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Specters: A Monster Squad Novel - 8

Page 22

by Heath Stallcup

  He ground his teeth and stifled a scream.

  “That fooking cat!” he whispered through gritted teeth. “I knew I should have cut his throat the moment I saw him.” Big clenched his fists and shook them in the air. “That fooker had it bad for Simmons’ daughter. I knew he’d be trouble.”

  Bigby stopped and did his best to control his breathing. “Well, I don’t have to worry about him alerting anybody to my position any longer.” He marched to the rear of the building and sat down at the rear windows. He stared across the emptiness toward the vacant office building. He could see lights reflecting against the numerous windows and he knew that Mitchell’s men were combing the building floor by floor.

  “Very soon, Colonel. Very soon.”


  Lilith bellowed with anger as Samael lifted her into his massive arms and made for the rear of the warehouse. “My army!”

  “Leave them to fight the battle. We must keep you safe to win the war!” He spun around, using his massive body to shield her from the attackers.

  He felt the sting of the angelic metal as it bit his hide, burying itself deep within his flesh. He roared with pain and hot blood spewed from the wounds as he leapt into the air and attempted to take flight.

  Just as he got air under him, the gargoyle crashed through the ceiling, his mighty hammer barely missing Samael’s skull as he passed by.

  Samael tucked and fell from the air, hitting the ground and rolling away from the attackers. He used his arms and wings to envelope Lilith, protecting her from both the impact and the attacker’s weapons. When he came to rest at the base of a support post, he unfurled his wings and set her on the ground, her legs still shaky from the landing. “Go, quickly! Get to safety!”

  “Not without you, my prince!” She tugged at his arm and tried to drag him with her.

  “I will come to you once the enemy is vanquished! Now GO!” He shoved her further back and away from the fight just as the gargoyle swooped low, tackling him, the pair rolling away and into the shadows.

  Lilith turned hesitantly and began to run. She chanced a look over her shoulder and saw the Nephilim and a woman in black burst through the lines of her demons. For the first time since her resurrection she knew fear and her speed increased.

  She ran for all that she was worth and soon came to the back wall of the warehouse. She groped in the darkness looking for an escape. She knew there had to be an opening here somewhere.

  Lilith glanced back over her shoulder and saw the giant Nephilim closing on her and she panicked. She began to claw at the rough metal surface of the wall. She inhaled sharply to scream just as Samael and the gargoyle struck the wall, exploding the metal outward.

  Without looking back, she leapt through the opening and into the night. She looked up and saw her beloved Samael grasp the gargoyle by the throat, his arm drawn back to strike him just as the gargoyle brought his angelic hammer up and over in a double handed strike to the top of the Fallen One’s head.

  Samael staggered, his grip loosening, as he dropped the gargoyle. The light skinned, winged beast wasted no time as he hefted the hammer and swung with all of his might. Another mighty blow to the side of the Fallen One’s head sent him reeling. Blood flew from his nose and mouth before he slid to a stop in the moist ground beside Lilith.

  He barely lifted his head and whispered to her, “Run…” before his heavily hooded eyes rolled back in his head.

  Lilith slipped into the shadow of the building and ran for the woods as fast as her booted feet would carry her. Tufts of dirt erupted around her as she ran and she heard the whizz of bullets as they flew past her. While she doubted that they would actually kill her, she knew that they could stop her, and it would definitely hurt if she were struck.

  She dove for the ground and tried to roll down the hill toward the tree line, hoping to avoid whoever it was that was shooting at her. As she came to a stop and stared up at the night sky, two men with rifles stepped from the shadows and pointed their weapons at her. “That’s far enough.”

  She watched one reach up to his throat and press a device. “We have a female tango.”


  “He’s in the wind.” Mitchell fell into his chair and grimaced. “He was that goddamn close to my base of operation, and I didn’t have a fucking clue.” He slammed his fist down on the desk and ignored the items that bounced and fell into the floor.

  “He’ll be back.” Jenny stepped behind her mate and rubbed at his shoulders. “And when he does, we’ll strike back.”

  “You got that right.” Mitchell closed his eyes at her touch and tried to relax. After a moment he slipped out from her talented hands and stood. “I need to keep my head about me. He could pop back onto the radar at any moment.”

  “And when he does,” she crossed her arms and smiled at him, “you will be ready for him. I have no doubts.” She stepped to his wet bar and poured herself a drink.

  “Too many irons in the fire, Jen. I’m having trouble keeping tabs of everything.” He poured himself a coffee and sat back down. “It’s getting to where I’m going to need a damned primer just to know what all the different threats are.”

  “Isn’t that why you have an XO? Someone to help you keep up with all of this?” She sat on the corner of his desk and crossed her shapely legs. He tried not to notice.

  “Yeah, but…”

  “But, what?”

  “But…there’s a good damned possibility that he’s one of the threats.” Mitchell gulped down the lukewarm coffee.

  “Because he’s infected?” She gave him a sideways look. “Please!”

  “Well, it could be true.” He sounded like he was pleading even to himself.

  “I’m sure there are folks who would like you to believe that. But, Matt, listen to yourself.” She stirred her drink with her finger then licked it clean, sending a shiver down him. “So he’s got the wolf virus. Did that change you?”

  Mitchell shrugged. “Maybe a little.”

  She gave him a deadpan stare. “Okay, fine. What about the vampire infection? Has he shown any signs of vampirism? Is he stalking people and sucking them dry?”


  “Then what’s to worry about?” She stood and drained her glass, then set the empty on his desk. “It sounds to me like you’re trying to invent reasons to not trust the man. Sure, he can be a little brash, but wasn’t he always?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “And wasn’t he always rude and uncouth?”

  “Of course, he was a Marine,” Mitchell chuckled to himself.

  She hiked a brow at him then threw her hand up. “So now he’s a Marine that heals almost instantly. And won’t age. And he doesn’t eat people. So I guess I’m not seeing the problem.”

  Mitchell sighed and rubbed at his eyes. “I guess if you break it down to its most basic and simplistic—”

  She spun him around in his chair, cutting him off. “Is there any other way to break it down? Dammit, Matt, don’t read any more into it than you have to. The man is your friend and he’s your second.”

  Mitchell sighed heavily and nodded. “You’re right, of course you’re right.” He pulled her closer and kissed her. “I just wish Laura were still here to sort of…I dunno. Balance things out.”

  “I’m not sure I approve of you wanting another woman in your life.” She teased as she nibbled his earlobe. “As long as it’s Laura, though, I think I’ll let you live.”

  “You’re so forgiving.”


  Jack’s forces pressed through the demon army, slicing, dicing, shooting and hammering their way through the lines. Kalen jumped into the rafters and fired down into the crowd, watching the demons explode into yellow balls of light as each angelic arrow pierced the demons below.

  His eye was drawn to one lone demon who stood in the back directing the others. Kalen spotted him pointing the others to trucks and keyed his communications. “I think we have a leader to the rear.”

  Phoenix shou
ted over the coms, “Take him out! Now!”

  Kalen took aim and let his arrow fly. The demon was struck in the shoulder and spun to the ground. Not a killing blow, but a painful shot that stopped him for the moment.

  Raven stood near the center of the warehouse, bodies collected around her in piles. Her blades dripped with the blood of the demons and her chest heaved with each breath she gasped. Her eyes fell on something she hadn’t expected. She keyed her own communicator. “Chief Jack, they’re strapping on the suicide vests!”

  “Where? What’s their location?”

  “The rear of the warehouse!” The panic in her voice was palpable as she lifted her blades to begin dropping more of the demons.

  Jack hesitated for just a moment then ordered his people, “Fall back! Fall back! Out of the building! Now!”

  Each warrior turned and made for the double doors as fast as their legs could carry them. Allister scooped up Gnat, tossing him up and onto his back.

  Just as the group made the entrance, they heard Jack’s voice over the coms again. “OPCOM, bring the flame! Danger close!”

  “Copy that, Phoenix. Hellfires away.”

  Jack and his warriors didn’t slow their retreat as the twin rockets appeared in the night sky and swept low over their heads. The concussion from the blast knocked the group to the ground and sent waves of heat over them as a bright orange fireball erupted into the night sky. Shards of metal flew in multiple directions, deadly missiles shredding everything in their wake.

  The warriors kept still as debris rained around them and the heat from the fire dissipated. Jack finally rolled to his side and looked to the remains of the warehouse. “Did anybody see what happened to Lilith?”

  A voice crackled over the coms, “We have her in custody, Phoenix. She’s not going anywhere.”

  “Any other tangos get loose before the strike?”

  “Negative. Line of sight is clear.”

  Allister came to his feet and ruffled his feathered wings. “We must destroy her now.”

  “Agreed.” Jack rolled to his feet and did a quick head count. “Where’s Azrael and Phil?”

  The large gargoyle and the Nephilim appeared from the shadows dragging the broken body of the Fallen angel. “We were occupied, Chief Jack. But we have her right hand subdued.”

  Jack looked to Phil. “Is there a way to ensure he stays out of the picture?”

  “Destroy the queen.” Phil planted a foot squarely between Samael’s shoulder blades and held him to the ground. “He’ll be sent back to whence he came.”

  Jack clenched his jaw and nodded. “Sierra Teams, converge on my location. Deliver the tango.”


  Laura finished packing her bags and walked to the front of the house. She loaded her things into the Jeep and came back in to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. As she made one last walk through, Derek stood in her doorway. His eyes were still puffy from sleep and his hair looked as though he had been wrestling with a motorcycle helmet.

  “You just gonna leave and not say goodbye?”

  She turned and gave him a wan smile. “I need to go.”

  “Why? Figure you’ve had enough of family time?”

  Laura closed the drawers of her dresser and pulled the bed spread tight on her mattress. “I’ve caused enough damage here. It’s time I get back to where I belong.”

  “Damage?” Derek leaned against the doorjamb and crossed his arms. “You figure that’s all you’ve done here is cause damage?”

  Laura paused and stared toward her bedroom window. “Haven’t I?”

  “Not the way I see it.”

  She turned and faced him. “How’s that, exactly?”

  “You made peace with Crystal. That would have made Dad proud.”

  “Ah. Yeah, that makes up for everything else.” She crossed her arms and studied him.

  “Considering Dad was on his death bed when you showed up…yeah.” He pushed off the doorjamb and crossed the room. He sat down on her bed and patted the mattress beside him for her to join him.

  “I just made that bed.”

  “So make it again, crybaby. Sit down.”

  With a huff she sat beside him. The two sat in silence for a moment before Derek wrapped an arm across her shoulder. “Did he ever tell you how proud he was of you?”

  “No. Not in so many words.”

  “He was. He was always bragging about you. The big CIA intelligence officer,” Derek chuckled. “Then you quit and went to work as a contractor or some such…he never did figure out exactly what. Well…until you told him. Yet, he knew it had to be important.”

  “He wasn’t disappointed that I quit?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. In fact, these last six months when you kept saying you were going to come home, I think he held on because he knew you would as soon as you could.”

  She inhaled deeply, forcing herself not to allow emotion to take root. “He was that bad?”

  “Oh yeah. The doctors thought he was going to die months ago. But not him. Oh, hell no. His little girl was coming back home. So he held on.”

  “Jesus, Derek, why are you telling me this?” She wiped at her face.

  “Because, Laura, you gave him another shot. He chose to…well, he chose to take it to the level he took it to. That isn’t on you. That’s all him.” He turned and stared at her. “Don’t you dare blame yourself.”

  He stood quickly and went to the window. Daylight was just beginning to creep its tendrils over the eastern horizon. “Somewhere out there, he’s living his life the way he chose. And he owes that second chance to you.”

  She stood and stared out the window with him. “That was a really nice thing to say.”

  “Whatever.” He leaned into her, bumping her. “It’s true.”

  Laura looked at her wrinkled bed. “Fix that.” She picked up her makeup bag and turned for the door. “Tell the boys that I’m sorry I can’t stay. I have to get back.”

  “You coming back?”

  She paused at the door and shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe one day.”

  She walked out of the house and climbed into her Jeep. Derek stood in the doorway and watched her drive down the long driveway then turn out onto the main road. “Love you, sis.”


  “Major, I think we’ve discovered the problem with the Reaper.” The tech was scratching his head as he read the printouts.

  “Spill it.”

  “Sir, it seems that somebody at Langley Air Force Base has been monitoring our video feeds.” The tech handed the printouts to Tufo who stared at the sheets of paper.

  “Langley? Who the hell would want our…” his voice trailed off and he spun, pulling Doc to him. He lowered his voice to a whisper, “Get the colonel and tell him what the hell happened here. Somebody is eavesdropping on us.” He shoved the printouts into the Doc’s hands and pushed him toward the door.

  Evan nearly tripped as he stepped down off the command platform and left the OPCOM. He rushed to the colonel’s office and knocked on the door. When Mitchell barked, he poked his head in. “Sir, we have an issue. Major Tufo said you needed to know as soon as possible.”

  Mitchell stood and stepped past his new mate. Evan handed him the printouts and Mitchell scanned them. “What am I reading here?”

  “From what I’ve gathered, somebody at Langley was tapping the video feeds from the drone on the operation, and Major Tufo is quite concerned.”

  “Langley?” Mitchell glanced up and shook his head then remembered Stevens in holding. “Did you dope up the CIA spook downstairs?”

  “I sedated him, if that’s what you mean.”

  “Can he still answer questions?”

  “He should be coherent. Just…calmer.”

  “Come with me.” Mitchell pushed the vampire out of his office then paused. He stuck his head back in and gave Jenny a sad smile. “Sorry, sweetheart, another time.”

  “Go. Be a hero. Maybe I’ll knit a sweater or something.�
� She lifted her glass to him and gave him a mock salute as he left.

  When Mitchell and Dr. Peters entered the holding cell, the colonel sent the guard away for privacy. He held the printout up for Stevens to see. “Is this your people?”

  Stevens sat on his bunk, his eyes swollen from crying. He lifted his head and squinted. “Huh?”

  “This!” Mitchell shook the paper. “Is this your people spying on us?”

  Stevens approached the door to the cell and reached for the printout. He scanned it rapidly and his hand began to shake. “They’re ahead of schedule.”

  “Ahead of schedule on what?” Mitchell snatched the printout from his hands and folded it, stuffing it into his back pocket.

  “Their command bunker.” Stevens gripped the bars, his forehead pressed against the cold metal. “It wasn’t supposed to be ready for months.”

  “Command bunker? At Langley?”

  “Yes.” Stevens squeezed his eyes shut. “It’s state of the art.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “There was a brief in the papers I brought you—”

  “I said tell me!”

  He jumped back and stared at the man. “Yes, sir.” He cleared his throat and began reciting what he could remember. “Built to withstand a nuclear blast, the main portion is below ground…not unlike this complex, but newer. And smaller. They may have more soldiers, but…they don’t have the needs that your men have.”


  Stevens saw the anger in the man’s eyes and nodded. “The Titans are…well, they’re different than your soldiers. For one thing, they’re programmable.”

  “Like machines?”

  Stevens shook his head. “Not exactly…but…kind of.”

  “Speak plainly or so help me…”

  “Colonel, it’s all explained in the papers I brought you. They’re not machines, but they have certain triggers. Not unlike brain washing. But not really brain washing. They use chemicals, hormones…”


  “Not in the classical sense, no.” Stevens sighed and slowly began to pace in his small cell. “The men are stripped of their personalities. Whatever fears they might have had are washed away. Whatever desires they might have had are replaced. They want only to please. And they please by following orders. To the letter. They’ve been chemically augmented and genetically enhanced to be bigger, faster, stronger, smarter…they are the perfect killing machines.”


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