Kenny’s early films, 245
medical authority and, 246–247
First International Poliomyelitis Conference, 316–319, 323
Fishbein, Morris
alternative medicine and, 302
on AMA report, 200
antisemitism and, 191
attack on alternative practitioners, 57
autobiography of, 412
as censor, 39, 56–58, 63, 64–65, 85, 121n7, 211, 257, 271
fall from favor of, 186, 347
as JAMA editor, 54, 55, 67–68
Kendalls’ report and, 52
Kenny and, xvii, 56–58, 123, 215–216
on The Kenny Concept, 271
populist movement and, 190
on publication of Kenny’s book, 63–64
on voluntarism, 310
waning influence of, 307
Fletcher, Allen, 30n77
Flexner, Abraham, 12
Ford, Henry, 195
Ford, Henry, II, 305
Ford, John, 251
Fox, Belle, 322, 367
Fox, Mona, 322, 367
Fox, William, 322, 367
Frankel, Charles, 203–204
Fryberg, Abraham
background of, 29n68
Institute visit of, 280
as Kenny ally, 11, 12, 381
in Kenny’s obituary, 381–382
Functionality, as crucial for patients, xiv, xv, xix, 11, 47, 49, 86, 152, 160, 170
Funsten, Robert V., 104, 162, 198, 203
Further reading
on American medicine and consumerism, 37
on anti-Catholicism, 244
on Cold War, 401
on Crosby and movies, 244
on disability history/politics, 37, 182–183
on drugs, history of, 145
on Fishbein and medical politics, 244
on gender, 401
on history, remembering/forgetting of, 426
on media use by government, 145
on media use by philanthropic groups, 145
on medical care and race, 244
on medical politics, 83, 244, 339–340
on medical populism, 243
on medical practice, xxiii
on medical science and research, 340
on medicine and antisemitism, 243–244
on medicine and film, history of, 296–297
on medicine and racism, 243–244
on National Foundation history, 36
on nursing in Australia/North America, 36
on polio, experiences of, 183
on polio after 1945, 435
on polio and physical therapy, 83
on polio in Australia/North America, 35–36
on race/racism, 244, 401
on therapeutic change, 145
on Warm Springs, 37, 183
Galland, Walter, 414
Gardner, Ethel, 93, 110–113
Garson, Greer, 211
global activism and, 367
medical authority and, 41–42, 55, 57
medical culture and, xviii, 17, 187, 189, 403–405, 424
patients and, 153
scientific innovation and, xi–xii, 101, 107, 341, 369
in Sister Kenny movie, 253
“Geographic” funding models, 304
Georgia Warm Springs Foundation (GWSF), 14–15
Germany, Kenny’s work in, 357–358
Ghormley, Ralph, 99, 103–105, 201
Giaciolli, Ruth, 93–94
Gill, Bruce, 98, 108–109, 114, 199
Gillette State Hospital, 18, 32n106, 89
Global feminism, 366–368
“God is My Doctor” series, 191
Golden Age, of organized medicine, 303–305
Golden Casket (lottery), 6, 25n18
Government-funded rehabilitative services, 150
Government-funded research, 302, 310
Gray, James, 73
Gray book, 224, 322, 357. See also Physical Medicine: the Science of Dermo-Neuro-Muscular Therapy as Applied to Infantile Paralysis (Kenny)
Green, Dwight, 326
Griffin, Emily, 93
Gudakunst, Don
on AMA meeting, 99
Argentina fiasco and, 110–112
on attention to disabled, 158
as former ally, 212
Kenny’s book and, 63–64
on Kenny’s work/method, 68–73, 103, 126, 212, 220
Kenny technicians and, 93
Minneapolis visit, 56
on NFIP funding, 226
Sullivan on, 275
travel with Kenny, 59
Guinane, James, 7, 8, 9, 410
Gunn, Selskar, 305, 309
Gunzburg, Milton L., 251–252, 253–254, 256
Gutmann, Emil, 356
Hague, Frank, 307, 315
Hale, Arthur, 124
Handicapped Persons Industries, 172–173
“Handicapped” term, 149, 172
Hanlon, Edward (Ned), 7, 12, 280
Hannan, Vivian, 343
Hansson, Kristian, 3–4, 173, 418
Harden, Victoria, 302
Hart, Vernon, 84
Hartford Courant, 193
Harvey, Valerie, 53, 56, 92f, 256, 328, 422
Haskins, Earl, 210
Haverstock, Henry, Jr., 20, 49–50, 156, 164, 204
Haverstock, Henry, Sr., 20, 22, 206, 260, 350, 362, 367–368, 369, 371
Healing Warrior (children’s book), 422
“Health Freedom,” 189
Health insurance/insurance legislation, 186, 197, 307
Hearst, William, 222, 271
Hearst Corporation/newspapers, 57, 187, 191, 195, 219, 221, 228n29, 239n223, 271, 276, 376
Heat therapies. See also Hot packs
in earlier orthopedic care, xii, 42, 45, 97, 108
hot packs, various/combined with hot packs, 343, 378
of Kenny described as not new, 49, 51, 119, 198, 418
promoted by Kenny, xvi–xvii, 5, 96, 115–116, 168, 203, 226
Hellebrandt, Frances, 100
Henderson, Melvin, 12, 17–18, 103–104, 264, 271
Henry, James, 114, 258–259, 328, 380, 411
Henwood, Stanley, 314
Hertz, Max, 10
Heselton, John, 312
Higginbotham, W. C., 195
Hines, Harry, 99–100
A History of Poliomyelitis (Paul), 413–414
NFIP fundraising and, 194–195
support of NFIP, 218, 222
Home care, promotion of, 346–347
Horder, Thomas Jeeves, 265, 267
Horstmann, Dorothy, 376–378, 404
Hospital for the Ruptured and Crippled, 3–4, 14, 59
Hospitals, racist policies in, 209
Hot packs
dangers of, 51, 353, 418
demonstrations of, xv–xvi, xxiin30, 11, 86, 93, 98, 100, 119, 161–162, 259–260, 277, 319, 378
as folk remedy, 417
as over-emphasized, 88, 97, 117, 197–198, 200, 203, 343, 346, 405
as rough/painful, 168–169, 420–421
Housden, Nora, 353–354
House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 301
Howe, Howard, 102, 117–118
Hoxsey, Harry, 304
Huenkens, Edgar, 319–320, 322, 345, 349–351, 374
Hughes, Billy, 11
Hulett, James, Jr., 201–202, 273
Humphrey, Hubert, 196, 220, 270
Hunt, Agnes, 405
Hutheesing, Krishna Nehru, 352
Hydrotherapy techniques, xiii–xiv, xvii, 5, 16, 51, 97, 154, 158, 160, 319, 343, 355, 378, 418
Hygeia, 173, 200
Ibanez, Julian Sanz, 313, 352
I Knew Sister Kenny: The Story of a Great Lady and a Little People (Levine), 402
Illinois Medical Journal, 108
Immobilization therapy
enforced period of, xiv
ls on, xv
Kenny on, xv, 11
as “physiological rest,” 5
as polio treatment, xiii, 173
Incoordination (Kenny’s term), xv, xvi–xvii, 54–55, 71–72, 96, 101, 114, 116, 123, 199
Infantile Paralysis (Lewin), 62
Infantile Paralysis and Cerebral Diplegia (Kenny and Guinane), 7–8, 9, 213–214
The Informer (movie), 251
Innerfield, Irving, 390
Iron lung, 11, 47, 65, 68, 149, 151, 153, 319, 378, 402, 408, 411–412, 419, 420, 422
Irwin, Charles, 49, 61, 174
John, Rutherford, 108–109, 111–112
Johns Hopkins Nurses Alumnae Magazine, 151
Johnson, Robert, xiv
Jones, Robert, 88, 198, 199, 405
Journal-Lancet, 197, 200, 201, 211, 212, 267
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 45, 61, 97, 108–109, 124, 417
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 122
Journal of Pediatrics, 122, 264
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 3, 9, 12, 38, 49, 50, 52, 62
editorials on Kenny’s work, 54–58, 67–72, 215–216
Kenny obituary in, 381, 405
“Physiologic Nonsense and Poliomyelitis,” 187
studies on polio’s physiology, 123
Judd, Walter, 214
Jungeblut, Claus Washington, 312–315, 341–342, 348–349, 351, 377–378, 404–405
Kabat, Herman, 122, 200
Kabat-Kaiser Institute, 122
Kaempffert, Waldemar, 404
Kaiser, Henry, 122
Karsh, Yousuf, 323
Keller, Helen, 156
Kendall, Florence and Henry
in anti-Kenny movement, 418
assessment of Kenny, xiv, 42, 43–46, 48–53, 60, 166
on immobilization therapy, xv
on Kenny’s statistics, 98
polio care pamphlet of, 13, 42, 44, 48, 61, 100
polio orthodoxy and, 89
on spasm term confusion, 47
Kenny, disability politics and
assistive supports dislike, 153
“deformity” and, 152
mental disability prejudice of, 151–152
Roosevelt meeting, 154–156
Kenny, Elizabeth. See also Elizabeth Kenny Institute; Sister Kenny (movie)
American physicians, approach to, 12–14
arrival in America, 3–4
in Australia, 4–6, 370, 375
celebrity testimonials sought, 322
with child patient, 90f
clinical authority claims of, xv–xx, 8
clinical/political acuity of, 19–21
elite’s disdain for, 28–29n63
Fishbein and, 56–58
gendered medical culture and, xviii, 41–42
gender roles for patients, 153
as hero, 167–168
Hollywood culture and, 249
as innovator, 19, 114
isolated position of, 328
medical conspiracy beliefs, 8–9, 212, 251, 317, 322, 369
as medical populist, 301
money and, 21–24, 34n137, 249, 279
as new “Nightingale,” 6
NFIP and, x, 16–19
nursing qualification questions, 7, 253, 280, 409, 412, 415
patient letters received by, 160–161
pedagogic philosophy of, 92
physicians’ dislike for, 10
populist support for, 215
power of film and, 247
public support/enthusiasm for, 9, 98
Roosevelt and, 3, 22–23, 107, 155f, 155–156, 217, 312, 369, 407
statistics, use of, 61
Sylvia stretcher, design of, 6
teaching skills of, 8
terms/language of, 51, 101
textbooks of, xxiin24, 62–67, 224
Townsville clinic of, 7–8
travels of, 281
Kenny, Elizabeth (life of)
“Angry Angel” series on, 407–410
appearance/manner of, 4, 101, 125–126, 279, 415. See also uniforms, of Kenny technicians
autobiography of, 60, 87, 106–107, 160, 189f, 213, 253, 368–369, 379, 423. See also Sister Kenny (movie)
awards to, 120
biography/life of, ix–x, 4–6
as celebrity, xviii, 125–126, 153–154
as children’s hero, 407
cult of personality, 99
death of, xx, 379, 381
ethical veracity of, 10
forgetting of, 402, 417–418, 425
funeral of, 381
honorary degrees for, 125
legacy of, 348, 420–423
moral reputation of, 9
movies, love of, 245
as nurse among nurses, 87–89, 87–89. See also Nurses
obituaries of, 381, 403–406
Parkinson’s diagnosis, 345, 371, 372, 376
personality of, 8–10, 38, 63, 95, 120, 190, 195, 198, 208, 210, 217, 323, 406, 409, 412–415
in popular culture, 191–192
professional respectability of, 13
racist assumptions of, 209
in recent past, 418–419
remembered, 412–417
sacrifice, claims of, 106–110, 249–250
“sister” term/title, ix, xvii, 6, 17, 218, 225, 375
unusual career of, xviii
Kenny, fading glory of
American public and, 362–364
California foundation chaos, 347–348
celebrities and, 364–366
celebrity status, disappearance of, 406–407
death/obituaries and, 379–382, 403–406
European connections and, 351–359
fundraising and, 359–361
global feminism and, 366–368, 370
Institute expansion difficulties, 348–351
last conference attendance, 372–374
legacy and, 375–376, 420–423
“new concept of polio” and, 376–378
personal frailty/limitations, 371–372
resignation from Institute, 344–347, 361–362
retirement and, 368–369
Kenny, in Washington
as expert witness, 301, 310–312
Jungeblut, appearance of, 312–315
legacy and, 308–309
as populist expert, 305–308
Kenny, lectures/demonstrations of
to ANA convention, 87–88
at Brisbane Hospital, 11
in class for nurses/physicians, 163f
patient recoveries and, 165–167
to physical therapists, 46–53, 58–62
at University of Minnesota, 18–19
to women’s clubs, 21
Kenny, Mary Moore
death of, 34n131
health of, 6
as homeschooler, 4
Kenny, Mary Stewart. See also McCracken, Mary Kenny
Argentina fiasco and, 110–113
arrival in America, 3
as central figure in Kenny’s life, 22
fiancé’s death, 265
marriage of, 270
retreat of, 328
supervision role of, 53
as symbol of Kenny’s work, 24
Kenny, Michael, 4
Kenny, as polio clinician
clinical trials, suspicion of, xix
controversial claims of, x, xviii
efforts to transform care, xix
goals of, xv
health professionals and, xvii–xviii
on immobilization therapy, xv, xvii, 11
method development, 5
patient participation and, xviii, 163–165
science, provocative notions of, xviii–xix
terms/language of, xv, xvi
therapies used by, xvii
Kenny, polio wars and
AMA reports and, 197–201
cerebral palsy treatment in, 213–214
Kenny Foundation cam
paign in, 218–226
March of Dimes in, 192–196
National Research Council and, 204–208
NFIP funding and, 186–188
nurse supporters and, 188
“organized opposition” in, 215–218
“Pennies for Kenny” campaign and, 208–213
in popular culture, 191–192
populist movement in, 201–204
public outrage and, 188–191
University of Minnesota and, 196–197
Kenny centers. See also Elizabeth Kenny Institute
Buffalo center, 306–307, 344
Centralia center, 307, 325–327, 344
Jersey City center, 307, 315, 344
The Kenny Concept (film)
in Australia, 268–269
in Belgium, 266–267
European reviews of, 265–267
financing for, 259
Kenny as active clinician in, 262
lay views and, 268–269, 272
NFIP review of, 264
public response to, 271–272
reediting of, 269–270
structure of, 261
student complaints about, 356
testimonials, use of, 263
The Kenny Concept of Infantile Paralysis (Pohl and Kenny), xi, 87, 115–120, 121f
Kenny Foundation (KF)
after Kenny, 410–412
California chapter chaos, 347–348
campaign brochure for, 359f
expansion difficulties, 348–351
fights with NFIP, 324
fundraising goals, 186, 224
new organizational structure, 319–320
newspaper support of, 221
as NFIP competitor, xx
as nonprofit/recognized philanthropy, 213, 359–361
“Sock Polio” campaign and, 219f, 218–226
use of Sister Kenny film, 256
women and, 223
Kenny method
“adverse reactions” and, 418
Argentina fiasco and, 110–111
“attention” argument and, 110
celebrity patients of, 126
certificate of efficiency in, 92
clinical trials and, xii
concept and practice of, 99–101
cost of, 318
credibility of, 101–103
demonstrations of, 92f
early converts to, 94–97
efforts to explain, 11–12
enthusiasm around, 86
evaluations of, 97–99, 103–106
family caregivers, role of, 159–160
influence of, 226
“manual vibration” in, 5
medical politics and, x, xi
modification of, 378–379
orthopedic committee visit and, 103–106
orthopedic surgeons and, 121
patient records, 76n60
patient recoveries and, 165–167
patient’s role in, 5, 163–165
physical therapists’ assessment of, 40–53
suggestibility and, 5
teaching of, 89–94
testimonials for, 61
The Kenny Method of Treatment (NFIP), 109
“Kenny miracles,” 118–119, 167, 191
Polio Wars Page 86