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Dragon's Melody

Page 15

by Bell, Ophelia

  He didn’t exactly sit back and let her strip him, though. He chuckled against her neck and nodded, releasing her hands and sliding his up her sides. “What happened to needing me to fuck you now, huh?”

  “Now is relative. You can’t very well fuck me with your pants on, can you?” To illustrate her point she released the last button of his shirt and slid her hands down, using both to grip him through his trousers. She let one hand explore his solid, thick length while the other pressed lower finding the outline of his balls and squeezing gently.

  He murmured an objection, his hands sliding back down to cup her ass and haul her closer. She let go of his cock and braced her hands against his bare chest.


  “I’m pretty sure if I tried hard enough I could fuck you from across the room at this stage,” he said. “But I’d much rather do it from up close. Hurry up.” He shoved lightly at the sides of her gown, rucking it up with his fingers bit by bit until his hands grazed up her bare thighs underneath, fingertips teasing at the edge of her panties.

  His touch tickled along her skin, a reminder of the deliberate teasing she’d had to endure from Garen all day that she knew would have no payoff. Now that Skye was finally here, she could abandon her restraint.

  “Oh, yes! Please touch me. Please.” She tugged frantically at his buttons and his zipper, in a daze of pure need, wishing now that she hadn’t objected to him getting her naked first, or to even trying so hard to undress him. She only needed one part of him at the moment, and she needed it desperately.

  With a rough tug at his waistband, she managed to free him, his glorious, thick length twitching against her hand. She let out a low moan of appreciation as she gripped him in her fist and surged forward, not quite sure of anything anymore except that she needed him inside her.

  He rocked back slightly but caught her weight against his chest and wrapped one strong arm around her waist to hold her.

  “I guess this is what now means, is it? You trying to fuck me with your panties still on?” His fingers slid between her legs and she shivered, pressing her hips down to meet his touch. Her skin burned, her need so hot she feared she might go supernova any second if he didn’t do something about it.

  “Jesus, I don’t care. Just get inside me, will you?” She squeezed his cock and struggled in his grip, trying to lower herself. She didn’t care that there was still a barrier in the way, she just needed the contact, and she’d figure out the rest after that.

  He growled, the sound a strange, resonant vibration that originated somewhere in his chest but seemed to surround her. His fingers clutched at the crotch of her panties and tore at them. She felt the fabric give slightly, the sensation accompanied by a ripping noise. His fingertips slid between her folds for only a second before disappearing to guide her movements. Shifting his hips beneath her, he tilted up and let his grip on her hips loosen. She slipped down, aiming his hot tip at the rip in her panties and her aching, wet opening beyond.

  “Ohh fuck,” he groaned into her ear when she slammed down onto him, letting out a sharp cry. Both his arms wrapped around her and he buried his face in her neck.

  She paused only for a second, her head throbbing from the sudden almost painful stretch of his full, thick length inside her. She would probably come with just another stroke but for some strange reason she hesitated. He tilted his head back to look at her, his vivid blue eyes pleading. He seemed so beautiful for a split second before his face contorted, his mouth opening and closing soundlessly. She reached up and clutched at his hair, pulling at it and yanking his head back. Everything rushed back in an instant. His mouth … that beautiful mouth that had so thoroughly blown her mind the day before … her eyes fixated on it and she bent her head, her lips finding his and grasping hungrily while she raised her hips up and sank down again.

  “Not … enough …” he rumbled when she pulled back from the kiss. Abruptly the world tilted and he was above her, his shirt flapping open on either side of his chest. He pushed her knees to her chest and smiled down, bracketing her head between both arms as he braced himself on his hands. “Now,” he said, his smile widening. “Now I will fuck you.”

  He thrust into her with bruising swiftness, not even slowing down between strokes. He lifted one hand and gripped the bodice of her gown, ripping at it violently. Her breasts bounced free of the destroyed lace and he bent to capture one erect tip between his lips.

  She clutched at his head, crying out in ecstatic pleasure as his cock pounded into her. Her climax gripped her suddenly and unexpectedly and Skye groaned when her walls clamped down around him, but he didn’t slow his pace. He raised his head and stared down at her, his gaze fevered and shining with a bright inner glow.

  “Sweet Mother, you are so perfect.” The words tumbled out, punctuated by a sharp cry, then his face slackened and he arched his back as his cock impaled her again and again. A slow wash of heat burned through her from her pelvis outward and his cock pulsed inside her, the rhythm of his climax mimicking his groaning, panting breaths.

  He remained poised above her, his head hanging low for a moment while he caught his breath.

  Melody closed her eyes and sighed, enjoying the buzz of euphoria that filled her. This could be heaven as far as she knew. Nothing in her life had ever felt quite so good. The fact that this was now her job crept back into her mind, threatening to tarnish the moment, but she shoved it aside. He’d just told her she was perfect, and hell if she hadn’t been thinking precisely the same thing about him.

  He started to pull out of her and she wrapped her limbs around him possessively.

  “Not yet, please?”

  He raised an eyebrow and nodded, sinking his hips back against hers and resting his elbows on either side of her. He dipped his head hesitantly toward her, as if to kiss her but uncertain whether she wanted him to. She smiled and pulled him down, giving him a sweet, slow kiss before releasing him again.

  He frowned down at her. “Was that not enough to satisfy you? It happened more quickly than I meant it to, but you seemed to need hard and fast, and I … you …” He gave up and smiled sheepishly, the expression at odds with his earlier confidence.

  She almost objected profusely, but after a moment’s thought shook her head. “For now, it’ll do,” she said, deciding to reserve her praise for the morning.

  He lowered himself further until their torsos were in full contact, but the muscles in his back still bunched under her hands from the effort of holding himself up.

  “You can move, if you want,” she said. “I just really love the way you feel in me.”

  He pressed his lips against her neck and shifted his head back to look at her. “I’m perfectly comfortable. I just don’t want to crush you.”

  “Thank you,” she said, expecting he’d have to grow weary of holding himself up at some point, but he simply bent his head and nuzzled at her neck again.

  “You smell so sweet. Did you choose the scent or did Garen?”

  The mention of Garen gave her the oddest little twist in her belly. She shook her head. “It wasn’t me. He did everything.” Wrapped me up like a gift for you to open, she thought. And now that she was Skye’s it made her a little sad. She closed her eyes trying to force herself back into the moment.

  “What is it?” Skye asked. He shifted his weight slightly to brush a knuckle down her cheek. When Melody opened her eyes, he was staring down at her, his brow creased with concern.

  She contemplated telling him precisely what bothered her but only smiled and twitched her shoulder. “It’s just all very new and hard to believe. You’ve made me feel so wonderful I’m afraid nothing will ever feel this good again.”

  Skye moved his hips in a slow twist against her, and she gasped at the realization that his cock had grown fully hard again.

  “We have days and days ahead of us for me to make you feel even better. Shall I prove
it to you?”

  Her pussy responded of its own accord, muscles tightening around him and every nerve inside singing with the pleasure of the slow strokes he gave her. Her breathing quickened, turning into steady moans that he muffled when he lowered his head and took her mouth with his.

  “Is this good, sweet Melody?” he murmured against her. “Can I convince your body to reach its peak again tonight, do you think?” He raised up higher, straightening his arms. The shift caused his slowly thrusting hips to press his cock at a very nice angle.

  Melody arched her back, pressing her head into the cushions. “Yes,” she said, sweeping her hands down his sides and clutching hard at his ass, simply holding on while he fucked her with deliberate, slow strokes. This was absolutely making up for the day-long frustration of having another man teasing her to madness. And God, had it been worth the torture. She never wanted him to stop.

  Skye took his time until his movements and his touch started reminding her of Garen’s methodical teasing. The only difference was Skye’s cock buried deep inside her, a promise that he was invested in the outcome. He bent his head to her breast, toying his tongue over her nipples and sucking at them one at a time until she arched into him again with a whimper.

  He leaned back farther, bracing his knees on either side of her hips and raising her up just enough to keep her aligned with his cock. Melody watched through her haze of pleasure, mesmerized by his intent concentration on where they were joined. His hips continued to move with slow precision, as though testing each angle and her reaction to it. That was when she remembered he could see her aura—that it must be cluing him in to her pleasure. And he wanted her to come again. The mere idea that his purpose was the polar opposite of Garen’s sent her into a spiral of pleasure that only grew more acute when he pressed his thumb against her sensitive clit and teased it with tiny, delicate strokes.

  The slight contact shoved her even quicker to the edge of oblivion for the second time and she reached out to him. She only clutched at air and threw her head back with a combination of frustration and intense pleasure. Suddenly he was above her again, hovering close and murmuring into her ear while his hand still worked at the flesh between her thighs in tandem with his cock.

  “Let me have your sweet Nirvana again, Melody. Let me taste you. Let me drown myself in all that you are. Oh, fuck but I could die a happy man right now.”

  She wrapped her legs tightly around his hips, forcing him deeper even as his stroking fingers sent her over the edge. This time, he cried out at the same time and when her muscles clenched around him, his cock answered with its own spasms followed by the hot flood of his essence that somehow felt like it sank beyond her womb, continuing through her body and deep into her soul.

  He slipped out of her a moment later and she didn’t object, letting her legs drop to the sofa. She curled into his side, ignoring the tangle of her gown around her hips and the pinch of his belt buckle under her leg when she draped it over his.

  “We should probably take off our clothes before we go again,” he said.

  “Agreed,” she murmured from somewhere beyond a haze of sated bliss.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Skye lay still, simply enjoying the weight of Melody’s sleeping body and the soft press of her breasts against him. He glanced down at himself, smiling wryly. She’d been so determined he hadn’t bothered taking the time to undress either of them like he normally preferred to do with a lover.

  Her gown was ruined entirely, her panties ripped and sodden and her bodice torn in half. Yet she hadn’t complained. With any other woman he’d have behaved differently, convincing her with his breath to let him take his time so that her energy would have time to build while he teased.

  With Melody he wanted to experience her fully without even that small nudge influencing her behavior. It had been Garen’s role to prepare her for this reason—to ensure she’d be fully primed and uninhibited when Skye was with her—and he’d done it spectacularly.

  The sun had long since set, and Skye’s skin still glowed faintly from the infusion of her energy. Hers did, too, and he wished he could see every inch of her in the darkness, but was loath to move even enough to undress her.

  The brightening of her aura signaled the end of her sleep cycle. Rather than speak, he let his free hand brush lightly over her one bare shoulder, then the top of her breast with his fingertips. He stopped just shy of her nipple, enjoying the way her aura pulsed with her anticipation of his touch. Goosebumps rose along her skin, the texture glistening with the energy that seeped from her pores. The magic he’d filled her with when he’d climaxed.

  She released a contented sigh and raised her head to look at him in the darkness. Her eyebrows scrunched together when she looked at him. “You’re glowing,” she said.

  “So are you.”

  She raised her hand and stared at it, wiggling her fingers. “How the …?”

  “You wouldn’t have noticed it during the day,” he said. “But it’s a product of our lovemaking.”

  “How do you not scare the crap out of other women?” she asked.

  “Most women can’t see it. You’re very different from most women.”

  “Oh,” she said softly, pressing her cheek back to his chest, letting her fingertips draw random patterns on his stomach, each pass causing a stripe of luminescent magic to brighten where her skin met his, and then gradually dim. She didn’t seem fazed by the action. “So am I the only person you’ve had this kind of contract with?”

  “You’re the only person I’ve ever done a lot of things with and we’ve only known each other for a little more than day.”

  She turned her head and rested her chin on his chest. Her lips curled into a curious smile. “Oh? What kinds of things?”

  “Like making love with my pants half-on. Or without getting you completely naked.”

  “You prefer being naked?”

  “In general, yes. Even if I’m not about to have sex. Clothes are constricting.”

  “What else?” she asked. Instead of waiting for him to answer, she sat up and shrugged out of her robe, then tugged the ruined gown over her head and tossed it aside. She pushed the ripped panties down her legs and dropped them to the floor, too.

  “Don’t mind me,” she said. “Naked is my preference, too.” She shot him an expectant look, and then moved to his feet where she began tugging off his shoes and socks, then pulling his pants off by the cuffs. Her initiative surprised him as much as her utter lack of shock at her glowing skin, That she could even see it was enough evidence that what Kol had said of her was true. She was Blessed.

  “Ah …” he said, staring at her with perplexed amusement. “Well, I don’t usually finish. Never do, in fact. You’re the first woman I’ve made glow in the dark.”

  “Ugh, that has to be frustrating for you. How is it that you guys are so …” She stared at the ceiling while she crawled back up him after tossing his pants into the pile with her clothes. “So generous.”

  “Us guys? Do you mean Garen?”

  “Yeah, I mean him. The poor guy had the hard-on from hell all day and didn’t do a thing to … erm … relieve himself. He just kept …” She paused and let out a chuckle as she lay down on his chest, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

  “Kept what?”

  “Driving me up the wall with his teasing. I admit I was starting to curse the both of you by the end, thinking tonight had better damn well be worth all that torture. But it seemed like he was being tortured just as much in the process. How the hell do you guys deal with it? I mean, is it like this for all of you?”

  She was a perceptive human, to have discerned as much from her day with Garen. He found himself eager to share the small truths of his own nature with her but stopped before he said anything. With their exchange of essence, it would be too difficult for him to avoid sharing too much once he got started, and
he wasn’t prepared to mark her as his mate yet. Not until he was sure she had a chance of being accepted by his mother’s magic protecting the box. The fucking box.

  “Do all women respond so well to a simple touch?” he asked, shoving thoughts of the box aside and stroking the side of her throat. He enjoyed the way she hummed in pleasure and tilted her head to give him better access.

  “Point taken,” she said. “Whatever works for you.”

  “What works for me now is the thought of making you glow even brighter.”

  Her aura vibrated under his touch and she shifted her hips, obviously aware of his erection resting against her inner thigh, just shy of her hot core. “Hang on a sec … I think I’m getting the hang of how this energy exchange works. How about I make you glow. I like that part.”

  Raising up with her hands braced on his chest, she tilted her hips just enough for her slick folds to slip along his length until she had his tip pressed against his belly, trapped between them. He closed his eyes, wishing to be deep inside her again, but enjoying her soft sounds of pleasure while she rubbed herself against the sensitive underside of his cock.

  Melody’s eyelids fluttered from the pleasure she gave herself on his flesh. He lay there with his hands resting lightly on her thighs and simply observed, enthralled by her gradually brightening aura. The sweet tang of her arousal reached his nose and made his mouth water at the memory of her flavor coating his tongue the day before. He’d avoided drinking or eating anything for hours, simply so he could keep the residue of her fresh for as long as possible.

  With an impatient groan, he slipped his arms beneath her thighs and gripped her by the ass. She let out a surprised squeak when he hauled her up past his chest until her soft, round bottom rested on his collarbone. Tilting his head up, he could just reach her creamy slit with his tongue.

  “Close your eyes, love,” he murmured, grazing his lips over her smooth, wet flesh.

  She repositioned slightly, tucking her lower legs deeper into the cushions behind his shoulders. In the process, she lifted off him until she was just out of reach.


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