, her yellow teeth suddenly revealed as her cracked, ancient lips rose.


  The word had seemed to hit her physically, she could swear she'd felt it striking her chest like a blow. The old woman collapsed then, apparently drained by the effort.

  Suzi glared at the man, but repeated the woman's curse. "Faker, she called me Faker."

  He barked out a laugh, right into her face. She sneered at the hot breath; the man stank of cheap booze and cheaper pizza. And other things she didn't want to think about.

  "Faker? Oh, that's a good one," he replied, grinning, even as his dick swelled harder with excitement. "And then what happened?"

  Rolling her eyes, but figuring it would get the man off that much sooner, Suzi continued her tale....


  She'd all but forgotten the incident the next day, having left the firm and putting the embarrassing final blunder behind her. The curse had begun even then, though of course she hadn't realized it yet.

  Suzanne awoke refreshed, and began to plan her day as she took her morning shower -- and screamed when she saw her brunette locks had somehow become bleached to a dirty blonde mess overnight!

  At first she tried to justify the bizarre change, ultimately chalking it up to her shampoo or perhaps to too much swimming in her pool the night before.

  Though how in the world the chemicals in her pool had also made her hair grow from its sensible shoulder length all the way down to her ass in a single night, she hadn't a clue.

  Making a mental note to have the pool changed into a chlorine-free saltwater system as soon as possible, Suzanne bundled her new head of hair under a big hat, and headed straight to her favorite salon.

  Over the next few hours, the poor hairdressers did their best, but her hair seemed to be hopelessly ruined. The blonde locks refused to take any dye at all, and at last she was forced to simply have it styled and trimmed into something remotely suitable for a professional of her caliber.

  There was nothing for it; she'd just have to wait for the dark roots to grow out, and probably get some dyke-ish pixie cut in the near future until her newly grown brown hair was long enough for a real hairstyle.

  Putting the bizarre change out of her mind, Suzanne decided to focus her attention on her new business. She had a lot of work to do and only a few short weeks before her office's official grand opening.

  For the next few days, everything seemed to remain like normal, and her work setting up her new office kept her plenty busy.

  Hiring staff was proving tiresome, however. Thanks to her new blonde hairstyle, interviewing potential staff was taking forever. After the third interviewee in a roll assumed she was just a receptionist, and asked her to get them a coffee while they waited for the interview to begin, Suzanne decided to freeze hiring and turn her attention to less infuriating business matters.

  Then it happened. While showering one evening, several days after the incident at her old firm, she discovered the next change.

  Drying her head and thinking of the embarrassing interviews, she was seriously considering just cutting off her hair and wearing a wig. She moved to grab her hairdryer, when her hand brushed against her breast.

  Suzanne gasped, dropping the towel and expensive dryer onto her granite-topped counter with a crash.

  Gulping, she gingerly touched her breast again, feeling a hard, firm mass under the skin. Looking at herself in the mirror over her sink, she frowned and touched her other breast, feeling an identical lump!

  Fearing the worst, Suzanne rushed to the hospital, hardly taking the time to get dressed first.

  When the x-rays came back, she got the shock of her life.

  "Implants!!?!!" she repeated, staring in disbelief at the doctor.

  "Yes, Miss Simpson, implants! You have breast implants!!" he shouted, shaking with rage.

  "Implants?!" she muttered to herself, as again. It seemed utterly impossible. No, it was impossible, she'd never had so much as a dental filling before, and suddenly she had fake breasts?

  The doctor refused to believe her protests, certain she must've gotten the work done on one of her holidays to the Caribbean. Turning to a nurse, he angrily ordered that Suzanne's health records be immediately updated, before returning his attention to his patient, admonishing her for taking such a risk without even informing her physician of the life-altering procedure.

  With a final sigh, he ordered her to leave the hospital before he changed his mind and decided to press charges against her for wasting hospital resources.


  "So these are old Gran's work too? Well, I have to say, she does nice work," the man laughed, increasing his pace. "And then what happened?"

  Suzi scowled, but continued with her story. As humiliating as it was to relieve her journey into bimbohood, she could tell it was exciting the man.

  "When I awoke the next day, I found that my implants had grown larger while I slept. And these horrid scars had suddenly appeared overnight."

  She didn't bother pointing them out, the scars were more than obvious from the man's perspective.

  A fine, but obvious white line ran around her nipples, then down the curve of each breast, terminating in a long, ugly scar following the crease at her chest. She didn't bother getting a second
checkup with the doctor, it was painfully clear that she not only had fake tits, but had all the signs of having undergone a truly terrible boobjob.

  "After that, it happened faster and faster," she said, grunting as the man's thrusts sped up, matching the tempo of her words. "And faster!"

  "Oh, fuck baby, fuck, those tits are so fucking hard! You're more plastic than woman, you slut!"

  Suzi Slutmelons bounced her tits up and down the man's shaft, like a woman churning butter, and ignored his insulting words. He wasn't exactly wrong anyway.

  "They are hard, they kept getting harder, every day. Bigger and firmer," she said, gritting her teeth and spitting on the cock bobbing so close to her face with each thrust. Her cleavage was getting sore. If this kept up much longer, she'd have to stop and get some real lubricant.

  "Faker, you mean?" he grunted, laughing.

  "After a week, they finally --oh!-- stopped growing. I went from a B-cup to these ridiculous triple-D's so quickly, most of my new staff didn't recognize me when I opened the office each morning. One morning a fucking delivery man actually tried to honk them! In front of my agents, too!!"

  The man seemed to be getting off on her humiliating words, even as her face burned with the memory. She'd been tempted to fire her entire staff then and there and start over, just to avoid the endless jokes.

  "Fuck yeah!! And then what happened?!"

  "My nails all grew an inch long, and turned permanently bubble-gum pink. My feet started hurting horribly, unless I wore heels, each day having to add an inch. By the time my tits stopped inflating, I could stand upright without a six-inch heel under me. Even in the shower!" Suzi sighed at the memory, hardly noticing the man's growing arousal. "And then... and then the new lumps appeared, this time in my butt cheeks."

  "Oh, fuck yeah, baby got some back!" he roared, half-crazed as his orgasm finally arrived.

  Suzi gasped in disgust as the cockhead erupted, flooding her cleavage with an ocean of jizz. The man didn't stop thrusting, his cock shooting fresh wads of sticky cum across her chest.


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