Richard: Caveman Instinct --- Gypsy Curse Book 2

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Richard: Caveman Instinct --- Gypsy Curse Book 2 Page 7

by Hazel Gower

  “Just because I’m a Silverman doesn’t mean I need security. Nobody is stupid enough to attack me at the precinct or while I’m on duty. I’m always surrounded by cops. I’m probably safer than all you.”

  Ryder was probably right. Richard knew Ryder lived and breathed his detective work, and when he wasn’t at work, he was only at his high-security fortress house to sleep. Now that Richard thought about it, Ryder barely had a life. This was the first time he’d seen him outside of work—besides coming to his apartment when he took Bailey, and for other work related things—in months.

  Tyson came in from inside and sat a stack of ten pizzas on the table. The thud of them hitting the table and the smell had me snapping out of my mussing. “Dinner is served,” Tyson said as he grabbed another beer from the cooler, walked back to an empty chair, and plopped down on it.

  Everyone helped themselves to pizza not bothering with plates. We sat quietly as we shovelled food into our mouths and looked out at the water crashing against the sand.

  Ryder was the first to break the silence. “How’s your little mate, Richard?” Ryder gazed at their friends. “Er, girlfriend going?”

  Zeck chuckled, and Mason groaned. “Why the fuck did you ask him that? All I’ve heard all day is him bitch and moan. You got lucky when you popped in for the meeting, you missed his bitching.” Mason shook his head. “You did see Zeck’s black eyes? Richard beat the shit out of Zeck for being… get this… dreamy.”

  I growled at Mason, and Zeck howled with laughter and panted out between chuckles, “I can’t help being this good looking. There’s a reason I have a business that I don’t need to go out in public much for. I’m afraid of being rushed by gorgeous women who want my body.”

  All the guys now were laughing, and I was really thinking I should give my brother matching black eyes. The fucker.

  “Uh-huh, and you all rag on me about spending too much time working and not finding a woman. I’m glad the curse has missed me,” Ryder muttered.

  I gave a sympathetic glance to Ryder. I knew the last comment was bullshit. Ryder was thirty-two and he still hadn’t found his mate. As much as he worked, I knew he looked for her. He’d only just earlier this year settled to a prescient on the Gold Coast and bought a house. Before that, he’d moved from state to state every three or four years. I wasn’t fooled about why he did that—he did it to look for his mate.

  Feeling the need to defend the gift and Bailey, I got up and went to the cooler getting out two beers and opening them, handing the second to Ryder before sitting down again. “Bailey’s amazing. She’s everything I could want and more.” I lock eyes with Ryder. “The more I get to know her, the more I realize she is worth the wait I’ve had. I’m taking everything slowly, though.”

  I noticed the laughing around me had stopped. Ryder stared at me for a moment or two before he nodded and let his gaze go back to the water.

  “Bailey is a very sweet girl. I always knew there was something about her,” Zeck said. I growl his way and clench my fists at the need to roar ‘Mine’ consumes me. “She’s gotta be a saint I suppose if she’s gonna put up with you.” Zeck pointed at me, then fluttered his eyes and pouted his lips making kissing noises, being a shit. “I’ll try not to be around too much, so she doesn’t realize she missed out on the better brother.” Okay, that was it—Zeck was dead.

  Unable to hold my caveman instinct in, I flew across the space and attacked Zeck.

  Chapter Five


  Mason ducked as he dodged my fist and came with an uppercut of his own. “You do realize that between how Stephan acts and now you, I’m really seeing this soul mate thing as a curse,” Mason panted out as we dodged each other’s fists.

  I was beginning to agree with my brother. I was in the ‘friend zone’ with my soul mate. I suffered through schoolies week, her hanging out with her friends, and that fucking boy Toby. We had breakfast every morning bar the last two. Her friends were slowly getting used to me—well, everyone bar Toby. We didn’t get along and didn’t look like we would anytime in the near future. Schoolies were over and Bailey was leaving tomorrow to go back to Brisbane.

  I was going back to Brisbane even though I shouldn’t be. The problems with my clubs were getting worse. The biker gang was targeting any Silverman business. My father and uncles were at their tethers end. The trial was coming up and my cousin Stephan had gone to extremes to keep Jade safe. They were currently in America with Stephan’s brother, Dustan. I was told the security around them was crazy.

  “At the moment, I agree with you. If I have to watch that kid put his arms around my woman one more time, I swear to God, I will fucking rip them off.”

  Mason chuckled, and this time, the fucker didn’t duck fast enough as I knocked my fist into the side of his face. Feeling better, I smirked at my little brother as he growled shaking off my hit. Mason loved boxing. He bought his first gym this year while he studied at University. He was good at boxing, and if our mother wouldn’t have chucked up a stink, he may have tried pursuing boxing as a career. My mother wasn’t like Ryder’s mother, Carol, who wanted her sons happy with whichever career they chose. My mother wanted us all to be the wealthy Silverman we were supposed to be. I loved my mother, but she was all about keeping up appearances and making sure the Silverman’s name stayed in the forefront and everything was positive.

  “Stop being a Goddamn puss—”

  Cole interrupted Mason. “Richard. Richard. We need to go now.” Mason and I stopped, turning to see Cole, and Darren, Mason’s head of security, looking at us with grim faces. “Richard,” Cole continued. “We need to go now. Rafe has Bailey with him. The—”

  “What! Why the fuck does he have her?”

  “We don’t have time to stand around here.” I got out of the ring and didn’t bother to change. My brother and Darren followed. “The Devils Queens know they are not getting what they want threatening and sabotaging Silverman business, so the last three hours, they have started targeting those we associate with. Fuck.” Cole ran fingers over his shaved head. “They shot at Ethan’s firm, and a source has told me, they sent someone to collect Bailey.”

  That was it. I snapped. “What!” I roared. I grabbed Cole and shook him. “She better be safe. If one hair on her head is touched, I swear I will kick your damn arse. I told you she was the number one priority.” I let him go, bolted out of the gym, and to the car that sat out front running. Lance sat in the driver’s seat and I barely waited for the others to get into the car before I growled, “To Bailey now.”

  The car was moving as Darren shut the door after Mason scooted in. Cole sat in the passenger seat. “Tell the rest now,” I snarled.

  Cole glanced at Mason. “This is why I didn’t want to tell him. He’s fucking lost his mind over this girl.”

  Mason shrugged. “It’s the curse. I’d stop talking to me before he beats the shit out of you. Just tell him what’s been happening.”

  “Fucking Silverman,” Cole swore. “We have Bailey and her friend. She’s not happy from what Brenton told me a moment ago. She’s demanding she talk to Ethan. We haven’t told her about her brother. He was hit. He’s alive but in Brisbane hospital. Rafe thinks he lost the tail they had. I don’t think it wise to tell her about Ethan until we have more info. Until we know she’s safe, I don’t want her to know unless she does something reckless. Mason lent Levi to us. He’s with Mathew protecting her friends that weren’t with her. I have Rafe, Brenton, and Andy with Bailey. Dexter is helping with the tail and Lance has been close to you. I have everyone on this. I told them I don’t want to hear from them until they get her to your parents. It’s the most secure location. I gave them an extra half an hour to get her there. I need them focused so they will only call if they come into trouble.” He lets out a loud sigh. “Stephan called as we were getting to Bailey. He’s staying in America with Jade a couple more days, but Derrick and their parents are coming up. They have their close friends with them. Your own parents
have called for us to get everyone together. Safety in numbers and all. An—”

  I listened, but my focus was on getting to Bailey, and I worried something had happened to her. I needed, for my own peace of mind, to hear her voice. To hear from her that she was okay. I knew she would be angry at being taken away from her brother, especially when he was hurt. Ethan was Bailey’s only family. He was all she had left. Fuck. “We need to get her to the hospital to see her brother,” I interrupted Cole.

  Cole shook his head. “Ryder said even with all the police, he can’t guarantee her safety.”

  “Fuck. Can we at least call? She must be scared shitless. Maybe if she hears me and knows she—”

  “Fine. But you need to be quick.”

  I relaxed a little but knew this wasn’t going to be a pleasant conversation.



  Today was the last day on the Gold Coast. We were all leaving early tomorrow morning for Brisbane. I hadn’t had breakfast with Richard this morning or the last couple of days. I spoke to him every day, and he asked what was wrong and if he could help. I wasn’t ready to tell him just yet, why I need time to myself. The last couple of days had made things clear that I really did like Richard, and if he was still willing to have a relationship, I was ready to give him a chance.

  Richard still didn’t know that I wasn’t with Toby anymore, but nothing had come up where I could just say, ‘Hey, I’m not with my boyfriend anymore… want to be more than friends when we go back to Brisbane?’ But to tell the truth, I didn’t know whether he would believe me. Toby was still being very handsy with me, and I didn’t have the heart to scold him about it, so I let it go.

  Jessica and I were spending the day shopping. I needed a couple of new work outfits. Over the holidays, I helped my brother at the firm. I was good with computers and they were easy to make the font large for me to work with.

  I stood next to Jessica staring at the shopping centre map deciding where we should start first. “What do you need, Jessica?”

  She sighed loudly. “Sadly, there is nothing I need, but there are things I want. Like some new shoes, but my bank account would be grateful if I didn’t get any. What about you?” she asked.

  “I need a few things. Some more outfits for the firm, and I want some longer shorts for the Vision Australia Camp I help out on, and probably some sneakers for that, too.”

  Jessica hooked her arms through mine. “Sounds like you need quite a lot. Let’s go spend some money.”


  It was close to lunchtime and my stomach wouldn’t stop growling. Jessica and I were now walking towards the food court, our arms full of bags. The food court was busy, and I wasn’t a fan of packed places in the first place. There were more chances to bump into people and trip over things. Jessica, knowing how I felt about crowded places, sat me on the edge of the food court tables.

  “What do you want to eat?”

  Smiling up at her, I heard a scream and yelling for everyone to get down. My smile turned into a frown as I focused on my surroundings to see people running. Men in what looked like black leather dove towards me, and I screamed diving under the table. Jessica followed me, and we huddled as far back against the tables as we could and clinged to one another. Closing my eyes to concentrate on what was going on and to calm myself, the yelling and screaming continued. Jessica cried and whimpered beside me.

  We needed to get out of here. To get somewhere safe. Jessica’s scream had me opening my eyes to see a guy crouched before us. Tilting my head, I focused on the man. He looked vaguely familiar. I think I recognized him from Richard’s security. “You both need to come now. Dexter and Andy can hold them off until I get you out of here.”

  I didn’t hesitate. I trusted my gut and took the guys hand. I eased out from under the table, and he lifted me so I was draped over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold. I saw bits of Jessica before he swore and started running.

  Loud popping sounds followed us and the guy holding us had gone on a cursing rant before he yelled, “They’re fucking shooting at us. Get your arse to the south side car park. Andy’s down and Dexter is still pursuing.

  I heard crackling and then a voice said, “I’m turning into the south car park exit now. I see the entrance.”

  The guy holding us seemed to see his destination and his speed doubled. He stopped at the curb and didn’t even place me on the floor. He shoved me straight into the SUV. Jessica followed me, and then he dived in as the car took off on screeching wheels. The guy covered us.

  “What on earth just happened,” Jessica sobbed out.

  I knew I should be in hysterics as well, but I guess I was in shock. All I could do was take in everything that was going on quietly. I gazed up at the man protecting Jessica and me. He was close so I could see him pretty well. He looked to be in his mid-forties, with a little white hair on the sides. His eyes were a fierce dark green, and his jaw was strong and square, He was quite handsome… for an older man.

  The guy groaned. “You were almost fucking taken. The boss is going to be pissed.” The man looked up towards to the driver. “We being followed?”

  “Not that I can see, Rafe. Do you want me to call Cole and tell him what our status is?”

  Rafe, the guy who was on us, slowly eased up. “Keep your eyes on the road, Brenton. I’ll call Cole.”

  This was all Richard’s security. I was sure now. What was going on, though? What had happened? Jessica was crying hysterically, and I was surprised I wasn’t doing the same, but right now, everything was sinking in and a terrible feeling came over me. I knew it wasn’t over. Something was very wrong. Something bad was happening. I’d had this feeling one other time in my life and that was when my parents were killed in a car accident.

  “I want to go to my brother now.” I had a funny feeling more was happening.

  “No. We need to get you to the safe location and meet up with Richard.” Rafe grunted as I gave him my best glare.

  “I’m not going anywhere until I speak to my brother.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  Rafe didn’t respond. He just stared at me. A sinking feeling spread through my stomach. Why wouldn’t he let me at least talk to Ethan?

  “Let me out now.” I went for the doors, but quick as a flash, Rafe was holding me.

  “Don’t make me restrain you.” Rafe snarled as I fought to get out of his hold.

  Freezing instantly, I stopped my fight. I knew if I were restrained, I wouldn’t get to talk to my brother. I won’t be able to escape so I can get to Ethan. “Fine.”

  Jessica grabbed me and pulled me against her, hugging her tight as she sobbed against me. Jessica wasn’t usually one for hysterics, but we’d never been shot at before. It was basically unheard of in Australia. Guns were banned, only police officers and the army were allowed them, and only for work.

  Looking out the heavily tinted windows, I couldn’t see much as everything passed by in a blur, but from the glimpse I could get, we looked to be on a highway, and it felt like we were heading north towards Brisbane.

  I don’t know how long I sat with Jessica clinging to me watching the blurs out the window, but it seemed a decent amount of time. Jessica had stopped crying and fallen asleep from exhaustion only a little while ago. Rafe’s short, clipped voice had me snapping my gaze back to him. “Bailey, Richard is on the phone.”

  Snatching the phone from his outstretched hand, I placed it to my ear. “Are you okay? Please tell me you’re not hurt.” I liked that he worried about me and that he’d made sure his security helped save me from the chaos before, but I was angry too because his security wouldn’t let me talk to Ethan.

  “I’m fine. Please tell your security to let me phone Ethan.” Richard was quiet on the other end for way too long. “Richard?” I was starting to freak out now. I just knew something was up. “Richard, please,” I begged.

  “Your brother can’t talk right now.” He sighed loudly. “Once you are in the secure location, I
will find a way for you to talk to him. I promise.”

  As much as I wanted to argue and throw a tantrum, I knew it would do me no good. I knew what Richard had promised would be the best I was going to get. “Argh,” I groaned. “Fine.” I threw the phone back to Rafe too frustrated and angry to say anything else to Richard.

  Knowing I had no choice in the matter about what was going on right now, I eased away from Jessica and settled into a comfortable spot on the seats. I might as well try to get some sleep because I wasn’t sure how much I’d be getting in the future.

  Chapter Six


  I’d arrived at my parent’s house on the Sunshine Coast, twenty minutes ago. Everyone was here but the person I wanted—Bailey. All my brothers, my aunts, uncles, and cousins were all safely in the house. The house and grounds was a fortress, with security everywhere, high fences, and top of the line digital cameras. The four-storey mansion boasted twelve bedrooms, all with ensuites and two bathrooms, a family room, rumpus room, entertainment room, formal lounge room, a bar with party room, a restaurant style kitchen the best money could buy, and an indoor pool and spa. Outside, there were gardens galore, a tennis court, spa, infinity pool and any other extravagance my mother thought she needed.

  My parents weren’t like my aunts and uncles, who didn’t flaunt their money like my parents did. They stayed out of the limelight. My parents, Gillian and Albert, were what you would call the head of the Silverman name. They kept up appearances and went to all the gala and charity events. They networked and dined with the who’s who and knew everyone important. My other three uncles and two aunts were all behind the scenes.


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