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The Blood That Drives Us: The Devils Dust MC Legacy

Page 4

by M. N. Forgy

  She’s everything I’m not. A light that shines in my darkest corners revealing my inner beast and yet she still smiles like I’m her best friend. Why did I let her go?

  “How was Texas?” I change the subject.

  “Hot,” she snaps. Her eyes shoot to mine, and I know I hit a nerve. Her body tenses, and those blue eyes turn unfriendly.

  “Look, I know you’re—” I try and bridge the gap. Explain my actions.

  “Don’t!” She holds her hand up. “I was stupid—”

  "Stupid is right. You shouldn't have come back, Addie." I shake my head and her mouth parts with disbelief. I have regretted taking the higher road and letting her go before. Now that she’s back, I’ll never make the mistake again. How does that saying go? Let her go, and if she comes back you take her?

  “You have some nerve!” She blinks, looking anywhere but at me.

  “I ain’t letting you leave so easily this time.” I step into her personal space needing her to understand how much I missed her, and she presses her palm against my chest pushing herself a step back. The feel of her dainty soft hands against my body makes my teeth grit.

  “You don’t own me, Zane,” she whispers, and I laugh.

  “For smart, you sure are fucking dumb.”

  I owned her the day I took a bullet in the arm for her.

  Our eyes dance, tension thicker than the hot air around us. Kids begin to stare at us, and teachers glare out their windows nosily.

  * * *

  “Is there a problem?” A man wearing tan pants and a white shirt whiter than his teeth steps up behind Addie. The dragon tattoo on his arm is a little out of place considering he looks like a giant tool. My fist balls into itself. Who the fuck is this chump?

  “Who the fuck are you?” I lift my chin at him.

  "Zane!" Addie scorns, her swollen lips parted in panic. "This is the new principal, and yes…” She glances at the prick with sharp eyes. “Everything is fine." She reassures the man starring daggers at me. I lift a brow, ready to fucking beat his skull into the concrete.

  He looks to Addie, before giving a silent nod and heading back inside. Smart move, dumb fuck.

  * * *

  Addie hits me with cautious eyes and it dawns on me I acted out. What did she expect, I don’t take others getting into my business lightly.

  “I gotta get back.” I anxiously run my hand through my hair. This has already gone wrong in every way possible.

  “Yeah, okay,” she mutters under her breath. Those lashes fanning out over sad eyes.

  Taking in a sharp breath, I turn and put on my helmet. Licking my bottom lip in thought. I remember how Addie and I would run around in sprinklers as kids, swing together, and play. It wasn’t complicated back then. We didn’t overthink shit.

  Now that we’re adults it seems so long ago and mundane. A past that wasn’t real.

  Because now all I can think about is how I’m going to take over this town with her by my side.

  As I said, she's the light in my darkness and I need her to do what I do best.

  When will she see that?

  * * *


  The scar slashed into my arm begins to tingle seeing Zane. It hasn’t done that in years. I thought I was ready to see him, told myself the connection we had was based on a limited selection, or that I'm too old for him. Then again, I never put my confidence to the test. I’ve purposely stayed away from him. I cannot believe my stepdad sent him to bring me these papers today. He knew I wasn’t on talking terms with Zane, they didn’t know we were romantically involved, just that we had a disagreement.

  Zane’s grown so much since last I saw him. Strong shoulders, more sexy tattoos up his arms that definitely weren’t there before. His dark unruly hair has grown and now falls into deep green eyes that hypnotize you. His tight jawline making him appear unapproachable, but the way his heavy lips cork into that goofy grin, you can’t help but swoon for him. I knew him before he wore the Devils leather cut, back when he dug worms out of the dirt and put them in my hair.

  But he’s not the boy I remember.

  * * *

  Time doesn’t soothe a hurting heart. It hurts today as much as it did then. Before I left for Texas, I thought Zane and I were getting closure, finally starting to see eye to eye and he did everything he could to push me away. Why would lead he me on only to mess around with Baby of all people? I mean, I put off my career just to find out if there was something between us, and he broke my heart.

  “Who was that?”

  I turn where I stand and find the principal glaring at me with his arms crossed. His almond-shaped eyes squinting at me as if I broke a rule having someone bring me papers from home. He looks like he just stepped off a golf course, and is young looking for a principal. Sandy colored hair hitting the tips of his ears with patchy stubble lining his round jaw. He looks like a frat boy rather than a serious principal ready to dish out rulings. I have only been here a short time and can’t decide if I like him or not.

  “He’s a family friend. He didn’t mean to cause a disruption,” I lie in Zane’s favor. Zane leaves chaos wherever he goes.

  Mr. Thad lifts a brow. "He's in a gang, I don't want him around the school, Miss Addington."

  I frown, my chest heating from the thought he is labeling Zane before even getting to know him. Then again, the club does come with bad luck. My scar proof of that.

  “Yes, sir,” I agree.

  Three cheerleaders walk by coming back from lunch and Mr. Thad inhales a large breath staring at them while they walk by. The way his eyes zero in on them, and he bites his lip as if he’s trying to contain some uncontrollable urge concerns me. It’s not the first time I’ve seen him go weak in the knees around the older students.

  I clear the bad taste taking over my mouth, and he shakes his head to give me a glance.

  "That’ll be all." He grins and turns to catch up with the young ladies.


  * * *

  The rest of the day went by as if the clock was standing still. I couldn’t focus and kept getting hot sweats. It was Zane. Seeing him today has dug up so many unanswered emotions I have been trying to bury for so long.

  The question is, how long do old ties stay buried before you can’t ignore them anymore?


  Beep beep beep

  My head snaps up, two of my feathered pillows over my head. Rolling over, my body is tangled in the bed sheets and I squint at the alarm blaring from the bedside table. Nine in the morning? It’s Saturday, why is my alarm… then I remember. Mom wanted to have brunch today.

  * * *

  Turning the alarm off, I groan and sit up. It was a restless night of sleep. I hadn’t had a nightmare about the drive-by shooting in years until last night.

  Slipping my legs over the side of the bed, I zombie walk to my closet. Snatching some clothes from the hangers I start slipping them on, yawning. My stomach growls and I can’t wait for food. Something soft rubs against my foot and I jump back with a startle.

  “Jersey!” I huff with panic.

  Jersey is a Lionhead bunny I bought in Texas. I was at a shopping center one day and saw a pet store and decided to go take a look. I ended up buying him and a cage, and every other thing a bunny might need.

  When I got home and actually read up on bunny care, I couldn’t put him in a cage. I house trained him and he runs around as if he were a cat or dog. I love him.

  * * *

  Heading to the bathroom, I grab a hair ribbon and tie my hair up in an updo and brush my teeth. My reflection staring right back at me this morning is judging me for staying up all night thinking of Zane.

  * * *

  After getting ready I slip on some flip-flops and head outside to my car. Jesus, it’s already hot as hell outside, but there is no sun in sight. It’s blocked from the haze in the sky from all the fires happening. We are in desperate need of some heavy rain in our area. Mom said if the fires keep as they are, we might hav
e to evacuate. Again. I remember when I was a kid and the club was in danger of a fire. My mom kept insisting that we pack up and leave but Bull wouldn’t have it. All the guys were out in boots, shorts, and their leather cuts spraying the surrounding area.

  I smile thinking about bystanders taking pictures of the guys, wanting to turn it into some calendar.

  Getting in my Jeep, it’s covered in ash, so I have to turn the windshield wipers on. Man, I hope they get control of this fire before it gets any closer to my place. It took me weeks to find the right place.

  Once I make it to the restaurant, Bobby and Mom are sitting on the outdoor patio talking. They are such an odd looking couple. Bobby with his wavy crazy hair, leather cut, and tattoos. Then my mother who looks like she could teach Sunday school.

  Getting out I notice there’s a lot less ash floating in the sky in this area. Still no sun, but you can see its vibrancy peeking just behind the heavy gray.

  Mom notices me walking across the parking lot and waves me over. Putting on a smile, I weave through a couple of tables until I am finally at her side.

  * * *

  “Hey, baby!” Mom smiles.

  “Hey!” I give her a hug and then lean in to hug Bobby. Not being able to help myself I yawn.

  He kisses my cheek, the smell of his cologne reminding me of growing up. It’s an ocean spicy smell.

  “Too early for you?” Bobby chuckles.

  I give him a knowing look and grab a croissant from the basket on the table. The flakey goodness sticking to my fingers.

  “Anything new?” I ask around a mouth full of carbs.

  “We find out next week if we are pregnant.” Mom smiles.

  I hold my fingers up crossed for good luck. Mom and Bobby have been trying for a while, and I know there are about to give up if it doesn’t happen soon. I’m an only child as my father died when I was just a toddler so my mother was busy being two parents. She’s a doctor and is always working, and helps the club out a lot too. Everyone I know calls her Doc, but her real name is Jessica.

  My phone rings on the table next to me. Piper’s name and picture pop up along with the notification I’ve missed three calls from her.

  Clicking it off, Bobby and Mom give me an off look.

  “You still haven’t talked to them?”

  Hesitation pulls at my face. It’s complicated.

  “I just, I’ve been busy settling in. I’ll get with them later today,” I state, and probably lie.

  “Zane delivering your papers yesterday wasn’t a problem was it?” Bobby asks before taking a sip from his glass of water.

  Mom’s eyes widen in his direction.

  “Bobby, you didn’t!”

  “I had shit to do! Bull wanted me to go check out some potential clients, so I had a prospect do it.”

  “Guys!” I stop their fight before it escalates.

  “It was fine. We’re friends, I was happy to see him. Everything is good, I’m just… just trying to get settled into everything,” I defend.

  They both stare at me, silence hanging over us like a dark cloud. They aren’t buying it, they know something happened between me and Zane. They don’t know what exactly, but they know Zane and I aren’t on talking terms.

  “You should go out with the girls tonight, let loose!” Mom giggles and Bobby gives her the dad look that makes me laugh. I’m pretty sure I could be forty and he would still be yelling about me being out too late and my dress is too short.

  “Yeah, I think I will just stay in and watch some Netflix.” I scrunch my nose at her suggestion.

  “Great idea!” Bobby encourages.

  An egg sandwich is brought to me just in time. It smells delicious.

  Just as I pick up my fork to stab at a juicy piece of fruit people screaming from up the street catch my attention.

  “What in the hell?” Mom must hear it too. A black car ramps over a hill, barreling down the street like a madman. It hits a man on a bicycle and people continue to scream and run.

  “Oh my God!” Mom holds her hand above her head to block the sun and looks in the direction of the chaos. Bobby stands.

  “Get up,” he orders to nobody in particular.

  Mom and I don’t move. Is he serious? Does he recognize the car?

  Bobby looks at me with a hard look.

  “Get the fuck up!” Not giving me time to stand, he grips my arm and my mother’s and starts running through the tables on the patio.

  * * *

  The car races into the parking lot nearly wiping out my Jeep and blasts through the patio gate, sending people and tables flying before coming to a standstill of bricks halfway inside the building. Bobby, Mom, and I barely making it out of the way. Hair in my face, out of breath, and scared to move, I stare at the car in shock.

  Bobby’s angry, his broad shoulders and chest puffing, he lets go of me and my mother and stomps over to the car.

  “Are you okay?” my mother asks, I nod as I watch Bobby.

  Opening the door, a man slumps out, his face covered in blood. He’s bald with tattoos on his face, and caramel colored skin. That’s all I can make out from all the cuts all over him from the broken windshield.

  Bobby grips him by the shirt and jerks him from the car, a leather cut claiming the man’s torso, one that I remember well causes me to shake. The wolf blowing smoke, its eyes reminding me of one of those old dolls. You can move left or right, but it’s always staring at you. It’s the same patch as the men that attacked us the day of the drive-by.

  “You motherfucker!” Bobby growls, and the man laughs before spitting blood at Bobby.

  “Tell your club we’re coming for the boy!” He cackles before starting to shake involuntarily. His eyes roll into his head and he falls limply to the ground.

  “Move!” Mom screams, rushing to the man’s side. Bobby stands there in disbelief as my mom tries to help the man. It’s in her nature, she can’t help it.

  “Don’t save him!” Bobby tries to push Mom aside, but it’s not in her blood not to save someone. Regardless if they deserve it or not.

  “He’s having a seizure!” Mom defends, laying the man straight on the ground.

  Chaos erupts all around us, police, and ambulances lining the street, but the look Bobby gives me sends a cold whisper up my back. War has just begun for the club.

  Bobby drops me off at my apartment after fighting with me that I should be at the club after the attack. I refuse, I don’t want to be around the club. I just want to be normal.

  * * *

  So for the rest of the weekend, I stay inside my apartment grading papers and watching sappy romances all weekend.

  I never called the girls back as I just don’t know what to say. With them comes Zane and I don’t think I’m ready for that. I didn’t sleep at all those couple days off because of nightmares, and I hate to say it, but I butt dialed Zane and hung up on him least three times.




  Sitting at my desk, I mark papers. I teach biology and love it. It's not what my mother wanted me to pursue, but being in the medical field just wasn't for me. My mother was always gone when I was growing up taking care of other kids’ colds and cuts. I just don't want that for myself or when I might have my own children.

  A headache starts to set in from the smell of the permanent marker. Sighing, I set the pen down and sit back in my desk chair. The room is empty, and the windows dark. What time is it? Pulling out my phone, I notice it’s already eight at night. I’ve been working later and later now that a work colleague who was the adjoining science teacher just up and left without notice last week. I got stuck grading her paperwork so now I’m behind.

  * * *

  “Hey, bitch. Who was the hot guy that showed up the other day?” Miss Louve asks, leaning in the doorway of my classroom. She’s so quiet I never hear her come in. She’s a math teacher, and the only other teacher I talk to a lot, but only at work. My work wife as she calls it.

; Glancing her way, I look her over while trying to think of something to say about Zane. Her dirty brown hair is down and wavy, and she’s wearing black leggings with a red top today. She doesn’t normally dress up like a teacher, she’s harder around the edges. The thick eyeliner around her eyes might be the reason she looks so unapproachable.

  “He’s… just a guy I grew up with,” I reply in a manner suggesting I don’t care much about Zane.

  “Is he in a gang or something?” She scrunches her nose in a cute curious way, crossing her arms.

  My eyes widen. I’m not allowed to talk about the club in any way. That’s a rule I learned quick growing up within the MC.

  “Or something.” I give a tight smile and pick up my pen. Hopefully she sees I’m busy and ends this conversation.

  “Huh…” She taps her nails on the metal frame before shutting the door behind her. Shaking my head, I exhale. That woman is always on the prowl it seems. Next, she’ll be asking me for Zane’s number. How awkward will that be?

  Wrapping up my paperwork, I stuff them inside of my bag and grab my empty coffee cup. Stepping into the hall, it's quite as a graveyard. Lights flicker down the long corridor of black lockers with nobody in sight. I hate staying this late, it scares me. Locking my class door, I quickly head to the front doors of the school. My heels clicking against the tile and echoing through school. Finally outside, I make sure the door is latched, the wind blowing my hair all around my face as I try and tug the door shut. Lightning strikes in the sky threatening a storm, God knows we could use some rain. Flipping my hair over my shoulder, I head toward my dusty Jeep. I throw my stuff in the passenger seat and attempt to start it. It doesn’t turn over.


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