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Page 9

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  He put a hand on my back, leading me to his car. “So what are we working on exactly?”

  I was surprised that he was asking before dinner. I noticed the brown bag in the backseat when I got in.

  “A composition about my summer vacation.”

  “Oh, this is going to be so good.”

  “I just can’t figure this stuff out. I thought my last paper was perfect and I got a C!”

  Levi turned to me with mock shock. “A C? Alert the authorities.”

  I crossed my arms. “Yes, because caring about my grades somehow makes me lame.”

  “That’s not what makes you lame.”

  “That had better be a joke.”

  “It is. It is.” Levi pulled up out front of his place and parked.

  He grabbed the bag of food from the back, and we went inside. I hadn’t been over since the night we went to the paranormal bar.

  “Is that enough food?” I watched as Levi took out a few containers and placed them on the kitchen table.

  “How much were you planning to eat, hon?”

  “You know what I mean. There are four of us.”

  “No, just two.”

  “Wait, Jared and Owen aren’t here?”

  Levi smiled. “No, it turns out they both had plans tonight.”

  I threw my bag down on an empty chair. “Convenient. Very convenient.”

  “It is, isn’t it?” He took two plates down from a cabinet, and pulled out two sets of disposable chopsticks from the paper bag.

  “Whatever. Let’s eat.” I sat down and opened the containers. “Chicken and Broccoli? Veggie Lo Mein?”

  “Is there a problem?” He leaned back against the counter.

  “How did you know what I like?”

  “Wait, you like these?”

  “Yes, they’re my favorites.”

  “It looks like we just like the same things.”

  “Vegetable Lo Mein? You expect me to believe that?”

  “Your roommate may or may not have helped out.” He took a seat.

  “Hailey? Hailey told you?”

  “I didn’t realize you guys were doing a weekly takeout and movie night without me.”

  “Yes you did. You definitely did.” Levi had asked to join us on more than one occasion.

  He shrugged. “I don’t remember getting the invitation.”

  “Because you’re not invited. It’s girls only.”

  “I’m not complaining. I wish all of your girls’ nights involved you at home with your friends in pajamas.” He scooped some food on his plate. “On the other hand, I’d rather you didn’t insist on going out to bars without me.”

  “Do you realize how insane you are?”

  “Why? Because I’d rather you not be out in a short skirt with guys throwing themselves at you?” He casually grabbed an egg roll like we were talking about nothing of consequence.

  “You can’t tell me what to do.”

  “Did I try to? I only told you my preference.”

  “All right, let’s eat.”

  “I already am.” He bit into the egg roll.

  I made myself a plate. “When did you ask Hailey?”

  “About your favorite dishes?”


  “This morning.”

  “How’d you know it would come up?” I opened the paper packaging on my chopsticks.

  “I didn’t think it would be tonight, but I knew you’d come asking for help eventually with a paper due so soon.”


  “Yes. Can we stop worrying about how I know, and enjoy our dinner?”


  “Good. I’d suggest we find a movie, but that’s not why you’re here.”

  “Don’t remind me.” I took a bite.

  After finishing our meal and cleaning up, Levi sat down with me at the table. “Let me see what you have so far.” I pushed my notebook over to him. “Is there any reason why you handwrite your papers?”

  “Just the first draft, and just French. I type the rest.”

  “Where’s your laptop?”

  “In my room. It’s too clunky to carry around.”

  He leaned on his elbow. “You need a light weight one.”

  “No, I don’t. I just need help.”

  “Fine, let’s see if I can read this chicken scratch.”

  I was about to defend my perfectly neat handwriting when I noticed the playful expression on his face. He was trying to be funny.

  “One of these days I’m going to figure out when you’re joking.”

  “Maybe in the next ten years.”

  He looked down at my paper, and I felt uncomfortable watching him read it. I knew there were tons of mistakes.

  I tapped my foot nervously, hoping he wouldn’t give me too hard of a time.

  He laughed. “You met a boy and ate him?”

  “I did not write that!”

  “Yes, actually you did. I’m guessing you meant to say you met and went out to eat.”

  “Of course. Arrh.” I put my head in my hands. “Why is it that I can handle every subject but foreign languages? It’s like I’m cursed.”

  “Come on, it’s really not that bad. The rest of it looks pretty good. You just need to be careful with your verbs.”

  “You make that sound easy.”

  “Okay, why don’t we finish up this paper, and then just do some verb exercises.”

  “Verb exercises? Have you tutored in French before?”

  He nodded. “I helped out a little in high school. It was the only way I was allowed to take French.”

  “You were fluent before high school?”

  “Yeah. My dad insisted on it. It’s just a family thing. Our kids will have to learn it too.”

  I’d never heard Levi talk about us having kids. Obviously I knew he had to think about it, because unless he had an heir his line died, but it sounded so strange hearing it from him.

  “Okay, let’s get this over with.” I pulled up my legs and sat with them crossed on the chair.

  Levi leaned over me, pointing out all of my mistakes, and showing me how to fix them. “When’s this due, anyway?”


  “Okay, so you can just type it up later.”

  “Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it.”

  “You know I don’t mind.” Once again, Levi sounded serious. As much as I wanted him to stop messing around sometimes, it was harder to push reality aside when he was this way.

  Levi was making me go through the various verb forms of “to be” when my phone rang. “Mind if we take a break? It’s Anne.”

  “Go ahead.”

  I picked up. “Hey, Anne.”

  “Hey. You’re still at Levi’s right?”

  “I’m guessing Hailey told you?”

  “Yeah, I’m not interrupting anything am I?” she said suggestively.

  “Yeah, you’re interrupting some hot French studying.”

  “Hey, you know Levi would be happy to tutor you in other things.”

  “Don’t start.”

  The look Levi gave me made me think he might have heard her. I hoped not. Either way, he got up and refilled his glass with water.

  “Okay, okay. I’m calling because a bunch of us are going to Rock ‘n’ Bowl .”

  “Rock ‘n’ Bowl?”

  “Yeah, there’s a Cajun band playing that Brandon was raving about the other day.”

  “Brandon? You’ve been talking to him more?”

  “Yeah, he’s in my psych class, remember?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Are you in?”

  “I don’t know. I have an econ test in the morning.”

  “Don’t you know that stuff ridiculously well? And if you don’t, why are studying French?”

  “I do know it. I just don’t want to stay out too late.” My responsible side kicked in.

  “Then come for an hour or so. We can leave early.”

  I considered it. Music and bowlin
g sounded a lot better than studying. “Maybe. I’ll let you know.”

  “Okay, bye.”

  Levi was back in his seat when I hung up. “Rock ‘n’ Bowl, huh?”

  “Have you been there? Is it cool?”

  “Yes, I’ve been there. And it’s definitely an experience.”

  “An experience?”

  “Yeah, want to go and find out?” He flipped my pen around in his hand.

  “Sure, for a little bit. Could you drive me home kind of early though?” If Levi was going, it would make things easier. We’d gone out as a group a lot, but this was actually the first time since the summer that we’d be arriving somewhere just the two of us.

  “Of course. I wouldn’t want you too tired for your econ test.” He smiled. I knew he was making fun of me, but I refused to let him get a rise out of me.

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  “And, as always, the offer to come back here is on the table.”

  I shook my head. “You just had to add that in, huh?”

  “Come on, you can’t blame me.”

  “All right, I’ll let Anne know.”


  Rock ‘n’ Bowl wasn’t at all what I expected. Surprisingly, I didn’t mind how closely Levi stuck to my side as we walked inside. He easily moved us through the crowds of people who were drinking beer while listening to the loud music. We found my friends on a lane.

  “Here you go.” Hailey tossed me a pair of socks.

  “Thanks.” I caught the rolled up socks. “Wait, you really think I’m going to put on bowling shoes?”

  “Of course. I’ve got your size eight and a half’s right here.” She gestured to a pair of red and blue bowling shoes.

  “Did you get mine too?” Levi held out his hand.

  “No. Get your own.”

  “Fine. I’ll be back in a second.” He walked off, and I expected it to take a while considering how crowded it was.

  “How was your French tutoring?” Anne grinned.


  She laughed. “Well, he’s a lot hotter than any tutor I’ve ever seen.”

  “Thanks, Anne. I appreciate that.” Of course, he chose that moment to return. Evidently, his charm worked at bowling alleys too. I doubted Levi actually knew what it was like to wait in line.

  “Is Jared meeting you here?” Tiffany asked Levi.

  “Why? You want to see him?”

  I pushed Levi.

  “What? I’m sure Jared would love to hear that.”

  Tiffany blushed. “No. I just wondered since Jared and Owen are usually with you.”

  “But you didn’t ask about Owen.”

  “Shut up, Levi.”


  I glared at him.

  “Fine. Sorry Tiffany.”

  She looked away. “I was just surprised, that’s all.”

  “We know. Levi’s just being his usual self.” Hailey’s expression mirrored my own.

  “Hey, sorry we’re late.” Nick shot me a smile as he walked over with Brandon.

  “It’s fine. Allie and Levi just got here.” Anne smiled at both of them, but it was obvious she was really paying attention to Brandon. I hadn’t realized Nick was coming. This could get awkward.

  “Oh, you guys came together?” Nick asked. I didn’t know why he was playing dumb. He was well aware that Levi and I were dating.

  “Of course we did.” Levi pulled me tighter against his side.

  “Allie doesn’t have to go everywhere with you. You don’t own her,” he mumbled.

  What the hell was Nick doing? Levi took a step towards Nick, pushing me slightly behind him. “No, I don’t own her, but I am going to marry her.”

  “Are you guys done with your pissing contest?” Anne broke the tension. “We came here to bowl.”

  I shrugged off Levi’s arm long enough to change shoes. “All right, let’s do this.”

  Tiffany started us off, then took a seat next to me. “All right, that wasn’t too embarrassing.”

  I retied the shoelace that had already come undone. “You hit seven pins. I’ve never hit seven pins.”


  “Okay, I have. With bumpers.”

  Tiffany laughed.

  I suddenly noticed something. “This might be a dumb question, but where’s the computer? How do we record our scores?”

  Levi bowled a strike and came to sit down next to me. “It’s called a pencil and paper, Al. Aren’t you the one who likes it old school?”

  “You really record it like that?”

  “Yes.” He smiled. “I told you this would be an experience.”

  I was definitely the worst bowler there. Anne was incredible. No wonder she wanted to come. She even came close to holding her own against Levi and Hailey—almost. I’m pretty sure Pteron’s are good at everything. Neither of them even looked down the lane when they threw their balls. Even Nick, Tiffany, and Brandon left me in the dust. I drowned my humiliation in a couple of beers and eventually was able to laugh at myself.

  We were having so much fun that I didn’t realize how late it was getting until Levi put an arm around me. “Hey, Cinderella, if we don’t leave soon, you’re going to turn into a pumpkin.”

  I laughed. “It’s the coach that turns into the pumpkin, not Cinderella.”

  “Same difference.”

  “Is it really that late?” I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. “One? It’s one a.m?”

  Levi nodded.

  “Why didn’t you tell me? I have a test at nine!”

  “You were having fun. Are you ready to go then?”

  “Yes!” I knew it wasn’t Levi’s fault, but I really needed to get some sleep.

  We said goodnight to everyone and Levi walked me out to his car. “On the positive side, you’re not drunk. At least you won’t be hung over tomorrow.”

  “No, not hung over. Just falling asleep.”

  “Just get through the test and take a nap.”

  “I will after French.”

  He laughed. “You’re such a goody two shoes.”

  “Not exactly. I just like passing my classes.”

  “Never change, Al. Please, never change.”

  I laughed. “I don’t plan on it.”


  By the time I finished my economics exam, I could barely keep my eyes open.

  “Oh my god.” I gathered my stuff and walked out of the classroom.

  “What’s up, Princess? Think you failed or something?” Jared caught up with me before I reached the hallway.

  “Actually no. I think I did all right, but I swear I’m never taking another test after going out again.” I pushed open the door.

  Jared glared at a guy who bumped into him. “Don’t swear about promises you can’t keep.”

  “Oh, I’m going to keep it.”

  “You’ve got four years of college ahead of you. It’s going to happen again.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Well, all I want to do right now is go home and go back to sleep. Damn French.”

  “You could always skip.”

  “I’m lucky I’m passing.”

  “That’s where Levi comes in, right?”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I looked away. I didn’t want to see the smirk I knew would be on Jared’s face.

  I turned back and he didn’t disappoint. “Did his French expertise win you over?”

  “Not quite, but he did help.”

  “What’s holding you back? I thought you were over everything.”

  “I still don’t know if I can trust him.”

  Jared looked me straight in the eye. “You can.”

  “Thanks for your unbiased opinion.”

  “Always at your service.”

  “You know, you’re not as bad as I thought you were.” I tried to bite back a smile, but it came out anyway.

  “Wait, are you trying to give me a backhanded compliment?”

  “Just accept it before I take it back.”

nbsp; He pulled up his sunglasses so I could see his eyes. “You’re not as bad as I thought either.”


  “So, I’ll see you for training tomorrow?”

  “Yes, boss.”

  “Hey, you’re the one who wants the help.”

  I smiled. “Admit it. You like it.”

  “I like that you’re not nearly as weak and pathetic as I thought.”

  “Let’s stop while we’re ahead here.”

  He laughed. “Okay, enjoy French and your nap.”

  “Will do. Tell Levi I said ‘hi.’”

  Jared stopped and looked at me. “Okay, I will.”

  I met up with Owen and prepared myself for fifty minutes of French hell.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jared picked me up in his black Mustang convertible. “Nice wheels.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” He pulled away from the curb before I’d even buckled my seatbelt.

  “Where are we going?” He finally thought I was ready to do some training outside of the gym. I wasn’t sure if I was more nervous or excited.

  “Just down to the levee. It should be empty at this time of night.”

  Meeting Jared at the gym was one thing. Sneaking off with him late at night felt different. It’s not like Levi had to worry about something happening between us, that would be the last thing that would ever occur, but I knew he wouldn’t like the idea of me learning to fight.

  Jared parked, and I got out. I was dressed in black yoga pants, and a tank with a sweatshirt over it. Jared was in shorts and a t-shirt. Pterons never seemed to get cold.

  “Okay, I’m ready.” I braced myself. I figured Jared wouldn’t actually hurt me.

  He laughed. “You look ready to fight in battle. What do you think we’re doing here?”

  “You said you’d teach me to fight.”

  “I said I’d teach you to defend yourself.”

  “Fine, so where do we start?”

  “First, you need to listen, and listen closely.”

  I put a hand on my hip. I hadn’t dragged myself out in the dark to listen.

  “You ready?”

  “I’m listening.”

  “You are never going to be able to fight a Pteron or other paranormal head on.”

  “Come on.”

  “I’m being serious. You can’t. Even the strongest human is too weak. And face it, Princess, you aren’t the strongest human.” He touched my arm as though that proved something.


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