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The Blood That Drives Us: The Devils Dust MC Legacy

Page 10

by M. N. Forgy

  His fingers dip into my glass of water, pulling free a chunk of ice. My mouth parts, but I don’t say anything.

  Slowly, he runs the ice down my neck and around my collarbone. It’s so cold it hurts, droplets of water slipping down my breasts.

  “You out there soaking up the rays of the sun, it’s as if you are the fucking sun, Addie.”

  I scoff, his line too romantic.

  “Would you be my sun? My Sunny?” he whispers, and my eyes widen. The pull between us so strong it should have its own name.

  The door to the kitchen swings open, and we part away from each other.

  “Hey, we should go swimming!” Piper announces not noticing Zane and I awkwardly avoiding each other.

  Zane gives me one last look before popping the ice cube into his sexy mouth and leaving the kitchen.

  I was his Sunny from that day on.

  Shaking my head from memory lane, I wipe my hands covered in gravel dirt and stand up, nearly knocking into a woman smelling of perfume.

  “Sorry, I—”

  My mouth hangs open as I take in Baby staring at me with red pursed lips. Her red shirt torn and revealing her black bra, and her jeans tight as hell. We are so different.

  “You look surprised to see me.” She twirls her hair. Closing my mouth, I look to the floor, lost to what to say next.

  “Baby, I am surprised. Why are you here?” I glare at her and cross my arms. I thought Zane got her out of here.

  “Oh, please. Did you really think Zane was going to get rid of me for good? He knows how much of a flake you are. He wouldn’t sacrifice what we have just to get with you, sweetheart.”

  My nostrils flare, my nails cutting into the palm of my hand. I want to hit her, I want to find Zane and demand answers. I know club sluts though, and how they love getting under the skin of members’ close ones. I also don’t need to make a scene with family and friends here.

  “Move!” I demand, shoving past her. The sound of her screeching giggles making me done with today. Heading to the club, pissed off Delilah is outside smoking a cigarette, staring at me through squinted eyes. She’s wearing a tank top and baggy jeans, her soft belly showing.

  “You going to take that?” she nods to Baby. Glancing over my shoulder, I scowl at her.

  “She’s not worth it,” I mutter. “I know she’s lying.”

  Piper steps up beside Delilah, her face serious instead of drunk.

  “She’s stepping into your house, and is shitting on you with a smile on her face,” Piper informs with a heated tone. Anger boils inside of me. They’re right. It seems petty, but to every female in this club, I look weak.

  * * *

  “So now what?” I turn around, dropping my things to the ground. Both of the girls step up beside me, their arms crossed.

  “Bull doesn’t like cat fights in his club, so we better do this outside.” Delilah laughs. Piper gives her a high-five and they both start toward Baby who is on her phone standing in the lot.

  Following them, I feel myself develop like a black flame, one that is heard of but not seen. Baby has taken so much from me and I’ve always turned the other way, something my mother taught me. Tonight, I am going to teach that bitch there is another side of Addie.

  The Devil’s Dust side.

  Piper snatches Baby by the hair, causing her to scream and drop her phone to the ground. Leave it to Piper to beat the shit out of someone and still look like a model.

  Without missing a beat, I close my fist and slam it into her pretty little face. Her nose cracks, or maybe it’s my knuckle because a raging heat races up my fingers as I make contact.

  “Shit!” I scream, shaking my fist out.

  “Good one!” Piper laughs, tripping Baby to the ground.

  “Wait, let me explain!” Baby cries, holding her bleeding nose.

  I drop down and lift her chin up with my finger making sure she looks me in the eye. Her heavy makeup and doll-like features making me sick. I hate how pretty she is.

  “This is my house, bitch!” I spit in her face, and the girls laugh. I can’t believe I did that, my mother would die if she knew I just spit on someone. But the feeling inside of me is amazing. I want to do it again, I want more of this rage. I want to teach her a lesson. That personality is more than looks, perhaps.

  Grabbing her left tit my nails dig into her flesh. They’re not so perfect. They’re not soft, and creamy. They feel firm and unreal.

  “Are these real?” I ask.

  “What are you doing?” Worry laces in Delilah’s voice, but I ignore her.

  “What? Why?”

  I squeeze harder, making her wince. The jelly inside making me want to dig my nails in until she bleeds.

  “No!” she cries, trying to pull away. I scoff. I hope she didn’t pay a pretty penny for these.

  “Hold her,” I tell the girls. Piper grabs her hands, and D gets her feet. I stand, watching Baby wiggle like a worm.

  Pulling my knee up, I strike my foot down on her breast again, and again, willing for the implant to bust inside of her.

  “Jesus Christ!” Piper laughs, trying to hold onto a screaming Baby. I’d cup her mouth, but we’re out of hands at the moment. We should really think about adding another chick to our crew.

  “What’s going on out here?” The voice of Dani making the girls and I tense. Dani is the type of mom that will either help us or make us clean our mess up.

  “Run!” Delilah whisper laughs. If anyone knows Dani, it’s her daughter, Delilah.

  The girls let go of Baby, and we run into the darkness laughing. I’m a whole other person right now. Dark, daring, and bad.

  Putting my arms in the air, I scream and laugh, the night whispering into my ear how proud it is of me for sticking up for myself.

  It felt good. Fuck being the bigger person. From now on, I am standing up for myself.

  The rush is amazing, I feel high.

  “That tit is never going to be the same again.” Piper laughs slowing down.

  “Oh my God, I’ve never seen anything like that.” Delilah raises her hand, and I give it a high five.

  “I didn’t know you had it in you, holy shit!” Piper runs her hands through her hair.

  I laugh, not sure where that evil within came from either. I guess just being stepped on over and over again really did add up to something inside of me. I tried to be a lady, but eventually, you gotta handle your shit.

  * * *


  Lying in bed, I stare up at the ceiling, my arms behind my head. I’m still in my jeans but took my shirt off earlier. All these bodies in the club, the air conditioner can’t keep up. I’d sleep in just my briefs but having the place packed with family makes me uncomfortable. The thought of Thad hurting Addie making me angry. I don’t want to kill and torture just anyone, I want to kill him. I want to see his head bounce off the floor with a bullet to the skull. See the fear in his eyes when he realizes he messed with the wrong girl; that Addie is my woman.

  Sitting up, I throw my legs over the side of the mattress and drop my head into my hands. God, I’m so fucked up. I can’t sleep for shit. Never have been able to get much sleep but knowing Addie is in danger has me more hostile than usual. I should have listened to my gut today and not let her try and take down the principal. What the fuck was I thinking? Then again, I’d give Addie anything if she asked.

  She’s my weakness.

  A loud screeching noise causes me to raise my head from looking at the dark floor. It sounded like a woman screaming. Standing up, I open my door and look down the dark hallway. Whimpering pushes my feet forward, my brows narrowed as to what it could be.

  Turning on the hall light, I find Addie twisted in a sweaty sheet on a cot. Her face scrunched in pain, and her hands waving around.

  She’s having a nightmare.

  Bare feet against the cold floor I make my way to her and pick her up. She stops crying and rests her head against my chest, her nails digging into my pecs.

nbsp; I can’t let her sleep out here on a fucking cot. I take her to my room. Shutting the door behind me, I can’t seem to put her down on the bed. I keep staring at her, wishing for the life of me this was much simpler than it is.

  Resting my nose against her cheek, I close my eyes, the beast inside of me snarling and circling its cage at the thought of being next to something so fragile.

  “Can I keep you?” I whisper against her delicate skin.

  “Yes,” she mutters. Not expecting a response back, I’m shocked. I know she won’t remember this tomorrow, I know she’s not in the right state of mind, but it still does something to me.

  “I’m cold, Zane.” She pulls me close, and I can’t help but wonder if she’s awake at all. I want her to remember this, I want this to be our thing. I want to embrace her and hold her throughout the night like I’ve always dreamed.

  Placing her in my bed, I think about crawling in next to her to keep the darkness that haunts her at bay because I am the scariest thing in this club and nothing would dare come near her while she sleeps next to me. Knowing deep down she won’t remember any of this, or how she even got in here, I cover her up and grab a pillow wedged between the mattress and the wall. Tossing it on the frayed carpet on the floor in front of my bed, I sprawl out on my back. The pillow folded under my head.

  My love for her is louder than my demons. Maybe, just maybe, I can tame them enough to be with her. To run my hands down the curve of her body, and taste the sweetness of her skin for the very first time. Is she worth losing the club over though? Some men grow up dreaming of cars or certain colleges to get into. This club was my silver lining. The only thing I ever wanted was a place at the table. Now I have to decide if Addie is worth more than that.

  Her hand flings over the bed, her cute pink painted nails drawing me in.

  Reaching up, I tangle my fingers with hers and listen to her breathe.

  For the first time since I can remember… I fell into a sleep darker than my day.

  * * *


  Waking up I stretch my body, my toes curling in on themselves as I’ve rested more than I have in a long time. My eyes flutter open and I suddenly remember I’m at the club. But I’m not on a cot, I’m in a bed. Snapping upright, I find myself in Zane’s bedroom. In Zane’s bed.

  What the fuck?

  The door to the room suddenly opens, and I quickly try and flatten my bed head with my fingers.

  “Coffee?” Zane questions, holding a black cup. Steam dances above the rim, the smell of brew filling the room. Shit, he looks amazing even in the morning. Sleep heavy in his emerald eyes giving them a hooded sexy look. The stubble on his jaw is darker than usual, and he’s not wearing a shirt, giving me a full glimpse of his hard abs. What does he do, a hundred pushups a day?

  He hands me the cup and I push myself to take a sip to keep my mind from continuing to race. Even if it’s lava in my mouth, I force the sips. It does nothing to contain my desire though. My body buzzes wanting to have his warm body next to mine this early. I wouldn’t even mind the morning breath. My eyes scope out his scar on his bicep, my own blazing the skin on my arm as if I was just shot yesterday.

  “How’d I—”

  “You were having a nightmare, I brought you in here and you seemed to sleep better,” Zane cuts me off mid-sentence. My eyes fall to the coffee cup. My nightmares stalk me as soon as my eyelids close. I’m not safe even in my own head.

  “Thank you,” I merely whisper.

  “What did you dream about?”

  My eyes pop to his, and I think for a second about lying but I’m curious if he has nightmares too.

  “About the shooting,” I confess. Zane’s body swells, as if me telling him the past haunts me pains him.

  “One of the men brought your bags.” He points to the floor and I nod. Something else is weighing heavy on my mind.

  “Why is Baby here?” I change the subject. I have to bite my cheek thinking about how we fucked her up last night. I wonder if we really did bust her implant?

  He gives me an off look as if he doesn’t know what I’m talking about. He either really doesn’t or he’s good at lying.

  “Yeah, I ran into her last night and she didn’t seem upset about a breakup in the least.” Sarcasm drips from my tongue.

  Zane shrugs. “I haven’t seen her since I ended things.”

  He turns toward the dresser and I notice his back is covered in flames. My eyes widen when they land on the name Sunny dancing in the smoke. Nearly choking trying to catch my breath, he jerks around to help me.

  I point at him, eyes wide.

  “You have my name on you?” I croak. The lettering was hard but had a soft tone to it. It seemed personal.

  His shoulders rise, and he turns back around, flinging a red shirt out of the dresser and over his head.

  “Hurry up, you’re going to be late for work,” he grumbles. Just as he reaches the door he stops, his hand on the doorframe.

  “The only thing that ever burned me enough for me to never regret was letting you go, Sunny,” he rasps, and tears fill my eyes. He glances over his shoulder, his eyes piercing me. “You see I don’t have Baby’s name on my back?” He steps out, shutting the door.

  My name is tattooed on his back! It dawns on me that I really mean something to him. Us, could have been a thing if we took the leap.

  Throwing my hair up into a slick low ponytail, I reach for the clothes folded up in my suitcase. I didn’t get to pack my things so I’m nervous to see what the guys got me. It’s not zipped up, and it looks like someone has been rifling around in my stuff. Reaching into my clothes, something soft hits my fingers and it jumps.

  Falling back on my ass screaming, two bunny ears poke out.

  “Jersey!” I huff. Reaching forward, I scoop him up. He wiggles his nose, his eyes looking around the room.

  “This is new to you, isn’t it.” I use my baby voice.

  The door slams open and Zane is in the room with his gun drawn. His eyes find me and Jersey, and he relaxes, slinking into the door frame.

  “Sorry, Jersey gave me a scare.” I laugh.

  He tucks the gun in the back of his jeans and squats down to look at Jersey.

  “You’re the only person I know that has a pet bunny.” He runs his strong fingers between Jersey’s ears, and he closes his eyes. I suddenly feel jealous of my bunny.

  “I’ll have one of the boys get him some water and food. Keep him in here, he’s safe in here.”

  I look over at him, a smile pulling at my lips.

  “Thank you. For everything.”

  His eyes flick to mine, a small smile almost tugging his lips.

  “No problem.”

  He stands, taking his hand from the bunny and Jersey tries to kick to get back to him.

  Zane leaves us, shutting the door.

  “I know, he has that effect on me too,” I whisper to Jersey before putting him down on the floor.

  Going back through my clothes I pull out a few things and go into the bathroom to change. Jersey following me. I shimmy on a pair of black leggings with my white and black flannel button up that drifts down mid-thigh, making sure to roll the sleeves up so I don’t die from the heat.

  Slipping on a pair of flip-flops, I grab my cup of coffee and step outside the door. Blowing a kiss to Jersey before leaving.

  It’s already a madhouse in here this morning. Distant chatter coming from the main room, and the smell of eggs and bacon overpowering the smell of men and leather.

  Slipping down the hallway, I come face to face with some of my girls.

  “Hey! You look cute!” Piper waggles her shoulders as she chomps down on a piece of toast.

  “Thanks.” I laugh at her.

  “Hey! Eat!” Cherry pokes Piper’s plate, and Piper begins to talk back about how she’s an adult.

  The low rumble of a man’s voice has my attention on the closed doors to the chapel. The men must be in church. Glancing over my shoulder, the gir
ls are busy busting each other’s balls, so I decide to eavesdrop on what the men are talking about. I’m curious if Zane is telling them about Thad.

  “Just make sure and stay with her, we will go around to every low-end dive bar and see what information we can dig up on these Lost Wolves in the meantime,” Bull states to the table.

  “Got it,” the familiar voice of Zane responds.

  “Keep your fucking hands to yourself!” Bobby demands, and I roll my eyes.

  “I got tails on the other girls today as well,” Lip chimes in.

  “You shouldn’t be doing that,” Delilah whispers in my ear, making me jump.

  “Jesus, you’re going to give me a heart attack!” I pant, holding my chest.

  “Yeah, well that will be the least of your problems if one of the brothers catch you listening in.” Her brows raise.

  Swallowing, I nod, knowing she’s right. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that even though this place is family, it’s us they’re harder on. Delilah is club through and through.

  Turning on bare feet, Delilah heads to the counter for breakfast. Her sweatpants two sizes too big for her, but her black tank top two sizes too small.

  The gavel slams from inside the chapel and so I quickly step over to the couch, acting as if I’m minding my own business.

  The men shuffle out, and boots scuff to a halt behind me.

  “You ready?” Zane asks.

  Swallowing a sip of my lukewarm coffee, I turn and smile.


  Heading to my Jeep, I notice Zane stop at his motorcycle.

  I slow my steps and look at him puzzled. Is he following me on his bike?

  He holds out a helmet and my stomach falls. He wants me to ride into work with him.

  “Oh no, I’m not riding on that to work!”

  “Well, seeing as I’m the one babysitting you today, I don’t see how else you’re getting your cute little ass to work?” He’s serious, laughter dancing in his eyes.

  “My hair will be everywhere, Zane,” I argue.

  He shrugs, not giving a shit about my hair.


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