Can Medicine Be Cured
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A New Look at Medicine and Politics (Powell) 159–60
A Short History of Progress (Wright) 266–7
Abernethy, William J. 228
Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica (journal) 107
Adcock, Jack 197
Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge 67
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) 261
adverse reactions 85, 94–5, 97
advertising 135
Aesclepius 261, 262
Affordable Care Act (‘Obamacare’) 174–5, 176
Africa 266
Alder Hey Hospital, Liverpool 47, 190, 202
Alexander-Williams, John 29
Altman, Douglas 89
American Council for Graduate Education in Medicine 236
American Cystoscope Makers Inc (ACMI) 33
American Economic Review 165
American Psychiatric Association 113
Anderson, Charlotte 106–7
Anderson, Wes, The Royal Tenenbaums 247–9
Angell, Dr Marcia 67
Animal Farm (Orwell) 4
animals, testing on 18
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism (journal) 111
Annals of Oncology (journal) 145
Annan, Noel, Our Age 163
anti-inflammatory painkillers 38, 86
antiarrhythmic drugs 84
antibiotics 1, 37, 207, 255–6
antibody tests, blood 108
anticoagulant drugs (blood-thinning) 133, 134, 207
antiemetic drugs 95
antihypertensive drugs (for high blood pressure) 86, 94
apriority 81, 84
Arrow, Kenneth 165
Asher, Richard 31, 34, 80–1, 100, 102, 244–5
Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) 138
Astor, David 4
Attlee, Clement 163
autism 261
Autodesk (software company) 176
Bailey, Bella 218, 222
Bailey, Julie 218, 222
Ball, Peter 44
Balwani, Sunny 184
Baron, Hugh 29
Bawa-Garba, Hadiza 197
Bazalgette, Peter, The Empathy Instinct 196, 235–6, 239–40
BCG vaccination (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin) 3
Beltrán-Sánchez, Hiram 257
Bennett, Alan 39
Bennett, Craig 237–8
Bevan, Aneurin 4, 43, 163, 169–70
Beveridge Report (1942) 163
Biagioli, Mario 60–1
Biden, Joe 142
‘Big Data’ 73, 155–6, 180–1
‘Big Pharma’ 11, 35, 67, 86, 256
‘Big Science’ 48–53
and ‘Big Pharma’ 67
and empathy 236–7
failure 74, 76
improving 56–7
narrow scope of 142
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 69
Billroth, Theodor 35
biomedical science 61
biopsies 41, 107
biotech 68
bipolar disorder 261
Black, Nick 223
Black, Sir James 35–6
Blair, Tony 70, 71
‘blockbuster’ drugs 35
blood pressure 86, 94–5, 113
blood tests 108, 183, 184
Bloom, Paul, Against Empathy 246–7
Blunt, Ian 229–30
BMC Medicine (journal) 110, 236
BMJ Medical Humanities (journal) 243
‘bogus contract’ 202–3
Bolsin, Steve 215
Booth, Christopher 143–4
Bord Bia (Irish Food Board) 104
Boston Cooking-School Cook Book, The 89
BP (British Petroleum) 176
Bradshaw, John, Doctors on Trial 9
breast cancer 152
Brexit 169
Bridgepoint Capital (venture capital firm) 233
Brin, Sergey 179
Brisby, Toni 219
Bristol Royal Infirmary Inquiry 190, 194, 215, 225
British Journal of Cancer 148
British Medical Association 214
British Medical Journal 22, 79, 148–9, 215–16, 223, 251
British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) 27–30, 32, 39, 46, 137–8
Broad, Eli 67
Broken Boy, The (Cockburn) 5–6
Brooks, David 185
Brouns, Fred 116–17
Brown, Gordon 218
Browne, Noël 3
Building a More Sustainable NHS in Scotland (2015) 230–1
bullying 27–8, 28, 184, 193, 230, 249–50
Buranyi, Stephen 61–2
Burnet, Sir Macfarlane, Genes, Dreams and Realities 74
Burnham, Andy 219
Bush, Vannevar, Science: the Endless Frontier 40
Butterworth-Springer (publisher) 62
Calderwood, Dr Catherine 170–1
Calne, Roy 42–3
Cameron, David 145
cancer 146–9
breast 152
diet and 89–90
drug trials 143–4, 151
drugs 124, 143–4, 146–7, 150–2
homeopathy 99
kidney 146–7
lung 78–9, 149–51, 152
research 142
survival 143–4
Cancer Drugs Fund 145, 152
CAR (chimeric antigen receptor) T-cell therapy 68
Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST) 83–4
cardiac catheterization 41, 42
Carolinas Health System 180
Carreyrou, John 184
Catassi, Carlo 110–11
Celera, (biotech company) 70, 173
cervical screening 12
Chalmers, Sir Iain, Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth 82, 92
Chan, Priscilla 67–8
charity sector, Irish 123
Charlton, Bruce 52–3
Charon, Dr Rita 240
chemotherapy 147–8, 151, 152
Chief Medical Officers 170–1
brain-damaged 198–9
cardiac surgery deaths 190, 215
illness and 1–2, 68, 105
polio 5
cholesterol, high 95–6, 113
chronic diseases (comorbidities) 93, 94
chronic fatigue 104, 108, 109
cimetidine (Tagamet, acid secretion drug) 35–6
Citadel, The (Cronin) 170, 197
Clarke, Kenneth 162
Cleveland Clinic, US 67
Clifford, Clark 211–12
Clinical Epidemiology: A Basic Science for Clinical Medicine (Sackett) 81
‘Clinical Evidence’ project 99
Clinical Teacher (journal) 244
Clinton, Bill 70–1
clotting, blood 132–3
Cochrane, Archie, Effectiveness and Efficiency: Random Reflections on Health Services 79–80, 145
Cochrane Centre 82–3
Cockburn, Patrick, The Broken Boy 5–6
coeliac disease 16, 28, 103–9, 114, 118–19
‘coercive healthism’ 185
colitis 123, 137
Collins, Francis 70, 71, 73, 173
Collins, Harry 23
Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection (CHAI) 194
common sense 102
‘communication’ 244–5
complementary medicine 99
Condorcet, Marquis de 258
consensus statements 109–14, 162
consumerism 159, 161–2, 171, 241
‘convergence revolution’ 175
Cook, James 267
Cork 5
Cotton, Peter, The Tunnel at the End of the Light 33–4, 43–5
Crawford, Matthew 237
Crick, Francis 63
Crimmins, Eileen 257
Crohn’s disease 50–1, 123, 137
Cronin, A. J., The Citadel 170, 197
Crosby capsule intestinal biopsy 107
‘Cure the NHS’ (pressure group) 218
Current Biology (journal) 238–9
cystic fibrosis 246
Cystic Fibrosis Ireland 246
Daily Telegraph 228–9
Danbury, Dr Chris 200–1
Darzi, Lord Ara 175, 223
databases, health 180–1
Dataism 185
Davis, William, Wheat Belly 114–15, 116
Death of Humane Medicine, The (Skrabanek) 186
Death of Ivan Ilyich, The (Tolstoy) 242
drugs and 84
from TB 3, 4
debates, medical 9
deep vein thrombosis (DVT) 132
deprescribing 96–7
depression 260–1
deprivation 51
designer drugs 71
Dicke, Willem-Karel 104–7, 112, 119
and cancer 89–90
and coeliac disease 103–9
gluten-free 108–9
digital health 174–87
diuretic (water tablet) 95
Dix, Katy 232
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) 63, 70, 155
Dobson, Frank 216
Doctor Foster Unit (DFU) 217
Doctor in the House films 196
Doctors on Trial (Bradshaw) 9
Doll, Richard 77–80
Douglas, Colin, The Greatest Breakthrough since Lunchtime 23–6
Downie, Robin 162, 244
Dr Foster Intelligence (DFI) 216, 219, 231–2
Dr Schär (company) 110, 111
Dubos, René, Mirage of Health 257–9, 261, 263
Dworkin, Ronald 191–2
Easter Island 266–7
Economist 227
Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth (Chalmers and Enkin) 82
Eisenhauer, Elizabeth 143–4
elderly population
and ‘Google generation’ 170–1
in hospital 100, 222, 235
over-prescribing 93–5, 206
sepsis and 130, 134
elite, the 75
Elsevier (publisher) 61, 63, 65
Ely Hospital, Wales 250
emergency departments 205–6
Empathetics™ (empathy training) 240
empathy 235–52
Empathy Exams, The (Jamison) 241
Empathy Instinct, The (Bazalgette) 196, 235–6, 239–40
Empty Raincoat, The (Handy) 212
endoscopes 32–3, 107
Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography (ERCP) 33–4, 44
endoscopy 32–4
Enkin, Murray, Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth 82
Enlightenment, The 258
epidemiologists 217
epidemiology 82, 89
Epimetheus 264
ethics, medical 16–17
EU (European Union) 169
European Commission 65–6
European Medicine Agency (EMA) 148
Evans, Alfie 198
evidence-based medicine (EBM) 80–4, 87, 90, 93–5, 97, 100–2
Exact Data (US) 180
‘excess deaths’ 225
F1000Research 65
Facebook 65, 178, 179, 181
Feinstein, Alvan 40, 92–4, 114
fibromyalgia 108
Financial Times 216
First World War 143
Fitbit fitness-trackers 176
Fleming, Sir Alexander 256
Flexner Report (1910) 197
fluid retention 80
Follies and Fallacies in Medicine (McCormick and Skrabanek) 114
Food and Drug Administration, US (FDA) 148–9, 178
Ford Motor Corporation 210
Formby, Nicola 150
Foundation Medicine (genomics company) 153
France 166, 167
Francis QC, Sir Robert 190, 213, 219–23, 226
fraud, scientific 58–9
‘free-from’ foods 104
Freud, Sigmund 81
Fries, James 257, 258
Fujii, Yoshitaka 58
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) 236–8, 240
Gainsborough, Hugh 32
Gard, Charlie 198, 199
Gastrectomy, Measured Radical 37
gastritis 36
gastroenterology 15, 37, 77
Gastroenterology (journal) 110
Gates, Bill 68–9
Gates, Melinda 69
General Medical Council 189, 190, 197
Genes, Dreams and Realities (Burnet) 74
genetics 21–2, 152–5
mutations 152–3, 155
testing 178
genomics 70–4, 156, 173, 174
See also DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid)
Germany 167
Gill, A. A. 149–51
Gisler, Monika 72
Glasziou, Paul 91–2, 92
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) 67
Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) 180
gluten-free diet 103, 108–9, 115–16, 117, 118–19
‘Gold Effect’ 114
Gold, Thomas 114
GoLytely (laxative) 18
Gonsalves, Gregg 69
Good Hospital Guide 216, 217, 219
Goodenough Report on Medical Education (1944) 41
Goodhart’s law 60
Google 65, 173, 179, 180, 181
Gore, Al 58
British 161–2, 164, 229, 231
Irish 3, 124, 246
1930s 1–2
consultation times 126
over-prescribing 93–6
retiring 198
Grain Brain (Perlmutter) 114–15, 116
grants, research 66
Gray, John 253–4
Great Ormond Street Hospital, London 199
Greatest Benefit to Mankind, The (Porter) 203
Greatest Breakthrough since Lunchtime, The (Douglas) 23–6
Greenwood, Major 267–8
Guardian, The 224
Guyatt, Gordon 82
Haas, Dr E
lson 105
Haastrup, Isaiah 198
haematologists 134
Hairmyres Hospital, Glasgow 4
Handy, Charles, The Empty Raincoat 212
Harari, Yuval Noah 185, 186
Harbison, Joe 124–5
HARLOT plc 91
Hart, Josephine 129
Hart, Julian Tudor 266
Harvard Business Review 227–8
Hayes, Robert H. 228
Haynes, Brian 81
Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) 180
health awareness days 127–8
health care 165–7
Health, Ministers of 160–2, 189, 216, 218, 219–20, 224
Health Nucleus (US clinic) 173
Healthcare Commission 218, 229
heart attack (myocardial infarction) 84, 85–6
heart disease 85, 116, 117
Heath, Iona 135
Helicobacter pylori (bacteria) 36–9, 262
heparin (blood-thinning drug) 133, 134
Hewitt, Patricia 216
Heywood, Ben 177
Heywood, Jamie 177
Hill, Sir Austin Bradford 77–80
hip replacements 132
Hippocratic Oaths (Tallis) 244
Hirschowitz, Basil 32–3
Holland 105–6
Holmes, Elizabeth 183–4
Holtzman, Neil 71
Hopkins, Harold 32
Horton, Richard 55, 57, 265–6
hospices 139, 145–6
Hospital Standardized Mortality Ratio (HSMR) 213, 214–17, 218, 219–21, 223
Howe, Geoffrey 250
Howick, Jeremy, The Philosophy of Evidence-based Medicine 87
Human Genome Project (HGP) 70–4
Human GIS (Geographic Information System) 175–6
Human Guinea Pigs (Pappworth) 41–2
Human Longevity, Inc.™ (HLI) 173–4
Human Tissue Act (2004) 190
Hume, David 99
hunger 118, 119
Hunt, Jeremy 224
Hurst, Sir Arthur 28
Hygieia 261
Hypothesising After the Results are Known (HARKing) 57
Ice-Bucket Challenge 127–8
Illich, Ivan, Medical Nemesis 7–9
and medical profession 196–7, 207, 263
‘Rebirth of Epimethean Man’, 264
‘Sisyphus syndrome’ 160–1
‘social iatrogenesis’ 185
views on 134
immunosuppressive drugs 51
immunotherapy 150
IMS Health (US) 180–1
Industrial Maladies (Legge) 251
infections, hospital-acquired 192
infectious diseases 6
Bristol Royal Infirmary 190, 194, 215, 225
by Geoffrey Howe 250
HSMR 213–17
Shipman 190
Stafford Hospital 217–22, 229, 235
Institute of Cancer Policy, London 145
institutionalization 7–8, 56
insurance companies 101